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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Dragon Quest We all have that one friend

    Dragon Quest We all have that one friend

    We all have that one friend

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest Vs love theme on the flute. This is always soo fun to play!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Have a nice day, everyone! :)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Behold, they approach!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    They Finally arrived! Total cost: $50

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Balzack definitely had it coming (OC)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Favorite costumes in DQXI?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Personally I loove Serena's mischief-maker and Sylvandos Super Star costumes

    submitted by /u/TakingSouls
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    Pre-order bonus?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm considering pre-ordering DQ11S on steam. Does anyone know if there are any pre-order bonuses for the steam version?

    submitted by /u/AzusaW
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    The first MKS I killed in 8

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    If I loved Dragon Quest Builders 2 for the story, would I get the same amount of enjoyment from the first one?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    DQB2 had a genuinely great story mode that kept me hooked from start to finish. I liked playing through the story more than freely building stuff in my own island. Would you say that the story of the original compares to the second?

    submitted by /u/VintageOctorock
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    Dragon Quest Rivals Ace - Discord server, translations and community!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    First of all, sorry if my post goes against some of the rules, I'm an absolute novice when it comes to posting on Reddit and usually just limit myself to read the stuff I'm interested into.

    I noticed some curiosity about the revamping of Dragon Quest Rivals with the Ace update, probably due to the introduction of a single-player mode where people who wanted to play the game since its first inception, but were afraid of the PvP system, can now enjoy it. Since I see the discord server is actually not very known and kinda obscure at the moment, I want to take the chance and invite people that might be interested in giving the game a chance: you will definitely have a good time playing it!

    As of now, I've translated every card in the game, including the ones from the set that was released yesterday, every effect, and every gimmick (like terrains effects, unique traits and so on). I've also worked on a glossary where you can check the description of every keyword in the game, usually highlighted with an orange font both on cards and dialogues. The Resources section has weekly updates, usually done by me, where you can find translations for all the quests that are added to the game, as well as card balance changes and metagames. Lastly, you can find some guides on how to play the different Modes, and I will definitely add some useful stuff to help people with single-player mode too. Whatever you might need that is not in my translations files, you will definitely be answered by someone on the discord server, where you can ask for specific translations of friendly matches.

    https://discord.gg/vPY4Swv here is the link to the server, if you want to join the community or just have some question I may be able to answer, feel free to!

    submitted by /u/hirunoshi
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    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    I've just started playing dq 5 again for the 6 th time and this time I'm only recruiting slimes for monsters. Atm I'm trying to recruit a lms and ik it's a 1/256 chance but then I see things online where they say; After 74 battles 25% capture rate After *** battles 50% capture rate and etc Does this mean on my 74th battle I have a 25% capture rate or r the odds constant throughout? Thx

    submitted by /u/default_god21
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    Made a Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Speedrun in 3h and a half

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Witness the power of a true disciple

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    I drew a picture on my son’s blank onesie

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I'm new to Dragon Quest and I need some help

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    I first saw Dragon Quest when Hero was revealed for Smash but I didn't pay much attention until I saw it on Amazon. The person was familiar on the cover and I remembered that he was the newbie for Smash. I'm a huge Zelda fan and Zelda is my favourite video game franchise of all time. So when I started to watch Dragon Quest 11 gameplay on the Switch it looked kinda like Zelda. He has a sword like Link and he is chosen and must save the land from evil. But both of them are completely different but similar too. So I started to like Dragon Quest 11 and I am buying it for Christmas. But the thing is that I want to get into Dragon Quest but I don't know where to start because I've heard alot of things. I don't want to start with Dragon Quest 2 because many people say that its very hard like Zelda 2. And all sorts of stuff. So I'm asking which Dragon Quest game should I play first? Or what order should I play them in?

    submitted by /u/Zeldadude34
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    Why I love Dragon Quest

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    When I first picked up a game called Dragon Warrior Monsters for Game boy Color so many years ago I never expected for it to become my favorite video game series of all time. It was simply a distraction, something to play on the bus or during small breaks at school. However as I played the game more and more, I devolved a connection with it, a deep bond that is honestly difficult to explain. Here are just some of the reason I fell in love with this series, all starting with this one simple game.

    Character and Monster Design:

    When I first beat this game back when I was just a kid and saw the name Akira Toriyama in the credits, my jaw dropped. Sure I had already suspected his involvement because of the similarity in some of the character designs, but I never really payed too much attention back in the day. That stupid looking slime with a never ending derpy smile had been in my party the entire game, and he became an invaluable partner for recruiting even more awesome monsters.(Shout out to Slib.)

    This would remain my favorite mechanic in the series, from Joker, to DQ 8 in the monster arena, being able to recruit some of the great DQ monsters has always been one the things I look forward to. I started playing through these games again just to try to befriend every monster available.

    Next of course is the characters themselves. I laughed when I first played DQ 9 and saw the amount of customization in your party members. You would not believe how much I ran those post game dungeons, y'know the ones that were generated called Hidden Grottos just to see how many ways I could destroy the bosses located within with my fisticuffs ranger wearing dragon armor. Even the NPC's are recognizable, from that big Ox looking guy to the nuns in the churches to save your game. Every character is pretty unique and offers something to the story. The weakest in every game is the protagonist themselves, but that's where the player steps in and fills their shoes to their own desires.

    The Way of the Punny:

    It's no secret that DQ games are known for their deep level of humor and meta jokes. From ridiculous puns to having your characters dance in agony, there is always a nice level of funny to go along with these games. Oh and we can't forget the magic of the ultimate running gag, the Puff Puff, another addition from Toriyama's mind that makes an appearance numerous times throughout the series. Cor Blimey there is so much to explore in this aspect that you can spend hours running around just talking to people to see what else you can get them to say. I mean sometimes they even grant you an awesome item that instantly kills any boss! You didn't believe me did you? (Plays a weird music)

    So I Heard You Like Exploring:

    Being an RPG you would expect a level of exploration within DQ, and yes it does indeed deliver. You might be walking through a small simple town with only a few buildings, or a massive castle on your way to defeat the big bad once and for all. The dungeons are also amazingly well designed and pretty diverse as well. The amount of items, treasure, and general information you can find in both these areas is also impressive. If you have never bothered to check some of the bookshelves out in DQ 11, then I highly suggest you do, you will be surprised how quickly that you will develop the habit of checking literally every nook and cranny to scout out all the goodies you can find. It's no wonder that exploration and the feeling of being on a grand adventure is one of the greatest feelings this series inspires as you play through it.

    How Dare You Mention Music So Far Down This Post!:

    It's true, and I apologize for my folly. Each and every track in DQ invokes an emotion. The overture especially because it transcends the bounds of each game and binds them under one awesome theme that lets you know what your getting yourself into. I also have to mention sound effects in this section, I mean I cannot get enough of the level up sound! Bum bum bum bum ba! Oh and if by some miracle I ever win the lottery in real life, you can bet I'm going to play that sweet sweet fanfare for its entire duration and dance like a bunny girl while doing so. (You probably would to, don't lie.) Additionally if you ever doubt the majesty that is DQ music, well simply play the orchestrated version and hear something 1000 times greater than you ever anticipated. Thank you Definitive Edition, and screw whoever denied us that in the first place. (Even though I do have a soft spot for MIDI, considering you know the Game Boy titles)

    Final Words and Conclusion:

    Well I could go on, but I doubt anybody wants to read any more of my overly dramatic fan-boying over the Dragon Quest series. I have a lot of memories attached to these games, so sure some of it is nostalgia, but regardless they mean something special to me. It is for that reason that I choose my username, only a few of my friends in real life know who the person behind the name is though haha. By the end of the year I hope to publish my very first novel, this isn't supposed to be a shill to that, but I figured I would mention it because I intend to use a Pen name to honor Dragon Quest as well. It's the least I can do to pay homage to a game that changed my life for the better, and I am very happy to be able to share that love with any that care to listen. In any case, if you managed to read this entire thing you have my gratitude. I wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors.

    Best Regards - DQMaster777

    submitted by /u/DQMAster777
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    DQ11 digital edition of light vs definitive edition?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Newbie to the franchise who has been eyeing this for a while. Now the digital edition of light is available on PS4 for $40 CAD, while the definitive edition is preorderable for $54. I hear the original PS4 version has better graphics and the definitive edition has better music (orchestra) and more content. Any thoughts on which one to get? Thanks

    submitted by /u/curious-i-tay
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    Oh Snap Mysterious Haaaaaaaaaat

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    And now I am thoroughly into the end game ...

    Playing the frustrating NES version of DW2 with a self-imposed challenge (no Midenhall). Now that a Mysterious Hat has finally dropped, there's nothing between me and Malroth ... except for like 600,000 XP and 4 mini-bosses.

    Anyway ... I guess in order to prompt some potential discussion: do y'all ever play challenge runs on your favorite games? Tell us about it!

    submitted by /u/BlahBlahILoveToast
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    Anyone Playing Rivals Aces?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Got through the third tutorial fight this morning before maintenance happened. Gonna start it back up and was wondering if anyone has any tips or good monsters to play?

    submitted by /u/ottershark29
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    Q: How long until they run away? A: 52 Sec. or 2 turns. None killed. ��

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

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