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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Dragon Quest Nice pun

    Dragon Quest Nice pun

    Nice pun

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    How my grandparents say they got to school:

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Can we talk about how weird Dragon Quest Your Story is

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Recently, the anticipated movie based on Dragon Quest V, usually described as their favorite game by fans, came out on Netflix. The entire movie was in Japanese, but naturally, me being an American, there were English subtitles. The movie progresses like normal for most of the runtime; Pankraz dies, The Hero marries Bianca, has a baby boy (not a girl too for some reason) and goes on to fight Ladja. There are some differences, like half the game being cut out as it was a children's film and a two hour and thirty minute movie would be too long. Nevertheless, everything is normal until Ladja dies and opens the gates to Nirvinia. But instead of the bigger antagonisy appearing, everything dissapears in a digital cube fashion. It's revealed that this was all a game, and the real villan is a virus. WHAT? Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/huskirainbows
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    Let's be honest, we all fell for this the first time we played a DQ game...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Of the Luminary’s three obvious ships, which one is your favorite?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    The three being Gemma, Jade, and Erik of course.

    Gemma bores me. She's the tropey "childhood friend" who never gets any development with the Luminary and ultimately ends up being the worst choice.

    Jade feels weird to me, despite so much evidence about her feelings towards the Luminary. She still kind of views herself as the Luminary's older sister, so there's bad vibes there, and on top of that Rab mentions that it would have happened anyways to unite Dundrasil and Heliodor, which is kinda gross.

    Erik is my jam, though. He's the Luminary's best friend, he views the relationship he has with the Luminary on the same level as with his sister (as shown by the Switch bonus episode where the Luminary is singled out as Erik loses his memories), and they're just great bros. It works the best out of all of them.

    Edit: let me clarify why the other ships aren't considered here.

    Veronica is in a child's body. I don't care if she was an adult before, she isn't now.

    Sylvando and Hendrik are both in their late 30s. Too much of an age gap (though I do ship the two of them, tbh).

    Rab is obvious.

    Serena doesn't express any feelings towards the Luminary except for during Act 2, but that's after she merged with Veronica. Therefore, I believe that it was Veronica's feelings for the Luminary on display, not Serena's.

    submitted by /u/Aelfric_Stormbringer
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    DQ8 vs 11

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I have beat DQ1 before, and got a bit into 2 but it's not that good, I am looking for something to be able to relax and play at work, and I'm downloading the 11 demo, but I believe it ends around where I stopped on PS4 in the past, the complete edition would put me back $60, while 8 would put me back $30. I heard both are good, but I just don't know which. Since everyone is using the soundtrack as the main thing, I usually can't listen to it at work too easily.

    Edit: No GameStop's near me have 8 pre-owned, so 11 might be the better bet. I heard that 8 is on phones for $20, my phone is somewhat old so I would take it this would be a very bad idea?

    submitted by /u/xstar03
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    Is there a specific place I have to be for king metal slimes to spawn in the dragon graveyard or they spawn everywhere? I'm playing DQ 8 on the PS2 but so far never seen one.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Source for Attached Image?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    How much longer is the game compared to the DQ11 demo?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Like the title says, im wondering how much longer the game actually is compared to the demo and if it would be worth the $60 if I don't have that much money? It would be on switch which is why I put $60

    submitted by /u/xstar03
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    eBay order came in, now for the rest

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I placed 2k bet on 5red and treasure. Won 1m tokens..

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Having a priest in the party should let you...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Save in more areas without needing to go to a church

    submitted by /u/DigitalMonkGaming
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    Massive spoilers for Act 2 and giant ramble about how well written this part of Dragon Quest 11 is

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Dunno how to start this so I'm just gonna jump right in.

    I despise poorly done character death more than any other trope, but Veronica's is one of my favorites, period. All that set up of every character saying "If I survived, we all must have." The mystery of Serena and Veronica not having their own episodes. Serena popping up out of nowhere to prove that surely, everyone's fine. All the Arboria dialogue and Party Chatting being about hurrying up and getting Veronica already, she's waiting for us! Not to mention the scene right before Yggdrasil and Act II feeling so trivial at the time, then being yanked back after hours of cutscenes. All of this foreshadows her death without blatantly revealing it early and it's absolutely wonderful.

    Then it goes and turns the "miracle" on it's head. Like, you pick up most any RPGs. You know you're going to win in the end and have a happy ending. It plays on that. Oh, everyone survived, and spread all around the continent, in convenient, game-y, miraculous ways? Of course they did. What would you expect from this genre, this series, the tone of this game and it's praise of the Luminary? In the beginning cutscene, Eleven and Jade are attacked by a Dullahan and survive and escape. It's the same thing, the Hero can't die, it's impossible, it's destiny.

    But no, it wasn't a miracle. It didn't just happen cuz fate or lol game. It was Veronica sacrificing herself against a properly built up force of evil that very realistically could slaughter the party, that all but DID slaughter the party.

    Not only that, but it affects every single character in decent ways, and gives Serena specifically so much motivation and development. You didn't just get told "Oh she's dependant on Veronica, and is weak without Veronica," you saw it. Veronica joins you first. Veronica shows initiative and drive to escape, while you find Serena passed out in the dungeon. Veronica's blatant bossiness and Serena's gentle, opposing nature sets them up as foils and this power duo, and then it tears half of it away. Serena tags along, follows her sister, and doesn't do much of anything in the story until suddenly she has to do Everything.

    Isn't it weird how there's just some random dragon boss? He's hardly even affiliated with Mordegon. He was frozen, now he's not, now he's eating you. Kind of annoying how he just paralyzes the whole party despite you besting him. Then he dies and he's never relevant or brought up again. Weird how Serena kills him too, not really something established about her.

    He was frozen and held back, then abruptly free.

    Serena was a follower, then suddenly has to walk alone.

    He inexplicably manages to paralyze the entire party despite defeating him, a seemingly inconquerable foe.

    Veronica's death is an unstoppable, shocking tragedy that engulfs the party, a seemingly all consuming trial.

    Serena saves the day by killing the dragon with magic, despite the only instances of her skills in cutscenes and party chatting referencing her healing.

    Serena stands up proud and strong through Veronica's funeral and into the future, becoming a new character in both plot and gameplay senses.

    The dragon is free. Her demons are slain.

    All that, and I'm not even done, because now, for the first time, you're not just hearing how characters lost loved ones and experienced tragedy. This didn't just happen to Serena, the party, or the Hero.

    You, the player, have now lost someone and experienced a tragedy.

    No one is exempt from Mordegon, who you now have a PERSONAL grudge against, even if it's just as small as, hey, gimme back my mage.

    It is, without a doubt, my favorite video game death of all time.

    It has purpose. It isn't obvious. It adds to the plot. It adds to the characters. It exclusively improves the experience.

    I honestly don't know how to end this, only to say, as someone who's played through every game from 1 to 9, I really could not be happier with the direction this series has gone and is currently going.

    submitted by /u/MomSphere
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    Anyone played Terry's Wonderland 3D/ DQ Joker 3?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    These 2 Japan only 3DS games have been translated into English by fans. Could anyone who has played one of these give their thoughts in a mini-review? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/persephone1925
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    Nothing like living on the beach.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Bored so I drew Psaro.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Something off about Erik's event after Act I of DQXI

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:46 PM PDT


    First time posting in this sub so I apologize if I mess anything up or if this has been asked/discussed before.

    I've been playing through dqxi for the first time lately, and have gotten a little bit into act ii now. But there's been something I keep thinking about that has me feeling strange from earlier. I'm talking about Erik's loss of what he holds most dear, which is shown to be the memories of the adventures with the party, in exchange for that temporary power that allowed him to escape.

    While that's all well and good and I could definitely see being the case in many JRPG's and anime-esque storylines, we never see, hear, or are shown anything that indicates that Erik's most valued possession are those memories/adventures. We don't ever really get any insight into what he's thinking, or hell even what his motivations are outside of traveling with the luminary because it was foretold during the prologue.

    I'd understand if there were a lot of bonding moments between hero & Erik, or between Erik and the rest of the team, but we never really get that. There really... isn't all that much going on in the party that makes me as the player feel that Erik's close attachment to the party is justified. I know that Erik & Veronica go back and forth with their quips but that's really all that comes to mind.

    Say for example in Persona 5, if Ryuji, the MC's first partner similar to hero & Erik, were forced to give up something most precious to him, I'd understand it being his memories of the adventures with his friends, since that was the first time he felt like he had a place to belong to where he could be himself. But I never got that sense from ~40 hours of adventuring with Erik & co.

    I feel like I may be repeating myself a bit so I'll end this here. Did anyone else feel this way when playing? Or is this something where his backstory and motivations get more fleshed out in the upcoming acts? Overall I've been really enjoying this game and story, minus a few mechanics, but this has been the only point thus far that I can't really wrap my head around. Also since I'm still at the start of act ii please no major spoilers except for clarification if Erik does get more development in the future. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/homie_down
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    What would you recomend for a new player?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    I'm a fairly new player to the serie and I was curius to know what more experienced player with serie would recomend for someone like me who have only played one game on the DS. I only have a 3Ds a Wii and a Switch, not counting my laptop. Sory for my bad English it's not my first languag.

    submitted by /u/Mip66
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    I’ve been collecting Dragon Quest games since last year, still missing some but I’m happy with what I have, I’ve beat 1, 8, 11 and builders, I’m currently playing through 2, 5 and builders 2, what is everyone’s favourite game?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Is dragon quest 8 worth getting if I'm enjoying the mobile version? if yes should I wait for a sale or buy it at full price?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I'm enjoying the mobile version of dq8, but the features that are in the 3ds version that aren't in the mobile version have got me tempted to try it on 3ds, but I was wondering if the game is worth getting a second time and if I should get it at full price or wait for a sale?

    submitted by /u/Someguyoumaybedontkn
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    Dragon Quest Builders 2 is the most fun I had in years

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    And I am just playing the demo! I can't imagine the posibilities when I acquire the full product (60 €, ugh).

    And you know the best part? I am not even a huge fan of Minecraft (I think it's a good game, but it doesn't interest me enough to play it). I wonder...

    submitted by /u/Aziamuth
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    Spoilers-Do you think Yggdrasil can link the DQ games

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Like I feel like Yggdrasil (the world tree) will become more vital to the other games in the future and may serve as a link.

    Like It was a important plot device in 11 and 9 (I believe)

    It was featured in 4 and 7,3 and 2

    I mean if they didnt use it again in 11 I would of thought nothing of it. But I would like to think there is so sort of link. Because that would be cool

    Probably overthinking it though

    But then again who knows

    Thanks for reading my stoopid theory

    submitted by /u/Daniyalusedboom
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    I've really enjoyed the mobile port of DQ III!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:12 PM PDT

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