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    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Dragon Quest My first ever Dragon Quest game is 100% complete!

    Dragon Quest My first ever Dragon Quest game is 100% complete!

    My first ever Dragon Quest game is 100% complete!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    (DQXI Act 3 SPOILERS) Eight is > than Four. The power of the party.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Okay, so I've played this game more than a combined 600 hrs, and I've thought and written a lot about it - because nearly every single element is so incredibly purposeful. The more you look, listen, and think on it, the more you'll understand that. I now would like to share something crucial and amazingly genius that I beleive XI is trying to say/show about the party - without ever spelling it out in any direct way...


    The full party of the game - which you only have access too in the post time-travel Act 3 of the game, has eight members, including the Hero. By this point, you'll also realize that your predecessor Luminary, Erdwin, had three companions during his time - making a team of four. You'll learn that these three companions were Morcant - the Mage, Serenica - the Sage, and Drustan - the Warrior. The four's designs, classes, and party count are a call back to Dragon Quest III's hero and the companion vocation system (or... in in-universe continuity... a foreshadowing...) We learn in Act III, that Erdwin, ultimately, FAILED his quest. The Dark One - Calasmos - was not defeated. He was subdued, but before a final vanquishing blow could be delivered, Morcant, tempted by the immense powers of Calasmos's lingering spirit/darkness, stabbed Erdwin in the back. Erdwin died. Morcant absorbed immense darkness power from Calasmos's body. Serenica and Drustan arrived at the scene too late to witness, let alone, stop these events. Morcant was gone. Then Serenica and Eegoltap, the Elder Watcher, sealed the body of Calasmos in a celestial prison ("Erdwin's Lantern"), as they could not destroy it. It's spirit, separate, endured as the Darkling - which wandered for millennia awaiting the opportunity to reunite with its body.

    In other words, the job - of saving Erdrea from Calasmos, once and for all, was left unfinished. Erdwin, despite all his power - his Luminary abilities and the Sword of Light - could not succeed. He had three powerful companions, but the bond between the four was not strong enough - neither to prevent one of their own from succumbing to the temptation to betray them and their cause, nor vanquish the dark god fully and properly in their initial battle.

    And so, it would fall to the Hero of XI - the 2nd Luminary, the reincarnation of Erdwin and his power - to get the job done. But, why, or how, would things go different this time? Why and how could this Luminary succeed where his predecessor failed? By doubling down. But, don't think this is simply as glib and obvious as 4 x 2 = 8.

    Who is our party of eight? We have the Luminary & Erik, Veronica & Serena, Rab & Jade, and Sylvando & Hendrik. In other words, four pairs, instead of four singles. And, not just any pairs, deliberately complimentary pairs. Each pair is an Echo of one of the Four from the Age of Heroes. Erdwin the Luminary is succeeded not just by our Hero, but by the Hero and his bosom buddy, Erik. Serenica's reincarnation isn't just Serena, it's Serena and Veronica (given the name and plot, this is the only one that's impossible to miss, but it's possibly still a tad misunderstood - I'll get to that). Instead of Morcant being succeeded by simply the person with his same training and best spell, Rab, or the next closest thing to his ferocity and cool cunning, Jade, we get both of them as master and apprentice. Lastly, instead of the stoic Warrior Drustan merely being succeeded by his likewise descendant, Sir Hendrik, he is also joined by the jovial Knight of Smiles, Sylvando, as a true brother in arms.

    Each pair balances out what was missing before.

    Erik is light on his feet, and eager to speak up, in ways the Hero is (can) not. We don't know for sure, but it's safe to assume Erdwin didn't have this. It's why he thought he had the kind of loyalty with Morcant that was not in his nature, and whom saw himself as more of a rival than a sidekick.

    Veronica is assertive and passionate, unlike her twin, Serena. Serenica, despite having all the magic, was too slow to save her beloved Erdwin. When she failed to go back in time, she would have died of debilitating broken heartedness - a lack of will to live - had the Spirits of Lost Time not preserved her in the form of the Timekeeper.

    Rab is a jolly and silly auld man, with the wisdom of experience - he knows slow and steady can win a race. This is the antithesis of the ambitious Morcant. While the Jade we meet already has had the good influence of Rab on her life, her aggressive nature is still present enough to show that, had she not come into his company, what she might have become. Consider had she made it back to her father - who of course, was possessed by Mordegon - what she might have been tempted to become. We do see, in fact, Jade become a monster...

    Sylvando is the shot of style and spontaneity that the overly serious and dutiful Hendrik needed all his life. Drustan, from everything we see and are told, was strong, but he could not see the betrayal of Morcant coming, just like Hendrik could not see what Carnelian and Jasper had become. Having Sylvando around, would help him not see things in such straight - black & white - terms, and with the flexibility, lies are much easier to spot and get ahead of.

    BUT, this emphasis on balance goes the other way too. It's evenhanded.

    The Hero has the calm focus and determination that Erik does not. The Hero confronts his past, his tragic origins, at every turn of the journey, and this inspires Erik to do the same. The Hero is the center of destiny and adventure, and this is what Erik has always longed for. The Hero does not judge Erik, which allows him to finally get comfortable with himself, instead of just trying to play "devil may care."

    Serena has the calm and measure that Veronica lacks, which gets her into trouble. Veronica depends on Serena to make sense of, and keep centered, their overwhelming knowledge of their destiny and importance. Veronica needs Serena to finish what they started...

    Jade is the shot of vitality and vigor that the grief-stricken Rab needed to keep going all those years, when almost all hope seemed lost, and the answers were far from reach.

    Hendrik is the discipline and reality anchor that Sylvando needed to find, outside of his own father - the fear of him - and thusly within himself. Hendrik brings out the calling in Sylvando that he had been running away from. He allows him to confront who he was supposed to be with who he wants to be - and with an amicable handshake, instead of a fight.

    This balance isn't just a way for the four to be split into eight. When Veronica dies, there's talk of Serena being only half of the power. But, she then gets Veronica's powers, making her "full". This is, ironically, only partially true... I'll get back to this, but to do so...

    Let's talk about the Sword of Light(s) - the forging process. Erdwin forged his Sword of Light with his three companions. All four of their powers, combined, were needed to make it, and make it as strong as it was. And yet... it was (perhaps) not strong enough. In Act II, in the timeline where the party has gained Hendrik, but lost Veronica, there are a total of seven. The then current Serena is better than just half of Veronica. She is stronger now by having her powers too, and with deep resolve to carry on her legacy. Nevertheless, seven is not eight. A more balanced Serena, is still less than the balance of Serena AND Veronica. Even still, the seven forge a new Sword of Light. It's powerful, and with it, they defeat The Lord of Shadows. In Act III, the Hero goes back in time, and as such, he is able to get a hold of the Sword of Light that Erdwin and his companions forged. It's much stronger - hence it's called the Super Sword of Light. But isn't Seven greater than four? Ah, but the Hero and the party retrace their steps, and end up forging a new Sword of Light - one of their own making - as well. This time, it's made by all eight. The resulting Sword is stronger than even the Super Sword of Light, and far far far stronger than the one forged in the previous timeline - hence it's called the Supreme Sword of Light.

    (Okay, so that last sentence, I realized as I wrote it, is not correct. If you've done this Act 3 content, you'll know that the sword produced, initially, is just another Sword of Light - which then has to be forged with the "Sword of Kings" to create the Supreme Sword of Light. Honestly, while I don't like taking shortcuts, I'm gonna ask for a mulligan on this, and ask that you just ignore this for the sake of making a point, that regardless, I believe is the intention. Much appreciated.)

    The point here is, that while one their own, any one of the eight may be only half of the power of one of the four from the Age of Heroes. However, combined, in their complimentary pairs, they are more than just a whole that is equal. They become greater than the sum of their parts. Far greater. This is because it is more than just addition, it's balance.

    This is why they succeed where their predecessors failed.

    submitted by /u/grapes9h5
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    Draconaian quests? I beat this once with super strong monsters so now I'm going to try with all the other quests on. So far the biggest problem is the lack of experience from low lvl monsters. Anyone else ever try with this many on at once? What am I in for?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    A metal king slime has appeared in this sub. Time to catch the little s***.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Just an observation of this sub

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I'm relatively new to DQ coming from FF and SMT and I just wanted to say you guys and this community is super nice and respectful. I don't know if it's because there's more adults on here or what, but you guys are a breath of fresh air and i really appreciate it lol.

    submitted by /u/kdeezy006
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    XIs - Octogonia 3rd visit help

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I'm stuck at the fight with Jade and I keep wiping. I'm not sure what strategy I should take for this, any advices ? Her puff puff and charm attacks just keep hitting everyone hard.

    The previous boss fights went very smoothly so I'm not sure if my level is too low. Or should I go farm in the caves below the church ? Would that help ?

    submitted by /u/bettyenforce
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    Made a cover of "Never Ending Journey" from Dragon Warrior Monsters

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Are dragon quest XI vanilla and definitive edition save compatible?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I noticed that the definitive edition is coming to steam. Kinda bums me out because Im several hours into the original version. I also notice I can get it with the xbox game pass for pc.

    Will the save files be compatible between the two versions on steam? Otherwise I'll just restart and play the definitive edition on xbox game pass.

    submitted by /u/YourBoyPet
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    Why do I randomly lose forge bashes?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Sometimes when I making something I'll use a regular bash and whatever I just did will go away and a green bubble with a number will come up. What's causing that?

    submitted by /u/Vjaa
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    Why is this "ドラクエウォーク" trending? (Dragon Quest walk?)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    On Twitter

    submitted by /u/bobbythecat17
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    [DQ11:SE - Act 3] First time I've seen an OHKO on a similar-strength monster that wasn't with a Pep Power!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Which lineup is better? DQ I-V or VI-XI (excluding X)?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Finished III the other day and am now beginning my chronological journey through the back half of the series. I've loved the first 5 with the exception of maybe II, and I'm looking forward to more features and quality of life improvements. Only thing I'm maybe not excited about is that the titles are going to require more hours to complete.

    submitted by /u/Soarin-Flyin
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    [DQ11S] Do you get anything for completing all of the side quests?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I'm assuming you earn an accolade, but do you get any reward for completing all of the side quests? I'm not talking about the rewards that each sidequest gives btw, I mean like an ultimate reward for completing them all. And if so, is it worth doing all of the sidequests to get it? There are some side quests I'd rather not do(and that have rewards that aren't worth it imo).

    submitted by /u/Spadeware
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    Sliminion/ Mother Pyonger (Official Music Video)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Is it worth buying from weapon/armor shops in DQVI?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    I'm early in Realms of Revelation (just arrived at Somnia Castle), and as ever, I find myself wondering... is there a point to buying from shops? I mean, maybe later in the game it won't matter if I'm wasting money, but at the moment I would hate to buy a shield and then find the same thing in a random chest twenty minutes later. Dragon Quest tends to be good about rewarding exploration with an assortment of equipment, and I've already found an oaken club, wayfarer's clothes, and hardwood headware... all things I easily could've wasted money on in a shop.

    Outside of things like gearing up a new party member or buying a piece of equipment that seems unlikely to be available anywhere else, is there ever a time when I should be buying from shops? I don't particularly care whether or not I'm kitted out for maximum stats at any given time, but if a shop sells a weapon that has, say, 50% more strength than what I'm currently using, should I buy it, or can I expect to find it in the next dungeon?

    submitted by /u/Chesu
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    Dragon Quest XI S Definitive for PS4: Do you think we'll see a difference in draw distances on the PS4 port?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    The definitive edition does seem to have a lot of advantages vs the original ps4 version. I don't mind the graphics downgrade but I think the draw distances in dq xi definitive on switch are terrible and I'm more concerned about that than the graphics. Do you think that will be better on ps4 or do you think being in 1080p is going to make it look that much better than the switch version?

    submitted by /u/dragonquest420
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    In dragon quest 11, where can I find the girls that can be recruited for the academy? The only two I know of is the girl in the last bastion and the monster on top of Eerie Eyrie.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Torneko Cautery sword

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm playing through dragon quest 4 and am debating whether or not to stay for the cautery sword. Should I stick around for it or should I just progress through his chapter?

    submitted by /u/jjfake98
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