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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Dragon Quest "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" (by GAN)

    Dragon Quest "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" (by GAN)

    "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" (by GAN)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:50 AM PST

    The Tockle Council will decide your fate

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Erik’s Half-Inch help

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    So I'm trying to farm Agate of Evolution from some Headless Norsemen in the Snaerfelt. I keep using Half-Inch and when I do it it says 'Erik steals an Agate of Evolution from Headless Horseman!' But when I finish the battle, I haven't got anything. Am I missing something?

    Edit: Resolved! I actually was getting the items, it was just that the counter in my item bag was stuck. I went into the Forge and it says I have 14.

    submitted by /u/Bertiboy05
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    Which Dragon Quest game would you say is the most underappreciated?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I thought about titling this post "Which Dragon Quest game is your favorite?", but that seemed too easy.

    Then, I turned the question inside out and decided it was worthy of posting.

    Personally, I feel like Dragon Quest 2 doesn't get it's just due. I enjoy that game and I feel like the Cave to Rhone is iconic. I'm absolutely biased in saying that. I remember playing Dragon Warrior 2 on the NES when I was a kid and getting into all of those pitfalls and getting killed by those pink lions. At the time, it ticked me off, but now, it's a good memory.

    What say you?

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    Plot question for DQ11 (Switch) regarding HEAVY SPOILERS

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    So I guess the question I have that encompasses everything I'm about to ask is - how many years (centuries??) occur between Erdwin's death and present day?

    Let's back up. So, Morcant murders Erdwin as he's about to deliver the final blow to Calasmos. He absorbs the evil power and splits into Mordegon and The Seer, and he disappears.

    Okay, so where does he go? What does he do? Why did he wait so long to set his world domination plan into motion? Obviously, he needed a Luminary to open the heart of Yggdrasil. Okay that's fine too. Then in that case, why did Yggdrasil take so long to reincarnate Erdwin if Mordegon (AND the separated body and spirit of Calasmos) was still out there?

    I adore this game. This is the one single nitpick I have, and was just wondering if I missed a plot point that explains it.

    EDIT: WHAT IF IRONICALLY, MORDEGON'S LIE ABOUT THE LUMINARY BEING A "DARK SPAWN" AND "HARBINGER OF EVIL" WERE ACTUAY RIGHT? Lmao Mordegon was out there the whole time but couldn't do anything until the hero was born. Doesn't that make the idea that without the Luminary, there's no evil threat, kinda true??

    submitted by /u/jpak88
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    [DX11S] What level should I be at for the final boss?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    So I just got the Sword of Light Ore from the Battleground. The hero is at level 48, the rest of the party is between level 44-47. I feel like I'm a stones throw away from the end, so should I be grinding more?

    submitted by /u/ssesses
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    Does anyone know where to find the recipes for the divine bustier or the shimmering dress in DQ8?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I'm just about to fight Rhapthorne, but I want to make the divine bustier for Jessica before the fight and I can't find the recipe. Can anyone help please?

    submitted by /u/Bioshocker31
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    Dragon Quest 9 Figures??

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Does anyone know where I could find a figure of the Hero from 9?

    Been looking online all day and cant find anything :(((

    submitted by /u/AidanQM
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    Do not mock me little man !!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I just finished my first Dragon Quest

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    So I played DQVIII on the PS2. Started it last month. Overall I liked it. Music and art direction is great. Bosses felt unique. Game was nice to relax to after a long day. Wasn't a big fan when the game had me just wander around and there was one part where I had to grind for a few hours. But it was a nice time. I get why people love it. Not counting XI, any suggestions for where to do next?

    submitted by /u/Fivehourslate
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    Will the next DQM game be the HD monster raising RPG that puts Pokemon to utter shame? (some XI spoilers)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

    We don't know much about this game other than (spoilers for DQ XI) it stars DQXI characters - the brother and sister, Erik & Mia, (as younger children?), but because of that detail, I feel there's a good chance it'll be built in a similar style and technical level to DQ XI, as in an HD game on Switch & likely PS4 if so as well. Though this might explain the recent development trouble it appears to be in as well, and that we're likely some time away from it being released.

    If you're familiar with what's been going on with Pokemon, and how its fans and the developer Game Freak have been getting on over the last year in light of Sword and Shield, then you might know or beleive that a big problem is that the games seem to not quite on the level with graphical fidelity and modern sophistication/ depth of experience. And if you've had the joy of seeing and playing Dragon Quest XI, then you know or beleive those are not only not problems, but strengths of that game. So could it be that with this next DQM, we might get a game that will be the Pokemon like game that we all want - one that doesn't lack so severely in those areas? A beautiful and dense monster capture, collect, breed, and raise JRPG? Could this be the game that makes DQM huge outside of Japan?

    Honestly, the news of difficulty and presumed delay actually gives me more confidence. This is exactly what GameFreak/Nintendo/TPC are unable to or unwilling to do with Pokemon - take their time and put quality and ambition above profit milking and corporate and franchise synergy with quick turn arounds and unmovable release dates.


    submitted by /u/grapes9h5
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    Finally got DQ 11, with a new set of joy-cons and been playing for a while during my Texas Trip.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:53 PM PST

    marked as spoilers cuz of 8 but I'm so mad lmao (I never post but I had to post this)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    After 100 hours... On to act 3!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Any tips for first time DQ player? (XI)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:22 AM PST

    I've played final fantasies and many other jrpgs, but any suggestions for combat, things that help you or things you should avoid doing?

    submitted by /u/MachoCamachoZ
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    (DQ XIS) Help! I have no idea what to do on this boss...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    So I just beat End of Time (pretty easy tbh) and now I am on Timewyrm. Holy Crap, this boss is to insanely powerful and can't even see myself ever beating him. I only have 3 pep pops and can't get more since they are so insanely expensive. I just wanna beat this stupid boss and get New Game +. Can someone please tell me an easier way to beat him? I have no idea, since I have the most powerful weapons and armor...

    submitted by /u/GreatGrant16
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    [DQXI] Progress question

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    So, at this point in the story I'm around the point where you meet the mermaid. I decided to take a detour to Sniflheim to grind up, so I hit up the outskirts and farm the lanterns. Right now, I'm about level 37 (stronger monsters enabled). I thought about grinding up to 40, just to be safe.

    At this point in the game, what is the best gear I could be using? I'm wearing the Drasilian Armor with Hero, as well as using the platinum greatsword. Seems to me like this will be the best gear I can use for a little while.

    But what about the rest of my party: Erik, Serena and Veronica? At this point in time, what gear should they be equipped with? I ask because as I farm Sniflheim, even at level 37, these lanterns hit me pretty damn hard.

    Erik is wearing: Dual Eagle daggers, Swindler's scarf/stole, robber gloves and trickster.

    Veronica is wearing: Rune staff, Cute cap/pretty pinny, enchantress's gloves, gold bracer.

    Serena is wearing: Pixie pole/Jolly brolly, bonny band/dainty dress, care riviere, shield-bearer.

    Hero is also using: tough guy tattoo and dragon scale.

    All of this gear is at +3, as well. Anything I could be doing better at this point?

    submitted by /u/VakanaDOTA
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    My diabolical idea (what do you think)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:05 PM PST

    I have qn idea for a diabolical post game dungeon called metal hell: enemies. F1 all the metal version of creatures from every game ever. BUT in the loweat floor there is only ONE enemy type liquid metal king slime an enemy that makes the final boss look weak and has every annoying and powerfull magic including magic burst it does run 95% on the first turn unless your agility is above 980 and defenses that make mega aggron look softer then a digglet

    submitted by /u/roeequaza
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    DQ11S Post Game Adventures! (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:38 PM PST

    So as the title says, I'm in post game! I did all the required story events that do happen but now I'm curious, since it's all open ended at this point I was curious if like there was a guide or something that kind of guides me along to what to do now?

    I checked a few guides amd my only problems is it doesnt have the new events that DQ11S added (like the Jasper event in the castle) and I was curious what all the NEW post game things that wouldnt be in a guide for the PS4 or Steam version!

    If anyone can help me with that that be amazing! Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/nuttyinks
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