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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Dragon Quest infinite XP supply right here

    Dragon Quest infinite XP supply right here

    infinite XP supply right here

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Logo Transitions DQI to DQX (Very Minor Spoil of DQXI)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:47 AM PST


    Actually, it's not really a spoiler for DQXI but I didn't want to take any risks.... The credits scene to Dragon Quest XI has really nice transitions between all the logo and shows a lot of gameplay footage of each DraQue. I really liked how the logos "came to life" and transform themselves into the next logo so I tried to cut all the back n' forth of the real credit scene to just have one big loop of all the transitions.

    It's not a loop though and I couldn't manage to make it HQ without being a bazillion Go (I made it with After Effect but I hadn't touched AE since... ten years. I'm rusty...) so the quality isn't what I wanted but I still find it nice. Also, not all the logos are equal in lenght so some takes more screen time than others... Eh.

    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/ZLeto
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:03 PM PST

    [WIP] Jessica from DQVIII color testing

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    [Wip] trying to create a replica of the Michelle painting from xi

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:29 PM PST

    This was when I knew this game was perfect in every way...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    Drawing In ART CLASS

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    A Metal King Slime appears! [AWA 2019]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Let's talk about Music: Adventure(the overworld theme) from Dragon Quest 3(Symphonic Suite)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Hiya, I'm Nacho Iskerka and I'm a musician. Today I'm going to break down some music for you from Dragon Quest 3, specifically the Adventure theme; which may be the most popular piece of music in all of Dragon Quest. I'll be giving a lot of personal insights, but I admittedly don't have a lot of history with respect to the journey of how Sugiyama composed this piece(if anyone has an interview where he talks about this, I'd be very interested)

    What I can fill in for you guys is the man's background-Before working on video games at all, Sugiyama was already a really big composer, working on popular anime like Cyborg 009, Gatchaman, and Space Runaway Ideon(DO NOT WATCH IF YOU WANT YOUR DAY DESTROYED. It's made by Gundam series creator Tomino in one of his "Kill 'em All" phases.). Other stuff he's worked on since is Ultraman, Godzilla and even commercials. His Godzilla contribution is interesting-the series original composer had dropped out of the movie and they hired Sugiyama to jump in; Sugiyama then did a bunch of composing and then rearranged the theme of Godzilla for that soundtrack. The movie(visually, tonally and musically) is considered one of the best of the series, and the original composer is really bitter that people think Sugiyama improved the Godzilla theme he composed with the rearrangement.

    And he was already a huge fan of what video games were before he started working on them; but decided they could be made better with better orchestrated music, which led to him telling Enix. And Enix was like "...Alright, go for it."

    The thing is, Dragon Quest being the first ever JRPG meant music for video games could have context like in movies and tv; which he took advantage of relentlessly. And people went crazy for the idea; so much so that people started asking for concerts of his video game music starting with Dragon Quest 2. That's a far cry from the Beep Boops of pong or atari(and I realize I'm generalizing here; but it's to show the progression). Nowadays we get touring Zelda and Final Fantasy concerts and it all started here.

    Now, I don't really have any stories about what went into DQ3 from the man himself(again, I would be very happy if anyone had some to share); but there's two things that I'd like to impress upon at this point: by DQ3 there was an understanding that these games would now be put out in America(DQ1 came out as DQ3 was being released in Japan) and if music was going to be played symphonically, it was going to need a little more complexity. Comparing the battle theme from from DQ1 to DQ3 and you'll see what I mean when you listen to the complexity of the parts. With that in mind, let's finally get to some musical analysis.

    From a musical standpoint, it's often been said that Sugiyama draws upon western influences(and popularly people say Baroque music). I can definitely say Western music is an influence here; but a lot of what Sugiyama does in this piece isn't necessarily Baroque influenced. Instead, there's a specific influence from the Romantic era, which we'll get to in a minute.

    Another big influence on this piece(especially the melody of the main theme) is John Williams Star Wars score, specifically The Throne Room. Comparing them, both pieces begin their melodies with a Perfect Fourth leap from from the dominant scale degree to the tonic(5-1). This is considered to be the strongest melodic resolution in music bar none. What's interesting is that both composers seem to use this statement to make definitive statements on our heroes- The Throne Room is famously a piece that ends the first star wars movie, being a triumphant fanfare to cap off their victory; Adventure is used to introduce the world to the player and instill confidence into you, it's snare drums meant to imitate the marching of a 4 person party in it's chaotic rhythm.

    Both pieces are equally influenced in turn by Tchaikovsky, particularly the New World Symphony movement 4. Triumphant and elegant; the piece was composed at a time when Tchaikovsky was a tenured professor at a New York school of music and wrote a piece of music to celebrate the ideas in America that were surrounding him at the time(hence-from the new world).

    What Adventure takes from the New World Symphony is a little interesting too, because while Williams aimed to convey the elegance and wonder of the universe and contrast it with the comforting B section that kicks in with the strings; Sugiyama takes his B(-ish. We'll get to this in a second) section and uses the end of it to decrescendo the piece before the theme kicks back up again-almost cleanse your palette. Musically, this allows a vulnerability from the musical perspective of the players- a reminder that you can be bold, but not foolhardy. You must take the time to heal, rest and take stock before continuing your adventure.

    Another important fact about Adventure is that it's structure uses a form called "Theme and Variation" as opposed to an "ABA" structure. What this means is that Sugiyama believed that ultimately, the theme is flexible enough to not need a contrasting section-everything centers around feeding you this melody over and over again in different ways. There are developments that lead back to the theme, but not long enough sections to accurately be called a secondary theme.

    This is interesting because by the time of DQ3, you COULD do contrasting themes in your music(SMB 1 famously has two distinct musical themes to it's 1-1 world theme); and I'd argue instead the point isn't because he wants to convey characterization of your hero through it(a very Romantic-era idea). When you hear the string variation of the main theme and how the character of the music gets more delicate, he wants you to understand that the hero is multifaceted in that way as well(which comes out in gameplay-he has healing and spells and is well rounded in that respect) so that you understand that when you do things delicately(without the bluster of the horn heavy theme) that you're still doing having your adventure true to your heroic self.

    The other interesting thing to note is that the string section does come after the horn theme; providing a respite from the adventurous main section; which if you actually get to hearing it means that you haven't gotten into another battle in a bit(since the theme resets after every battle) and can be a reminder that you do need to heal as well.

    One of the changes from the game version of the score to the symphonic is the short prelude added to the score with it's sweeping strings, hiding a lot of the ornamentation of background parts and small bits of the main melody. From a musical standpoint, this is a sort of overture to the Adventure theme. An overture is commonly used in Opera before anyone takes the stage to give you tastes of what musical pieces are coming.

    Likewise, the place you'll hear this piece of "Adventure" is RIIIGHT before someone someone picks up a sword or gets on a horse. The minor, dissonant nature being conveyed through flutes and violins gives an air of desperation to the call for adventure.

    Violins being used as a call to action is a very common idea. The aforementioned New World Symphony uses them to convey high tension before the melody is introduced; as does the infamous Flight of the Valkyries by Wagner. In this context, we're aiming for something similar to what Beethoven does in the first 40~ish seconds of the Eroica(Heroic) suite, where our call to action gives us a sense of what the world is like before the arrival of the hero before he arrives instead of just signaling his actual arrival.

    This means that he means to imply the elements the hero needs are there already, the stage is set.

    The other bit worth mentioning is how this ends. The sweeping legato sequence of rising violin notes that falls on each repetition is interesting. The Sorcerer's Apprentice(you may remember the Fantasia version) used the same musical idea in the scene where the Apprentice has lost control despite his best efforts to contain the mayhem he caused(the brooms overfilling the water).

    This eventually gives way to a descending horn theme and then a small, triumphant rhythmic motif that ends the piece.

    Purely speculation on my part, but here I think Sugiyama wants us to musically understand that there are times where we'll go into something under-prepared and ultimately fail, but that we can still come back triumphantly and return strong. That's important in a game like Dragon Quest, because as much as the main theme is this big, triumphant march, we also need to understand that we're playing a video game; and unlike movies and tv we have control enough to fail-so you have to continue on when that happens. Those rising stabs that sequence downwards is your last struggles and hits before you get taken out, but you can continue on if you have the heart to do so. And that's a great sentiment to pack into the music. I think I'll awkwardly end there for now.

    ...Yep. Just ending there. Aaaaany minute now. ...What's that? I CAN DO THIS POST IN 2D MODE AS WELL? HOT DOG! Wha-huh? Save the game first? Forget that, it's goooo time. (slurp)

    submitted by /u/nachoiskerka
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    I bought these at the Comic Con Bargain!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST

    Spoilers about the endgame.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:41 AM PST

    Was anyone else really annoyed by the time travel plot? It felt like a super cheap way to resolve all the bad stuff that happened and honestly kind of ruined the story for me. I was genuinely super impressed by the games story when it made the world go to shit and also when it killed off Veronica, because it felt like it had actual stakes. Seeing the world destroyed because I failed was really hard hitting and served as a great motivator to keep playing. It also really helped to build up the villains as complete assholes and really made the main villain seem so much more threatening. Seeing that Veronica had actually died protecting the party was super emotional. Her funeral and the way Serena reacted to the whole situation genuinely made me tear up because of how well the story dealt with the loss of a family member. Not to mention it served as some great character development for Serena and made her significantly more interesting.

    Having time travel resolve all this was such a fucking slap in the face. It took away the most emotional parts of the story and resolved them instantly. It felt like the writers didn't have the confidence to actually keep the consequences of what happened in the story and made my emotions feel cheated. It was also super annoying to see my party members revert back to who they were before the time skip. All of the development they had was just thrown out of the window and it was frustrating. The worst offenders for this were easily Serena and Hendrick. Serena's change in character after Veronica's death was really great and having all that go away was disappointing. Hendrick was even more disappointing. His interactions with the main character after the time skip and the way he turned into an ally was great. I loved all the development he got and he quickly became one of my favourite characters. The time travel ruins it. He went from being a friend to a total stranger again, and after the time travel he never really feels the same, because he didn't go through all the stuff that he did in the other timeline. The guilt he felt over not realising he was under the control of the villain all along and the guilt of not realising his friend was evil completely disappeared. And it was arguably these things that made me like him so much.

    The worst part about the time travel is that it really didn't need to happen. The story that takes place after it could have been rewritten to work without it. The only reason I think it was done was to bring back Veronica, which totally cheapened her death scene and the story as a whole. Other than that the time travel served only as a way to make the story less interesting. The true villain of the game is super underwhelming as well, and the fact that he just chills in the sky until you're ready to defeat him is so fucking boring. I was really hopeful when my party blocked me from initiating the time travel, because I thought the game was going to make a point about how we can't and shouldn't change the past. But no they're all push overs who move aside after you talk to them once. Time travel just shouldn't be included in stories like this.

    submitted by /u/br1nsk
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    Dragon Quest Builders 2 Jumbo Demo (Nintendo Switch) Coming Tomorrow

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    This took forever to do, never played the game but am looking into starting it, and thought why not attempt to draw

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PST

    SPOILERS- DQXI Michelle

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Oh man. I just had the cutscene where Michelle turned to seafoam after learning the truth about Kai's death and cried like an absolute baby 😭 I'm curious, though, was I actually able to lie to her? Or would the game just bring up the same dialogue until I told her the truth? I feel like either way, lying would have been cruel, but I am just curious. This was a huge emotional gut punch!

    submitted by /u/MadlyInAnger3443
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    What DQ game should i play after DQ11?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    I have loved dragon quest 11 s immensely, It's become one of my favorite games of all time very quickly. I'll 100% it, but what dq game should I play after this one?

    submitted by /u/eshy752_
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    Saw the free trial for DQ X was on the Japanese EShop. Works really well.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:32 PM PST

    Super Quick Class Experience Grinding in Dragon Quest VII (3DS)?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:49 AM PST

    I kinda wanna master all classes in DQVII, I've tried to master some, but, even going through some of the DLC tablets, it takes forever, does anyone know where I could grind class experience fast and easy?

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerElio
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    Thoughts on textboxes and fonts?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    So I recently just finished DQ 1-3 on Switch, was great. I am just only working on the post-game dungeon in DQ3 which I haven't finished. But now I am playing DQXI 16 bit mode. One thing I've noticed is that I much prefer the traditional black background text boxes and easy to read font from DQ 1-3 compared to the transparent text box in DQXI with the smaller harder to read text and the font. I feel that my eyes were starting to hurt a bit and strain reading all the text in DQ XI with the transparent boxes and that font.

    Not really complaining but just putting a thought out there to see what other people think.

    I would love if there was an options in the setting menu to use traditional black background text boxes with the original fonts from Dragon Warrior 1-3 from NES moving forward, especially in DQ 12.

    submitted by /u/KoichiSugiyama
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    Gorgeous Version Dragon Quest XI S on Switch does have Spanish and English Subtitles?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Hi ! So that is the question , does DQ XI Japan edition, have Spanish or English subtitles ?

    Thank you guys !


    submitted by /u/Nhoty
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    I can’t advance the mister vista quest DQ11

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    I talked to the guy at pang lai

    I looked at a guide; I'm at insula centralis at the mountain I'm supposed to go to but there's no pop up for the shabby stone I'm supposed to get

    submitted by /u/PlatinumGamer55
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    (Dragon Quest II) help with the sea cave. Android version.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:13 AM PST

    I am having trouble with the sea cave and even looking at maps I cant seem to find a correct route. There is a video on youtube but it is 50 minutes and has all the battles. I just want to know the correct path to the false idol. Anyone have a map that easily points you on the correct path?

    submitted by /u/soulxhawk
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    [XI SPOILERS] What to do in post-game?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:29 PM PST

    Hiya, I've reached the fourth Drustan trial but I've decided to step back and finish all sidequests and unlockables before moving any further, but I know there are some missions that aren't explicitly stated like saving Kai again from the mermans, so can someone elaborate on all the overworld quests that are left to do?

    submitted by /u/ShowtimevonParty
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    Should i buy Dq 11 Switch

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    I played the demo but i didn't like it that and now I'm hesitant if i should get it. With the demo i got the feeling it's too easy and too childish. I love almost all Final Fantasy games and also Persona 5. I also like challenging games. Do you think i should give it a try ??

    submitted by /u/varg91
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