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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Dragon Quest Me every game I can get Hatchet Man

    Dragon Quest Me every game I can get Hatchet Man

    Me every game I can get Hatchet Man

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:35 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Female Sage from Dragon Quest 3 by 村正みかど

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    DQ3 Yellow orb help?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    I'm playing DQV for the first time and I HAD to draw my new Sabrecub friend!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    [DQXIS] Eleven: "Why is Erik on the treasure chest?" Serena: "He likes to be tall"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is super cringe or something, but I decided to do a self-portrait in the Dragon Quest art style, complete with jacket emblem andthe Sword of Light! I love how it came out!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Fine. Keep your secrets then...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Are you able to fight... (DQ11 Act 2)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Are you able to fight Alizarin in Act 2 without the power of the Luminary? If so, does it affect the fight?

    submitted by /u/LifeMushroom
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    Can we get a post of everybody’s coolest XI photos? Here are a couple of mine.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest 9 remake

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Hello Guys,

    i really like Dragon Quest 9 its the best of all in my opinion and i want to ask if anyone know about a remake of this nice game

    submitted by /u/xxAaron_Bariothxx
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    Just Finished DQXIS (Act 3), Processing [spoiler heavy]

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:36 PM PDT


    So the biggest thing on my mind right now is how the time travel works. Serenica going back to see Erdwin again did not undo the present timeline, so presumably Hero going back to save Veronica resulted in a timeline in which Hero basically vanished. Rather than fixing the past, the time travel seems to create a version of the world in which things play out differently. And while you carry an aspect of the prior timeline into the new one with you (characters have dreamlike memories of the original timeline, or strong senses of déjà vu), the timeline you leave seems to be entirely unchanged. So basically, the Darkest Timeline has Gemma seeing Hero off, saying she'll always be waiting for him, and then he's just gone forever. That really sucks, and I wish the game had presented the nature of the choice more clearly before letting me make it.

    That's not to say that it's the WRONG choice for Hero to make—actually, I'm inclined to say that it's the right choice, though the ethics of decision-making in branching timelines may be a bit beyond me. Hero failed in his duty as the Luminary, though he was able to come back from that failure and ultimately succeed. After defeating Mordegon, he had completed his duty as Luminary to the world, but once the choice to alter the past was set in front of him, his duty as Luminary was back on the table: all of the people whom he'd failed suddenly needed him again (for certain definitions of "suddenly"). In this moment, he must choose between his duty as Hero (to Gemma, Amber, his companions, etc.) and his duty as Luminary, and I think that going into Act 3 is the right choice. It just sucks that the ones who actually have to live with that choice are everybody EXCEPT him: Amber's little soldier is never coming home, and Gemma is now Michelle 2.0.

    SPEAKING OF MICHELLE, the mechanics of time travel are a bit wonky. For example, when the Yggdrasil branch in Cobblestone sends you to the past (and it IS time travel, not just the Tree's memory, since Chalky reacts to your conversation with him), you have the option of helping Gemma with her scarf, which changes established history... sort of. It's still the same person taking the action, but the MEMORY of the event should change, and given how foundational that event is presented as being in the Gemma/Hero relationship, it's weird that this is just glossed over. And unlike time travel in the Tower of Lost Time, this action affects the CURRENT timeline (hence Hero getting the Keystone), so the consequences of his actions should have been felt somehow. I'm fine with Chalky not changing his decisions, though, since maybe he was actively trying to avoid the sort of paradox that Hero had just bumbled into.

    Why did Serenica's time travel not break the sword where Hero's did? I don't want to harp (heh) too much on this one, since one can just say "Super Sword of Light > Sword of Light", but considering the plot relevance of the Sword of Light breaking to kick off Act 3, they sure did whistle past that with Serenica. I think it would have been better had they just said the sword couldn't come with him and shown it falling to the floor instead of shattering. Though for what it's worth, the sword's shattering does play into my thoughts about the Darkest Timeline, since the sword is a metaphor for the connection between Hero and his companions; there's poetry in its shattering in a way that there wouldn't have been for Serenica, since her bonds to her companions were already broken—her whole purpose was seeking to restore those bonds (one in particular, at least).

    And, of course, there's Michelle herself, who seems to be a product of three timelines instead of the usual two (she can't exist without Hero choosing to lie to her, but her memories are the ones from Hero telling the truth). I don't even know how to begin tackling this one, especially since her story ends up unresolved (she's still waiting on Kai at the end of the game, and there's no indication that things would play out any differently this time if she learns the truth; I'll just have to headcanon my way into her and Kai 2.0 engaging in open communication that establishes a bond that saves her from despair once she learns the truth, and then they live happily ever after).



    I know I started off somewhat negative, since time travel was the main thing I was thinking about immediately after finishing, but overall, I really loved this game. It was my first Dragon Quest game, and it ended up being exactly what I was looking for when I picked it up. I was expecting the plot to be by-the-numbers generic anime, but although there were tropes aplenty, they were (mostly) well-executed, and the overall plot was both compelling and well-paced. I liked its establishment of a somewhat cyclical history, and I LOVED how Act 3 recontextualized Act 2.

    I found the characters exceptional—even when they were painted in very broad strokes (cough, Sylvando, cough), you still see (or learn) how their strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities inform their actions. Every single member of the party surprised me, and I felt attached to all of them.

    I really like how Act 3 reinforced most of the character development from Act 2 but under more ideal conditions; it felt fanservicey, but in a good "everybody lives!" way. This even applied to some really small moments: there's a little girl in Last Bastion looking despondently out at the river whom you can send to L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles, and when you see her there, she thanks you for saving her. In Act 3, you find her in the same spot in the school, only this time, she was sent there by her mother. So the outcomes of your actions are still in effect, even if you're no longer the one who effected them; moreover, now the happiness is there without the trauma! There are some exceptions; for example, the best version of Serena is stuck back in the Darkest Timeline. Overall, however, Act 3 satisfied my concerns about undoing the work of Act 2, and even though the moments in Act 3 may have seemed a bit rushed, I feel that they were able to get away with it because they were building upon the foundation that Act 2 had established so well.

    • Erik: I loved the bond between him and Hero. I was expecting a snarky, amoral rogue, and instead I got a friend who might not always understand what's happening but who will stick with you through all of it. The Garrus Vakarian of DQXI.
    • Veronica: I loved her insight and indomitability. She was usually the first to figure out what was happening (e.g. with Krystalinda) or what the best course of action was (e.g. saving the party at the cost of her own life).
    • Serena: I loved her strength of character. She was somebody who was primarily defined by her relationship with her sister (both in the text and by the text), but when it came time for her to stand on her own, she did it admirably. Please take care of the Darkest Timeline, Best Serena.
    • Sylvando: I loved his determination to help people, both by entertaining them (e.g. the Soldiers of Smile) and by leading them to becoming their best selves (e.g. Prince Faris). Also, I was cackling through many of his scenes. (the humor of the game overall was pretty on-point, and Sylvando takes the cake there)
    • Jade: I loved her connection to Hero and her empathy. I would argue that Jade is the most empathetic character in the party; Serena/Veronica/Sylvando see people suffering and feel a duty to help them because it's the right thing to do, but Jade sees people suffering and helps them because she's sees herself in them.
    • Rab: I loved how he carried the weight of his tragic past and focused it into paving the difficult path he had to walk. In moments like the Dundrasil ritual for the dead or the freeing of Irwin and Eleanor, you can see the pain come to the surface, but even though it's always there, it primarily expresses itself as determination and, in the case of Hero, love. EDIT: And I forgot to mention the Switch-exclusive chapter with him having to choose to forsake happiness and continue to live his pain in order to save others. Absolute gut punch.
    • Hendrik: I loved his loyalty. He always does what he believes is right, and if you are able to change his mind, then it changes all the way. His is also the best example of how Act 2's character development plays out in a more idealistic way in Act 3.



    In the quest "Planting Seeds for the Future", a sick little girl asks you to find and fight a rare enemy in order to get her seeds for a flower that will allegedly grant her wish once it blooms. THIS STORY DOES NOT RESOLVE, AND SINCE THE GIRL IS GETTING SICKER, THE IMPLICATION IS THAT SHE IS GOING TO DIE, AND I CANNOT HANDLE THIS.



    I have a save file right before the last of Dunstan's trials so that I can see all of the life-partner scenes play out. I still have to beat the Wheel of Harma, and there are a few outstanding Tickington quests I haven't figured out yet. I want to fill out the Character Builder slots, at least far enough to get all the Pep Powers (I think I'm only missing one). I'm also curious about how the game plays in 2D mode. I liked XI enough to blind-buy some of the other DQ games, though it'll likely be a while before I get to them.

    But after putting roughly 140 hours into this game in a fairly short amount of time (about a month and a half), I think it's time for a bit of a break.

    submitted by /u/Levee_Levy
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    Can you make another one of (item in the text post)? [DQ11S]

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    The item is Supreme sword of light, the one you craft with a sword of light and and a sword of kings. Can you make more than one?

    submitted by /u/ColuiIlLui
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    i actually really enjoy dragon quest 9

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    so like, i haven't played all of dragon quest 8 because im saving it for later (3ds ver.), i just got through the part where everyone thinks the little green guy is a monster and he's all like, "hey bro wtf cmon"

    anyway, i just wanted to talk about dq9:

    loving it, i like the idea of having my own party, and that "Show No Mercy" actually has some intelligent AI vs. if i were to input all of the moves on my own. i really like the open world exploration, choosing your own battles (no random encounters), and the level-up system, super simple and easy to get the hang of. i've been reading about how you can "revocate" (something like a rebirth system) and im really looking forward to resetting my characters so i can grind with them some more!

    i just found the lizard from "Gleeba"(?) and i have to say, talking to the townspeople to find hints of the lizard's location was actually kind of cool.

    the main thing i wanted to talk about was the plot of dq9. i tried simplifying it for my friends who might not have played it and heres what i came up with so far:

    you and your christian friends have to go out and find 7 pears or else god will hate you forever

    submitted by /u/xDigBick
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    Dragon Quest XI is making me despise silent protagonists.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Okay so I in Dragon Quest XI I went back in time in the end game and the entire situation in the beginning with King Carnelian angers me so much. The Luminary knows he's Mordegon, but the stupid fact that he doesn't talk makes the entire story so stretched out I just want to kill him on the spot. I know you can't because Mordegon is using Carnelian's body as a vessel but damn is it frustrating. Okay thanks for hearing me out. I think the game is amazing and I love it to bits this is just a small gripe I felt lmao.

    submitted by /u/Drako_Blaze
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    DQ3 help

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    DQ11 question after main story

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    So I'm stuck in the tower of lost time, if I don't go back in time is there more stuff to do other than this ? I don't feel it's worth it

    submitted by /u/gatsu2019
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    Is the first Tickington quest from Ickle required?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm playing Dragon Quest XI on the switch, and got to the part where I'm outside Gallopolis and one of the Tockles keeps talking to me. Am I required to do this first quest to continue playing the game? Thanks!

    (Sorry for any misspells)

    submitted by /u/andywestside21
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    What DQ story touched you the most? (Excluding DQ5)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    which boss would be the most dangerous according to lore and plan?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    i was wondering which of the bosses from the games would be the most dangerous if they all fought each other, or which has the most dangerous plan.

    submitted by /u/Samakira
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