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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Dragon Quest My fanart of Bianca - DQV

    Dragon Quest My fanart of Bianca - DQV

    My fanart of Bianca - DQV

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Slime buns at the square enix café in Tokyo! One of them is meat and the other is custard

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:03 PM PST

    I can’t believe I have never played this game, but that changes now!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:14 PM PST

    Bout to start DQVIII, heard it’s a good one

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Thought I'd have my input on this meme

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Should I play Dragon Quest V first? Or watch the movie?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    I'm a relatively new fan of the series and I've already played through most of 11. I've heard about the movie on Netflix and aware that's the story is a re telling of the 5th game, I was wondering if it would be better to watch the movie then play the game or vice versa? Those who have seen the movie, played the game or both I'd love to hear opinions

    submitted by /u/Maxus14
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    Unpopular opinion : Dragon Quest movie's ending was brilliant

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:59 PM PST

    This ending is pure genius and every gamer should love it.

    The evil virus is basically every person in real life saying dumb shit like "Stop playing video games, it's dumb/for children/not real" etc...

    But the hero, and everyone playing games know it's not true at all. Every pieces of those games we love are real to us, their world, their stories, the hours spent talking to characters we ended up loving or hating...

    It's basically their way to say that we, as people who enjoy video games, are right. Video games are the real deal.

    Thank you for this.

    submitted by /u/Libegone
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    [spoilers] Just beat the boss of DQXIand "the end" appeared on my screen. Is that normal?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST


    I just beat the boss (I don't know what is its name in English sorry..) and it was already the end of the game! I finished it in 40 hours. That is unexpectedly short for a game that is supposed to long 100ish hours according to some people I asked here before?

    Can someone tell me that there is a prequel? Just got the dark sword of the boss, do I just have to level up? Aaah I'm so lost

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Paperboyo
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    DQ11 whats the point of attacking enemys with the crossbow?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:32 AM PST

    it doesnt seem to deal any damage to them. i dont get the point, actually several times when i wanted to pick up an item or mount my horse or whatever, i fire the crossbow and during the animation another monster runs into me and starts a combat.

    submitted by /u/Kaitrii
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    Uhh... I think I need help with Dragon Quest XI S. Specifically... it seems there's a new section of the game that isn't in the PS4 guides I'm using...

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:20 AM PST

    So yeah... I just got to the start of "Part 2" and apparently, according to this guide I'm using (which was made for the PS4 version), I'm supposed to be waking up in Nautica with the hero, but... I've just woken up in Gondolia with Sylvando? I'm guessing that this is something brand new that was made just for the Switch version?

    I'm trying to find a guide for this section, but I'm not turning up anything. All I can find are guides for the PS4 version which don't mention this part. Is there ANY guide out there that actually covers this section? I do NOT want to miss anything...

    submitted by /u/RebellionWarrior
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    One of my birthday balloons + Snapchat photo editor=

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST

    DQ8 4Koma.. Any Interest? Anyone who could help translate?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:32 PM PST

    Hey all you DQ fans in this sub. A year or two ago I discovered that there were some 4koma manga books published based on DQ8. For those who have no idea what 4koma is, it's basically a 4 panel comic strip that could be considered somewhat equivalent to our newspaper comics (like Peanuts). They usually have a silly punchline though I'm not entirely sure how well those jokes would come across in English.

    I bring this up in this sub because I've recently managed to get a copy of the Dragon Quest 8 4koma book and want to gauge interest in possibly getting them scanned and translated. It's roughly 130ish pages and each page has around 2 comics on it. Before I spend an endless amount of time trying to scan them all, I'm curious if anyone would be interested. Also, they're in Japanese and while I know a little I'm afraid my translations probably wouldn't be sufficient enough to really get all the jokes (plus I'm a fairly slow translator so it'd take a while). As such, I would really need help translating these comics.

    I still need to bust out the scanner and see how good of a job I can do (as I don't want to rip the binding and destroy the book), but for now here's one example using my phone to take a pic of it:


    A rough translation would be:

    TITLE: A Little Failure

    Panel 1:

    (Hero) Kukuru* looks good but why can't he look at the monsters? [* Angelo's name in the Japanese version is Kukuru]

    (Angelo) There are too many males

    Panel 2:

    (Hero) Couldn't you see better if you changed your hairstyle?

    (above Hero's head) It's so beautiful

    (Yangus) I'll try to change it a little

    (Angelo) H..hey!!

    Panel 3:

    (no text)

    Panel 4:

    (Hero) I mean you can see ... Don't..look..at..it..

    (Yangus) I'm..looking..at..it..

    Even if we don't have anyone here who can help translate, would anyone still be interested in having the raw pages scanned in/available online?

    A fun fact, there's actually a huge number of 4koma books for Dragonquest. Unfortunately, DQ8 is the only one I'm really familiar with so it's probably the only one I'll acquire..but it's interesting to me how many different books there are out there.

    Second fun fact, Angelo's name in Japanese is Kukuru. Also, Munchie is "Toppo". It's been interesting finding these small details

    submitted by /u/Iyouboushi
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    Leveling advice mid game

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:03 AM PST

    SPOILER ALERT (in a way)

    So without spoiling too much once the characters go through their own little sagas (currently I'm at the Monk temple) should I bother trying to grind up if the experience won't be shared with the rest of my now splintered team? Just wondering.

    submitted by /u/TheBenBarronPodcast
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    [Dragon Quest VI] Seeds?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:55 AM PST

    Currently replaying this game (this time I am having more fun than the last time) because I barely remember anything from it.

    I am near the end, and I have a big assortment of seeds, so I think it's time to use them. However, I always have trouble deciding who to use the seeds on (in fact, I've checked my last save file from Dragon Quest VIII and I noticed I haven't used ANY seed), and I don't know if they are farmable.

    I was thinking of using all of them on the hero. However, I feel like strenght seeds would work better on Carver and Lizzie, and the HP seeds on Ashlynn or Milly since they are quite frail.

    I can't decide. Could someone help me do it?

    submitted by /u/Aziamuth
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    A year ago I had no interest in Dragon Quest. Now, it's the last game series I actually care about.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    "What's this lame looking dragon ball ripoff, just show Fire Emblem." This was my reaction to seeing Dragon Quest 11 back during the Feb direct. This is gonna be a long post but I just want to express my happiness for finding this series.

    Gaming for me has disappointed me more times that inpressed over the past 3 years. Many high budget games were either disappointing or I completed them with a "that's it?" Kind of reaction. Odyssey, BotW, Witcher 3, and many more failed to impress me. Then the september direct came, and I was utterly convinced that my joy with gaming was finally finished. Nothing new announced caught my attention and I felt bored.

    During the direct they mentioned the demo, and after playing it I actually had fun, so much fun that I preordered the game and bought 3 and 4 for a road trip, and I actually had fun, for once in a long time 2 video games kept my attention to completion and left me with a feeling of "that was worth it".

    Then I got 11S, and it now holds my favorite game on switch. I enjoy interacting and learning about DQ from this group. I am looking forward for the future of this series, and cant wait to see XII when that finally gets revealed.

    TL;DR I'm happy I finally found this series near the end of my gaming lifespan.

    submitted by /u/Marratick
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    Just bought this game for $37.50 for the switch from the amazon deal with no knowledge of the game... let’s just hope it turns out to be a semi decent game

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Or at least somewhat playable to pass the time...

    submitted by /u/kl4y
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    Hear me out on this.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:30 PM PST

    Ix for the ds needs a remaster IMO it had a fun crisp story line and , being a holy being was so dope...that customization on character and, outfits gave a more full feeling of it being your story and, no matter what you can look how you want :) sadly i no longer have mine, but i miss it😭

    submitted by /u/KJY2018
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    Dragon Quest Of The Stars - How to LV Quickly * Metal Slimes

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:22 AM PST

    Just got some sweet merch from Limpachi on etsy!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Uh... Thanks for the spoiler warning

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:25 PM PST

    DQXIS Getting All accolades

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

    So... I sold my starting weapons not knowing that there was an accolade related to getting everything fully upgraded. Is it too late for me to get all accolades or can I still get them back someway somehow?

    submitted by /u/velvetcalco
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    Atsuo is one of the best NPCs in XI

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:11 AM PST

    This is an extension of the "Atsuo is the absolute worst" thread, and I have to contradict them on that one. For once in any of his eleven Dragon Quest games Yuji Hori made a character who is a child who doesn't just cry every three seconds. Look at the other NPC who are children in DQXI: Noah's daughter who you just find standing around crying in Hotto, and Son who is just trying to act tough and help out but then he just starts crying when he breaks his mother's necklace. But Atsuo on the other hand is more competent than most NPCs in this game, he was brave enough to spend every day protecting his mother from being sacrificed, I don't know about you but I wouldn't be smart enough or brave enough to do that. Also he was brave enough to stand up to Miko and let everyone know what Miko was going to do with those who were sacrificed. I don't care how much you like Miko, sacrificing a mother and leaving her kids to defend themselves is a pretty terrible thing to do. I think this quest was really enjoyable and this kid was most of why it was so good.

    submitted by /u/LiquidMetalStarman
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