• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Dragon Quest I finally got a physical copy of every main line Dragon Quest game! (except X, which I won't count until it's localized lol)

    Dragon Quest I finally got a physical copy of every main line Dragon Quest game! (except X, which I won't count until it's localized lol)

    I finally got a physical copy of every main line Dragon Quest game! (except X, which I won't count until it's localized lol)


    I'm drawing a Dragon Quest Monster every day for a year. That's a wrap on March!


    Come! Take thy rightful place at my side! Do so, and I will grant unto thee dominion over half the world! - ChadLord


    More Sonic characters in form of slime but uhh...eggman is a bubble slime with a fried egg shape. Btw, why isn't there a fried egg bubble slime on dq games yet?!


    This was a cruel April Fool's joke on my timeline :(


    Dragon Quest III has me feeling nostalgic even though it's my first time playing it


    Not bad! For me anyway...


    [DQXI DE] What would you choose, the comfort and portability of the Switch version or the graphical quality and high FPS of the PC version?


    I downloaded the demo for both PC and Switch.

    The game looks GORGEOUS on my PC at 1440p 144fps.

    But when I play it on the Switch, it brings me back to good old Gameboy advance days. Just huddling up in bed and immersing in a great RPG.

    I am definitely impressed with how they managed to put this on switch. But the visual fidelity is night and day between switch and PC.

    So tell me... what did/would you choose?

    submitted by /u/AdenShadows
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    My collection is GROWING :3


    What now?


    So I just completed dq11. Like actual completion. I loved it. But now I'm not sure what the heck to play. I like jrpgs that don't have time based turns. Like I want to eat or watch a show while I play I don't want to be rushed. So I like this game and games like ffx. Anyone got any good suggestions for the next game? Not opposed to 8bit or 16bit but I do prefer modern graphics. Thank you 🙂

    submitted by /u/jmatta113
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    How can I obtain the Supreme sage's staff?


    I need it to complete tickington

    submitted by /u/NoL3gendary
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    Any tips for new player of DQ11?


    Heya! So I recently picked up the game for the switch and am really enjoying it so far! I've just cleared Dundrasil, picked up the 6th and 7th party members, and was wondering whether anyone had any tips for a first playthrough? For example, should I be focusing on crafting armour rather than buying it, which weapons should I invest skill points into for the characters, and are there any spells/abilities that I should look out for in particular? Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/TorkoalFever
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    Now even I have an issue with Sugiyama...


    Now even I have an issue with Sugiyama...

    First I couldnt get his orchestral music in my ps4 and steam version because he is too cheap. Now when I took a picture (bought a switch because of the corona virus- I had it and lost family members and some ended up in the hospital, strangely enough my 90 year old grandpa just got a light cold of it, but nvm back to topic) of the switch version, I wanted to compare it with the others and when I check the screenshot I have to read sugiyama kobo twice for my own in-game screenshots?!

    WHY?! what is the deal with this guy?!


    submitted by /u/Quezkatol
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    Because of the good articles...


    First time playing a Dragon Quest game and I had a pretty good time with it. Here's my casual review of it.


    We've heard everything from rage to indifference over the upcoming death of Dragon Quest of the Stars. How long did you play it?


    How long did you play?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/SlimeTimePodcast
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    Jade ��


    Is it possible to find every crafting recipe in Act 3?




    i am in america and would like to play dqX and can not find a way

    submitted by /u/Party-Moose
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    Is the switch version of 11 worth getting if I already have 11 on ps4


    I've heard it's supposed to be a better version but I'm not sure how much better it's supposed to be

    submitted by /u/AlphaBetes97
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    Being me, decide to buy 90 chips at the casino, got lucky, ended with over 30K of tokens in 1 hour


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