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    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragonquest XI ending.

    Dragon Quest Dragonquest XI ending.

    Dragonquest XI ending.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Fairly sure someones posted this before but oh well.

    The cutscene during the epilogue (at least to me) implied that XI is a prequel to the original Dragon Quest by showing another hero with the Sword of Light wearing the horned helmet and armour from the first game.

    Later it then shows the Seer(?) put away a book and go wake up someone with Erdwin's hair. Is this meant to be a similar hint to Dragonquest 3? Also, if so was there one for DQ2 i missed cos im not as familiar with that game?

    submitted by /u/4ppl354u53
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    I would kill for DQ 7 on Mobile..

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I started playing DQ early last year (big fan of the anime and manga before) and i finished all the games on mobile and DQ Heros and Builders and 11 on my ps4 i thought by the time i finish them 7 will hopefully release on mobile but still no news .. is there any hope ? And btw i live in the middle east and it's really HARD to find a 3ds that's why i don't have one

    submitted by /u/AlijerHaya
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    You gotta follow your instincts

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Not a fan of dq3. Slight spoiler if you havent finished the game.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Perhaps its because im playing the port on the switch, but i am not a fan of dq3. I really liked dq1 and dq2. I am having a hard with this one though. I have 4 orbs, all my characters are mid/late 20s. I just figured out that in order to get the yellow orb i need to get a merchant for newtown. Its becoming almost a chore to complete this game. Perhaps its just me. Did anyone else feel the same about this game or is it just the port?

    submitted by /u/Davesaysso285
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    Doodled an Erik while my fd witnessed his power during Act 3

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Just finished DQ11 after putting it down for (apparently) a couple years

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest XI - Switch or PS4?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hey y'all, I'm still fairly new to JRPGs, and after playing through Persona 5, Persona 3, and FE: Three Houses, I've decided I've wanted to give Dragon Quest a try, and I've heard that XI is a great entry point.

    Only question is, as a Switch and PS4 owner (no PC sadly), which version should I invest in? I'm aware that the Switch has the extra content due to it being the "definitive edition" but the PS4 has the better performance/resolution, which is important to me as well.

    edit: grammar thing

    submitted by /u/flipflubduck
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    So if I go for the "true ending", I am abandoning a certain "restless knight from a dream" to his eternal damnation?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Hello! So I'm at the point in Dragon Quest 11S where I am advised to travel the world until I'm ready to face the final boss fight (getting a second/"true" ending) . I came to the Warrior's Inn and there is still this quest going on, where everybody sees the same dream about a certain "restless knight". And it occured to me, that if I go to the final boss now, technically in that world, he will still be suffering in his eternal torture.

    So, should I go and do that quest? Will it even trigger? I mean the whole thing with Mordegon doesn't really matter now but I hate to think that uf I rid the wolrd of the true evil, that guy will still suffer there until the end of times.

    (yes, I obviously know who he is, just writing it in a way not to spoil to someone who is not too far in the story yet)

    edit: game title

    submitted by /u/cromification
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    [Theory] Could DQIX be a far away "sequel" of the Zenithian trilogy?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    obviously not really a sequel since they're not connected story-wise, but maybe they do take place in the same universe, but probably like 10,000 years apart (since IX world is more modern than IV-VI times)

    The Observatory and the celestrians have a weird resemblance to the Zenithia Caslte and zenithians respectively,makes me think that the observatory is a new form of the zenitha castle and celestrians are descendants of the zenithians.

    There's also some weird resemblances with the DQV world and the DQIX world, here's what happened in my headcanon:Sheba (DQIX) and Helmunamptra (DQV) are strangely similar: both desert islands with a similar shape a arabic-like castle and the sheba queen has a similar name, Helumnptra moved to the north east at some point and formed Sheba, also she might be a Maya descendant (but this is a huge streech).
    Zoomingale and Mostroferrato (DQV) continents are also strangely similar to Upover and Stornway continents (DQIX), they also have a volcano in similar locations....my headcanon: Death Volcano is the Whyrmsnaw, possibly making Stornway the "new Monstroferrato" after Nera married with a prince of another kingdom and Death Volcano probably destroyed Monstroferrato at some point and changed the land a bit, Simona is likely a descendant of Nera.
    Zoomingale (DQV) is clearly Doomingale from (DQIX) they literally have a similar name and are in a similar location, over time the continent moved to the north.
    The Lenore Castle and Elhebum (DQV) continent clashed forming the Bastureg continent at some point, seems like the Lenore Castle became the Gittam Palace at some point and the Uptaten Towers became the Gortress, they probably destroyed Whealbrook, Alkapia and Coburg overtime and their descendants formed Bastureg, notice how the names "Coburg and Bastureg" have some similarities, the guy of the point hat (forgot his name) could be a descendant of Harry...it also explains why he's friend with a monster...since Harry was friend with monsters....it's also similar to the Coburg story...both kingdoms had a fake queen.
    Fairy Castle region (DQV) became the Northen Island (DQIX) eventually, the great temple probably become the alltrades abbey at some point, tower of trades is likely the sky tower that moved there at some point in time.Zere, okay this is a long screch but here's my theory, Zere is where the faries from DQV went to live after their old kingdom got destroyed or something, notice how they have similar pink trees...my guess is that the faries had a seed of the pink tree and put it it there they're magical creatures after all, potentially making Stella a descentant of Honey.
    Gotha castle probably got destroyed at some point by a future evil since it had a lot of heroes, so all the gotha descendants are living in another towns. Another screch: DQIX Hero is a descendant of Parry from DQV, this expalins why he lost the halo and wings, because of his human/zenithian lineage.

    Erinn could also be a descendant of Madcen....Bianca was a innkeeper remember, but this is a HUUUGE stretch, the blue hair could also be the DQVI hero genes but this is a big strech remember.

    Dragis is a descendant of the Zenith King, and his armour are reforged versions of the Zenithian Armour, the sword got broken at some point.

    submitted by /u/LampTurn
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    Whys and wherefore of names and places (no gameplay, maybe one story spoiler)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    So I have been aware of the Dragon Quest games for a long time however I did not get my hands on any them til DQVIII came out on the DS.

    This is not about DQVIII.

    This is about the original 3 and more recently DQBuilders (more 2 than 1)

    Now I played through a lot of 8 but now I have finished 1 on the Switch and am playing 2 and 3, (since 3 is a prequel I figured it wouldn't hurt) I just got my ship in 2 and have sailed to Alefgard and of course I noticed that the only town left is Tantengal. So here is my DQB2 question if Cantlin does not exist in DQ2 and DQB2 is set after DQ2 how is Lulu from Cantlin?

    And my other question I have noticed while trying to find things or where to go next, it's not as liner as some games so hints are appreciated, all towns have at least two names in the walkthroughs and some like Moonahan has 3. Why did they change the names so many times? I can understand once but it seems every new port of the games has at least half the names changed so it's very hard to find where you need to go because the walkthrough says one (or if updated two) name(s) and my Switch has something else. It's very confusing and it's hard to find an updated list of what names go with which towns.

    A list like that would be appreciated. I found one for magic so that's fine.

    submitted by /u/Sheylenna
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    Is it not too far-fetched to assume that ALL the main series titles take place in the same world, just eons and eons apart?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I mean, aside from the fact that there are at least three separate Deities throughout the franchise some things seem to fall into place here.

    Such as Tickington from Dragon Quest XI S, as you can very briefly travel to the previous games in the series, which are all said to take place in "the past" but not sure if they meant literally the past, or in a meta sense, being past games.

    As well as little tiny touches, such as Stella the Fairy (From IX) cameo-ing in Dragon Quest VIII for 3DS, almost every party member from previous games coming to Stornway in DQIX and just consistencies in general, such as many worlds share the same iconic items such as The Mirror of Ra. And a (now kinda defunct) quest in IX has a fanboy of Borya from DQIV who geeks out if you dress up as him.

    AND to finally note, the Shaman enemies and variations like the Whackolytes. They have the Emblem of Hargon on their cloaks in DQII yet still have said emblems in every game they've appeared in since. Which seems to invoke some sort of continuity here. As opposed to the designers just too lazy to update them or whatever.

    submitted by /u/Otterclaw29
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    Dragon Quest Metallic Monsters Gallery: Wandering Armor (Re-run)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    New to the series

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    So I've been wanting to get into Dragon Quest since they added it into smash and have always been an RPG fan and was going to start with 11 since it seems like the newest. Is this a good starting point? Also, I wanted to know platform is best to play on, and I have access to a PC, PS4, and a Switch

    submitted by /u/EliteofFalcon
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    Worst death due to RNG.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Just did the Jade fight in DQXI and I just had the worst experience with rng in a rpg EVER! Everyone in my party had some kind of status effect on them and when they finally recovered, they had it put back on them. It continued till everyone was wiped out and I could only get a few good hits on her. Has anyone else lost a fight just because of rng?

    submitted by /u/ProtectorKDraco
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    Finally finished Main Story of DQ11(S)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    First of all, the game is phenomenal.

    Originally I started the game on normal and ~4 hours in (post-Heliodor area) I realized that the game is too easy and restarted it with stronger monsters and no exp from lower level monsters. Originally the game felt too brutal especially post-Heliodor area, but it became way more manageable after Veronica and Serena joined. Actually, at no point after that I felt that game difficulty is unfair. I especially appreciate no xp mode - it does solve grinding problem efficiently.

    I managed to deal with every boss without hitting XP cap or doing overoptimizations with my build (by this I mean that I experimented with skill builds and upgraded the gear, but I +3'ed only weapons and important stats, and not always had the BEST possible gear). But I've had a problem with final main story boss. I came at ~LVL51 and after optimizing party setup and using kabuff+dazzle strategy I was moving forward towards orange range of hp, but at that point I would start getting out of sage elixirs and then he would randomly wipe all 3 of mine party members that know zing and at that point it's a reset. So I decided to take a detour, finish all sidequests and tockington quests, get sage stone and a bit of xp out of that. Then buy some yggdrasil leafs and sage elixirs and try again. I tired again at ~LVL55 with sage stone on hendrik, benevolessence on sylvando and 5 leafs and 10 exlixirs on each party member. And looking in the retrospective I didn't need to make that detour and could just buy leafs and elixirs and finish the game. The main reason why I gave up on that idea was because I was afraid that stage 2 would be harder, but it turned out to be very easy. Anyway at 110 hours in I finished the main story.

    I started this journey a year and a half ago. I've never played DQ game before that, but decided to give it a try. During this time I sequentially played through all main games except 9 and 10. What a great games, I've enjoyed each one of them!

    submitted by /u/andriy921
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    What to Play Next?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I just finished my playthrough of DQXI on the Switch and I absolutely loved it. I'm looking for another JRPG with similar turn based combat (DQ, FF, etc) to get me through to foreseeable future. Needs to be pretty long, like 50ish hours at least I'm hoping for. Any suggestions? Also, not the biggest fan of the 2d parts of XI so sticking to 3d would be nice.

    submitted by /u/HD_Hot_Cocoa
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    How bad is mobile?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I played XI, VIII, I, II, & III all on either switch or PlayStation. I want to play the rest but don't have a DS. My question is how bad are the mobile games? I really don't want to go searching for a DS but if it's not even worth it to buy the mobile I guess I would have too.

    Just looking for some advice from people who played mobile ones.

    [Added question] In your opinion what is the most likely remake for switch? So I can avoid this one and wait it out til I can buy for the switch.

    submitted by /u/LightingisGOAT
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    Man I don't really want to play anymore [DQ11 SPOILER]

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I'm a bit late but I just got to the part where Serena cuts her hair (I'll keep it vague just in case but you know what I'm talking about).

    Up until then I thought it was some fakeout and we would somehow reverse what happened because Dragon Quest isn't that serious. But then when we get the new skill tree and everything it hit me that this shit was for real.

    I've never been so impacted by a game before. I just turned off the console after the autosave and right now I just don't want to play this game anymore lmao. I'm so distressed wow!

    They really bait you into thinking you get all the squad together again and then boom!

    Awesome work by the devs but goddammit, I hate it.

    She was my favorite character... Dafuk?

    Please don't spoil me of any further elements. Honestly I think I'll be playing something else until I'm ready to come back to that one :/

    submitted by /u/le_GoogleFit
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    Dragon Quest 11 (Level or area break downs?)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Is there anything posted or a guide of sorts to say what level you should be is optimal or fine to be in certain areas? I just thought I would ask and see if something like that existed? Wanted to see how much actual grinding I need to in certain areas!

    submitted by /u/MacD33Mac
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    Want to finally complete DQ3, my first ever RPG, which version?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I originally played it on GBC, but I was wondering if I should get it on Switch or Phone? (Also, the megathread for questions seems to be archived, so if I posted this in the wrong spot, let me know)

    submitted by /u/Silegna
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