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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Dragon Quest Honeymoon Photo

    Dragon Quest Honeymoon Photo

    Honeymoon Photo

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:41 AM PST

    Somebody is not happy about that side hustle? (DQXI Spoilers?)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:29 AM PST

    Here’s a sad Healslime I doodled in class.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:51 PM PST

    *Inhales* Vibe Check!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:04 AM PST

    DQVII 3DS complete! Beast of a game!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:42 PM PST

    I want you back (Spoiler)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    I'm a good bit into Act 3 and wish I could have Serena with Veronica's power back. Having Hero, Hendrik, Jade, and Serena in act 2 was awesome! It's sad losing Veronica, but having 'Serenica' was just great.

    submitted by /u/Zorenstein
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    DQIV: I like how "No" is the default here.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:57 PM PST

    I'm not crying! (Dragon Quest V DS)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    So... I just got to the 1st timeskip, WHY?! Wasn't this game supposed to be fun?! pankraz just took the beating of the century, was Krillin'd, the hero was a slave for 10 YEARS and everything went to heck!!! Just got to the 1st city after the boat, everything's destroyed, I hope this get's better, I miss Saber...

    submitted by /u/Poison_Queen
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    What I've missed?! (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:42 AM PST

    Hi all,

    So last night I did the fight vs Mordegon in the castle. I dont know if I will fight him again, but it is the fight that has to 2 phases, one vs Mordegon and another one when he transforms in a skeleton Mordegon with a dragon all together.

    So after that I went though the story and Erik mentioned to go check a light south of Octagonia. I saw the map and there where plenty exclamations marks in multiple places but I didnt know what they where. So I went to Octagonia and then to the whale to the spot north of the tree, where the Time Tower I think it was the name, is placed.

    Entered the tower, spoke with a weird tall version of the tickleton creatures, and then told me to go back in time. In that dialog I put "No" because I wanted to go first to all this places that had the exclamation marks to see what was that about. So went out of the tower jumped over my whale and to my surprise now all this exclamation marks have gone.

    So what did I miss? it is important?

    Thanks and sorry for the long post.

    submitted by /u/Tito1983
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    Finally Finished XI S, Great Game Thoughts and Ramblings Inside - SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:38 AM PST

    So first off This is my 4th Dragon Quest I played IV Way back in the day on DS, VIII shortly after on PS2 (and again recently on 3DS) then a couple of years ago I went through VII on 3DS

    So I'm not really a veteran but also not foreign to the series.

    First off I Really love the game, I finished all the optional bosses, all Wheel of Hama trials under turn estimate, All of Drustan's Trials, got all the costumes, all the mini medal rewards (not that hard in this game), all the horse races.

    Anyway my thoughts on the game


    • I loved Act 2 the most (mostly because I love FF6 I think) but I do think it arguably has the strongest character moments out of the games in the series I've played so far, it was brilliant.
    • The game looks brilliant, I dont often get to praise Square Enix but the time spent on getting this game to the switch was worth it. They did a great job optimizing it for the system.
    • Dave
    • The costumes are possibly some of the best I've seen in an JRPG probably below Tales of Vesperia for me. Great ones all around though some characters had more effort than others.
    • I loved the the academy dedicated to mini medals. It almost feel like every game they crank up the nonsense of the medals and this game they just blew it up and its hilarious.
    • I really liked the start of act 3 going back in time was a neat idea. Also I loved how the Calasmos unsolved plotline in act 2 wrapped around into act 3. I'd completely overlooked the ramifications of Mordegon being removed from the picture early would do. The pay off for that was quite smart.
    • The Tickington quests were fun bite sized quests. Got a kick out of seeing the characters and worlds of the games I'd played.
    • I loved the Towns as well. Each one is unique and just big enough to encourage exploring but not big enough that they become non functional mostly window dressing like a lot of towns in JRPGs today.
    • There was also just enough sidequests. Not too many but enough to keep you busy.
    • The cast of characters just meld together really well they all have their little trials and for the most part get their moment to shine and develop, really well balanced.
    • Sylv's Parade


    • This may be unpopular but Dragon Quest to me has an issue with their generic blank faced protagonists. The more cinematic and story heavy the DQ series gets the more their Hero sticks out like a sore thumb.

    I'm not saying they have to give their protags a speaking role or anything but lord help me make them assertive and expressive. The guy sees his long departed grandfather again? nothin, He sees his father for the first time and then sees his soul find peace? nothin. Jesus when he goes back in time in part 3 he shows no urgency or awarenss EVEN though he knows EXACTLY what is going to happen. I was expecting him to botch the whole mission until at the last minute where he was like "oh yeah jasper shoots me here".

    Comparing him to say Byleth from FE:Three Houses for example. Byleth is for all intents and purposes a Silent protag (he does have canned voice lines for level ups and the like but no story dialogue) Byleth's actions and expressions as the game progresses are striking and meaningful. You can really see him grow as a person in that game.

    Make your Heroes Silent or Generic not both Square. End Rant

    • Act 3 to me the more it unfolded was a bit of a let down compared to act 2. A lot of the great drama, character struggles and development is for all intents and purposes erased. We could argue how the time travel works and that may not be the case but iirc Horii basically said everything got folded into that one timeline or something. Act 3 to me was just a convenient way to get a happy everyone lives no worries ending., which to me was a bit soft.
    • The subtle change to the order of giving characters commands was interesting but I would have appreciated a turn order display like FFX or Octopath. Sometimes it was like playing a guessing game.
    • Jade's character I felt was compared to the rest of the cast not developed well or really at all. She kinda gets captured at the start of act 2 and then you fight her later and she joins back up. I feel like she had some really nice scenes in the ruins of Dundrasil and especially in that wood cabin but after that to me she felt rather forgotten
    • Giving Jade's Blue Bunny costume and Serena's red catsuit costumes at those late points in the game is just weird since there isn't really much left to do in the game in all likelyhood.

    Now some house cleaning

    Game Highlight

    • Dave giving Sylvando a big talking to on the salty stallion right at the start of Act 2. Was Brilliant


    • Everytime something dramatic happened and the Hero had the same dumb vague look on his face

    Fave Costumes

    • Hero - Erdwin's Tunic
    • Eric - Lupine Look
    • Veronica - Baby Boar
    • Serena - Red Catsuit
    • Sylvando - The Head Turner
    • Jade - The Bunny
    • Rab - The Grandest Master
    • Hendrick - The Heliodorian

    • Married - Serena

    • Fave Move in Battle - Eric - Divide + Twomarang/Double Down.

    One Question

    • How is Michelle alive in act 3? As I recall she dies in Act 1 of the game so the Hero going back in time can't change anything that happened prior. So how is she just chilling on the strand in act 3?

    In Closing I think this is probably my second Favourite Dragon Quest. Personally my feelings towards act 3 probably keep it from surpassing VIII which overall I felt was a more consistent game storywise. It is very close however.

    1. VIII
    2. XI
    3. IV
    4. VII

    Now I'm hoping square will port IV, V and VI for switch so I can get stuck into the latter two. Will probably play III next. 1 and 2 feel too archaic for my tastes.

    Replies welcome

    submitted by /u/Lethal13
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    Beat the true final Boss and Tickington. Beautiful game, perfect time stamp to finish at. Now on to the new superboss

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    Out of curiosity, how many here have actually completed the FULL game of DQ11, AKA beat the real final boss? I feel like the rolling credits is pretty disingenuous because there's basically so much to do after and the real boss feels like something I need to really build myself up to win.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Will I like Dragon Quest Builders 2 If I do not care about Minecraft but love anything DQ related?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Just wondering If I shold get this game. Never had any interest in anything Minecraft related because I do not like games where there is no story no purpose, where the goal of the game is just to hang out.

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    Darkest scenarios in the series?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    • Dragon Quest III - Waking up in that one village and everyone is dead.
    • Dragon Quest IV - Everyone protecting Solo and dying at the start of his chapter.
    • Dragon Quest XI - When Part II begins and you're seeing people, including children, be slaughtered by monsters.
    submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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    Should I buy DQXI on switch or wait to see if definitive content comes to other platforms?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    So I want to get Dragon Quest XI but I prefer to play multi platform releases on PC for better visuals and cheaper prices, however I am put off by the definitive edition content added for switch not on those platforms as I believe I would really value some of the changes and orchestral soundtrack.

    Ideally I'd like to play the game on PC with the added content.

    So what would you recommend I do? Buy for Switch or wait and see?

    submitted by /u/Pipsqueakian
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    what is the best game to start with?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:32 PM PST

    ive never played a dragon quest game in my life (except trying dragon warrior 1, god that shit is archaic as hell) and i wanna know where i should start

    submitted by /u/Freedollar
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    Is Dragon Quest 11 suited to me in particular?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    I have been a gamer my whole life, and at 35 I am craving an RPG that is not open world and is a little easier to digest. I love Final Fantasy games (not 15) and hated Persona 5 (yeah I know). Can anyone give me their personal experiences of the game?

    submitted by /u/TheTrophiesMine
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    DQ11 FoF Metal Dragon (Rarified) hunt.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:24 PM PST

    Is it better to try to kill the dragons in the south west room 1 at a time or take them both on at once? I've only seen Metal Slime kings appear when taking them on one at a time and never another dragon.

    submitted by /u/WitherMan64
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    Anyone have Dragon Quest IV mobile on a Galaxy S10?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:15 PM PST

    I just got DQ4 on my S10e and it doesn't support fullscreen. It looks awful and has an ugly white bar on the bottom that says "tap here to fill entire screen" though doing it basically makes the game unplayable since the touch inputs don't change. Anyone know a workaround? Thinking of asking for a refund and getting the DS version.

    submitted by /u/genehayes
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    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    At what point are you able to marry people in the switch version of DQ11 (like after beating a certain boss or after the game is finished or...)

    submitted by /u/seatheous
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    DQ XI plothole(?) (part 3 spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:46 PM PST

    In part 3, why is michelle alive again? She died before the fall of the world tree, so going back to right before the fall shouldn't have gone back to when she was still alive. I saw it implied that there's something a bit off about the strand itself but this still doesn't make much sense to me.

    submitted by /u/dialzza
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