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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    Dragon Quest Just finish the game, a great experience. A perfect 100 hours on the nose, I couldn't do that again if I try!

    Dragon Quest Just finish the game, a great experience. A perfect 100 hours on the nose, I couldn't do that again if I try!

    Just finish the game, a great experience. A perfect 100 hours on the nose, I couldn't do that again if I try!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:21 AM PST

    The Wild Ride That is the Largest Japanese DQ Wiki Entry on "Puff-Puff"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    Recently I've been playing through the original DQ trilogy (for the first time) in Japanese on the Switch.

    At multiple points I've consulted this incredibly robust Japanese Wiki on the series. After hitting the "puff-puff" moment in DQ II, I decided to check the article on it, because I wondered if I were missing a punchline. (Boy, was I. They don't give it to you easy.)

    Below, some highlights from its exhaustive "puff-puff" entry, found here. I have no idea how much of this is common knowledge to longtime English-speaking fans, but at the very least there's information on version differences that doesn't show up in the English-language Wiki. This also involved reading about games I haven't played, and spots where I have no idea how localizations were handled, so feel free to fill me in.

    General Background

    • "Puff-puff" was a term made-up by/for early Dragon Ball, where it's implied to be the act of a woman massaging a man's face with her breasts. (Though this is only ever implied in Dragon Quest, and it's left as an ambiguously dirty sounding word, which is mined for a lot of its later punchlines.) It isn't/wasn't real-world sex slang, which makes it one of the bigger specific references Dragon Ball in the series (though certainly not the only one).


    • The original puff-puff in Dragon Quest actually isn't a line that gives the player a response option. It's a somewhat unremarkable bit of incidental dialogue, but, combined with the "Seems like you had a good time last night" line in response to staying at an inn while holding Princess Laura, it cemented a level of quirky, risque humor as a recurring element of the series. Oddly, the "Seems like you had a good time last night" line, while the bigger phenomenon in Japan, was dropped in favor of "puff-puff" becoming a recurring reference. (There's also an article on "Seems like you had a good time last night" and the notoriety that line picked up.) In DQ2 and 3, the "puff-puff" returns in the form of more elaborate events.

    • In the "Seems like you had a good time" entry, the Wiki editorializes a bit about how lines like that in children's media were very much a sign of the time (late '80s) that have slowly been phased out, and would have gone over most kids' heads. They speculate this is likely the reason for the less-sexual gag versions in later entries.

    • The original "puff-puff" line in the Famicom version of Dragon Quest is delivered by a woman in Rimuldar who says, "Hey, kid. If you want a puff-puff, that'll be 50 gold." (「おいで ぼうや。ぱふぱふしてほしいなら 50ゴールドよ。」) Again, there's no option to respond.

    • In the NES version this was (apparently) changed to "I have no tomatoes today." The Japanese Wiki notes that as "tomato" was a (now horribly outdated) euphemism for prostitutes, this may have been a winking reference to the original line.

    • In the remakes, the woman is moved to the bathhouse in Maira, and her dialogue is altered. "Oh my! What a handsome young man! How about a puff-puff? Only 20 gold." (「あーら すてきなお兄さん。パフパフは いかが? たったの 20ゴールドよ。」)The player can respond "yes" this time, and trade the gold for a short "puff-puff" sequence.

    • Notably the "kid" (ぼうや/bouya) of the original has been changed to the explicitly older "handsome (young man) (すてきなお兄さん/suteki na oniisan). I shouldn't even have to explain the rationale behind this change. (The Wiki comments on it and speculates that, yes, it was because the exchange became a littel iffy with dialogue that focused on the hero's young age, especially with the player being able to respond.)

    • For decades, this was the only instance of the hero receiving a presumably sexual puff-puff as promised, and it was assumed it would continue to be. However, it's recreated faithfully as one of the many series-referencing puff-puff experiences available in Dragon Quest XI.


    • In the Famicom version, a woman next to the church in the port town offers the hero a puff-puff only if the Pricess of Moonbrook is dead. Otherwise, she'll simply compliment the cute young girl and tell you took take care of her.

    • If the hero speaks to her while the princess is dead, she'll offer a puff-puff if the hero responds "yes" to her asking whether or not he thinks she's cute. The Wiki comments that the absurd depravity of this scene is probably part of its joke, since it's right next to a church and you have to both kill and the purposely neglect resurrecting your dead friend to trigger it.

    • Afterward, you'll find 100 Gold missing if you check your inventory. Just deserts, perhaps.

    • If you choose "no" in response to her question while the princess is dead, she'll say "What? Have you got something against men? How rude..." (「オカマのどこが わるいのよ!いじわる……。」)(The dialogue specifically uses オカマ, which ... is generally considered offensive unless elected as a title by the speaker, and could refer equally to very feminine men, drag queens, or transgender people. Whoops; it was 1987.)

    • In remakes, the sequence is slightly altered. The character model is updated to a bunny girl to draw the player's attention. She'll offer a puff-puff if the protagonist finds her cute regardless of whether the princess is alive. No gold is stolen. Her dialogue afterward depends on the princess' status, however. If the princess is alive, she'll comment on how cute she is and tell her to take care, just as in the non-puff-puff scenario in the Famicom version. If the princess is dead, you get the "something against men?" dialogue. I believe this version is still the one in tact on the Switch release, though I haven't tried myself while the princess is dead yet.

    • I have no idea how any version of this sequence is handled in any English adaptation, and the Wiki doesn't mention it, but I am dying to know. There's no way the most recent localization kept in the transphobic punchline, right?


    • No particularly interesting notes on this, but it covers a few changed interactions between the original Famicom version and the remakes. This scenario has you follow a girl up to her loft for a "puff-puff," only to have it be revealed that the "puff-puff" is a massage from her father. In all versions, she'll only offer it to men, though in the Famicom version, you can speak to her the first time with a male character, then switch a female one to the front of the party just before entering her house, and still go through the scenario. In remakes, she'll revert to her non-male dialogue and prevent you from entering.

    • In all versions, if you use the Change Rod to become a party of men, she'll still be able to spot female characters.

    • However, in the Famicom version only, even if the player has chosen a female hero, she'll still be mistaken for a man and brought up for a puff-puff. The Wiki comments amusedly on the female hero fooling even one who could see straight through the Change Rod's magic.


    • The next interesting bit is the entry for DQV, just as far as noting a slight change between versions, though I'm guessing this would already be known to anyone who's played through one of the Super Famicom fan translations and the DS/mobile version. Apparently a puff-puff is offered in the Super Famicom version, but turned down for the player without being given a choice. The woman who offers says she understands--the player hasn't been in a relationship yet (presumably reacting to the hero's nerves and rescinding the offer). (The Wiki speculates that this is done to avoid implicating the player in obvious cheating, since it's situated shortly before the hero gets married.) Remake editions add a scenario where you can accept a "puff-puff" from a bunny girl the day after proposing, which turns out to be offering your face as a canvas for her make-up practice (and having a coughing fit over excess blush application), which leads to slight dialogue changes in and around your wedding.


    • Skipping to this, since it seems to have the last really interesting Japanese-version-specific note. A number of the game's many puff-puff sequences allude to or recreate those of previous games. Included is another genuine puff-puff (a la DQ1) and a remake of DQII's scenario. However, this time, if turned down, regardless of whether any women are present and alive in the party, she'll just comment on you traveling with women and ask you to take care. I have no idea if this leaves it without a punchline in the final release.

    • Notably, at a release-date announcement event on April 11, 2017, there was footage of the scene that showed it ending with the dialogue from II, about being a man. You can see footage of this version here (time-stamped to the scene). The Wiki speculates that it may have been removed in relation to Sylvando being a party member in the game, as he codes himself rather freely in the Japanese version (using feminine pronouns and referring to himself obliquely as both a man and a woman at different times), making the line feel inappropriate. Guess it's hoping too much that they might have just found it inappropriate as a punchline in general.

    • I haven't played XI yet myself, so I can't comment further on this. Just going off of the Wiki.

    That's it! Maybe there's something new in there for you; maybe there isn't. If anyone can fill me in on some of the localizations, though, please do! I'm super curious about them.

    submitted by /u/Cipher_-
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    Already a little obsessed...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    (hopefully this is okay to post here, I just want to gush about this and have been lurking here for a couple of days.)

    Anyway I just want to say that I've been playing Dragon Quest XI S for the past two months already and I genuinely adore this game. The characters, the simple yet engaging story, the gameplay, all of it has such a fun and honest charm to it. Easily one of my favorite Switch games, if not one of my favorite games period. And now alongside that I'm playing the DQ Builders 2 Jumbo Demo and having fun with that as well.

    I've also taken to buying a bunch of merch both fanmade and official from Japan just so I could have stuff from this franchise, drew a bunch of fan art and even changed my alert tone on my phone to play the level up jingle. I really am surprised I haven't gotten into Dragon Quest sooner, it just feels really cozy. I hope I can play more of these games and delve deeper into this franchise.

    submitted by /u/KoalaTulip
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    DQ XI Lv 99 Skill point question

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:24 AM PST

    I noticed on a couple of my characters that for the last couple levels they stopped earning skill points. My Luminary is no 99, didn't get any skill points from 96-99, and I'm short 2 points from maxing out his skill tree. Even worse Veronica is 99, and she's 11 points shy of maxing out the tree. Is this normal? Am I gonna gonna have to resort to farming for skill seeds to max everyone out?

    submitted by /u/Vicious007
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    The Sand National is making me lose the will to live

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    I'm pretty sure that the devs put it in the game specifically to mess with me. I've been playing DQ11, and so far I've gone out of my way to complete it as thoroughly as possible; that means doing every sidequest, getting every crossbow target, completing every Wheel of Harma round quickly enough to get the best prize, etc. But the Sand National might be the thing which makes me give up on that goal. I've completed every rank up to Gold Easy, but Gold Difficult is just too damn hard. There are no shortcuts, so as far as I can tell winning is just a matter of doing everything perfectly from the start (making curves smoothly, always boosting, never running out of stamina), and I just can't do it. Every time I make even the slightest mistake I have to reset and wait about a minute until I can try again because I don't want to piss all my money away doing a stupid racing minigame. I think I can literally feel my blood pressure rising as I try and fail to beat it countless times. The thought that there are two more rounds to complete after this just makes me want to give up altogether.

    The Wheel of Harma is a good minigame, because it takes the established mechanics and gives you a new challenge within those constraints. It's difficult, but it's a matter of being skilled with the techniques you've been learning for 70 or so hours up until this point. Learning to allocate turns judiciously is fun, and requires you to think out every move. The Sand National, on the other hand, throws you abruptly into a completely different genre altogether, and asks you to play with absolute precision. If you just plain suck at it, there's nothing you can do to make it easier, because you never get better stats or equipment so to speak. If I wanted to play a crappy racing game, I'd buy one. I bought a traditional JRPG instead because that's a genre which I'm actually good at, and enjoy.

    submitted by /u/Alphakarp
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    DQ XI, Which are the best draconian mode options

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    I've completed the whole game, including the third act, loved it. Only gripe is that I found a lot of it too easy, so my question to Reddit is what are the best Draconian quest modifiers for a tough, but fair challenge

    submitted by /u/Kymodudegray
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    DQ 3 question

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Hi Dragon Questers, I'm a little ways into Dragon Quest 3 on my phone, and just realized I could've made my own custom party members in the first town.

    I had gone with the default 3 members (warrior, priest, mage) plus Hero. All of my characters are level 12, and it's hard to start over with a new character at level 1. Should I just stick with the original 4? Or is it a good idea in this game to have more than 4 party members? I know that there will come a time when I can reclass the party.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/EveningsAndWeekends
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    So is there any lore on the buff guys with the gimp masks?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    Do they have a name? Why do they wear those masks?

    submitted by /u/riggidyreddit
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:08 PM PST

    They should put the 2d top down snes version of dq11 on mobile!

    They killed it on the Mobile ports! (Well 1 and 2 look a little meh but the rest are very user friendly with great controls and interface.) I'd love to be able to play the newest entry on my phone. Even if it clearly isn't an optimal way to play.

    submitted by /u/paydsn
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    Any tips on how to win in the Casino in DQ XIS!?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:12 PM PST

    Should I restart my playthrough of DQ11? (Enable Draconian Options?)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:33 PM PST

    I'm about 7-8 hours in, just killed Jarvis and got the mage twins as companions. However, I have not ran into a single bit of challenge yet. I'm wondering if this is the point that I restart my save and enable harder options.

    I must have skipped over the Draconian settings, oh well. I'm just wondering if it is worth a restart at this point to at least enable the Tougher monsters Draconian setting. Is this worth it? I could make 8 hours of progress into 3 or less now that I know what I'm doing and have familiarized myself with the game AND story.

    Draconian settings can be enabled individually, right? They're are some "artificial" difficulty settings I see like no flee and no shops, which I see as ANTI jrpg formula. I don't want that in my game, but I don't want to easily win every fight. Even the (two-three bosses?) I've fought so far we're pushovers.

    I'm posting to ask if the difficulty becomes less forgiving. No joke, my last "JRPG" game was Hylics, and DQ11 is still not any more difficult or stressful than this RPGmaker indie project. I haven't died once. This far in, I don't expect more of a challenge, at this rate the game doesn't seem to be getting any harder.

    This game seems amazing, and I'd like to have a bit more of a challenge. I could sit and enjoy the art and narrative of the game at the easiest level, but I'd like a little bit more to compliment it.

    Do you think I should restart? If so, what do you think the best Draconian settings are to enable? I feel purchasing items and fleeing is a staple to the genre, and getting 0 XP from weak enemies is lame. I'd love to hear your opinions as fans of the franchise. Pokémon and Hylics are my most notable JRPG experiences, and I was hopping this game would be a bit more difficult strategy wise.

    Thanks dudes

    submitted by /u/crunchy64
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Best places LMS spawn in the bowhole? Currently just getting ready for the fight with Greygnarl and I'd like to level up a bit before. Thanks 😁

    submitted by /u/Cor_KTZ2000
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    Dragon Quest V Mobile Slowdown

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:37 PM PST

    So I have an LG aristo, and have Dragon Quest IV V and VI downloaded. I beat IV with no problem at all, but when I got to V, there's slowdown. Is there anything I can do to fix?

    submitted by /u/MioooFoxx
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    [DQ11S] Beleth spawn rate?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    I'm at the end of the game, currently filling out the bestiary, and this is the only entry I'm missing for the DQ6 altar. The only guide I've found just says "all outdoors areas", but I've been running around for the past hour and I've found every "outdoors" spawn except this one.

    I'm wondering if maybe they were wrong and it only spawns in one specific area, or maybe I'm just unlucky and it's a 1% spawn?

    submitted by /u/OrionTempest
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    (DQ11 SPOILERS) Any tips for the final boss with Stronger Monsters?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:52 PM PST

    His first phase is putting the pressure on me bad. I can last a few good turns but one wrong move and suddenly it's a chaotic mess. My team is Hero, Hendrik, Rab, and Serena. All of us are around level 53 and have the best equipment I could find. Jasper Unbound was fairly easy if that means anything

    submitted by /u/darkwingchao
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    Mobile ports or ds/3ds versions

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:33 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I have DQXIS, and 1-3 coming in mail for switch. My question is, are the ds/3ds versions of 4-6 better than their mobile counterparts, are 7-8 best to get on 3ds and is 9 still worth it even though the servers have been shut off?

    submitted by /u/CPU_LEO
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    What’s your DQ origin story?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:15 PM PST

    For me, it was 1995, I had an awesome issue of GameFAN magazine (shoutout to those who remember it) and in that issue's import section, they covered a new game in a long running series called Dragon Quest VI. Having recently gotten into Dragon Ball Z (and JRPGs in general), I was intrigued by the artwork. I ended up copying the artwork of the hero many times. It wasn't until a couple of years later when I got into emulating games and got heavily into DQV. The rest is history

    submitted by /u/LuROCK
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    [DQ11s] slayer of sands fight

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:34 PM PST

    So first time i went into ayer of sands, i died horrendously, i dont know what level the characters are recommended for it for draconian quest of harder enemies, but mine were all level 15 ish? Idk, died a lot. Went outside to power farm and got everyone to 17 and got both Serena and Veronica pepped up and finally saw their pep power... was like oh perfect way to start a fight with a boss... then every turn it ran out, they two just get pepped up again and ended up using their combo pep power 3 times during the fight... plus the Slayer of the Sands critted my party about 5-6 times...

    Is this normal? I mean for their pep powers to end to be pepped up again? Or the sheer number of crits?

    I know this probably isnt something people want to see here but finally got into the game once i could lol

    submitted by /u/KaiserJustice
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    [DQ11s] First time playing, some simple questions part 2

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    I have been playing Dragon Quest 11. I have a few questions that I can not look up due to the risk of getting spoilers.

    1. My entire party is around level 53. I am currently on the mermaid quest to find the missing fiancee. How much further do I have to go in the storyline to be able to do the easy exp farming trick. I believe Eric has to have all his skill trees unlocked. I am not sure if that happens before or after collecting all the orbs.

    2. What point in the game is the earliest I can 100% complete Tickington? I suspect I would have to complete the main story first. It is just a guess.

    3. When do I get the ability to craft +4 quality gear? I have not figured out how to do it yet.

    submitted by /u/whoami4546
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