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    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Dragon Quest A trip down the nostalgia lane....

    Dragon Quest A trip down the nostalgia lane....

    A trip down the nostalgia lane....

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:29 AM PST

    WWE wrestler Asuka is too cute ��

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Dai and Leona by さか

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    DRagon Quest 1 is finished! On to 2!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    I beat Dragon Quest XI S! This was my first real Dragon Quest game! I loved it! Ask me anything! *spoilers!*

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    First of all, I work the night shift so I might be asleep if you decide to ask me anything. I'll get to you in the afternoon/evening though. Anyways, here are some random thoughts:

    - I've never played a Dragon Quest game before in the main series. The only game I have played is Rocket Slime on the DS. I thought it was alright years ago, but I haven't played it since months after it released.

    - This game didn't get on my radar until after the Nintendo Treehouse presentation at E3 2019.

    - Even after the presentation, I was hesitant about my purchasing over the next few months. Thankfully, that extra long demo came out and got me excited!

    - I intended to play the game with Japanese audio and English subtitles but Gemma's voice/accent won me over pretty quickly. I tried to play with the Japanese audio for a bit, but it didn't work for me.

    - At first, I found most of the voice acting and the dialogue to be on the corny side, but the game often surprised me with some amazing and memorable moments that had me unexpectedly tear up (the music helped, too!).

    - The orchestrated music is WONDERFUL. I don't mind the MIDI tracks being inserted here and there, but this game just wouldn't feel as grand if the orchestrated tracks were absent.

    - Some of the music did get kind of repetitive, mostly the overworld music that plays in the first two acts. It made me glad the Dragon Quest VIII music option exists. I was hoping more DLCs with items/music would be released in the next 30 days or so after it launched. I don't think I'll be replaying it anytime soon so it kinda bites if they are holding back more DLC (unless that DLC is extra story content).

    - The standard battle music was neat, but I loved the extended battle theme even more and I wish it played all the time.

    - Seeing gameplay of the PS4 version made me take notice of how blurry everything looked on the Switch. I got used to it though. Plus, the PS4 version wouldn't let me play on the go or have that sweet orchestrated music!

    - I did most of the side quests. Not too fond of the ones that want you to use pep powers. I put a few of those off and by the time the endgame rolled around, the rewards were pretty useless.

    - I thought the third act would feel like tacked on content to make the game longer but it was actually fulfilling and I'm glad I didn't skip out on it.

    - I also love how the game doesn't make starting the third act an easy choice. All those events that made you grow closer to your party will be undone. On top of that heavy thought, you, the player, will lose hours or progress that you achieved with your party. It isn't at all certain you will see that progress return.

    - Thank goodness for the golden reins for the horse racing minigame!

    - I think I over leveled my team early on by accident. I was just having fun with the combat and I would take out newer and tougher enemies without much issue.

    - I saw on Reddit/GameFAQs that there was an option to marry a character. When I got the option, I chose Serena and was underwhelmed. First of all, it wasn't really consensual. I thought there might be sort of a dialogue scene between the hero and Serena but after the wish it just cuts to Cobblestone and she is my wife. No ceremony or anything. I don't know. It just felt tacked on and lifeless. It made me feel weird. I guess I'm just spoiled by Mass Effect.

    - I thought the fan service was a bit ridiculous for Jade. I mean, compared to other female characters, it is pretty tame. But the bunny outfit side quest felt weird. I think it would be humorous if she had refused to wear the outfit for the perv and perhaps then attack the hero character.

    - The amount of times enemies reappear as new color swaps didn't bother me. I loved their designs and the wacky names that came with them. It was like someone's dad was on that team. Haha.

    - Even recycled areas didn't bother me so much. Exploring a semi hellscape of Erdrea again was interesting and sad. It made me miss the bright and colorful Erdrea before Mordegan took over. After I defeated Mordegan, I was happy to see things get back to normal, but scars still remained. I also didn't mind trekking through recycled areas in the trials.

    - The themes that play when you are sailing on the Salty Stallion or riding Cetacea are gorgeous.

    - I probably spent over 80% of the game with the hero "following orders" and letting the AI handle the rest of my team. I would occasionally take control of one or two of them to fight more efficiently or to use certain pep powers.

    - I only used the faster battle speeds a couple of times. Once during a portion of the game where I was getting swarmed by tedious weak enemies and another time at the very end when I was trying to get skill points for Erik.

    - Finding pieces of armor (especially the cosmetic kind) was a bit anxiety inducing because matching sets were occasionally separated by long stretches of gameplay. Like I would feel like I may have missed something only to find the matching piece maybe an hour or so later.

    - Playtime was just over 136 hours!

    - I'm not really interested in picking up the other games in the series, but I think I will be keeping a close eye on the inevitable Dragon Quest XII.

    submitted by /u/Jaketrix
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    Do I dare intrude?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:18 PM PST

    Someone finally came in the mail. Currently replaying Dragon Quest so I can play the three ports in succession. Can't wait to beat II and III for the first time! :)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Weird glitch in III?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    So I'm playing the GBC version of Dragon Quest III, and, while looking up strategies to defeat Orochi (bite me, that asshole regenerates a third of its health per round), I realized my priest/cleric, level 19, doesn't know Wake/Awaken, even though it should've learn it at level 19?

    I tried to look up if maybe the learning level was just different in the GBC version, or if this glitch was reported anywhere else, but nothing

    submitted by /u/urSempai
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    Newcomer here with some Q'z?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I've never had the slightest of interest in anything Dragon Quest related. However, I recently happened upon some gameplay footage of Dragon Quest XI and that foolish mindset has changed. I'm thinking of getting dragon quest XI for ps4 to give it a try, but I'm also noticing many other titles like Dragon Quest Builders ( is this a spin off?) and other dragon quest games including what appears to be a slightly different version for Switch. Can anyone recommend if Dragon XI is a good place to start off with the series, or should I be playing something released earlier to get my feet wet?

    submitted by /u/WiredWagon
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    DQ XI S: Switch or Switch Lite?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Hello everybody.

    I know this topic has already been discussed a few times, but I really wanted to know what you guys would recommend for playing DQ XI S. I have no Switch, no Switch Lite. I've only played with it once on TV, once handheld, all at a friend's house.

    I'm thinking about making myself a little gift for Christmas and was hesitant about which console to get to play this game. All that knowing that I don't really have access to the TV all the time (parents use it most of the time), so I'll mostly play handheld.

    Knowing that, the Lite would probably be the better idea. But are there still reasons why I should get the normal Switch instead? Could you play this game nicely in handheld mode with a normal Switch? Are the extra 100€ worth for the small time I'll be playing this on TV?

    I'll take any piece of advice.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    submitted by /u/TheSecondWing
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    Which game has the best side quests and/ or class system?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:09 AM PST

    IX was my first game and I just absolutely loved how big the world seemed to me because of all the side quests and all the different kinds of classes with the different kinds of weapons. I've played 5 and 4, and I know they're older games so I don't expect them to be as complex. But I didn't know if there were any others that were really good in this way, or if another franchise captures this well too.

    submitted by /u/Sasukes-Friend
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    (DQ11) Pot Poker still getting blocked?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    The description of the pot poker says its unguardable but when I multifeet, her attacks still get parried occasionally. Does the special trait only work on basic attacks and spear skills? Multifeet is fisticuffs but technically uses her main hand weapon for dmg calculations and applies elemental damage if applicable depending on weapon. What gives?

    submitted by /u/tmntnyc
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    DQ11 is there anything I should avoid selling?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    I know materials I should keep but what about equipment? Like stuff I can't get more of anywhere else in the game.

    submitted by /u/WitherMan64
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    DQXI-S Just went through the 1st ending!! That is my time!! What is yours?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Discussion based hypothesis: We know that dq12 is in development. With that being said what if the real reason Square Enix hasn't wasted the time putting dqX in the western servers is because 12 is going to be a massive global mmo! Thoughts? -senserly, A Dreamer

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Best team in DQ9

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Hey guys so I just started playing DQ9 and I was wondering which team is the best for post game. I currently have the hero as minstrel which I will change to warrior later on then to gladiator then paladin as a final job, a martial artist, a mage, and a priest which I will turn into a sage later on. Can you please tell me whats the best team and what stats are to be upgraded?

    submitted by /u/Majid-Silver
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    Question about Dragon Quest IX's DLC!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:16 AM PST

    Apologies in advance if this is formatted weird cause this is my first post to Reddit but I'm close to finishing VI which I've enjoyed quite a bit and was considering moving to IX as the next in the series I wanted to play (Completed IV, XI, and Rocket Slime prior) and I've heard a bit about the DLC and how there's workarounds with the ds wi-fi.

    That being said, I did have one question pertaining the DLC. Is it near essential to have or would I be fine with what's in the base game? I don't plan to go for 100% completion but I have at least considered filling out the beastiary and wardrobe as much as I possibly can without the dlc.

    I only ask if doing workarounds for the dlc is worth it because I can only play it on an emulator on my laptop atm and still working on getting a job with minimal luck so atm I would prefer not to have to wait for money to get it physical. I know save editing is a thing but I don't really feel comfortable fiddling with files and stuff.

    TL;DR: Unsure if I should emulate IX and skip out on DLC, or if DLC is worth waiting to get a physical copy for someone who only plans to complete whats in the base game and bestiary/wardrobe collectionwise.

    submitted by /u/Apolleh
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    (spoilers!) Did I play too fast? [Dragon Quest XIS]

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:00 AM PST

    spoiler warning!

    I just beat Act II [mordegon/mordragon] and broke the Sphere of Time. I'm about 57 hours into the game, and I'm seeing people who only just beat Act I at 60 hours and all of that - have I been going too quickly?

    I take the time to craft and talk to everyone and do as many side quests as I can and I still only managed to get this playtime.

    With that, how long is Act III/the postgame? I need to know the time commitment I'm getting myself into, haha. The only other DQ postgame I've played was 9.

    submitted by /u/Aura64
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    DQ I, II & III: what are the differences between the Original and the Mobile/Switch releases?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    Hello Dragon Quest community, I want to try out this franchise I've never played and thought it would be fun to start with the first three Dragon Quest games. What are all of the differences between the original and the Mobile/Switch releases of these games? And which version would you recommend to me?

    submitted by /u/metijhn
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    Dragon Quest XI Question about platforms

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:01 AM PST


    I am thinking of starting to DQXI and currently own PS4 Pro and PC. I am wondering a few things, if you can clarify it would be amazing.

    - 16 bit graphic mode, does only switch version has this or all versions have it?

    - I heard there is an extra content on Switch version which does not exist in PC version. Is that true for PS4 too? Does PS4 version has that extra content or only switch version?

    - What are the differences between PS version and PC version?

    Thanks a lot. ^^

    submitted by /u/mtilhan
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    I did it! I beat it!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:20 PM PST

    After 55 hours over the course of 3 weeks I have finally beat Dragon Quest 11. This game is a masterpiece I loved every moment with this game, it started to get difficult towards the end but never had a major issue where I had to go back and grind for hours. This is the first Dragon Quest game I have beat usually I play about 40 hours into them like I did with 4,7,8, and 9 and then come back to it and forget completely what was going on. I think that fell to it being on DS/3DS systems im not going to be spending all of my time playing it. Hoping some more remasters of older games come to the switch. Overall I do like the final fantasy series better but the traditional style and back to basics formula goes perfect for dragon quest. They are two very distinct kind of games now with their new enteries. Not to mention the amazing art design from the legendary Akira Toryiama.

    submitted by /u/cmotofny
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    DQXI slime time help

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:36 PM PST

    I've been doing slime time for a good few hours now but have never gotten any token payout from slime time. I saw in some older posts that quitting during slime time might give the full payout - nope. Quitting a few slots after slime time ends gives nothing at all. So far unless I get feeding frenzy I just end up losing all my tokens.

    How the heck do the slime reels work??

    submitted by /u/Nithuir
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