• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Dragon Quest Netflix has added a page for the Dragon Quest: Your Story movie

    Dragon Quest Netflix has added a page for the Dragon Quest: Your Story movie

    Netflix has added a page for the Dragon Quest: Your Story movie

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I beat DQ8!!!!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:26 PM PST

    DQ XII! news

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Loving my jade figure

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    [DQV] How did the Hero learn how to read?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:24 AM PST

    If I remembered correctly the hero couldn't even read a warning sign and then miraculously became literate after the timeskip as a slave where he's forced to manual labor from dawn till dusk. Did Harry secretely teach him? It's not like they were allowed free time or allowed to touch a book or anything...

    My first time playing through DQV right now and this question has been stuck in my head for a while. This game is fucking good. I hope Yuji Horii never quits. Party chat is so entertaining

    submitted by /u/4momoka
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    Just gonna leave this here

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    (SPOILERS) have all ingredients for sword of light but game is saying I’m still missing some

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Forging the sword of light in order to make the Supreme Sword of Might but the crucible is saying I don't have all of them. From what I could find online the three ingredients are the crucible key, orichalcum, and the forging hammer. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/jivatma
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    Hello all, I'm sure this gets asked a ton but what makes XIS on Switch different?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:58 PM PST

    I'm a switch loyalist, and downloaded the demo after looking for something new with a few eShop cards for Christmas. I'm definitely gonna buy it, but owning such a high profile game on the switch instead of the higher performance PS4 normally gives me pause. However, from all accounts the switch version is apparently superior? I do know it retails for full price compared to PS4 (60 vs 40 USD), so I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that the switch version is the way to go.

    For background, I've never played a DQ game before, but I love Pokemon, Xenoblade, Persona 5, and am generally a fan of turn based jrpgs.

    submitted by /u/blubomber17
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    Trivia and Fun Facts! Spoilers marked accordingly

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Hello everyone! You may remember me posting something like this from a while ago, but I finally "finished" what I think is a good amount of trivia and fun facts about the game! Post any that you know of that I might have missed! I'm doing this all on mobile, so I apologize if the format is weird or autocorrect messed it up

    -CHARACTERS AND WORLD Veronica wants to be a magic teacher when she grows up, and her staff was made for her as a parting gift by an unnamed NPC in Arboria

    Serena's favorite food is stew

    Serena has an acute sense of smell and can tell "all sorts of things" about a place

    Sylvando used to train lions for the circus and absolutely HATES birds

    Jade is afraid of heights

    Jades mother attended l'Académie de Notre Maìtre des Médailes

    Rab and Jade stayed with an elderly couple for quite some time on their journeys together. Where and whom currently unknown

    8 is allergic to cats, hates bugs, is 36 years old along with Jasper, and grew out his beard as a nod to King Carnelian

    Chalky was a famous adventurer who was in search of the Rainbough, but instead chose the Keystone for the Door of Departure as his prize for saving a prince

    Tetsu, the blacksmith who was in search of Mini Medals and was ultimately disappointed that it was an all girls school, is a member of Sylvando's merry men (monocle and beard)

    Dundrasil was famous for its mining trade, and had many precious gems

    Rab was the youngest of 3 brothers

    Rab used to...bribe(?) the innkeepers of the inns he and Jade stayed at in order to get the best room

    The horses raised in Sniflheim are used in the Gallopolis Sand National

    Grand Master Pang is the bunny girl on the Ogler's Digest...not explicitly stated but HEAVILY alluded to

    Medicinal herbs expire (lore wise). Keeping them cold makes them last longer

    Sylvandos mother was Zwaardsrustian, and also an entertainer

    Erik considers his memories of traveling with the party to be the greatest treasure he's ever found. XIS extra story spoilers: the Seer helped him escape a prison after Yggdrasil fell by giving him great power in exchange for his greatest treasure, which is why he has amnesia in act 2

    8 knows how to work a forge and smiths on occasion

    8 is scared of the dark

    Erik named his dagger Björn and talked to it from time to time as a thief

    Jade enjoys exercising by running up and down stairs, especially in towers. Ironically.

    Queen Frysabel is roughly the same age as Jade, and her father, the late King Gustaf, was smarter and wittier than King Rab

    King Carnelian loves finding new creatures, and Jade wants to bring a Tockle back for him

    King Drustan wrestled with the mermaid king for the mermaid princesses hand in marriage. Though they wrestled for an entire week, they ended in a tie. Since he didn't defeat the king, he could not marry his daughter as he gave his word he would defeat her father first. Still, impressed with his display of strength, the mermaid king gave him a crimson scale, which Drustan used to forge his armor

    Monsters have shops, and Chimaeras often rest at Havens Above

    The Heliodorian Soldiers Rite of Passage is to fight a singular Dracky. 8 was terrified.

    Hendrik was the one who gave Arachtagon his scar

    Sylvandos favorite hero of legend is Drustan

    Eegoltap (who has been asleep for almost 80 years)the Watcher Elder has a brother in Trial Isle

    While Eegoltap sleeps Quuron is in charge.

    Serena and Jade would stay up all night gossiping and snacking on many occasions

    Eriks teammate in the Octagonia MMA tournament was named Liu Za, and he was expelled from Angri La after he was caught sleeping during training. It's said they lost their round because Erik lost focus.

    Serena's favorite book as a child was called 'A Ripple on the Sea of Love' and it was a story about a human-mermaid romance.

    The Underdigger wants to open a cake shop, but the Abominable Showman disagrees- an ice cream parlor is what they SHOULD open

    Zwaardrust was ruled by King Arnout

    Serena tried to make a purchase with a mini medal when she was younger, and the shopkeeper laughed at her. She's still embarrassed by it

    Rab met his wife at a bookshop

    Sandy was attacked by monsters as a puppy. The Luminary and Gemma saved her and that's how she was found.

    The High Lama is second in command, chosen by Grand Master Pang at the age of 12

    I decided to include some fun facts about the monsters that I thought were interesting. All found in the Bestiary


    Dragon Slimes can survive sub-zero temperatures

    Medislimes are shamed for not healing as well as healslimes

    Metal Slime Knights name their steed "Silver" most often

    She-Slimes are warmer than Slimes

    Equinox's led the charge when monsters tried to take over the world long ago

    Manticores are adult versions of Infanticores....who knew!

    Rottontails aren't all that bad. They collect presents for poor children

    Bloody hands are the limbs of dead monsters come to life. They call their friends from their past life into battle

    Orcs fur turns yellow as they get older. Once it is completely yellow they are given a purple tunic and the title of chieftain

    Muddy Hands are human hands, the person drowned in the mire........or so they say

    Drackolytes study all night to outdo their drackyma cousins

    Stark Ravens swap skulls with their soulmates

    Brollygaggers were umbrellas that learned from their assassin owners (idk lol)

    Infernal Armours are adventurers who were cursed by Hate Mail, and couldn't get it removed in time

    Iron Maiden's are dolls with the souls of little girls

    Luminous Lamplings live as long as their fire burns

    Mud Mannequins perform their intricate dances to ensure they don't fall apart

    Platinum Poppets keep humans as pets

    Snowgres are the result of a failed attempt by Wizards to bring ice to life

    Steel Sirens are dead mermaids who were reborn from the crushing weight of sadness...

    A3G15's were created when a king put on a suit of armor that took a life of its own

    Clockwork Cuckoo's and Metal Dragons are made by monsters

    Crimson Killing Machines are just overkilling machines built with a Type-G0 chassis

    Hunter Mech's hunt metal slimes to use their molten globules to repair themselves

    Mecha-Mynahs physically can't stay airborne without Accelerate

    Penny Pinchers are born when a human wishes to make a killing while playing a slot machine

    Visor Kaisers were created to protect an emperor long ago

    Bilhaws can travel through space, time, and dimensions

    Little Devils play pranks as part of their training. They can't graduate until they prank 100 souls

    Smogbonnets and Sootbonces are from a different dimension

    Blizzybodies are said to be the children of sentient snowpeople

    Whirly Girlys tornadoes glow pink from the friction of spinning so fast

    Black Dragons burn themselves sometimes because their breath is so hot

    Noble Dragons absorb power from starlight

    Bodkin Fletchers use bubble slimes to craft their own poisons

    Cheater Cheetahs are created when a big-cat loving human attempts to use magic to transform into a big cat........yeah.......

    Leger-de-mans are human wizards who sold their souls to become more powerful

    Lump Mages are insecure, and use Dazzle so people don't see how ugly they are

    Old Man of the Seas are fish turned human

    Wear tigers are costume clad vegetarians

    Cruelcumbers are cucumbers inhabited by evil spirits. They handcraft their own spears

    submitted by /u/Snowmangle
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    Uncle Luminary

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:52 PM PST

    DQ11 EXP farming without pep or metal enemies

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:52 PM PST

    Im currently in post game after time traveling, i believe this is refered to as act 3, not to sure. but im currently on the trials and cannot beat the blind hatred boss.

    Now i would just farm metal enemies, but i have horrible luck and never see any. (I've tried in mangle grove whale way and lower level in the first trial) so im looking for an area that gives a decent amount of EXP.

    all my party members are lvl 56-57.

    submitted by /u/AngryBurntToazt
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    A favor to ask

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Hello, r/DragonQuest! I'm trying to locate a tweet, but I'm having a bit of trouble pinpointing it.

    At some point after the Hero was released as a DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I saw a video of Gigaslash in a Dragon Quest-themed or related mobile app (or something of the sort) based on the move's appearance in Smash (this, for reference), but a bit more fleshed out animation-wise, and involving the Heroes from XI, III, IV, and VIII simultaneously performing the attack instead of one of them (with the remaining seven Heroes charging up the attack, as in Smash). However, I cannot seem to relocate the video, as I am not a big enough fan of the Dragon Quest series to be able to know exactly what it was, and I would be extremely grateful if it could be relocated. Thank you all, and have a happy new year!

    submitted by /u/aidand5
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    Is there any resource on everything that was added in the Switch version? (Spoilers for Act 3)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:25 PM PST

    I've been using the guide on Neoseeker, and it's for the PS4 version. Turns out they added WAY more than I thought for the Switch version. There's this whole segment with Hendrick and Jasper that wasn't in the PS4 version, apparently. Is there more like this? Did they add any costumes or quests? Optional new dungeons or bosses?

    Basically, since I'm going for a 100% run, I want to know about everything they added for this version. Is there anywhere I can see this?

    submitted by /u/OmegaMetroid93
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    DQ11 - Who was it that said... (Act 2 Spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    I'm right before the final boss in Act 3, but I was wondering, who said 'You have done well to defeat Mordegon, peace will finally be in Erdrea'. It was a male voice, right after the final battle in Act 2? Or is it a spoiler for the ending?

    submitted by /u/LifeMushroom
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    [DQ8] Is there a sharp difficulty spike at Castle Trodain? (The cursed King’s castle)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:48 PM PST

    I am there now and my party is getting wiped. I guess I could upgrade my gear a little more and go open the locked chests since I have the magic key now, but I am just getting frustrated because the fights are so hard!

    I see now why DQ11 was so easy, it is aggravating when your party keeps getting wiped, and not even from a boss!

    submitted by /u/Alpha_Bit_Poop
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    Anyone got a download link for the DQ XIS My Nintendo wallpapers?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Not living in the US so I'm hardlocked out of the really good art on these wallpapers. Any of you guys able to offer this poor soul a download link?

    submitted by /u/Z3r0Bl4ze
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    What are the Enemy Drop Mechanics from Dragon Quest II?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:00 PM PST


    As the title asks, what are the Enemy Drop Mechanics of Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line? General or specific, and from any Dragon Quest/Warrior II version, I would just like some insight.

    For example, how many drops per battle, is it based on last enemy defeated, and things like that. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/J_D_Guy
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    Worth it on PC?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Hi, is DQ 11 worth to buy in PC? I don't have a switch so I can't get the definitive edition. Is the difference noticable on the definitive edition? Also, how much added content is there? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Skalves
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