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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Dragon Quest Armour in a nutshell

    Dragon Quest Armour in a nutshell

    Armour in a nutshell

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:32 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    a little comic I drew! dq11 is the first dq game I’ve played in a while and I’m enjoying it a lot!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Just beat DQ6 and it was Amazing

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    So a few years back, I hand-wrote a guide for Dragon Quest IX, but it's getting old and falling apart, so I'm writing a new one. I'd say my handwriting has improved since ��

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Hi I'm new here , And I was wondering what you guys thought of this movie. I personally enjoyed it and would watch again.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    DQ3 Hero

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    33 years later, I finally did it!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    My Dragon Quest IX Party

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Diamond slime...wasn't really worth making.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Post post game XI

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Am I the only person disappointed with the fact that there is no free roam post Calasmos? I don't want that thing hanging in the air the entire time. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the scenery and finish off my last few quests in Tickington.

    submitted by /u/rathernot24
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    I loved the Dragon Quest movie and here's why (Spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I loved the movie. I don't watch a lot of anime but that was the best anime movie I have ever watched. The animation was wonderful and they recreated what I, and probably many in the fan-base, consider the best in the series (story-wise).


    Seriously, spoilers, this information will ruin the movie for you. It has a spoiler that is really uncommon in film and once you read it, you cant see the movie the same way again.

    What really stood out for me was the twist ending. I know a lot of people will roll their eyes to the Sword Art Online / gamer-in-game-world fad. I think this has done it better than any of those anime's. It was subtle, not choked down your throat. And it was kind of... believable. As someone with an Oculus Rift and a modded copy of Skyrim VR, I have spent hours and hours in this virtual world (this version was my first experience with skyrim) and have started to bond with the virtual characters and see them as living beings in this world. Of course it takes a little imagination, but it's not unreasonable to think the tech will get so good we will experience what we saw in this movie. And it wouldn't even have to be a technological "memory wipe" trick. Spending a few hours in a game world that is realistic looking and convincing enough would probably do interesting things to your brain after an extended use period.

    submitted by /u/Syckobot
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    Yes, yes I am lol.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Any starting tips for DQXI?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Haven't played one of these since DQVIII (which is one of my all time favorite games), so it's been a while. Just starting DQXI and wondering if there's anything I should know and start doing straight away that will set good habits and help out in the long run? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/LoretiTV
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    About what level should I be at for the final dungeon of Dragon Quest III (Switch version).

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    My party is the Hero (36), a Martial Artist (34), a Sage (31, formerly a Mage) and a Priest (35).

    Are these good levels to storm the final dungeon or should I grind a bit? Also is the final dungeon the best place to grind? If not, where should I be grinding?

    submitted by /u/RebellionWarrior
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    DQ:XI S REVIEW- Simply Charming [SPOILER HEAVY]

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    (This is just a disclaimer but I am going to be harsh, I love this game but I want to criticize it in some areas. I'm also on mobile so the formatting might be bad)

    Dragon quest 11 is a great RPG that compels you with its story, graphics, and gameplay creating an unforgettable adventure. This is a massive game and I have not completed all of the postgame so I wont touch on that but will keep aspects of it in mind


    I overall think that story is the strongest aspect of the game, every section is memorable and the cast of characters combine with the narrative super well to create both a lighthearted adventure and an emotionally investing plot. The cast is great and by far one of the largest to have such good development of most characters. Even though it seemed really cliche at the beginning with the "you are the chosen one" and "everyone is counting on you" stuff, once you get thrown in jail by Carnelian the story really picks up for the better. The narrative with being at large along with finding more about who you really are was a very clever and good way to engage the player. The accents (though not everyone's cup of tea) were really well done and interesting. I also want to point out really neat consistencies like Erik, Mia, and their connection to the red orb or Sylvando and the conflict he has with his dad. All of this was done quite well and made a very well done and made a lot more "Wait that's why ____" moments which was neat.

    Act 1 was a bit slow at times but introducing us to everyone was very interesting and cool to see the connections between everyone (i.e. rab and eleven, erik and the rainbough). The writing really made everything flow so well and even though we heard about Mordegon we knew everything was gonna be easy right? Well I couldnt be more wrong because after this game gets you all cozy it decides to turn everything upside down. This was so unexpected that I literally rage posted on here just to vent my frustrations. It seemed everything was going wrong until I saw the fish.

    Act 2 is one of the best written segments of any game in my opinion. I'm not going to go into huge detail but Hendrik's character arc is very well done and the interactions, changes, and growth of all the characters make for a truly complete journey by the end. As you learn more about the past of mordegon, Irwin, and everyone at dundrasil things become more clear you feel like you've figured it all out. The forging of the sword of light concludes it all quite well and prepares for a grand finale.

    I had very few problems with the story itself but I feel like Jade got underdeveloped and in act 2 they sacrificed potential a character arc for a fan service-y bunny suit. In act 1 there are a few points where you really want the story to get exciting as it makes you do some kind of annoying quest. There are very small tidbits I didnt like but as with any game they aren't worth going through.


    I really enjoyed the massive amount of spells and abilities along with unique mechanics that each character brought to the table. Every character seemed to fit in somehow and that made it so I was constantly changing out my party for the better. Whether I wanted to use Erik's kill setups or a tanky build with Jade and Hendrik was my decision and made encounters interesting for the most part. Skill trees helped introduce extra ways to create a character or build and made the game all the more diverse.

    Bosses were a mixed bag for me personally. I really enjoyed fights with the tentacular, mordegon, Krystalinda, and Tyriant. However a lot of the other "bosses" often felt very bland because of how simple and easy they were. I really wish that bosses could have gone a step further like the dragon in Phnom non actually permanently sealing your magic instead of just for a few turns or having the bird bosses that guarded some of the orbs have any actual gimmick. This was a let down in some parts and I wish it could be a little more interesting. Another problem I had was the lack of difficulty, even though draconian options are available I wish it was just a bit more difficult. Barring tentacular I could beat all the bosses on my 2nd, if not first try, which for me makes the game have a lot less thrill and intensity than it should.

    The only other gripe I have with the gameplay is it's more balanced. I know that balance is good but something about stacking kabuff in DQ3 or having to play around magic attacks since you couldnt buff resilience was so satisfying and enjoyable. Even though they did a great job with XI's combat it feels more open but also less open in a weird way.


    The game is overall stunning in the design area both graphically and progressively, however there are a few areas that could have improved a bit. The world looks amazing and along with the massive roster of enemies in Toriyama signature style, it honestly feels so crisp and well done. Improving upon past games and separating magical attack along with adding characteristics like charm helped make a more complete level up system and the use of skill trees once again helped to make all level ups interesting and have the player make goals to work towards.

    I do have a few problems with how linear the game is sometimes. They made it a technically "open world" but the game really holds your hand and gives you little options to take on your own. Sure there are explorable islands and random locations here and there but none of them are crazy important. I feel like there could have been more freedom but the devs decided not to, which is ok but not always the best option in my opinion.

    The music for this game is interesting to say the least. The actual OST even in the switch's orchestral version is alright but nothing that made me feel a big WOAH or get that feeling from the new songs. However the use of songs from 3 like requiem, distant memories, and fighting spirits made the game feel so much more alive. One of my favorite parts of the game is actually when the post game truly begins, your horse comes to you and adventure starts playing. It was also cool to see some tracks from 4 and the alefgard overworld theme be used sometimes. However it really does say something about a games music when the best part is from previous entries.

    Switch Content

    The only part of this review where I have nothing bad is ironically the new added content. There were a lot of additions to the game I have not gotten to in the game yet but from what I have seen there are a lot of cool minor additions from the original. The new costumes and small qualoty of life changes are nice and all, but the true best parts of this have to be tickington, extra stories, and 2D mode.

    The addition of tickington is by far one of if not the best things they did to the remake. It is super fan servicey without feeling like they did it just to please the fans. It is cool to see all the timelines before and after their respective games along with how you help out and meet characters from the other worlds. They made it about as good as the cast of 11 in the world of 9 other games can get. This coupled with the 2D mode is actually very well done. I personally love the 2D art style and despite it making random encounters a problem again, it still feels well done and polished.

    The bonus transitionary stories between act 1 and 2 were also really well done and gave more depth to the characters. Erik's story set up a lot of his act 2 arc really well, introduced the seer, and gave the one of the most badass fight scenes in the game. Rab's story was very insightful on the past and gave him some crucial development and determination that really improved his character. Sylvando's story was very fun and lighthearted but also sad and somber when it needed to be, showing the toll that "the fall" took. Jade's story isn't all too amazing but gives her extra motivation to fight for others and at least somewhat redeems her act 2 story.


    This game was overall really well done but held back by a few slow points in the story, gameplay flaws, and some clunky parts of the overall design. The additional content on switch really improved the game and helped it shine more. This game really gives hope as to what DQ12 in 2022ish. If you disagree with some of my opinions feel free to talk about it in a civil manner (not "This is wrong and you are stupid for hating on flaws of my favorite game ever"). Thanks for reading, next on the list is the replay of DQ1.

    submitted by /u/ice_wizard154
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    Which dragon quest should I play next.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    I just recently beat dragon quest xi and plan on downloading one of the first 3 games or more, so I want some advice.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Wadlleboo
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    terrys wonderland breeding guide?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    i found the google docs with the monster list (which includes some breeding info), but i cant seem to find a breeding guide to save my life.

    theres an excellent guide for dqm joker on gamefaqs that includes a monster list with IDs & breaks down all the rules of how synthesis behaves so you can calculate exactly what you want to do, & thats what i was hoping to find for terrys wonderland.

    anybody know where to look? it would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/userbot013
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    How do I visit the retro/old DQ missions in Dragon Quest XI

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I talked to one of those little guys, which ended up taking me to the town where I use passwords to do old DQ missions.

    Long story short, I found another guy, who gave me a password... problem is, I completely forgot how I go back to that town? Can't find anything anywhere :(

    submitted by /u/therealstory24
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    The worst feeling in the world... (DQ XIS)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    ...is when you're facing down the Metal King Slime, and another enemy spawns with him. So, you focus on taking out the other enemy, and the MKS lobs an attack or two, forcing you to waste a move on healing the party. Finally, the other enemy is down, and the MKS is still standing. You go through two or free entire rounds, and you're just daring to believe that the RNG is on your side this time...

    And then the Metal King Slime flees. He could have fled while you were fighting the other guy. He could have fled immediately at the start. But no, he waited for you to get a few hits in, before making it all pointless. I nominate the Sassy Metal King Slime as the worst enemy in the series.

    submitted by /u/silkhat90
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