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    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Dragon Quest Fire and Brimstone - Art by じゅん

    Dragon Quest Fire and Brimstone - Art by じゅん

    Fire and Brimstone - Art by じゅん

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    An earlier post made me want to come back to dq 9, absolutely love this game.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I drew again, the slime I drew after getting into digital art :)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    This comic by emlan (DeviantArt)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Eleven Fanart!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Finally bought DQIX, and found this crazy save, will honour the previous owner by naming my hero Zero.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Sometimes I don't even wait to beat it, before doing so ��

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Well this is weird to see.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Can you beat Estark more than once? [DQV]

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I'm currently preparing for the bonus boss in DQV, Estark, but I really want to get meteorite bracers before I take on him. I want to defeat him under 15 turns to get the knick-knack.

    The problem is that the only place where you can purchase them is from a shop that is accessible, AFTER you defeat him.

    So my question is, can I defeat him in more than 15 turns and after that come back and defeat him again? Does he respawn in some sort?

    submitted by /u/Ceki4a69
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    DQXI Steam Crash

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    My game keeps crashing after getting to the initial load screen for about 1.5 seconds. I've tried deleting the save data and disabling steam cloud (as per my Google search's recommendation) and for some reason it still won't launch. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/gbrockerville
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    Act 3 trials questions. Can I level and gear up in the trials? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    To start I have a few other games I'd like to get to and I honestly just would like to move on but I'd like to see the end.

    So I just beat the first trial and it took a few try's to beat in under 25 moves. I'd like to finish the the two then beat the final boss ( unless there's another twist and that's not the final boss and I hope that's not the case.) Anyways I'm using the super sword of light and from what I've heard I need to use that as an item vs the last boss all my characters are around level 60 and I'm playing on normal. All the other weapons I can craft require another weapon I don't have other than one sword that needs a stardust sword or something similar which I do have so maybe I can make that and that will be enough?

    I don't want to level up doing the pep stuff I don't know why I'm just getting agitated I guess so my question is without back tracking can I just level up in the trials? If so how should I proceed? Any chance I could leave now and just kill the final boss?


    submitted by /u/apexandedibles
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    Minor nitpick, but I can't believe they didn't fix that terrible jumping animation for DQXI on Switch

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    For being one of the core actions that your character can do at any time, the jumping animation in DQXI is shockingly bad. It sticks out like a sore thumb in a game that is chock full of gorgeous animations, from extremely expressive idle loops to powerful attacks full of personality and elaborate Pep Powers. And then... there's jumping, which feels like a wet fart in comparison. It looks and feels really unsatisfying and amateurish in comparison to everything else.

    The jumping animation has zero anticipation, you just press the button and the Hero instantaneously goes into that "I'm in the air now" pose and starts moving upwards with no physical movement to sell it. This isn't a tight action platformer, they could have afforded to make it slower and show him bending his knees before jumping to really give that leap some oomph.

    Not a huge deal or anything, just wanted to rant about this somewhere because every time I jump I can't help but wonder how this made it all the way into the final product without someone going "hol' up, we're really going with this?"

    submitted by /u/kaiseran
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    My take on slime shirt.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest 8 just hit home waaaaaaay to close with my depression... (not a bad way though!)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Spoilers, obvsly.

    I just managed to get through the portal into the world of Darkness (i didn't beat Empyrea just yet and i play it 1st time, so please keep that in mind when commenting).

    I suffer from chronic depression for over 10y now, i got it when i was still a child - not even a teenager. Back then, i didn't know you could even be mentally ill, so i wasnt able to tell anyone what was wrong, or THAT something was wrong. I just kept saying "its grey". I am an extremely visual person, 90% of my therapy is me talking about colors and pictures.

    I entered the portal and BOOM there was my world. Or... what i started seeing as a child. Everything was just grey. Even my memory is. As if i walked through the portal and couldn't go back. And just like the people in the Dark Village told the hero that the world is fine that way people told ME irl that everything is fine while I clearly lacked something.

    I don't know how the plot will continue and i don't know what will happen so that might be absolutely off topic for the game, but i just thought id share this here.

    I played DQ IX when i was doing VERY badly when i was 14 and it helped me so much! It is still my favourite game. It also what made me start drawing, since i wanted to draw the characters and it is what made it possible for me to finally express myself through images. Just now during quarantine I thought about playing the other ones lol. Will play 7 after 8 probably. I owe this game a lot of things!!

    submitted by /u/JKellyK
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    Just got DQ11S, what can I expect?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    So today I just bought dq11s, but I'm not playing it until I beat DQVIII (3DS) which I'm about 25 hours into already. Anyway, I have a few questions on what to expect

    • Does the game do a good job of telling you where to go and what to do (DQVIII was good with this until the boat)

    • How long is the base game (no post game content)

    • Is the story easy to follow and interesting (no spoilers please!)

    Anyway yeah that's about it, thanks for the help, I look forward to diving in soon!

    submitted by /u/GendoMelon
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    Dragon Quest game difficulty

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Which games for the DS and Mobile feature an optional easy game mode?

    submitted by /u/Punisher_MAX
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    My only real problem with the switch port of I,II and III are the control

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    I know that these port as lot of problem like the artstyle and all. But my only real complaint is the fact that I can't play them with just one joy con sideway. I really want to know why. I don't know if I'm the only one who think that's a problem.

    submitted by /u/DodopowerRangers
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    Dq11 post game build help (potential spoilers)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    So I hit post game and I'm trying to figure out what weapons armors and accessories to start hunting down and I'm finding a lot of conflicting answers.

    What builds and teams are most people using to tackle the endgame bosses?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/EmpoweredQs
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    tip for gameplay?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    i got dq11 and im really struggling with bosses and combat in general, everytime i fight a boss my mc dies. is there something im missing when it comes to the combat or should i just git gud

    submitted by /u/SndplusA
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    DQ11 on Switch Lite

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I tried the DQ11S demo on a Switch Lite after many play-throughs on my PS4 Pro and what immediately hit me: How on earth do you read anything when the font is that tiny? Especially the icons within the text are so pixilated it's pretty much impossible to discern with my middle-aged eyes.

    submitted by /u/grumpy_wow
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    Dragon Quest 11 Dragovian Trials?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Does 11 gave something similar to thr Dragovian Trials that 8 had?

    submitted by /u/Voidwalker45
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    Question on the grind in DragonQuest 11s

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    New to this sub and game series so pardon the ignorance. I think I'm in the second half of the game where you meet up with your party after that "incident" at the world tree. I just met up with Erik/Sylvain and started to realize that the grind really is starting to get massive after this "incident". My question is how can I fasten the grind or find a shortcut? I've been trying to find any metal slimes but no luck. Is there a guide to getting constant Metal slime occurrences? Or any advice for this second half? Lvl 48 as Hero with others close behind

    submitted by /u/TheVictor1st
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