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    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Dragon Quest I beat dragon quest 5!

    Dragon Quest I beat dragon quest 5!

    I beat dragon quest 5!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest XI has some beautiful scenery

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    We did it lads, Coronavirus is no more.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Sealed dragon quest V never had time before. Not opening it after looking up pricing on eBay will have to pick up a second used copy.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    My birthday presents are finally all here!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    [Spoiler] DQ11: Auroral Serpent WTF?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Okay so I'm in Act II and the boss fights are starting to get ridiculous and cheesy and just all around not fun anymore. I love this game but it's getting to the point where I'm not playing so much because I keep getting stuck on these cheesy fights. A boss fight after a boss fight (Jade then that Booger dude) was bad enough but this Serpent just takes the cake.

    I've managed so far on my own but now this Auroral Serpent is just the most stupid fight ever. Nothing is working and he knocks my entire party to 40% health in 1 turn, and if my healer is stunned which he usually is despite that stupid mask, it's a wipe so I just ALT-F4. I can have my party +2 on defense and +2 on magic barrier and the stupid dragon just stuns everyone and then kills either my Hero or Rab in 1 turn. I haven't managed to get a Snooze or Dazzle or Fuddle off it just procs "miss miss miss" over and over so I've given up on that entirely.

    My first time through just facerolling I got the Dragon into red health but my party got knocked down to Sylvando and Jade and despite hitting multiple Thunder Thrusts the dragon just stayed at red until he cheesed with stun and the fight pretty much autoresolved once both characters were immobilized. Now I'm trying to be strategic and can't even get a few turns in before I lose my healer and at that point it's just ALT-F4.

    My characters are in the upper 30's, 38, 39, etcetc. I'm decently geared. I don't want to go out and grind more levels because then I'll get my last 2 party members and they'll be behind. I also haven't been farming mats (like who does that in a single player game?) so it's not like I can just go make 5 more of those masks (which don't work anyway).

    submitted by /u/wanna_buy_porn
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    Anybody else feel spoiled by DQ in terms of combat system?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    First of all please don't take this as me shitting all over games that try to change the system. I love turn based combat and seeing all these JRPG's turning their backs on it in favour of weird fresh new combat systems just kind of makes me sad. FFXV's combat just isn't nice to me, nor is FFVII Remake's. I feel like some games would just be better if they stayed true to their routes, but hey some people don't like turn based and I completely understand the need to innovate. Which is why I'm spoilt by DQ, who innovate without turning their back on their routes. You think classic FFVII's combat would suit me better?

    submitted by /u/Midget_Avatar
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    Dq11 dual wield start of act 2

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Currently dual wielding falcon blades. Struggled against the boss in the throne room.

    Should I dual wield different swords? I can forge platinum swords but just want to know if anything majorly better will pop up soon or if falcons are the best right now.

    submitted by /u/2mmrat
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    Dragon Quest Builders 2 NPC being stuck!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Idk y but my NPCs on my island are randomly going to either behind a building or in a corner somewhere not doing what they need to be doing. Like they all wanted to eat but they acted like they were stuck in that certain spot. Why are they doing that and how to not be in that spot? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Shanayyy123
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    Dragon Quest X trial registration

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Every time I try to open dragon quest x it gives me this error message:

    "You could not log in because the service account in question is not registered.

    If you would like to log in to the service, please log in to the Square Enix Account Management System and register the service account."

    I googled it and I heard I had to make the square account on the website I got the trial but it's asking me for a registration code...

    submitted by /u/Nobody_5000
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    Should I buy DQ3 for Switch?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I played the translated SNES and NES versions, and I always got stuck because of an emulator's glitch, but I want to play DQ3, so, should I buy the Switch version? What's new?

    P.s. I know I might writing too posts these times, but I don't have much else to do, so...

    submitted by /u/Giannond
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    How do I get this shield?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    So, I played Smash Ultimae recently and I saw that the Hero from DQ11 has a shield that I don't know. What should I do to obtain it? Is it good? This is the image

    submitted by /u/Giannond
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    Would you buy Switch ports of Dragon Quest IV, V, & VI?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    DQXIS: Is it easier to walk with a Pro Controller?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Hi! I've been playing the demo to see if it's worth to pay for playing DQ XIS or else I could just try regular DQ XI, but there's one thing that keeps my away from buying XIS: I can't WALK easily! I'm playing with my joycons and I have to tilt them veeery little so the character can walk, and as soon as I tilt it a bit more, he goes running. So I want to know if that stuff is a joycon issue, or also happens with pro controller. I know it's kinda stupid but I really enjoy walking on villages instead of running through them, and this little detail would make the PS4 version way more attractive.

    Thank you for the help!

    submitted by /u/Danni95DG
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    I wish Square would add 2x speed play ala ff7

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    So, I have been replaying ff7 on the switch and I am really enjoying the double speed feature. It allows me to enjoy the game while also respecting my time. Whenever I want to slow down and enjoy the battles or scenery I just turn the speed back to normal.

    I wish Square would add this feature to the remaster versions of DQ 1-8 and put them on the switch.

    I am glad I played the PS1 version the way it was meant to be, but having the ability to grind faster and cruise through some of the more plodding parts has really been great.

    submitted by /u/w33kendDow69ssj
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    I'm gonna start playing old Dragon Quest games (1-6). Any tips or useful info that I should know going in?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    DQXI Question

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    recently tried to get back into the game without really knowing where I left of like 5 months ago.

    The "what happened so far" during load times didn't really help either. Is there some kind of summary hidden in the menus?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/-Cychu-
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    How do you head-canon the heroes (supposed) personalities?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Personally, I see the hero from 3 as the most mature-minded/serious one.

    I see the Hero from 6 as a hothead.

    The Hero from 7 as a cheerful child who is always smiling and trying to cheer everyone else up.

    The Hero from 9 as somewhat depressed... due to (major spoilers!!) their home being destroyed, on their first day on the job... in the end, all of their people get to ascend to Heaven except for them, due to them forcing themselves to become a mortal/human, to defeat the main villain... which was completely pointless, as the villain found redemption and was able to ascend to Heaven with everyone else... well. Except for the hero.

    I see 8 as the sweetest, most pure-hearted of all the heroes. I really don't know why, it's just the vibe that I get from him.

    (To further note: In the Heroes' character portraits in Smash Bros, he's the only one who is smiling)

    submitted by /u/Otterclaw29
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    Does anyone know where I can find a detailed story summary of DQXI?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    I played this game partway a year ago and I picked it up again but I'm worried I've forgotten some important story stuff. Is there a website that has a detailed recap anywhere?

    submitted by /u/chriskicks
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    DQ2 I'm soooo confused....

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to get to the Cave to Rendarak and they say go the the teleporter in Beran,and go through. When I do all I get is this old guy telling me how dangerous the path to Rendarak is. And I can't go further. I have the Eye of Rubiss and the False Idol. I'm playing on the Switch and I can't get anywhere.

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/Sheylenna
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    Is the Dragon Quest Demo for Switch the same as the intro for the full game?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Like, are there certain things not available nor doable that the retail release would have at the beginning? I've been wanting it for a long time but have to hold out for just a little while longer, but if the demo is the same as the full game than I'm ready to enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/badnewsco
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    [DQIX] Am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    I'm 50 hours into DQIX and I'm almost done with the game but I just don't feel as interested in it as the past games? I know most of the content is post game and all that, which is cool, but I dunno, I just don't feel motivated to do it? There's no really good characters, I miss party members and party chat. The game does some really good things with customization and battle, but I feel like everything else is kinda empty?

    I know I'm in the minority cause I see so many people say this is one of their favorites and all that, but maybe I missed the boat cause of the multiplayer stuff. I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking it 🤷🏻

    submitted by /u/strangegoo
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