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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    Dragon Quest Poor Irwin

    Dragon Quest Poor Irwin

    Poor Irwin

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I drew a little she-slime with a little more honey inspired look

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Just finished DQ IV ��☁️ ��

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Live Action Dragon Quest VIII Ad (Director's Cut)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Quick poll to see how you apply your seeds to characters, just curious what you all do!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    [Spoilers] Missable Cutscenes? (DQ11)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    After defeating Mordegon in Act 2, you are able to look at some cutscenes at some places before going to that time travel place thingy. These are missable, I know that for a fact, since I only watched 1 of them by accident. (I thought you had to watch ALL of them in order for the story to progress.) Anyways, I made my way towards post-game by traveling back in time, and then went straight to the french academy to look at previous cutscenes, only to see them not there?

    Are they not registered as part of the story or what? Or am I stupid?

    submitted by /u/Xikayo
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    Dragon Quest IX post game content (PAL)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Has anyone had any luck using wiimmfi to get the post game items from DQVC? I followed the gamefaqs thread and connected no problem, but the items don't seem to rotate. Has anyone from a PAL region had any success with this?

    submitted by /u/atchodatch
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    Act 2 hero strategy questions

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    I've read that great swords are good for act 1 and normal swords are good for act 2.

    Currently around the start of act 2 and it's just hero and 8 I was wondering when I should switch to normal swords and why?

    I'm using a razer wing with most of my great sword tree unlocked and it seems to be going pretty well. But I don't want to invest more gold and skills points In greatswords if swords are better for this act (for reference I have very little skills unlocked for normal swords, but have enough gold to buy a decent sword)

    submitted by /u/HawkeZone
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    Anybody know what this guy is from?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Just started DQXI - is the start super slow or does the game build up?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    I've just started and have to say the game is nothing what I expected in the slightest. It's very simple (not a bad thing, just with today's games it's rare to see a game so simplified)

    My question is, I'm about an hour in and finding the game really slow - does it open up later on and get more interesting?

    submitted by /u/Teakmahogany
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    New player looking for advice

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a huge RPG/JRPG fan who for some reason has never played dragon quest, I'm looking at two copies of 11, one for the switch at full price and one for the PlayStation at half price.

    How much extra content is in the switch definitive edition compared to the PS4 normal version, and which one would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Jhitch1919
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    Beat 8, 9, 11. What next?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    1-7 I have never played more than a few hours so I'm game for any of them. I am totally okay playing the older ones too, but not sure what order because I have read 1-6 are like 2 trilogies iirc.

    submitted by /u/all_eighteens
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    Question about post game? [DQ11]

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    So I just found the tower of time, I know there are post game trials and stuff that make your party stronger, should I do those before breaking the sphere at the tower of time or how does that work? Not sure if those trials are locked to you or what is going to happen after doing the tower of time event. Basically, is there anything I should do before entering the tower of time?

    submitted by /u/Crekx
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    My buddy just beat DQ11

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest XI S: Secret Trial guide

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of people struggling with this trial, and there doesn't seem to be a dedicated guide on how to handle this particular Trial. So I decided to post my strategy in the hopes I can help someone.

    First off, here is the equipment and skills needed, followed by the line-up and strategy. Please not that this is what I used, so if you have anything that works better for you, feel free to use it. In addition I did not use ANY seeds or anything to boost my characters, so if you're still having trouble that is an option too.


    • Weapon: Supreme Sword of Light +3
    • Weapon: Super Sword of Light +3 OR Erdwin's Shield +3
    • Head: Erdwin's Coronet +3
    • Body: Tectonic Plate +3
    • Accessory: Catholicon Ring +3
    • Accessory: Catholicon Ring +3

    Note: I had intended to dual-wield during my run, but I forgot to switch the Super Sword of Light for the Shield and managed to complete it anyway. In hindsight the added defense and MP regen may have helped, so it is up to you whether the Super Sword of Light or Erdwin's Shield better suits your playstyle. Catholicon Rings are absolutely required.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Sword Dance
    • Omniheal
    • Fullheal
    • Kazing


    • Weapon: Galaxarang +3
    • Weapon: Metal King Goomerang +3
    • Head: Swindler's Scarf +3
    • Body: Pirate King's Coat +3
    • Accessory: Venus' Tear +3
    • Accessory: Pirate King's Pendant +3

    Note: The Pirate King's Coat and Venus' Tear are required for their wind resistance.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Divide
    • Double Down


    • Weapon: Aurora Staff +3
    • Head: Crown of Eternity +3
    • Body: Gown of Eternity +3
    • Accessory: Monarchic Mark +3
    • Accessory: Brainy Bracer +3

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Channel Anger
    • Magic Burst


    • Weapon: Faerie King's Cane
    • Weapon: Enchanted Shield +3
    • Head: Happy Hat
    • Body: Sage's Robe
    • Accessory: Shield-Bearer
    • Accessory: Garter

    Note: There is no reason not to enhance all of these to +3 if you choose, but Serena will not be doing much so its not required.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • n/a


    • Weapon: Shamsir of Light +3
    • Weapon: Supernova Sword
    • Head: Tiara Tremendisima +2
    • Body: Gladder Rags +3
    • Accessory: Suave Scarf +3
    • Accessory: Venus' Tear +3

    Note: A second Venus' Tear can be used in place of the Suave Scarf for added Wind Resistance, as well as the Hypernova Sword if you have it or enhancing the Tiara Tremendisima to +3. However Sylvando will be playing support so it is not required.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Oomphle


    • Weapon: Heaven's Talon +3
    • Head: Xenlon Hair Ring +3
    • Body: Xenlon Gown +3
    • Accessory: Belle's Bow +3
    • Accessory: Belle's Bow +3

    Note: If you don't have a second Belle's Bow, whatever increases defense the most will do instead.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Re-Vamp
    • Flashback
    • Multifeet
    • Miracle Moon


    • Weapon: Staff of Eternity +3
    • Head: Apollo's Crown +2
    • Body: Potentate's Palium +3
    • Accessory: Meteorite Bracer +3
    • Accessory: Monarchic Mark +3

    Note: Also have a decent pair of Claws on-hand to switch to if need be. Apollo's Crown can be enhanced to +3 if you wish.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Kacrackle
    • Kazammle
    • Hand of God


    • Weapon: Drustan's Sword +3
    • Weapon: Metal King Sword +3
    • Head: Drustan's Helm +3
    • Body: Drustan's Armour +3
    • Accessory: Catholicon Ring +3
    • Accessory: Catholicon Ring +3

    Note: Same as Hero, Catholicon Rings are absolutely required.

    Required Skills/Spells:

    • Gyrfalcon Slash
    • Kazing

    General Notes

    • All characters are level 99.
    • At least Hero, Erik, Veronica, Serena, Jade and Hendrik must be fully Pepped Up before going into battle. Rab and Sylvando being Pepped Up would be preferable but not required.
    • Rest before attempting to ensure all characters are at max HP and MP.
    • Save your game at the Field of Discipline's priest before attempting. Due to so many characters being Pepped Up, if things go awry you are better off closing the game and restarting rather than fleeing or re-attempting.
    • Even with the right equipment, skills, spells and strategy, there is still an element of randomness to the Trial things could go wrong. Be prepared to make at least a few attempts at this.


    • First Battle: Rab, Veronica, Serena
    • Second Battle: Jade
    • Third Battle: Sylvando, Erik
    • Final Battle: Hero, Hendrik


    • Rab should go first due to Meteorite Bracer. Use Kacrackle to damage all enemies.
    • On the enemies' turn, keep an eye on whether the Archbashop casts Bounce on the Pruslas, as this will decide what Rab does next.
    • On Veronica's turn, use Channel Anger.
    • On Serena's turn, use the Pep Power Mighty Magic Burst. This should wipe out the Archbashop and Stout Troll and deal heavy damage to the Pruslas, regardless of whether it has Bounce active or not.
    • On Rab's turn, use Kazammle to finish off the Pruslas UNLESS it has Bounce active. If so switch to your best claws and use Hand of God instead. If multiple enemies are somehow still alive, use Kacrackle.


    • First turn, use Re-Vamp.
    • Second turn, use Re-Vamp again.
    • Third turn, use Multifeet on Boodica.
    • Fourth turn, use Flashback. The counter attacks this causes should take care of Boodica's minions.
    • Continue to use Multifeet on Boodica until she summons a second Boodica.
    • Keep a close eye on Jade's stat buffs. If they begin to flash, use Re-Vamp again to prevent losing them.
    • If Jade's health reaches around half, use Miracle Moon until she is at max health.
    • Renew Flashback when necessary, but DO NOT do so unless she is at full health. The Boodicas Pep Power and Boulder Toss do not activate it, and it's more important to keep Jade alive.
    • Continue using Multifeet on whichever Boodica has the most HP, keeping in mind the health, Re-Vamp and Flashback issues noted.


    • On Erik's first turn, use Divide.
    • On Sylvando's first turn, use Oomphle on Erik.
    • On Erik's second turn, use Double Down. Repeat until all enemies are defeated.
    • Sylvando's Oomphle should last the entire match, so what he does is up to you. Using Pink Pirouette or Gold Rush to soften up the enemies or Whipping Boy to redirect damage from Erik are options, but ultimately Erik is the star of the show here.
    • The only thing annoyance in this battle is if the Coralossus uses Forbearance to take damage from the other enemies. If this is done on the turn that Erik uses Double Down, it will almost certainly kill the Coralossus but also take an extra turn to kill the other enemies.


    • Use Sword Dance with Hero and Gyrfalcon Slash with Hendrik as much as possible, regardless of which stance Pang uses.
    • Use Omniheal/Fullheal to heal when necessary.
    • Catholicon Rings should protect from Bedazzlement but not from Beguilement. Of the two, Beguilement is the lesser evil as it only lasts one turn.
    • When Pang hits half-health, she will summon an Equinox and a Godsteed and begin charging her "almighty ability."
    • Focus your Sword Dance/Gyrfalcon Slashes on one of the horses, preferably Godsteed. Pang will revive them if you kill both, but if you kill one she won't. This will limit how damage they can do.
    • When one horse is dead, focus your attacks back on Pang until she falls.
    • Finish off the remaining horse.
    • KEEP YOUR HEALTH UP as much as possible in this phase. The biggest danger here is if one of your characters dies; even though both characters should have Kazing, Pang and her horses will likely deal a lot of damage to the other so that even if you resurrect the dead character the other will die before you can heal, leaving you trapped in a loop of one character constantly having to revive the other. This wastes a lot of time and is extremely difficult to get out of. If you want to complete the Trial within the 50 turn limit, you MUST avoid this at all costs. DO NOT allow EITHER character to go below half health.
    • Keep it up and soon all three will fall and you will have completed the Wheel of Harma!
    submitted by /u/Davidk9292
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    [DQXI]What level should I be around for the “final boss”

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I'm at the tail end of act 2 and about to face Mordegon. Right now the team is around level 50 and I kinda struggled with the last boss fight (it ohko'd both Serena and Rab). Should I grind some more or just go in and see how I do?

    submitted by /u/ProtectorKDraco
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    Platinum'd builders 2 last night. My thoughts on the game as a whole.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

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