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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Dragon Quest After 180 hours of playing (and after putting it down for like a year), I’m proud to say this is one of the best games I have ever played and some of the most fun I’ve had along the way

    Dragon Quest After 180 hours of playing (and after putting it down for like a year), I’m proud to say this is one of the best games I have ever played and some of the most fun I’ve had along the way

    After 180 hours of playing (and after putting it down for like a year), I’m proud to say this is one of the best games I have ever played and some of the most fun I’ve had along the way

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    I was today years old when I found out the Luminary from XI shared a voice with a Nopon

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    A horrible drawing of my favourite hero

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Decided to give review writing a go, and chose DQXI as my first game to review...

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I wasn't sure where best to upload this, so apologies if this doesn't belong here...

    With the lockdowns going on, I thought it'd be an interesting idea to give writing video game reviews a go. I haven't written anything substantial since school, but had a good time writing this nonetheless. I thought the Dragon Quest community would get a kick out of my first review, which I decided should be the excellent Dragon Quest XI (just finished act 2 yesterday, and have had an absolute blast so far).

    Would love to know what you guys think of this review, and whether or not you agree with my points. I accept this could be WAY better written though, so would love to hear any criticisms you guys have, if any :)

    Review: Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition

    Platform: Nintendo Switch

    As a newcomer to the series, I didn't quite know what I was getting into or what to expect from what many consider to be the progenitor of the JRPG genre. However, I greatly regret not looking into Dragon Quest XI (or the franchise as a whole, for that matter) sooner. With its in-depth yet easy-to-understand mechanics, engaging characters and absolutely stunning visuals and music score, the eleventh entry in this heavily influential series is an absolute thrill with very few speed bumps along the way.

    When it comes to RPGs, you'd be hard-pressed to have not come across the name Dragon Quest. Square Enix's seminal franchise (originally released in 1986 in Japan and 1989 in North America as Dragon Warrior) has since gone on to define the elements that make a JRPG, establishing gameplay mechanics and storylines that we nowadays take for granted in the genre. Fast forward over 30 years later to the release of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition (boy, that's a long title), and it's easy to see that the long-standing series has not lost that special something that makes it such a mainstay in gaming culture.

    Before I'd even as much as started up a new game, the opening cinematic alone had me immediately invested and did an astounding job at laying everything down on the table. An unassuming hero being sent off on horseback into the unknown. An ominous-looking king and his right-hand men look into the distance. Shady mysterious hooded figures, eccentric circus performers and more are thrown the player's way, leaving you to wonder "who are these people, were are these places and how do they tie into this tale?" Together with an incredible orchestral fanfare by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, everything solidifies the tone we can expect of the adventure to come. Simply put, this is a game opening done right.

    The premise behind Dragon Quest XI's story is straight and to the point. You are the Luminary; the chosen one destined to rid the land of an impending doom. Your journey isn't without difficulty however, as you then proceed to be head-hunted throughout the land, falsely dubbed as the Darkspawn: a being seeking to usher in the age of darkness. As far as story tropes go, this is nothing we haven't seen before. However, as a device to motivate the player through their journey, it delivers the right amount of gravitas and enables areas such as the gameplay and characters to shine through.

    Speaking of the gameplay, Dragon Quest XI provides the player with an incredible amount of control and freedom over all aspects of their adventure, and you need look no further than the meticulously refined turn-based battles to see this. Whilst the concept of turn-based battles is far from new (Being a mechanic as old as the series itself), it has never felt more intuitive than it has on this outing. Damage, buffs, health and all manner of other important titbits are presented to the player as concisely and directly as possible, with all spells and abilities explained brilliantly. The new Pep-Up feature allows for characters to enjoy boosts to their stats in the heat of battle, but can also be used to unleash Pep Powers: massive attacks performed with other members of your team for massive damage, status afflictions or a variety of other effects. Other features such as adjusting the battle speeds, being able to switch up individual character tactics and change team load-outs on the fly makes for a truly flexible fighting experience.

    Another area that Dragon Quest XI shines brightly in is its team building. Each character you add to your team throughout the course of the story is a joy to use in battle, with no one in particular sticking out as too over or under-powered. The ideal team really comes down to how you personally like to play the game or which character's play styles you like best. To embellish the experience further, each character can take advantage of a variety of weapon types and the handy Character Builder option allows for countless difference spell and ability combinations.

    As you go about your journey, you will immediately notice how organic travelling from one objective to the next feels, and will rarely ever feel left in the dark with where to go. Whilst the game does indeed display your current objective at all times on the map screen, you never really feel the need to rely on this; The game's simple story and premise will always keep you on track at any given time. To top it off, there's also a myriad of NPCs scattered throughout the game with pink exclamation points hovering over their heads, offering additional hints and flavour text to get you back on course should you ever need it. Whilst many would argue that player guidance to this degree may be considered a tad excessive, I feel that this system owes itself well to the overall feel of this game. It's not about solving puzzles or carving your own path in this world; It's about following and being part of a story and maintaining that story's flow, and I believe that Dragon Quest XI achieves this well through its design philosophy.

    Additionally, the world is fleshed out even more by the inclusion of sub-quests the hero and his entourage can partake in outside of the main story. These can range from delivering a letter to a client's sister the next town over, hunting down a particular monster for it's loot or triggering a particular Pep Power in battle. And whilst some quests proved to be more engaging than others, getting that new gear recipe or the odd mini medal or three does make them worthwhile for the most part. Mix this with the odd mini-game scattered here and there (including a surprisingly in-depth casino area, complete with poker and slot machines), you'll never be at a loss for things to do in-between objectives.

    One final point I would like to make surrounding the gameplay is the insane level of accessibility the game offers to the player. I've already touched on the flexibility of the combat systems and the intricacies of character customization, but there are so many other quality-of-life features crammed into this title. Sure, there's features like the ability to fully heal anywhere in-between battles (albeit at the cost of some MP), or the comprehensive collection of Traveller's Tips explaining all aspects of the game, but I feel this is demonstrated no better than with the Fun-Sized Forge. You pick this item up early on in your adventure, allowing you to craft weapons, armour and other accessories out of the materials you find throughout the world. Having this on hand at any given time can remove the need to buy or hunt down better equipment should you need it in a pinch, which I found to be incredibly useful at certain points, especially in the later half of the game. More often than not, this one feature alone allowed me to overcome tricky boss encounters as opposed to grinding for stats, keeping the pacing of the game from grinding to a halt. And to top that all off, the Fun-Sized Forge allows you to spend gold in place of most materials should you find yourself short, eliminating the need to track that one item you need to assist your progression.

    From a visual and sound-design perspective, Dragon Quest XI is simply stunning. Akira Toriyama's iconic illustration style gushes forth in everything from the Erdrea's inhabitants to the monster designs, and is brimming with an almost comedic charm. The graphics are beautifully high-contrast and look excellent on the Switch; not one area of the game looks bland or uninspired. The musical score is just as triumphant, with this definitive edition remaking the MIDI arrangements of the original 2017 release into full-blown orchestral epics. Town themes reflect the hustle and bustle of busy streets, begging you to take in all the markets and landmarks have to offer, with overworld themes providing an unbridled sense of adventure, further pushing you on the journey you must take. All this being said however, the music can be quite limited in scope in areas, with many of the towns and nearly the entire overworld sharing the exact same tunes. Not to say that these pieces get boring or tedious at any point, but it would have been nice to maybe have just a few other songs to listen to.

    In fact, slight repetition can be seen as a minor shortcoming in other areas of the game. Along with the slightly limited music in areas, this also bleeds into the character design quite heavily. Expect to meet many NPCs throughout your quest who share the exact same character model, as well as many monsters who (aside from increased stats and a palette swap) are identical in appearance. This isn't a big issue for the most part (let's face it, it's even to be expected in RPGs of this scope), but it does become a touch jarring when even characters relevant to the plot look identical to a random citizen with two lines of dialogue. It's just a small thing I wanted to bring up, but ultimately does very little to detract from the core experience.

    Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition offers so much to any player looking for the best in the JRPG genre. Every aspect of the game has been refined to such an extent that both beginners and veterans to the series alike will enjoy everything Erdrea has to offer. The well-paced story and snappy turn-based combat go hand in hand across the entire game, to offer an experience that never lets up without the player's consent. There may be slight nit-picks here and there with main quest objectives being a bit hand-holdy for some, but these are majorly subjective and do little to deter from what makes this game an objective masterclass in game design.


    submitted by /u/Dragozan
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    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I just wanna say, I've just started this game and I'm absolutely loving it. Years of Final Fantasy and I start my first DQ. Any hardcore fans got spoiler free tips?

    submitted by /u/ToeBeens
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    Been playing XI for 100 hrs now.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    OMG this is my 2nd favorite game of all time! 1st is chrono cross lol anyway I love XI bcos of how simple and the story is so good with a lot of twists and revelations. The drama on the side quests too can't help shed a tear lol I love this game! For the Luminary!

    submitted by /u/STBWB
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    DQ11S missing usable items

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm in post game trying to get every item in the game, but there are 5 usable items I can't find any info for even on deep googling and i'd like some help.

    I'm missing the one between seed of life and seed of magic, seed of magic and seed of strength, seed of strength and seed of deftness, seed of defence and seed of sorcery, drasilian sovereign and benevolessence.

    If you go in alphabetic order it's the 4 between strong medicine and superior medicine and the one between wakerobin and yggdrasil dew.

    I know you don't need all items to get all accolades but I want all items anyways.

    submitted by /u/Melkerpizza
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    Headcanon party?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    This may seem a bit strange but I'm sure I can't be the only one who does it. I started playing dq9 over again and I gave my Celestrian a voice and personality (all in my head). When I got to Stornway and finally could make my party, I ended up making up each of their backstories and developing personalities for them, added with what they do in battles since I usually set up their tactics (I hate having to give orders to each of them) So does anyone else do this or am I just a weirdo lol?

    My Celestrian (Female) is more or less a good person. She's a bit insolent, having a teenager air about her, but she does what's right for the greater good. Loves learning new things. Going to make her a warrior/paladin.

    The Priest (Female), I kinda imagined her to be like Deborah from 5? All in all, she's a bitch. She acts like her shit doesn't stink and everyone else in the party is an idiot. Condescending, vain, snarky, can be manipulative. She's basically a narcissist and isn't really anyone's bff.

    The Martial Artist (Male), I intended to be like a pretty stereotypical monk. Kind, quiet, wise. However, ever since he learned War Cry he literally either screams at the enemy every turn until last minute and takes them out or is the first to attack and does a 1 hit k.o. Now I think of him as this annoyingly loud guy that doesn't have an inside voice and always charges headfirst into battle without a plan. He just wants to fight. But he's brutally honest and very open. He'll tell you what he thinks and you can take it or leave it. He wouldn't ever lie about something or do something immoral or bad (like stealing) cause that's "just not who he is"

    And The Mage (Male), he's often quiet but does have sarcastic remarks. I don't think he likes the fact he's a mage since he doesn't seem to use his magic for most battles. He's the weakest of the group when he attacks but doesn't rely on his spells unless we go up against a stronger enemy or boss, then he's like the strongest of the party. Maybe he wanted to be a rogue/thief. I don't know. He's very aloof and can catch an attitude but he does have this soft side to him. I'd like to think of him as a strategist.

    Yes. I'm strange. I have too much time on my hands

    submitted by /u/TheTinyMage
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    DQV how to use the twins?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    They just die to everything, should I grind for a bit to make them stand a chance?

    submitted by /u/BigTiddyThomas
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    Which of the remaining Dragon Quest games should I buy

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I already have the Erdrich trilogy, 8 and 11. Which one should I get next.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Megadan65
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    Blue face debuff on bosses? (DQXI)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Sometimes when fighting bosses there is a kind of sad blue face icon next to their name.

    I cannot for my life work out what this does. My mind tells me it's when the boss has taken their turn in the current round but I can't seem to confirm it.

    Doees anyone know?

    submitted by /u/NizzlesFizzles
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    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Dq7: The oddball?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Ive been a fan since DW1 in 1989. Played all 4 titles on the original NES. Highlight of the originals was 4 - best story out of original NES titles with fun novel gameplay mechanics, but still felt distinctly DQ/DW.

    Played 5 and 6 on emulator in early 2000s. Enjoyed both. 5 was in the same vein as 4, but better art/graphics, monster taming. Really fun. 6 took the game in a slightly different direction, with beefy class system (reintroduced Dharma) but a story that was a bit convoluted with the Dreamworld. Still enjoyable.

    I never played 7, then finally played 8 in like 2006 and thought it was a great 3d throwback to the originals. I was like 15 years older than when I played dq1, so steeped in nostalgia.

    11 is currently sitting in my steam library. To get hyped, I watched a long play of 7 recently. While I thought the class system and art were improvements over 5 and 6 (and rightfully so as they moved from Nintendo to PlayStation)... The story was kinda weak. It didn't feel like DQ, which traditionally has pretty linear story lines. 7's was very disjointed (which is alluded to in the title) with a main story that was very thin. Given that it's also one of the longest titles in the series...I can see why this one occasionally went unfinished by gamers.

    I think this one would have tested my patience. While I appreciated filling in this gap in DQ lore, I was glad I was able to fast forward through the long play (of which the grinding was omitted by the YouTuber).

    Not trying to stir controversy. But I'm curious where this one fits in for you all?

    submitted by /u/Jhkokst
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    Do you know what is the personality/characteristics of the Princess of Moonbrooke?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    In DQ2, I somewhat understand that the Prince of Cannock is a little impatient and a little adventurous, judging by him searching for you in certain areas but never staying at that place until later. How did he not level up at all?

    But for the Princess of Moonbrooke, I could never figure out what was her personality.

    It is a shame, because I love her design and find it underrated, especially in the series of great designs. I wanted to know a little bit more about her, in general.

    submitted by /u/UteFlyersCardJazz
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    Savage Frog

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest V ds

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Is this a game worth getting? Im thinking of ordering it.

    submitted by /u/iam_not_trans
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    blasting audio levels in dq11

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    i purchased dq11 on steam and for some reason when i start a new file, the opening cutscene sounds good but the king's voices are missing (i can see the subtitles though)

    after the opening cutscene, the volume gets blasted to ungodly levels like its insanely loud, distorting and crackling and everything, it's so bad it sounds like a youtube poop

    has anyone else had this issue and can help me find a solution?

    i've already tried:

    reinstalling, deleting config files in hopes of generating fresh new ones, trying different audio sources (which works fine but my original audio source doesn't have issues with anything BUT dq11)...

    submitted by /u/xDigBick
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    DQ11 Switch or PC version?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    There's a bundle on steam rn with DQ11, FFXII, Oninaki, and Chrono Trigger for around $60 CAD. Not taking the other games into consideration should I grab this or get the switch version instead? are the QoL changes makes it significantly better?

    submitted by /u/kazamasta31
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    Did I accidentally spoil Dragon Quest 11 for myself? (POTENTIAL SPOILER!)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I just picked up Dragon Quest 11 for my switch and have just gotten to the part when you meet Veronica. Being a bit antsy I assumed she was older than she looked so I googled "dragon quest 11 veronica" to try and find her age to see if my suspicions were correct. but for a brief moment, I saw "dragon quest 11 veronica death" in the auto-fill bar. Did I just spoil a big part of the game for myself? (I know the game would have told me her age I was being very stupid and impatient. In hindsight, I feel really dumb.)

    submitted by /u/psyoh53
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