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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Dragon Quest Breakfast by the sea by @samoimo

    Dragon Quest Breakfast by the sea by @samoimo

    Breakfast by the sea by @samoimo

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Dragon quest 4 memes

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    My 2 favourite in DQXI. I ship them so much!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Oh Sylvando...

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Mounting Monsters

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Playing DQ 11. I noticed for the first few mountable monsters, there was a specific use for them directly nearby such as accessing a chest or escaping a trap. I later came across a flying one which I couldn't find a use for. My question is: If I can mount a monster, does it mean there is definitely a specific use for it nearby or are there also mountable monsters sprinkled around the world with no immediate benefit?

    submitted by /u/scrabble_12
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    DQ11 No Skillpoints

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Over the past couple of weeks I've been streaming my attempt at playing DQ11 without using a single skillpoint (twitch.tv/naturalradiation btw). We've just reached the end of Act 1, but I haven't progressed just yet because I'm a bit scared of what's to come.

    Marked this post as spoilers, but there are mid-act events for Jade, Erik, Sylvando and Rab. I need tips on how to progress through Jade and Erik's events, since they both don't have useful spells, abilities, or any affinity with weapons. Are there any sneaky tips or things I should know going in that could make my life easier?
    (other than overlevelling of course)

    submitted by /u/NaturalRadiation
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    PEP Liklihood

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    I'm playing Dragon Quest 11 currently and I just finished the MMA tournament. A quest had to have certain party members pepped at the same time and it was annoying to get. I understand that having low health increases the chance etc. Do certain characters have a higher chance of getting pepped, or do they have different conditions? My Erik gets pepped twice as often as everyone else. Veronica is getting Pepped more often than the Luminary to.

    submitted by /u/scrabble_12
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    Nerf herder is an underrated class, imo (Rip by SiIvagunner)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    just finished dq8 and... holy shit this game was amazing

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    no spoilers here, just encouraging yall to play it too. this shot up to my top 5 games ever (if you're wondering, i got majoras mask, ff7, super mario 64, minecraft and dq8 in that order) so fast. truly amazing experience with no low points where it got boring imo. play on ps2 only if you're willing to give up quality of life fixes, balance, 2 extra party members and getting rid of random encounters (those last 2 are the biggest complaints about the game anyway - lack of party members and random encounters) just so you can have orchestrated soundtrack. Otherwise, play 3ds to get those epic benefits

    submitted by /u/DeDeToptier
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    Why does Dragon Quest sell way better in Japan vs. the US?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I got curious and decided to look up Dragon Quest sales.

    The latest release in the franchise, Dragon Quest XI, did actually really well by almost any standard in the industry. Dragon Quest XI sold 5.5 million copies. For any company this would be considered a success and it is however, if you look deeper, like 4.5 million of those copies sold were in Japan and 1 million was outside Japan.

    The question is why? Why does Dragon Quest do so well in Japan but not the USA?

    submitted by /u/MarineKingPrime_
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    My custom symbol of Erdrick Switch shield came in today :)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Metal slimes are savages

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Replaying DQ9. There needs to be a word for the specific anguish of a metal slime fleeing when you've gone a few rounds and you know you only have to hit him one more time. Whyyyyyyyyy

    submitted by /u/Errrrdrea
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    [DQXIS] Best Act 3 EXP grinding spot? But with a twist.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    So I'm in the post-game/act 3 segment and I wanna do some grinding. I know about the Hallelujah/Electrolight method which I'm fine with, but here's my problem:

    I have the Draconian Quest on where I get no experience from weaker enemies and using Electrolight in the Manglegrove Whale Station has only given me regular metal slimes.

    Is there a spot I can go where I'll still be able to acquire EXP and use the Pep Methods? Or without the Pep stuff. Either way, I don't care. And if with the Pep stuff, what's the best way outside of Pops and Pips to get quicker Pep?

    My team is currently in the 58 to 60 range. I know I shouldn't probably have to grind that much as is, but....I wanna lol.

    So is there somewhere I can go or am I boned and should I just remove the DQ?


    submitted by /u/strangegoo
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    How do you play the old dragon quest ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    So the only two dragon quest I played are the 11th, that I bought and finished recently, after years of waiting for a new PC, ant the 9th, that I first played as a child, 10 years ago. After I 100% the 11th, I don't wanna start waiting another 10 years for a new DQ, and I wanna play the old ones. But I do not have any console other than my xbox one, and my 3ds.

    I see a lot of post about finishing or playing previous episodes of the saga, and I'm wondering. Do you have the consoles everytime ? Do you emulate them ? Since I have never emulated anything, I don't know how it works, and if I need to get one emulater per console or if there is an easier solution.

    How so you guys do? I'm taking any advice, because I want to loose my summer playing JRPG and I'm a bit lost.

    submitted by /u/strgPK
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    PC version of DQH freezes on startup

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    I torrented Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2, and they worked without issue. Stupidly, I tried to move the games over to another hard drive on my system, literally by dragging the game file folders over. This broke the game, making both of them freeze every time either on or right before the Square Enix logo. I uninstalled the game, retorrented them, and reinstalled them to the new target hard drive and the problem persisted. The problem continues no matter what version or dump of the games I download, whether I torrent them or direct download, tried starting as administrator, and installing and downloading the game with my antivirus off. The problem is always the same no matter what I seem to do. Any tips on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Crvylo0o
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