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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest Shadow Box I made to decorate my computer area, thought some people here may appreciate the nostalgia!

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest Shadow Box I made to decorate my computer area, thought some people here may appreciate the nostalgia!

    Dragon Quest Shadow Box I made to decorate my computer area, thought some people here may appreciate the nostalgia!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    They really did a good job with the spell animation on this.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Japanese claymation commercial for Torneko no Daibōken: Fushigi no Dungeon (Dragon Quest spin-off)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Found the Alena Bring Arts today at ThinkGeek for $19 today!!! (USA)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I'm now the owner of the first 3 symphonic soundtracks on vinyl.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    i finally beat the horse race in gallopolis

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    First play through act 1 dupe setup question

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I'm playing on the switch.

    Ok I've dug through every thread about duplicating your inventory and I'm not seeing an answer. They all seem to deal with exploiting this later and I don't want to mess up this initial run.

    I have a stack of 99 strength seed. Your bag doesn't make a second stack so I just lost another ten seeds transferring them from hero to the bag.

    If I didn't lose them where did they go?

    So if I transfer seeds to my party members then go talk to the abbot for the first time. When the items are finally duped do I need to have used the seeds I have since you can't have more than 99? Or does the inventory get bigger once I'm passed act 1?

    Anything else I should have in inventory on a first time?


    submitted by /u/futoaddamz
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    Dragon Quest 11 doesn't start on my PC when I'm in offline mode. Has anyone else encountered the problem?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    When I try to start it in steam it says I have to go into online mode, but I don't see why.

    submitted by /u/Lobelty
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    Dragon Quest got snubbed

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    The newly translated 30th anniversary of Dragon Quest documentary was great and informative. Loved seeing Hori and the gang's eyes light up when talking about Dragon Quest, but I feel like it could've benefited with more in-depth "making of" details about each of the DQ games and maybe seeing fans from all over the world discussing Dragon Quest as well. Maybe a documentary with a more thorough, deeper analysis like Netflix's "The Toys that Made Us" will come along and do Dragon Quest justice. I watched Netflix's "High Score" documentary about video games and got to the RPG episode and started getting excited, hoping that Dragon Quest would be discussed...and the show talked about...Final Fantasy...Dragon Quest got snubbed. Don't get me wrong! I love Final Fantasy! My first game was Final Fantasy 6! It's just that Final Fantasy is way more popular than DQ and has plenty of exposure and attention. Thought it was weird that "High Score" didn't even mention Dragon Quest, seeing how it was heavily influenced by Ultima(which was mentioned in "High Score" doc) and directly influenced Final Fantasy. Maybe The new Dragon Quest anime, "the Adventure of Dai" will garner some more interest in the franchise for the USA and UK. Poor Dragon Quest. Here's the link to the Dragon Quest Doc if anyone's interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0rRgdQ1kK0

    submitted by /u/Itrollasahobby
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    Seriously I gave her Iron Claws at the end of her chapter and now that I recruited her she is landing critical hits and right

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    (Dq6) stuck at mt. Snowhere.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I'm playing through dragonquest 6 for the first time. I just beat grecos and wasn't sure what I was supposed to do next. I looked up a walkthrough and it said head to the temple northeast of mt. Snowhere and talk to the woman on the throne. The throne is empty for me. There is no one there. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/BaronWalrus1
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    DQ3 - Differences between mobile and Switch

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Hello all! I just picked up DQ3 on Switch after playing through it on Android. I didn't enjoy it as much as others and wanted to give it another shake with a controller and TV.

    I had thought that both versions were functionality identical, but I've already noticed a change. In the Android version, if you cast a spell at an enemy who is defeated before the spell goes off, the spell whiffs. On Switch, it automatically retargets another group.

    I was wondering if anybody was aware of other changes they made specifically between the mobile and Switch ports?

    submitted by /u/Zaphod_Meeplebrox
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    Dragon Quest 11 complete entirely without skillpoints (Act 3 Spoilers)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Just Went to target to get this bueaty question now is to open or not to open

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    anything I should know about DQII?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I heard nasty things about it and i've beaten the first game. should I just skip to three?

    submitted by /u/AbysmalKathwack
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    My difficult experience with Dragon Warrior VII (Dragon Quest VII)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    I'm a really big fan of certain JRPGs. I don't necessarily love the genre, per se, but tons of games that happen to be JRPGs are among my all-time favourite games: Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy IX, Xenoblade Chronicles, Radiant Historia... but for a number of reasons, I never played any Dragon Quest games. I think I have that in common with tons of western gamers, especially here in Europe.

    A while back, I was looking around for obscure-ish PS1 games that I'd never played before, and Dragon Warrior VII eventually showed up in my searches.

    Dragon Warrior VII really caught my eye. It REALLY caught my eye. For many reasons.

    For one thing, it was a two-disc game. In my experience, I tend to like multidisc games quite a lot. I think have a thing for that. Also, this was reportedly an extremely lengthy game, even by JRPG standards. (And having played it, obviously I can confirm that the game really is just as long as people say it is. It is looooooooooooooong.) Furthermore, the game seemed so archaic (or traditional) in how it looks. But more than anything, it was because of the strange release and the reception for this game.

    Dragon Warrior VII was a pretty big flop in the United States. And it was never even saw release here in Europe. Even if I had heard of it way back when, I wouldn't have been able to play it as a kid. Beyond that, it had a bizarrely late release date. In the US, it was released in late October, 2001. That's a full year after the American launch of the PlayStation 2. A full year. In Japan, it released in August 2000, which is five months after the PS2 launched in March.

    That's crazy. This game was released basically to compete with PlayStation 2 games. PlayStation 2 games. But it looked, visually, essentially, almost like a SNES game. That's... unbelievably insane. Isn't it?

    I could certainly understand why a game like that might flop in America. But in Japan? The game has reportedly been voted as... one of the top ten games of all time. (In Famitsu, 2006.) It almost instantly sold 4 million copies. A huge success. If there's such a thing as a definitive "swan song" of JRPGs on the PlayStation 1, this seems to be it.

    I had to know what was up with this weird-ass game.

    I kept this game on my computer since probably around 2016. One of the many, many, many games in my backlog. I remember launched it once just to see if it ran, but I didn't do anything beyond walking around a bit to have a look and then deciding that I'll give it a try "eventually". Most people here probably know that "eventually" has a funny way of turning into many years. But late this summer, during lockdown, I finally booted it up and started to play it somewhat seriously, like I always meant to do. And I kept playing it, and I kept playing... and I kept playing.

    I wasn't sure about it. But I kept playing. And I kept playing.

    And eventually...

    ...I had played it for so long that I felt obligated to finish it. And I did finish, ultimately.

    I struggled tremendously with this game, because it is... to me, it was a very strange game that, in many ways, I really didn't understand and kind of disliked. And it still had a lot of elements that I did enjoy. While I was in the end-game, I was unsure if I thought it was worth it. The very end of the game – that final message, I'm sure you know what I'm referring to – did a bit of a number on me though. And I think that must prove that, deep down, I did care about this game.

    The game definitely had some ups, but boy did it have some rough downs. It was a very complicated experience. I felt like I had finished a game that I somehow hadn't understood at all. Kind of like watching a cryptic movie. (Except it didn't seem like the type of movie that wanted to be cryptic.)

    I needed to dig a little deeper.

    Like I said, Dragon Warrior VII is my first Dragon Quest game. This was my decision. It's probably an uncommon decision in this day and age. But at times, something is just "meant to be". DW7 is the one that I was drawn to.

    The next step for me, was to try some of the older games. It took a pretty long time to settle on which game (and then which version of that game) to play. That's the problem when a series has so many games and so many versions of those games in it. I'm sure all of you know what that's like. Eventually, I settled on Dragon Quest III for the Super Famicom. So, I'm playing a remake that was never released outside of Japan.

    The idea, at least for now, is for me to start with DQ3, then do DQ4 (probably on DS), then DQ5 (on Super Famicom), and then DQ6 (on Super Famicom).

    Now that I've played DQ3 for a while – I'm at level 14 and I got the Magic Key – so many things in Dragon Warrior VII finally, finally, make total sense to me.

    Clearly, Dragon Warrior 7 was designed to build on the massive popularity that Dragon Quest had when they came out for the Famicom and Super Famicom. Pretty much every Japanese gamer played these games and knew these RPGs. It's is a Japan-specific cultural phenomenon. But to me, a guy coming in with zero expectations of what a Dragon Quest game is – beyond the stuff common to all RPGs – this was all lost on me. Dragon Warrior goes really far to draw on the "Dragon Quest" nostalgia and the "Dragon Quest" tradition. The callbacks are everywhere; in the names, in how things look, in how the NPCs look, in the animations, in the enemies, in sounds, in the game mechanics, in the battle system and in the stats; the level design and world design, even the way you teleport (the sound/animation that goes with it); how you save, how you heal, how people talk and how you loot. Even those TinyMedals. And the keys, too.

    The developers expected me to possess all sorts of expectations and understandings for all sort of things. They also wanted to subvert some of my expectations, obviously. And as a net result, something like 25-35% of the game went completely over my head. Like watching a cryptic movie. But at least now I have the proper context to make sense of it.

    Also, the game obviously draws very heavily on the national character of Japan as an island country and as a fishing nation.... obviously the whole world of Dragon Warrior VII consists of one tiny island with only a small fishing village in it, at the beginning of the game. That aspect of the game did not go over my head, but I still don't "feel" it in the same way that a Japanese gamer would. This game was always designed with a Japanese audience in mind.

    I finally get Dragon Warrior VII. At least, way more than I originally did. I get why the things in that game are the way they are. Its design finally makes sense to me. Even more importantly, I understand why this game was such a massive success in Japan, but not overseas. It had no way to fail in Japan, and no way to succeed overseas.

    What a weird, weird, weird game.

    For the obvious reasons, I've kept the specific spoilers here to an absolute minimum. I don't "love" Dragon Warrior VII, and I don't necessarily recommend that you play Dragon Warrior VII. I can't really call it an essential experience by any stretch of the imagination. But, truth be told, I somehow don't regret booting it up. Somehow, I'm glad I played it. I'm even glad I finished it, despite how dreadfully long it took.

    Out of all the games that I don't love, it might be the one that ultimately left the biggest impression on me.

    If you want to try this game... well, just brace yourself for a weird, long experience. It's kind of like a Persona game, except... not as enjoyable as that. Try to forgive it for its rougher parts. Save the game often. And...... maybe look up some hints for how to utilize the class system properly. That'll probably save you from some really tedious grinding way down the road.

    I feel like I just made one of those insufferably smug "video game essays" on YouTube, and honestly, if I knew how to make videos properly, that's probably what I would've done with this whole thing. But I'm no good with videos, or editing, or computers. So, I'm posting it here. I just really wanted to share these thoughts.

    submitted by /u/herpaderpmurkamurk
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    did japan like the first episode of the adventure of dai

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    me personallyi really loved it! but did japan like it? i am very curious. cause their opinion on the anime matters the most, so i really hope they loved it

    submitted by /u/Mazzder
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    DQ11S demo question

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I played the demo before but I deleted it on the Switch. If I buy the game now, do I have to redownload the demo to retrieve my save file?

    submitted by /u/Nytrite
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    Got my pre order(2; 1 to open & 1 to keep)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Dq 11 tips?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    i have a few questions about dq xi that i just want to ask, first of all, i got sylvando and what do i do with him in terms of like builds and stuff. Also, for eriks moves where he does more damage, what's the best way to get enemies asleep/poisoned. Also what should i do with veronica

    submitted by /u/Towersr
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