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    Friday, October 30, 2020

    Dragon Quest King Carnelian be like

    Dragon Quest King Carnelian be like

    King Carnelian be like

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Finally beat DQ11 main story after damn near 70 hours of gameplay!....time for postgame!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    I hope everyone is having a Goo-reat Day!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    A little drawing of two good bois

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    What do you guys think? If DQ 3 remake is the next title will the bikini armor stay or go? Japan has a pretty nice habit of ignoring Western social issues but I still wonder.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    After finishing 5 yesterday, I just could not ignore this discount. I still have DQ6 to play though, so I'll have to be patient :)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I carved a slime Halloween pumpkin!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    What are your thoughts on this ?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I won 1.4 million tokens from my first 2000 tokens off two consecutive silver jackpots (among others)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Question about Quests in the Post Game

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Just curious if any side quests/tockle quests or in general any equipment or recipes that I've obtained in part 2 will be lost once I travel back in time. Would anyone recommend I do every possible quest first or can I do the same of everything in the past?

    submitted by /u/rspag98
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    Bitching about 8 again

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Apparently I'm extremely underleveled for the (first, I'm assuming) Doulmagus fight. I still dont have Multiheal and I'm only at 24 (26 now after grinding) and I'm apparently supposed to get all the way up to TWENTY FUCKING NINE to learn Multiheal. I'm not even having fun anymore. I just want to finish this game so I can say I have. Holy shit why didn't they put Metal Slimes in the dungeon Jesus Christ

    submitted by /u/chugsmaybe
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    Sava Data Transfer Dragon Quest Builders 2

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    I recently finished the DQB2 Jumbo Demo and I want to play the full game but want the physical copy. Can I transfer the save data from the demo to a cardridge?

    submitted by /u/CDLeaker
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    An unpopular opinion... maybe?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hello dear community,

    This is my first post and it's gonna be a long one. I hope you can bear with me. I've been a Dragon Quest fan for many years now, and while I have not played all of the games (I skipped 9-10; I know, shame on me!), I did have my fair share across all plattforms. So here comes my very own personal reasons. I would love to discuss them with you and see whether someone agrees or why they disagree. Quick Disclaimer: I do not wish to offend anyone with my post and I am not trying to convince anyone that this game is bad. I'll be drawing a lot of comparisons to DQ8 since this is still my favorite one to this day (closely followed by 3).

    So the topic of the discussion is DQ11. When it first came out, I really really disliked it. Back then I didn't give it too much thought and couldn't point my finger on the problem. So I recently decided to give it another shot. Maybe I just didn't feel it the first time, maybe expectations were too high, and so on. Well, I played through it again and I still disliked it. Just to clarify, I don't hate the game, and technically speaking it looks and feels beautiful. But I definitely won't be coming back to it.

    So this time I actually tried to find the reasons why the game puts me off and found these 3 reasons (+ 1 very subjective reason):

    1) No random encounters: One of the reasons why I also disliked the remakes. Not having random encounters in my opinion simply further trivialises an already relatively easy game. It takes away all the tension. MP conservation simply isn't a topic anymore since you can simply skip all the battles in a dungeon and run straight to the boss. Your party almost wiped and you have forgotten to bring a chimera wing with you? No problem, just run out of the dungeon and back to the city, since combat is avoidable. I really liked that in previous entries, everytime you left a save haven, you had to prepare for an adventure. Buying all the necessary healing and escape items and conserving your mp for what's yet to come. Also, having such a high respawn rate made the whole thing really awkward. If I see 20 monsters on the map, and I bother to fight all of them, then they should be gone until a I leave and re-enter that zone. That way you would at least get some kind of sense of progression.

    2) The game not being "real" Open World. I'm sure this sounds nitpicky to many of you, but not having a coherent open world really bothered me... a lot. I know that it is bigger and more detailed than ever, but exploring this world felt tedious and boring to me. Many zones were more or less "tube zones". Finding the crossbow targets felt tedious and not that rewarding since it kinda was presented to you like some kind of side quest. Though I have to admit that a good number of targets were hidden creatively. Treasure boxes also felt "meh" and were also often "hidden" in plain sight or rather laid before your feet because there's a very much predetermined path for you to follow. Progress of exploring the world doesnt feel real to me since it is all separate levels. There are no landmarks in the far distance that made me want to explore them, or to look back to since you cant peak into "the next/previous level".

    The gold standard concerning open world for me was DQ8. I've spent hours straying off the main path, exploring every nook and cranny only to find either a rare monster deep in the woods or a treasure chest in the far corner of a cliff. It felt like the developers really rewarded you for exploring the world. Like a pad on the shoulder saying good job. There was no incentive like with the crossbow targets because the exploration was already the reward. Also the aforementioned landmarks. I always will remember being in Farebury and seeing the waterfall cave in the distance and even seeing the waterfall actively flowing even though I was in the city. Or spotting the red tree in the distance where you are supposed to pick up some tools. The world felt whole and coherent. Reaching the next town was not always a given and exploring all in all felt more rewarding (to me!)

    3)Tension There is not much to say about this one. I don't enjoy the random aspect of how tension is implemented in this game. I dont see it adding any depth to the game and it feels more like a boon thrown at you. You cannot plan your fight around it, since the special attacks depend on which of your party members is in the tension state which is also random. Overall It feels heavily nerfed (which is necessary since it can always appear) and less impactful. Again with DQ8 as example, pulling a 100% tension off felt amazing. Deciding between the high risk, high reward, seeing the Super Saiyan like transformation, everything felt great (until a boss simply wiped it off). It gave the fights more depth to me since the additional power was not simply handed to you, but rather you'd have to give up that character's turn(s) to increase your power.

    4) Overworld Music 100% subjective, hardly worth discussing, but still relevant to me personally. The overworld theme is okay, definitely not bad. But here lies the problem for me. It tends to get on my nerves after 10 hours or 20 hours. If you have the same music play so much it needs to be at least exquisite. Again comparing it to DQ8, I could listen to it all day and even today listen to it sometimes to simply relax.

    Alright. That really was a long one. If you made it this far, I want to thank you very much for taking your time to read all that. Again, I really wish to emphasize that I do not wish to offend anyone and hope I did not leave a sour taste in your mouth should DQ11 be your favorite entry in the series.

    Please feel free to comment and criticise, as I would love to discuss this with you guys.

    submitted by /u/VanerMal
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    About Pal version of DQ IX

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Sorry for asking, does the german version of this game includes Spanish and english?

    submitted by /u/PitoWilson
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    Dragon quest 4 vs 9

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Will I miss any new content slipping cutscenes in XI S if I've played vanilla?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    I know starting in Act 2 there are the character stories, but other than that is there any new story added into the main game?

    submitted by /u/chotix
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    Which Dragon Quest to play next

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I love dragon quest IX on ds, which dragon quest should I play next?

    submitted by /u/Alb8no
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