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    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Dragon Quest Oh my, now that's the attitude

    Dragon Quest Oh my, now that's the attitude

    Oh my, now that's the attitude

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Work on Halloween wore this bad boy, got a trainer sword in some red wool to make the cobblestone sword��

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:42 AM PST

    I'm the one who heals when 1 HP from full health

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    The hell-brawler (based off of skeledoid)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Wish me luck on this run!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Simple Liquid Metal Slime OLED Mobile Wallpaper

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    New to the series (spoiler for DQ 11)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:53 AM PST

    Hey everyone. Wanted to get everyone suggestion here since I'm new to this series. I believe I'm almost done with DQ 11? I'm currently on Eriks afterlife? After the destruction of the Yggdrasil. Anyway, the question I have is I currently have the following games:4, 5, and 8 on the 3ds.

    I was thinking of starting 8 next. Would that be a good place to start after 11? Or should I do 4 and 5 before going to 8?

    I'm just hoping that if I start 8 it wouldn't ruin anything in 4 or 5?

    Again, I'm new to the series so unsure how the story unfolds or if each game is independent from each other?


    submitted by /u/Throwaway676542
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    Just here to say that I cannot wait to dig into DQ11 during Christmas!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Ok, let me explain. I am not a JRPG person, unless you consider Zelda as JRPG or RPG( I do not consider Zelda as a JRPG nor RPG at all). If you did not know I'm a huge, hardcore Zelda fan and I've played a lot of Zelda games.

    I knew nothing about Dragon Quest for my entire life, until he popped up in Smash. He interested me because he gave me Zelda vibes from his sword and so on. I never did do research about it because I just didn't want to.

    So, I was looking for games for Christmas and I saw Dragon Quest 11 and I saw Hero on the cover and I was like that's the new Smash person! I read up about it and I was surprised that Toriyama himself did the designs and I understood why it was not popular here.

    I watched a gameplay video of it and boy did it blow my mind. It gave me a lot of Zelda vibes but completely different like the RPG elements, enemies, etc. There are similarities between the two but a lot of differences though. I instantly fell in love with the game just by watching the gameplay.

    I had three games in the running for Christmas gifts Luigi's Mansion 3, Fire Emblem three houses and Dragon Quest 11. Oh yeah as I said I'm not an RPG person I'm not really a fan of those type of turn based games but two exceptional games blew mind and they are Dragon Quest 11 and Fire emblem three houses.

    I never had enough money for the other 2 and like a stupid head I bought Luigi's Mansion 3 instead which I regret. Luigi's Mansion 3 isn't near as best as those 2 games but I mainly chose that game because of co-op so my sis can play.

    I also bought Hyrule Warriors because as I said I'm a Zelda fan so I really wanted it. 2020 came and I had to make a hard decision for my birthday: Fire emblem 3 houses or Dragon Quest 11.

    I was stumped because both of them are great games! But I selected Fire Emblem 3 houses because of its better story and character development and because I wanted to play DQ11 during Christmas to remind me of when I used to watch the walkthroughs during the holidays.

    It was an extremely tight game because DQ11 has a great story too but I preferred Fire emblem 3 houses story. As I said it was very difficult and I loved DQ11 because it's so great.

    Thankfully I'm going to get Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity(EEEEK, played the demo and loved it! Can't wait to play the actual game and see more Urbosa) and Dragon Quest 11!

    I really cannot wait to play these two games!!! I am trying to get into DQ but I don't know where to start. I asked this very question and I got some great responses! I hope the people who responded to me will see this post, shout out to you guys!

    They all said to play the original and I did and tbh I was frustrated! I liked it until I had to fight the dragon to save the princess! That was hard!

    I stopped afterwards and I might pick it back up but the original is just hard. So is there anymore recommendations before I start 11? I played 4 and I had a great time with the game!

    So which game should I play? Continue the first trilogy? Or the others? Thanks for reading this whole story. Sorry for my fanboy self. I just couldn't resist XD

    submitted by /u/Zeldadude34
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    Rebuying DQ XI definitive edition

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Hi there,

    I bought the base version of Dragon Quest XI during the summer steam sale this year for $30 and two weeks later the definitive edition was announced for pc and I'm wondering whether it's worth it to just start over and buy the new version or just continue playing the regular version. It's $40, not sure why there's no discount for people who already own it but whatever. Would it be worth a rebuy? I only have 10 hours in the game.

    submitted by /u/xam323
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    I bet the new version is cool and everything but I rather do this

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:31 PM PST


    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Can I continue playing at the point that I leaved the demo, in the game I buy which is not the definitive edition? (In steam) Or I have to complete the demo? Sorry for my english. :)

    submitted by /u/_g_o_t_a_s_
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    Preference poll DQ11: Swords or Greatswords for the Luminary

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:14 AM PST

    What do you prefer? I was a swords guy in my first playthrough, but I'm considering switching to greatswords when I replay when the Definitive Edition drops.

    Also, if you prefer swords, do you go with sword and board or dual-wield?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/train153
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    I make a slime on Minecraft...in the future, I want to make all of the rest

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:53 PM PST

    DQ11 S steam demo graphic

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:44 AM PST

    This version is ported from Switch so does the graphic is downgraded? I tested on my PC both version and at same max settings 4k I got 250fps on S ver while only 110fps on older version (steam). Spec rtx 3090 10900k

    submitted by /u/WilliamLeGod
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    Am I missing out on too much if I get the original release and not the definitive edition?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:24 PM PST

    I want to play it with the resolution and textures as good as possible and can get the PS4 version on Amazon right now for 20. However if the experience is infinitely better with the added content and QoL additions, I would be ok with waiting until December.

    submitted by /u/Soliquidsnake
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    If DQ8'S party was transported to DQ11's world (and vice-versa), who would do a better job?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:28 AM PST

    Dragon Quest VIII's entire party (Red and Morrie from the 3DS version are included) is transported to the world of Dragon Quest XI. The Hero (Eight) is perceived by everyone around the party to basically be the Luminary, however, he doesn't have the special power that the Luminary has (so no touching shit to see "visions"). At the beginning, Jessica is given a map of the area which shows their starting point as Cobblestone. The Quest lasts until the end of Act 2.

    Meanwhile, XI's party is transported to VIII's world. The characters native to VIII will automatically assume the Luminary is the sole survivor from Trodain (like Eight was). The Luminary has zero knowledge of our favorite evil jester/the sceptres' power. At the beginning, Serena is given a map which shows their starting point as the beach in between Alexandria and Port Prospect. The quest lasts until the Black Citadel is destroyed and the final boss is beaten.

    submitted by /u/real_sadboi
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    My friend and I would love to livestream DQIX multiplayer to revisit our childhood game in a new light, but aren't sure if full multiplayer can work via emulation. Is there a known method to do this? I've seen patches for unlockable content but never true online.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:05 PM PST

    i'm joining the Dragonlord and you can't stop me.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:07 PM PST

    For what its worth, made a Dragon Quest XI club on Xbox I.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Its called "Dragon Quest XI Box" (yay puns). I don't think clubs can be linked to browser side but it should be the only Dragon Quest related thing that pops up when you search clubs on there. It would be a cool place to share your screenshots/clips of the game or even your Dragon Quest related content in other games such as custom DQ liveries in Forza games, custom character look alikes in other games, recreations of places in Minecraft (please no pixel art).

    submitted by /u/Dojorkan
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    Slime Shady

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I heard there is a monster in DQ 8 called "Slime Shady", is that a reference to Eminem?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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