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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    Dragon Quest the lizard in dragon quest 7 is the most important character in the entire series

    Dragon Quest the lizard in dragon quest 7 is the most important character in the entire series

    the lizard in dragon quest 7 is the most important character in the entire series

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST

    King metal slime in normal encounter, tones of dead dudes, used hallelujah then electro light and got a king and two slimes 1.3mil exp��

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Fanart for BEST GAL!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Jade should let her hair down more often. A while ago someone requested I draw jade in the dancers outfit. Well, here ya go! :D Made with pastel pencils.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Sofia Fanart

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Lil' Treasures

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Bought these cheap PAL DQ IX & Chrono Trigger DS games at 500php from fb marketplace

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:27 PM PST

    [Dragon Quest XI] Sunset at Puerto Valor

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:58 PM PST

    DQ5 - How do I get past this part? I can't seem to be able to get into the Ancient Ruins

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Dragon Quest XI Graphic Comparison, I plan a video about this.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST

    What do you think are the possibilities of modders restoring original textures for DQXIS on PC?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:42 AM PST

    They were able to mod in orchestral music, do you think it would be possible to mod in some of the original textures too?

    If so, it would really be a no-compromise version of the game to play.

    submitted by /u/BenVenn
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    Dragon Quest V (DS) Insane Slowdown in the overworld

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Hello! I recently lost my ds so I cant play DQ V without an emulator. I booted up No$zoomer and it was running fine until I entered the overworld. As soon as I entered the frames dipped to like 3. the game was literally unplayable, I tried desmume and the same problem occurred. When I entered the menu and battles the game ran perfectly. it's just the overworld, is there a way to fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/YangIsBestWaifu
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    [PC] 4K Comparison: DQ XI: Original vs S.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST

    To show people what some of the differences, here is a comparison of the first 20m up to the fog boss.

    My observations:

    Inconsistent lighting between the two. S version usually the harder hit, with lack of light pouring in on trees and grass. It looks a lot duller in places. But there seem to be places where there is a touch more shadow and lighting. A stronger specular effect on water, but not sure I prefer it in every scenario. The last photo looks nicer for S. The natural sunlight from the top is pretty subtle for strong specular effect, but it looks epic. Water is okay on original, and blends a little more, but is definitely murky.

    Characters are hit HARD in the S version. Right off the bat you can see the stubby fingers and complete change of detail in the outfit. Awful IMO. One of the bigger issues with the new version.

    Grass has been massacred. Performance on the other hand is now much better in the S version. But I just cannot get over how much grass was taken out. It looks like 70% of the grass is gone. Extremely unfortunate. While you need 4K to mostly rid the jaggies on grass, it looks amazing when in full. It's a big issue when roaming the world.

    Say what you will, but it sucks hard that Square could not give us a definitive version. I for one will in no way sacrifice all the grass and character detail and the modded soundtrack for this S version. Not unless I play it again with 2D, which is probably the best inclusion on the new S version.

    I feel the PC modded soundtrack is superior, but it is a cheat because it uses older tracks. They are higher quality and just flat out better tracks though.

    For consoles it is probably better they took out grass for performance. It's a hog on the original version if you use ini tweaks for draw distance. Fields were pretty mediocre in the S version sadly. They are really thinned out and just not as brightly lit by the sun.

    A small comparison from someone on Twitter showing a few improvements and a few issues:https://twitter.com/komodoxeno/status/1323670017637044229

    My comparison: OG first then S version at 44 brightness. OG has SMAA injected and ini tweaks for draw distance, but they don't interfere much with any of the comparisons. I couldn't get Reshade to work on demo.

    Full detail character OG: https://ibb.co/WzJBVyp

    Stub fingers and lesser detail S: https://ibb.co/SfFvkbQ

    Rock OG: https://ibb.co/x8Sjmg6

    Rock S: https://ibb.co/swmTqjP

    Sunlit grass OG: https://ibb.co/Tc9617k

    Shaded grass S: https://ibb.co/c3fFmvp

    Full grass OG: https://ibb.co/9wt0hBx

    Grass is nuked S: https://ibb.co/CsRmDFZ

    Rock OG: https://ibb.co/KVmtJzP

    Rock S: https://ibb.co/RvXKQRn

    Cliffside OG: https://ibb.co/GxgcC13

    Cliffside S: https://ibb.co/TbNxTrC

    Normal hair OG: https://ibb.co/64J1cfd

    Bad hair day different shadows S: https://ibb.co/xJ1srrf

    Overlook OG: https://ibb.co/86Qrt2m

    Overlook S: https://ibb.co/Fbw0xvD

    Water in Cave OG, blends well, somewhat murky and light source missing: https://ibb.co/1rmJJxg

    Water in Cave S new effects, probably the best shot of the S version: https://ibb.co/zJsSBDq

    Sunlit tree cave OG: https://ibb.co/9c0vxyV

    Toned down sun in cave S: https://ibb.co/mBrmJVF

    Sun shining through OG: https://ibb.co/K5Z2HP2

    Missing sun lighting S: https://ibb.co/cgvBBYG

    Symbols in cave OG: https://ibb.co/HNRnhtf

    Symbols in cave S: https://ibb.co/kD4mwy5

    Fog boss OG: https://ibb.co/hgKySYX

    Fog boss S: https://ibb.co/4VD081d

    Dark water cave OG: https://ibb.co/qRbrs9T

    Lit and lovely water cave S: https://ibb.co/r78znrC

    submitted by /u/Propaganda84
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    I feel like replaying DQ 7 3DS. Got concerns about DLC contents

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:45 AM PST

    I was wondering if I am missing a lot if I don't download the DLC tablets? I am worried that I am really missing a lot of stuff that was in the original or something. I already finished the game once but never played post-game. I think I remember people saying there was a story tablet that could be obtained once you finish the game, I think I got that in one of my save file and could do it but if lets say I will not download any tablet, I will not be missing out on a lot of stuff? this is what really bothers me especially now that I got a new 2DS XL and I am worried of missing out on DLCs.

    submitted by /u/towerbooks3192
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    is dragon quest 8 worth it

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:28 AM PST

    i want to buy dragon quest 8 but i don't know much about it, does it have the same gameplay as dragon quest 11? is it worth 60 bucks?

    submitted by /u/inkdosan
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    My slime stack house i made in a friend's minecraft realm, i feel very proud of it :D.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Should I complete the 10 hour demo now or wait for the full game on 12.4?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:20 AM PST

    I played the demo for an hour or so and I'm totally in love with the game already! But I really don't know if I should complete the whole demo now and then have this rather big gap between it and the release of the full game. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/sneakyishere
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    Bun Jade ��

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Can anyone suggest a guide to do all the Retro missions in Dragon Quest XII Definitive Edition? I'm in Act 3, maxed out, and just finished all my main side quests. Should I also find all the Tockles and complete all the retro quests before facing off against [REDACTED]. Thanks.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Does DQXIS has a separate trophy list from the original PS4 game ?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:27 PM PST

    I know that usually ports don't have a different trophy list (like the Ys : Memories of Celceta PS4 port), but with all the new bosses and side stuff I think that SE could come up with new trophies pretty easily. Did they said anything about that ? Because if there is no new trophies, I would rather buy the game on PC for the future mods

    submitted by /u/Bahllskra
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    Im trying to get into the Monsters side games.Which one is the most linear and simple for beginners?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Steamed Hams script but it stars "Eight" as Super Nintendo Chalmers and Sylvando as Principal Skinner.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Hendrik: Well, Sylvando, I made it despite your directions.

    Sylvando: Ah. Sir Hendrik. Welcome - I hope you're prepared for and unforgettable luncheon, darling!

    Hendrik: Yeah.

    Sylvando: Ay-ay-ay! My roast is ruined! But what if I were to purchase food from a tavern and disguise it as my own cooking? Delightfully Devilish, Sylvando.

    Singers: ♪ Ah- Sylvando with his crazy explanations. The knight of Heliodor is gonna need his medication. When he hears Sylvando's exaggerations. There'll be trouble in town tonight! ♪

    Hendrik: Sylvando!

    Sylvando: Oh Hendrik honey, I was just- uh stretching my calves on the windowsill, isometric exercise. Care to join me, darling?

    Hendrik: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Sylvando?

    Sylvando: Uh- oh this isn't smoke it's steam. Steam from the steamed clams we're having. Mmmmm steamed clams.

    Sylvando: Whew, Hendrik I hope you are ready for some mouthwatering hamburgers.

    Hendrik: I thought we were having steamed clams.

    Sylvando: Oh honey no. I said Steamed Hams. That's what I call hamburgers.

    Hendrik: You call hamburgers steamed hams?

    Sylvando: Yes it's a regional dialect.

    Hendrik: Uh-huh. Uh, what region?

    Sylvando: Uh, Costa Valor.

    Hendrik: Really well I live near the Manglegroove, and I have never heard anyone used the phrase "steamed hams."

    Sylvando: It's a Puerto Valor expression.

    Hendrik: I see. You know these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at the tavern.

    Sylvando: Oh no. Patented Rodrigo burgers. Old family recipe.

    Hendrik: For steamed hams.

    Sylvando: Yes

    Hendrik: Yes and you call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled.

    Sylvando: Ye- You know, the one thing I should -- Excuse me for one sec.

    Hendrik: Of course.

    Sylvando: Oh well that was wonderful, darling! A good time was had by all. I'm pooped!

    Hendrik: Yes I should be-- What in Yggdrasil is happening in there!

    Sylvando: Aurora Borealis.

    Hendrik: Uh- Aurora Borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of Erdrea localized entirely within your kitchen?

    Sylvando: Yes.

    Hendrik: May I see it?

    Sylvando: No.

    Don Rodrigo: Norberto the house is on fire!

    Sylvando: No, Papi it's just the northern lights.

    Hendrik: Well Sylvando, you are an odd fellow but I must say you steam a good ham.

    Don Rodrigo: Help! Help!

    submitted by /u/Luminpoyo
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    What original versions of the games are on virtual consoles or in compilations?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:01 PM PST

    Looking at Amazon and stuff I'm not really sure which version I'm looking at since I didn't play a lot of the originals, so thought I'd ask here. I'm not into the weird remastering they do of these games, I wanna play them in their original form. If there's added CGI like in the FF Anthology, that's fine since everything else is untouched.

    submitted by /u/Mister_Sasquatch
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