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    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Dragon Quest You don't need all that MP, do you? Of course you don't!

    Dragon Quest You don't need all that MP, do you? Of course you don't!

    You don't need all that MP, do you? Of course you don't!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST

    When you get summoned but then your friend who called immediately gets defeated

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:57 AM PST

    Weartiger Portrait (OC)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Since everyone else has been doing it :P

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:13 PM PST

    After 270 hours I’ve finally finished Dragon Quest XI S!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Always a satisfying feeling when you see this screen

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Rate the Postgames! (Series-wide spoilers!)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Right what it says in the title. What do you all think of the different postgames in the series? They have their ups and their downs, and some are definitely better than others. I'll try to rate them fairly based on these metrics: How much play time does it add? How good is the dungeon? What is the payoff? Is there any story or lore addition? Any cameos?

    Things like that. So, with those in mind, I'll start it off, listing them one at a time.

    Dragon Quest 1 and 2 - I'm counting these as the same, simply because (to my knowledge), there IS no postgame. 1 and 2's postgame consists of walking around the restored kingdoms, talking to everybody. There were technical limitations of the time, yes, but even in remakes nothing substantial was added in this regard. Still, it is pretty neat to explore places you might not have earlier due to the monstrous encounter rates. 1/5

    Dragon Quest 3 - To my knowledge, the Gameboy Color port has the biggest postgame of the Dragon Quest 3 bunch. Skyworld's dungeon collection is solid, and filled with dangerous monsters, providing a real, healthy challenge to your party. There isn't much in terms of story here, but the fights against Divinegon are fun, and, with the Ice Cave, you can also fight the Gran Dragon, though personally he just feels like a beefier, less powerful Divinegon, but, I digress. 3/5

    Dragon Quest 4 - I personally played the DS version, and I have to say... Dragon Quest 4 absolutely killed it with this one. The postgame is incredible. Not only do you get a party member that eclipses everyone else in the game, but you get a healthy dose of story, a dungeon that nets you the previously mentioned party member's best equipment, and all sorts of goodies. When you beat the dungeon enough times (yes, you do need to clear it multiple times, but since there's a tangible reward, it's not really a downside), you get the ultimate treat: an insanely powerful superboss unlike anything the game has thrown at you - with story to boot! It adds HOURS to playtime as well, so you can keep enjoying this one for a few sessions after you've already completed the game. 5/5

    Dragon Quest 5 - Okay, look. Dragon Quest 5 is without a doubt one of the best games in the series. But we're not looking at how god the game itself is. We're looking at the postgames. And Dragon Quest 5... doesn't even try. It breaks my heart to say that, too. It really does. But there's almost nothing there. There's Estaark in a tiny dungeon, and... a TnT board. Oh, yay. As much as I love Dragon Quest 5, I can't defend this. 1/5

    Dragon Quest 6 - This mostly makes up for Dragon Quest 5's shortcomings in the terms of postgame design. A lot like 4, there is a bunch of story to enjoy here, and you need to run through and clear the dungeon multiple times, getting the incredible Liquid Metal Vocation, awesome equipment, and several battles against Nokturnus. If you beat Nokturnus in time, you are treated to the sight of him beating the final boss to a pulp for you. Satisfying! 4/5

    Dragon Quest 7 - I'll admit I'm among the few that thing Dragon Quest 7's introductory chapters overstay their welcome. Would it have killed them to put the jobs in, I dunno, 20 hours earlier into the game? But I digress. Dragon Quest 7 has an absolutely gorgeous postgame. In the 3DS version, you get one of the best party members back, which is a welcome surprise. There are a few types of postgame, involving the tablets for the hearts to level up monster classes, but the main meat here is the dungeon that leads you into battling The Almighty. He's insanely strong, one of the toughest fights in the game, and he gives some insight into what really happened between him and Orgodemir all those years ago. And he even joins your town, that's a very nice touch. There are elemental opponents that you may fight after The Almighty, but after the titanic battle with him, they feel... anticlimactic. I expected another wicked boss after beating them, but there just isn't one. It kills the pacing of the postgame to just end it there. But mostly, this one is very solid! 3/5

    Dragon Quest 8 - Now we're getting somewhere. I'll be using the 3DS version as my basis for this one, because while it doesn't add a HUGE amount to the postgame, there is one endgame addition and one postgame addition. For this, we'll be glossing over Altar of Wroth, since it TECHNICALLY is unlocked before the final boss is ready to be fought. (That cameo during Juggerwroth tho)... so that brings us to the postgame dungeons. The Dragovian dungeons are some of the most inspired dungeons I've seen in the series. They're long, but designed in such a way that it's less "oh god this is taking forever" and more like "a metal king spear?! What's around that next corner then?" To add to that, once you reach the town, you are given an INSANE amount of backstory that explains something the King of Argonia says about the Hero much, much earlier in the game. Top-notch equipment. One of those "beat me several times" bosses, except, in this case, he's different each time. And to cap it all off? One of the wishes you can make from the Dragovian King is another dungeon. Not a dungeon in the typical sense of the word, though. You see, Memories Lane is a boss rush dungeon. Except, the bosses have spent their time injecting themselves with dragon testosterone and eating nothing but nutritious potatoes. What I mean to say is, they can and WILL tear you to pieces, even at level 99, if you're not properly prepared to tackle them. Each boss has a powered-up version of their earlier gimmicks. Captain Crow, for example, will fully Psyche Up one move, and then cripple or outright kill a party member with his second move. Ruin will be critting what seems like 50% of the time, and confusing you the other 50% of the time. I hope you put enough into Yangus' Humanity to get Kerplunk, because you'll need it. Memories Lane is quite possibly the most savage challenge in the entire series. To cap it all off, there are 4 possible endings. Two for Medea, two for Jessica, one of each of them involving a wedding or not involving a wedding - but to get the marriage endings, you need to clear the postgame's Dragovian Dungeon. All in all, Dragon Quest 8 has one of the best postgames out there. Challenging, rewarding, story-driven, and fun. 5/5

    Dragon Quest 9 - Alright, I love Dragon Quest 9. And there's a lot to talk about here. First off, let's take a look at the postgame bosses. Oh, oh yeah. That's a lot. Dragon Quest 9 has these things called Shrines. Most are randomly-generated dungeons with a neat boss at the end. Then there are the Legacy Shrines. These are packed with final and major bosses from the series up to this point. Like... pretty much ALL of them. It's great. There are no postgame vocations, which, for me, is a mixed bag. I still think a proper hero class would have been nice, at least for the main character. But that's neither here nor there. The story is locked behind DLC that you better hope you got on release, because you can't get it anymore. Even worse, it's in-game DLC. The DLC is already in the game, you just download the key that unlocks it. You can still get it through... less than savory means, naturally. If you know what I mean. Wink wink. But seriously, there is a lot of postgame here if you DID get the DLC. If not... well, it's much less impressive. The story in 9 is a little iffy to begin with, but the postgame has little to do, and no real proper postgame superboss of its own, relying mostly on cameo bosses from the past. Which are great, don't get me wrong! But I just wish we had a proper superboss to wrap up 9 with a nice little ribbon. 4/5

    Dragon Quest 10 - I'm not gonna comment on a game I can't and haven't played. But since it is an MMO, I assume it's at least up to the standard of postgame being relative to the current expansion.

    Dragon Quest 11 - The postgame of Dragon Quest 11 is 100% the best in the series. A sprawling arc that sees you regaining a lost party member and stopping Mordegon's plans right as he tries to enact them. However... look like you only make things worse. Oops. I'll also say, "Calasmos" is such an awesome name. In any case, the postgame gives you a TON to do. In fact, there are SEVERAL postgame dungeons here. Sadly, they are reskins of areas that already exist elsewhere, but things are shifted around enough to keep it seeming fresh. And, as always, you can expect to tackle powerful enemies and bosses. Although I love this postgame more than any other, adding SEVERAL hours of playtime, copious story, and great challenges (the wheel of harma, oh god, the wheel of harma)... it does have some drawbacks. All of the bosses (and yes, I mean ALL of the bosses) are recolors of bosses you've fought before. Except for one. The big boy. The head honcho himself. Or, as I like to call him: "Ultra Instinct Boss Baby"... it makes sense once you break that mask. However, the thing that really nails this home is the epilogue. I'm not going to spoil it here, but tightening its ties to Dragon Quest 3 is the best thing it could have done, and it does it in... just such a right way. 5/5, bar none.

    So, I got a bit long-winded there, I know. But as you can see, I do feel very strongly about some of these postgames. Do you agree with me? Disagree? I'm very excited to see some other opinions on one of the staples of the series as well, so let me have it in the comments~

    submitted by /u/Dracon204
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    Dragon Quest Heroes 1 + 2 English?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Hey guys I was just wondering if the Asian copy of DQ 1 + 2 for Switch has English language options? I know some Asia territory games have this and if this game is one of them I'd love to give it a go.

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/SenorFATB
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    I did a little sketch of the Luminary

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:23 AM PST

    Ain't that satisfying 3: Revenge of the Darkness

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:30 AM PST

    After 10 years, I finally got around to finishing Dragon Quest 9, my first DQ game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I started this game at the age of 11 and I'm now 21. Since then I've picked up DQ 6, 7, 11, and 1. I'll post those when finish as well. It's honestly been a game I've loved so much, I just never seemed to play the story of it. For the most part, I spent my time running around alchemizing and trying out the different classes. Can't wait to play the post game!

    submitted by /u/DarkWaWeeGee
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    Question! I just left Gondolia in DQ11:

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    I now have access to an over world map and Sylvando's ship. Should I explore all of the surrounding cities on my way to the next objective — with the goal of finding loot and experience — or should I go straight to the next objective since the story will take me to the other cities later?

    submitted by /u/NotTheSeagull
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    Serena could have used... (spoilers)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Her own side quest at the beginning of act II. I know she's the least popular character in Japan but she seems to have a lot of diehard fans westward, myself included.

    submitted by /u/cybilb12
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    I dont usually approve of gambling but damned if this doesn't feel good

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    What characters in my team?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST

    I was just wondering what characters should I put on my team? I just finished in gallapolis so I have Hero, Erik, Veronica, Serena and Sylvando.

    They are all level 12 except Erik is at level 13 and sylvando at 15.

    Edit: I think my team is pretty under leveled so where are some good places to level them up?

    submitted by /u/CrimsonEv
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    Dragon Quest town and adventure RPG attraction coming to Japanese theme park

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:33 PM PST

    XI S Definitive under Xbox Game Pass Problems

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:58 AM PST

    So, DirectInput controllers don't work (because Microsoft and Squeenix don't care, I guess) under Xbos Game Pass. Does anybody know a good control configuration scheme that works well with keyboard and mouse? And how to teach the game that I don't use a controller so it gives me keyboard prompts?

    Kinda beside the point: anybody else annoyed that settings and menues are done extra bad? That one has to start a game to reach the settings alone...

    submitted by /u/beagelix
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    Anybody else getting red texture flickers in thh Snaerfelt with the re-release ?(XB1X)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:45 PM PST

    DQXI Question, How do you unlock Erik's Guile top skill? What should I do?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:39 AM PST

    Quick resume for DQ XI on Xbox Series X

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Anyone know when/if DQ XI will get quick resume support on Xbox Series X?

    submitted by /u/Trefry8
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    Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 In Depth Review

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 In Depth Review

    Link to the video <---- Click or tap for the video

    Glad to see the 3 ultra rare monsters get mentioned :)


    submitted by /u/ASMRROSS2022
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