Dragon Quest A wish used well :^) |
- A wish used well :^)
- The plains of Zwaardust.
- Who really like Serena x Luminary
- Started the new year the right way by drawing a new art project! I finished up a unique character last night, Erdrick. Put so many hours into the project until my hands were cramping. Enjoy!:)
- Anyone got any tips for it? :'^)
- I finally got DQ11 are there any tips you can give me so I know them going forward?
- Classic DQ NES Wallpaper
- Dragon Warrior Commercial 1989
- Erinn???
- People are working on translation the ps1 version of dq4. Anyone who can help, reach out!
- Dragon Quest Has Now Become My Favorite Game Series of All Time Over Pokemon, Sad to Say but a New Beginning
- DQ11s DLC ideas
- A quick question on the Yggdrasil... [Story Spoilers]
- Outside is dark and it rains very hard today. But i dunnot care, as i am :
- A jealous Jade
- About the Gloomnivore
- Has anyone else had this glitch with DQXI, and how can I fix it?
- Dragon Quest VII 3DS - Job Level Cap Question
- Can somebody explain to me how evolutionary weapons work. I’m at the very end game and still don’t know what to do with them
- Maybe some new story content ��
- Pretty sure I'm about to fight the big baddie, Am I over or Underleveled for this?
- Finally got my hands on Terry's Wonderland 3D and got in a little too over my head
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:39 AM PST | ||
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:46 AM PST
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Who really like Serena x Luminary Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:30 PM PST | ||
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:18 AM PST
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Anyone got any tips for it? :'^) Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:35 AM PST | ||
I finally got DQ11 are there any tips you can give me so I know them going forward? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:21 AM PST I'm a DQ Vet, I've beaten all the mainline series except for 9 and 10, and several of the spin offs. Its my birthday so I treated myself to DQ11. I just got to heliodor. Anything I should know? Useful tips or secrets someone could impart? Thank you. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:56 PM PST
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Dragon Warrior Commercial 1989 Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST
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Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST Hey, so I just started playing dragon quest heroes 2. I grew up on the older games my faviroute one being 9 (sentinels of a starry sky) now imagine my surprise when I see Erinn running the inn. And I can't fine anything online explaining why she left stornway or how her and patty got here. Anyone know anything?? This does have me super hyped though 🤣 [link] [comments] | ||
People are working on translation the ps1 version of dq4. Anyone who can help, reach out! Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:30 PM PST
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Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:05 PM PST I love Dragon Quest and technically always have in a way. My first time I ever saw the series was DQ VIII when my cousin brought it over my dads house after us visiting over the summer. I thought it was amazing looking and noticed it looked like Dragon Ball and so on. I played some of it and loved it instantly and wanted more. I didn't own it so thats all the exposure I had up to that point. Fast forward, in college during 2014 I reflected on my life as a gamer and why I liked video games in the first place. I asked "What kind of games do I even like anyway?" What is that and why? So I did and realized like any story and piece of fiction, I love story and deep characters in video games like all fiction. I want depthful characters and deep story and good storylines in fiction. Intelligence in the writing and effort and depth put into the series they creator the writers and artist and creativity of course too. Thats the ideal for every artist and the way it should be as everyone knows. So I asked myself what in the world is that in the world of video games called? I looked it up and found the RPG, role playing games. That's the genre I was looking for. It fit the bill perfectly so I naturally singled it out and researched what games were like that. Obviously I played RPGs before this, I was a Chrono Trigger fan, loved Earthbound, Pokemon, Final Fantasy and so on and of course Kindgom Hearts like most people. I love Skyrim and like Western RPGs to an extent but I realized there not my thing and the western style medieval art style and execution isnt my thing. I love medieval stories and western medieval stories too dont get me wrong, I love them alot like Lord of the Rings and now Game of Thrones, but they get repetitive you know? Especially in Western media of course. I realized I loved the JRPG for its original style, art style and direction and even JRPGs are medieval a lot but they make it and the setting and execution interesting and more unique like games like Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest and so on. So I found my favorite genre, RPGs and mainly JRPGs. And the reason how I found that out further? I saw the box art of Dragon Quest V Japanese on the internet, I thought it looked amazing and was like "What is that? What is this game?" I looked into it and found out it was Dragon Quest the name and it was the game I was into all those years ago. I found out it was a JRPG and what that was and then looked up the definition and further realized my favorite genre again and set it in stone, JRPGs are for me, forever more to come. I love JRPGs for their great and creative stories, their amazing well written in depth characters, their long plotlines and storylines that you can get lost in and analyze for years, along with analyzing the characters too, the battle system! I love the turn based battle system and hate anyone that says that there outdated, Turn based is timeless and a easy access battle system, that can be modernized and played in modern day no problem, games like Dragon Quest XI and Persona 5 showcase that. Its just a style choice not a setback, action RPGs are great but they require constant attention and movement, the battle system is huge for a video game, people dont even know. Change the whole game depending on which one you pick, but anyways. I love the exploration, the dialogue and more, and I dont mind grinding and got used to it as a guilty pleasure like most JRPG fans. DQ V I feel like got me into JRPGs officially but Pokemon Red and Blue was my first one I ever played like a lot of people, either that or FF VII for most people I'd say here in the West and of course Dragon Quest for the East in Japan. Now for Pokemon... I love Pokemon, I still do. I love the animal aspect approach, I love capturing monsters and raising them and naming them, I love searching for rare mons and catching them, I love experiencing the story of the games, I love the characters and depth of the world and design, I love the detailed battle system and strategy, I love the Gym Leaders and their designs and depth when their there. I love playing with friends and talking with them about the franchise. Theres so much I love about Pokemon, I could go on and on. But despite all that, Pokemon games aren't perfect especially now. X n Y are the worst Pokemon games of all time in my opinion, there way too easy, boring, have a bad evil team and uninspired and have mostly terrible Gym Leaders and more. I love Sun and Moon a lot but even they weren't perfect I'll admit either. Sword and Shield while I dont hate, are very boring and lazy games for the most part. And I'm tired of it, my favorite games in the series are FireRed and Leafgreen and they were my favorite games of all time too. Now Im questioning that fact...I can't support a company that's lazy and uninspired like this. Especially when theres companies and game franchises that aren't like this and making ambitious great games today. Games like Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, Dragon Quest XI, God of War 4, the list goes on. These games are amazing and some of the best games of all time and what does Pokemon have to show for it now? Nothing, the best Pokemon games are old with Gen 2, Gen 1, Gen 4 and so on. I don't get it and I'm tired of getting it. I'm not permanently leaving Pokemon, I still love the Pokemon Special manga and I love the manga to death and think its amazing still and will always support it. I like the anime still even if its pretty bad at times and will keep watching it. I still will play and love the old games and Sun and Moon too. But if Game Freak doesnt make good games from here with the 25th Anniversary and Gen 9 too in the future, I guess I'm done which is so sad. I'll treat Pokemon like Final Fantasy from here, I'll support the good games and good remakes but not support any bad or boring games in my opinion. Dragon Quest, back to that. Dragon Quest hits all the right notes. Its ambitious, influential to the genre and legendary, the games have amazing characters with tons of depth and heart and passion put into them, the games are always good and maintain their quality for years, they have great amazing storylines even if basic sometimes, the execution is there and very good, the worlds are amazing and have a ton of detail and effort put into them, the games are funny and light hearted and dont take themselves too seriously like Earthbound and Paper Mario, like those games too though DQ games can get pretty dark and have tons of depth in the story and can get pretty deep as well when it needs too. Dragon Quest games are just excellent as a whole and I can always trust it even if nothing is perfect, DQ included. There close enough to perfection though in my opinion and thats why were here today as fans of this series. I got into Dragon Quest before it went mainstream back in 2014 and am glad to see the series grow in popularity over here in the states the past few years since Hero's inclusion in Smash along with DQ XIs release and success over here and everywhere. So after some thinking and careful consideration, while I love both series very dear to my heart. I have to say I love anad trust DQ more, even if Pokemon fixes this which I hope. Dragon Quest is just more consistently better quality than those games for awhile now and always has been and always will be. Let's give it up to the OG and granddaddy of JRPGs, your the best Dragon Quest and thank you Yuji Horii for making this series. And thank you Akira Toriyama for drawing it too as I also love your art style and think it fit this series perfectly and its no problem too since I absolutely love Dragon Ball and always will. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. And btw, my favorite Dragon Quest game of all time is Dragon Quest III, what a masterpiece game. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:11 AM PST So far I really loved the game having played it the second time around. But if there was any DLC coming for it, what would you like to see? -Rebuilding Dunrasil Postgame -Adult Veronica (atleast in postgame, thru Drustan's wishes, or in a new game+) -Actual marriage not "cohabition" with Serena, Jade and Adult Veronica, and expanded interactation with them at cobblestone and extra dialouge when exploring the world. -Ask Gemma to come with you to explore the world after Marriage for some extra dialouge -Extra Dungeons and bosses with quests -A Hard mode in between normal and Stronger Monsters. (A lot of people said its too unfair) -More abilities and even weapon selections. Bows and Hammers would be cool imo. -More costumes for each character. Bring back Erik's lupine costume! -A side story where you can play as Erdwin, Drustan, Serenica and Morcant -Bonus story where you can control Serena and Veronica (like the ones that happen before act2) -Switchable characters in the overworld -Post game dungeon and boss where you have 2 separate parties. (Just like they did in FF6) -Replayable and expanded Octagonia area fights in post game -Have companions follow you even inside towns -Fast forward forging. When you +3 an item, an option should be to auto forge. I know this would be most likely not coming true, but it's fun just to talk about it. If nothing else, I just can't wait for DQ12! Or a remake of DQ9! [link] [comments] | ||
A quick question on the Yggdrasil... [Story Spoilers] Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:46 PM PST So I'm playing the game for the first time, and I've just gotten to the part where the game pulls a FFVI and Mordegon destroys Yggdrasil. This puts the world in a state of ruin and the party gets separated. I'm only in Gondolia JUST after that happened so if we could avoid spoilers past this that'd be great, but I'm confused about one little thing... Why is everyone in the world still alive? Doesn't a leaf on Yggdrasil's branches represent a life? During the Mordegon cutscene, all the leaves popped off, withered, and fell, along with Yggdrasil itself. Before the event, Veronica herself confirmed this to me, saying something along the lines of "each leaf on Yggdrasil represents a life, so don't even think about picking one off!" So with the World Tree dead and gone at the moment... How is everyone still alive..? If it gets explained later, please don't spoil it haha, just tell me to be patient or something. Thanks~ [link] [comments] | ||
Outside is dark and it rains very hard today. But i dunnot care, as i am : Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:31 AM PST
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Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:35 AM PST | ||
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST I admit, I'm not a very patient person when it comes to having to do things over and over in video game but what the fuck. This is my first time playing the game and I'm starting to feel like I just missed equipment or didn't grind enough, do you have any tips for beating it? [link] [comments] | ||
Has anyone else had this glitch with DQXI, and how can I fix it? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST
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Dragon Quest VII 3DS - Job Level Cap Question Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:07 AM PST Hi all - so I am the type of person that loves to grind my characters to ridiculously high levels in RPGs. However, I am afraid to do that in this game as I am afraid that it may push me past the job level caps for certain areas and prevent me from being able to job level. Thus, I am wondering if there are any early game areas where I can job level that have no level cap? For example, Dragon Quest VI had a well area (in Somnia I believe?) that you could access very early after gaining access to the jobs, that had no level cap when it came to job leveling. I was wondering if this game has a similar area? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:07 AM PST | ||
Maybe some new story content �� Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:13 PM PST Just beat Dragon Quest Xl and it is one of the best games i have ever played. 90 hours into it still had some small things to do. I just want it to keep going. [link] [comments] | ||
Pretty sure I'm about to fight the big baddie, Am I over or Underleveled for this? Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:18 PM PST
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Finally got my hands on Terry's Wonderland 3D and got in a little too over my head Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:23 PM PST https://clips.twitch.tv/JazzyAnimatedYogurtRedCoat Thank god for anteater being a brick shit house. [link] [comments] |
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