Dragon Quest DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 22 Discussion |
- DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 22 Discussion
- Ho no...I'm 99 level...but...ho no...
- My first Dragon Quest game! Looking forward to playing it!
- Finally Got my Serena Figure. I also got the Luminary one so RIP my Wallet (just waiting for it to arrive).
- Torneko's Great Adventure 3 Advance's English patch has its first public beta patch released!
- Tickington Village in 3D! Took some screenshots since there was an interest in this version
- UPDATE: I found a NEW copy in box for $40! I called nearly every video game store in LA and they had it! I can’t wait to start it!
- DQ I-III Switch: "worth it?"
- Does Anyone Bother with the Casino Accolades?
- Playing 11 for the first time and I love this guy
- Dragon Quest X: The Best MMO We May Never Play
- I've been loving the ps2 version so much that I called up my local retro store and asked them to hold this one��
- Thoughts from a sort of newbie (part 2, Dragon Quest 4-5
- (Spoiler) I need character advice, please click on the post if your into act 2 .
- Dragon Quest XI: Switch or PS4 Version?
- Was Dragon Quest 5 Super famicom version ever officially released in english
- So how's DQ11's OST?
- It really be like that XD
- *SPOILER* A meme i made from my DQ11 playthrough of Act 2
- Dragon quest XI Bosses
- *SPOILERS* Haven’t played in eons, forgot most of story, any way to catch up on it?
- PSA: If you find 2D mode/Tickington in DQXI S too slow, change the battle speed to manual
DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 22 Discussion Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:44 PM PST Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, Episode 22. Alternative names: Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) PLEASE REMEMBER TO FOLLOW SUBREDDIT RULES REGARDING SPOILERS Official Streams Show Information Previous Episode Discussion: Episode 21 Next Episode Discussion: Coming Mar. 12th, 2021 [link] [comments] | ||
Ho no...I'm 99 level...but...ho no... Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:06 AM PST
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My first Dragon Quest game! Looking forward to playing it! Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:05 PM PST
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Posted: 05 Mar 2021 09:56 PM PST | ||
Torneko's Great Adventure 3 Advance's English patch has its first public beta patch released! Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:59 AM PST
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Tickington Village in 3D! Took some screenshots since there was an interest in this version Posted: 05 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PST
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Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:08 PM PST
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Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:47 AM PST I am thinking of getting one of the three "classic" Dragon Quest games on the Switch. Are they "worth buying" or should I skip them? I have never played a Dragon Quest game before. [link] [comments] | ||
Does Anyone Bother with the Casino Accolades? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:10 AM PST I've been trying to get the Poker Streak one, but these are entirely based on luck (unless someone can share a trick), and so I question whether they should even count towards completionist standards. Does anyone have any tips / tricks, or should I just not bother? [link] [comments] | ||
Playing 11 for the first time and I love this guy Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:03 PM PST
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Dragon Quest X: The Best MMO We May Never Play Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:44 AM PST
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Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:55 PM PST
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Thoughts from a sort of newbie (part 2, Dragon Quest 4-5 Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PST Introduction So around a month and a half ago I made a post as a Dragon Quest newbie playing through Dragon Quest 1-3 for the first time (https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/kvvwzy/thoughts_from_a_newbie_dragon_quest_13/ ). Well now I've made my way through Dragon Quests Zenithian trilogy and as goes through my head every time I start a new game and learn about the new Big Bad wreaking havoc who is so sure he can't possibly be defeated by my small group of heroes. Here we go again. Also as should be obvious spoiler warning for the zenithian trilogy games. Dragon Quest IV So with my previous write up I genenrally view the original trilogy as having been sort of a case study in game design evolution, watching as the games built on themselves through each entry to eventually arrive at what became the general formula for the series as a whole. Well if those games were about building up the Zenithian Trilogy I would say was more about taking what they built and using it to try new things. That for me was the through line of these games. They didn't expand on the formula in leaps and bounds quite to the same extent the first trilogy did but nobody can accuse them of sitting on their laurels or playing it safe. In Dragon Quest IV's case this came in the format of character chapters. The game started off briefly with your character in a small town with none to subtle hints about what was to come for you, and then quickly decided it didn't really care about you just yet and went off to focus on one Ragnar McRyan on a journey of his own to save some kids, then Alena the prince of Zamoksva or a journey of self improvement, then (the wonderful) Torneko Taloon a family man looking to make himself into a great merchant, and finally Meena and Maya a pair of sisters on a journey of revenge to hunt down the man who murdered their father. This was a bold choice of the game to basically sideline the main character for the first eight or so hours of the game and I absolutely loved it. While it caught me off guard at first the idea of playing all these mini stories to get a feel for who these characters were before the real adventure had really even started. Torneko in particular was my favorite just for the idea that you were just playing this older overweight guy who just really wanted to be a merchant, not really what you picture for heroes about to go on to save the world. This parade of side character set ups also worked wonderfully as a great appetizer setting my mouth to salivating for when all of this would come together around my newest legendary hero in the grand adventure to come. Which is where to me the game slightly faltered. At first it was all well and good (or at least as well and good as a good dose of tragedy can be). We pop back over to the main character in time to see him thrown right into the proverbial fire as his town is destroyed while they protect him. The death of his childhood friend Eliza in particular was heartbreaking as the game revealed the real reason they'd given her the cute little happy morph ability she'd previously used to mess with the hero. A+ to the game writers but at the same time seriously screw you for that D: . It was effective though as by the time that scene was finished I was fully ready to go kick the villains rear end all across the land. But it's at this point where the game kind of drops off for me. I mentioned before how the game starts off by kind of not caring about the main character to focus on the side characters, well it honestly felt like that not caring continued after this point. Now to be clear I get that the main characters of the games are generally fairly blank slates by design and I have no real issue with that logic, but at the same time going from this series of stories with a variety of colorful character to a blank slate protagonist was more than a little jarring and I won't deny I found myself wishing that one of the others could have been the legendary hero in his place. Not the end of the world or anything (that's Psaro's job) but it just didn't quite work for me in this instance. Luckily regardless of the main characters deficiencies we move on with the journey and it is the classic Dragon Quest feeling that I have grown to love and adore. Just journeying around the world, picking up allies, jumping with glee when Torneko shows up (seriously best character), and searching out legendary equipment. It's classic Dragon Quest at least as far as I know it and I honestly have no problem at all with that. But there is also more to this than just that. Again the devs clearly aren't averse to building on their games and one such improvement in IV is the introduction of the first (and last) complex villain of the series as far as I've played so far. I really liked how they handled Psaro. Through all the teases I got of him initially I was expecting another typical villain character but instead the game surprised me with some nice backstory and development to flesh him out and show why he is like he is. Through trying to raise Estark, the reveal that he hates humanity for what they've done in the past, to hints of inter monster turmoil behind the scenes Psaro was by far the star of the show for me (sorry Torneko). The only real flaw I had with him is that I wish they'd done a bit more with him as a final boss than basically turning him into a mindless Estark 2.0. It made sense story wise but it kind of sucked that this interesting character culminates in becoming another giant monster who just wants to destroy (this is improved with the true ending and I really liked what the did with the post game content here as opposed to the previous games dragon boss (I still hate that prick). It was nice to get some additional story and a whole new ending giving some closure to the hints of monster infighting as well as a nice ending for Psaro and Rose. And then we brought back Eliza..... that was a bit weird but I am 100% okay with this. Overall I liked this game, honestly it was my favorite of the Zenithian Trilogy. As usual some small gripes and minor nitpicks but at the end of the day if I finish the game and look back and I had a great time then the issues kind of fall by the wayside. Dragon Quest V I was excited for this one. Really excited. While I generally try not to read anything about the games ahead of time so that I can just make my own judgements I still had managed to hear that V was one of the more lauded titles in the story. And in retrospect I wish I hadn't heard that because I probably would have been a bit less disappointed than I ended up being. I did like it. Let's be very clear on this I DID LIKE IT OVERALL. It just didn't end up being quite what I'd heard it hyped up to be. To start at the beginning I like the whole growing up aspect of it. Starting off playing a six year old version of my character (though at times I felt like the writers themselves sometimes forgot this kid was meant to be six) was fantastic and I enjoyed the storyline as we followed or father around up until his unsurprising death. I knew it was going to happen, the guy was practically screaming doomed to die the whole time, didn't make it any less sad when he did though :( This lead to a fantastic twist where you and who up until this point I'd been referring to as asshole prince become slaves in a cool little narrative section to help explain the time jump to older you. This also lead to one of my favorite redemption stories as asshole prince went to being called Harry, to being probably my favorite side character in the entire game (which was a pretty amazing transformation given that I feel Harry as a character was criminally underutilized in the overall game). This is where we run into the main issues I had with the game. Once we finish Harry's character arc he stays at the castle to act as advisor (which was fine, story wise this makes sense and I have no issues with it) but it's followed but what was my least favorite segment of the game. For one thing I'll just rip the proverbial band-aid off now, I didn't like recruiting monsters. I know a lot of people like this and I can somewhat see why but it just didn't work for me. Particularly following up such a well done character like Harry the recruitable monsters just felt lackluster. Great as a mechanic for variety and customizing the party but I never had any real emotional connection to any of them (outside of Saber the sabercat though I would argue he doesn't really count as part of that system since he is set up as an actual unique companion). So while I won't say it was a bad system it was just one that never really clicked with me and mostly left me wishing for more actual characters as party members. This was paired with a section of the game that somewhat felt a bit aimless. We had the goal of gathering the legendary equipment for the legendary hero (also to mention while I glossed over it a bit I did really enjoy the reveal that I wasn't the legendary hero) but as a plot point it didn't make much sense to me. The whole idea was that we want to find the hero and if we find the gear the hero will then need to find us, however we already have the sword so the hero already would need to find us regardless so finding the other stuff isn't really necessary but whatever I went with it I just wish there could have been a little more plot direction in this segment. From here we reach Mostroferrato and hit the marriage section of the game where we get to choose to marry Bianca and that's just the correct option (I respect that the devs gave three options but at least for me Bianca was the only one who made sense since we already had a connection with her meanwhile Nera clearly was better suited to be with Crispin and Debra was just unlikable in just about ever respect). I did enjoy this segment overall it was a great having Bianca back (yay real character party members :D ) and I enjoyed the whole questline and wedding section of the game. After that came more sort of aimless wandering as we continue looking for equipment paired with the fastest pregnancy ever as we eventually arrive at Gotha just to learn that Bianca is pregnant and is giving birth practically right now (seriously hero how oblivious are you to apparently not notice your wife is pregnant until she is literally giving birth :P ). And after this we go through a rapid fire series of events regarding becoming king of Gotha, Bianca getting kidnapped, and culminating in the big ending of the second part of our lives as Hero and Bianca end up turned to stone and we go through another great narrative segment this time of a statue as the years go by. It also amused me more than it probably should have that we spent the first time skip moving stone and this time we have become the stone. And this is where the game becomes great again for me. Because to start the final act of the game your children show up fix the whole statue thing and from here on you have permanent character party members solving the main issue I'd had with the game (and some of you are probably glad because now I can stop grumbling about it). From here I'd say to me the game went into classic Dragon Quest mode. We now have the legendary hero in the part (our son, I named him Kaz) as well as our daughter (I named her Mana) and Sancho who I continually felt conflicted between if the stereotype he was built on was a little too on the nose or whether I just didn't care because Sancho was a joy to have around. Storywise I would say the remainder of the game was fine. Mostly just the usual go after the big bad, kick his ass, that sort of thing. I found it a bit weird how the statue of Bianca just happened to be in the temple but whatever she's now back as a party member (sorry Sancho, you're great but I feel like choosing you over my wife would land me sleeping on the couch :P ). At this point I feel I should rewind briefly and talk about Ladja. I will say I liked Ladja as a villain for the simple fact that he was consistently around. He wasn't the most interesting villain especially following Psaro but he was hate-able enough and showed up regularly enough that I was solidly invested in beating him to a pulp when the time came. Same can't really be said for Nimzo. I'm honestly just not a huge fan of the real villain being someone that just comes out at the end. It's kind of like Psaro's monster transformation. It just lacks any real oomph to feel really good about beating them. I was happy to do so and finishing the game but flat as he may have been I got more satisfaction from beating Ladja. So as I said towards the start of this post this trilogy to me represents the devs willingness to try new things in this case though at least for me I'd say one of the core new things just didn't land. I like the growing up aspect and that was a cool twist to put on things but I just didn't care about the recruitable monsters and really wish I could have just had more defined party members instead. Still overall a great game and I can definitely see why people love it so much but for me I just liked IV better. Dragon Quest VI VI was somehow simultaneously my favorite and least favorite game of this trilogy which when balanced out lands it somewhere around tied with V for me. I really liked the start. Beginning with your character in this tiny village, falling through a whole into another world, becoming a solider to take on Murdaw. The whole first act was great. Top it off with the fact that I really liked Milly and Carver and early on I was already thinking this was going to be my favorite game of the Zenithian trilogy. And then the story just kind of, stopped. Murdaw dies, peace is restores (but not really) and the adventure continues but it felt like the game never really had any plot progression to go along with it. It just sent you out into the world gave you some vague goals and then the story just went on vacation for a bit. As has likely been made obvious by my thoughts on the previous games in the series I'm not really a big fan of aimless wandering. I don't mind exploration and not being lead by the nose but I prefer a balance where you can still see the plot whereas the second act of VI just felt like you were just running around doing sidequests until the main story felt like continuing. To it's credit it wasn't all bad. I continued to like the party members as we added Ashlynn, Nevan, and Amos to the group and I really enjoyed some of the little side stories along the way (particular favorites being Howard the cowardly prince, the mystery of the flying bed, and the indirect story of Milly's background that you find from just talking to NPCs in Felonia. This is why I feel so conflicted. There are so many good parts to this section of the game but they just never felt like it really came together in a fully satisfying way. I also really liked the vocation system. I enjoyed the way you could level up any vocation and just gain a bunch of new abilities just mixing and matching to create the character you want though I do feel like some of the abilities you get costing nothing felt like it made a lot of spells feel sort of obsolete. The actual story overall honestly never really grabbed me. Once the initial act ended and the story petered off it never really managed to grab me again. I did still enjoy the game and the whole design of going between the two worlds but overall the characters were the main thing I enjoyed about it. Overall if I had to rank it I would probably say it was the worst of the three but I still liked the party the most of all (aside from Harry in V who I feel is the best side character so far in the series as a whole). I also found the endgame for this one somewhat lacking. It was amusing seeing Mortamor get flattened by Nokturnus but overall after finally beating Nokturnus I couldn't help but feel "that's it" especially following how much I liked IV's endgame. V had a similar issue here but it was alleviated by the weird charm of the absolutely evil TnT board. Conclusion So overall as said I think the highlight of the Zenithian trilogy was just in how the devs show that they are still willing to try new things. Between the character chapters of IV, the monster recruitment and growing up set up of V, and the multiple worlds of VI it really added some nice variance to the games even if some elements didn't land with me personally. And regardless of what worked and what didn't I'm happy to see that the devs showed that they are at least willing to take those chances rather than just churning out the same game over and over. I can respect that and if anything despite my issues with them it's only managed to cement even more how much I really love this series. Despite my grumbling and nitpicking at points over these six games so far I've really built up a fondness for these games. To the point where I start it and it feels like coming home and regardless of any flaws or imperfections I still find myself loving and wanting to get lost in this series and that to me is the real heart of what makes Dragon Quest Dragon Quest. And with that this post is pretty much finished. Next up will be 7, 8, and 9 and I honestly can't wait so I'm going to go start that right now :D edit: Fixed some formatting. Also if anyone has any questions about what I thought about aspects I may have glossed over or failed to mention feel free to ask. I'm sure I missed some stuff in my attempts to not let this become too long winded. [link] [comments] | ||
(Spoiler) I need character advice, please click on the post if your into act 2 . Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:22 AM PST Can somebody tell me if Hendrickson or Jade is better? Hendrickson seems to be way better right now but I absolutely adore Jade and don't really wanna swap her out. So is Jade just as good or better so I have an excuse to keep her in the line up? [link] [comments] | ||
Dragon Quest XI: Switch or PS4 Version? Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:21 AM PST After playing a lot of smash as the Hero I absolutely want to get into the franchise now. However, I'm not sure which version is best for me. On one hand I would love to have an amazing RPG on the go, it would also be super convenient for me as I often commute to college and have free time most days. But on the other hand I would love to experience this game in all its beauty on console, I'm not sure if the differences are that great. The PS4 version is also on sale right now for $31. Are the differences between the two version huge or does it not matter all that much. Looking forward to playing either one, thanks! [link] [comments] | ||
Was Dragon Quest 5 Super famicom version ever officially released in english Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:26 AM PST | ||
Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:19 AM PST Bought it for the Switch awhile back, just now getting ready to play it and was wondering what's everyone's thoughts on it. P.S: This is a huge deal for me, OST is one of my favorite parts about JRPGs. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:01 PM PST | ||
*SPOILER* A meme i made from my DQ11 playthrough of Act 2 Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:44 PM PST | ||
Posted: 05 Mar 2021 10:35 PM PST So, I'm fighting the squid boss, and this games difficulty curve is insane right now. Man wiped me in two round of turns and I just looked at my screen and was like, "yeah no." Any other bosses like that in this game? I've decided to try and grind maybe a few levels, change up some gear maybe. Any recommendations on gear or setups? [link] [comments] | ||
*SPOILERS* Haven’t played in eons, forgot most of story, any way to catch up on it? Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PST Hi all, I took a long break from DQ XI, and I'm loving my return to it, but I'm totally lost. It's just been so long, the details of the story are lost to me. I remember stopping just after some flying whale encounter, and I know I need to forge the Sword of Light and get some hammer to do so, but that's all I really recall LOL. Is there somewhere I can go to watch or read the unfolding of the story in sequence, so I can stop before I get ahead of myself and spoil the story? TIA. [link] [comments] | ||
PSA: If you find 2D mode/Tickington in DQXI S too slow, change the battle speed to manual Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:07 PM PST It goes by so much faster if you do that, though of course you need to press a button. [link] [comments] |
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