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    Dragon Quest DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 26 Discussion

    Dragon Quest DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 26 Discussion

    DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 26 Discussion

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, Episode 26.

    Alternative names: Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020)


    Official Streams

    Show Information

    Previous Episode Discussion: Episode 25

    Next Episode Discussion: Coming Apr. 9th, 2021

    submitted by /u/TheCodingGamer
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    Even after beaten Persona 5 twice, I didn’t notice this Dragon Quest IV reference until now.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    Enemies in Dragon Quest be animated like

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy Easter - featuring a Slime :) [OC]

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    My Dragon Quest main line collection. It's annoying my favourite is Dragon Quest V which I can't afford.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    Sorry, it's a "which first" post. VII or IX. (Minor spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    tl;dr VII or IX first. Lot of text to explain why I'm having trouble deciding which to do.

    A few years ago I played VIII(3DS), enjoyed it. Not so long ago, played the switch version of XI (Demo first, then full game), and frankly, consider it a near masterpiece (That poisoning spider boss below arena area before I was able to cure poison was annoying, but otherwise, it was mostly my fault when I lost. I honestly enjoyed the hell of of it aside a few moments like that.)

    Due to XIs 2d area (I forget the name right now, the place with the ticktock ghost things), I got a bit of a glimpse into each DQ before it, and this started me on a journey of "Play the lot" (Aside a nostalgia trip, probably the entire point, but it worked on me to play the lot too and look forward to the eventual XII so hey, no complaints). So I went through DQ 1-3 (The switch ports, which I believe are effectively the mobile ports) and enjoyed those, especially with the evolution of gameplay form solo to party to job system. (Though, the framerates are horrendous. why they run at what feels like 15fps I do not know.)

    I waited a few months, waiting for the rest to hit switch, but they've yet to do so, so I got my hands on IV on android. Didn't like controlling it like that, so got the DS version, along with V, VI and IX, and I also got VII for 3ds.

    Enjoyed those, again more or less in ascending order, I think V has a stronger story of the three, (I just beat VI, but haven't done the bonus dungeon. Final boss is a HELL of a spike though), but they're all good. But now I'm at a difficult part. Part of me wants to do VII next as, release wise, it's next, however I have the 3DS version, so I'm wondering if the downgrade back to DS graphics would throw me off when I go to IX (I beat VIII on 3DS a few years back now).

    So are there (Relatively minimal on spoilers) reasons to take IX and it's 'older' style over VII, or should I continue in the series order and finish with IX? I'm fully aware these aren't connected story wise, even vaguely.

    Had a google before this and the answers were fairly split, seems VII is a bit harder, minimal guidance with a deeper job system, whereas IX is a bit easier and more straightforward?

    submitted by /u/Raeletta
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    Should I Keep Playing?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT


    Hey everyone!

    I have been a lurker on this sub for a while as I have been trying to get into Dragon Quest 11. For whatever reason, the game did not immediately grab me. I am about seven hours in, having collected (almost) all party members and done some light adventuring, but it doesn't really seem to be heading anywhere. Something about a save the world plot and what have you, but what really did grab me was the beginning with the king in Heliodor.

    Now I know there is some kinda cool plot twist mid game, and so my question is should I stick with it? I have had this problem with JRPGs in the past, but usually the thing that gets me comes a bit earlier. I have no problem playing more especially if it gets really good as I enjoy the moment to moment monster battling and exploring really cool towns, but the English VO does put me off quite a bit as well and the story (as of yet) doesn't seem to be really good.

    Please let me know! I want to be a part of this amazing community!

    submitted by /u/fightforever_
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    Challenge runs?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    I've been playing the DQM2 remake with the translation patch that released a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it after only playing Joker 2 when it first came out. I'm a big fan of the synth system tho I'm not really sure about the deeper ins and outs of it but I started wondering; through synthing the right combinations,would it be possible to beat any of the Monsters games using only Rank F monsters? (without resorting to grinding them up to max level and stuff like that) I really like challenge runs in Pokemon,so if something similar could be replicated in these games I think that would be really cool

    submitted by /u/roxybbyy
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    "Dragon Quest Island" Theme Park Opens in Japan on April 29, 2021, Full Details

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    A few months ago, a new Dragon Quest themed park was announced to open in Japan this Spring, but it's been radio silence ever since. Today they had a press conference to announce the details, of course with nothing translated.

    There is a Twitter account for the attraction, but all of the details are posted via pictures, so here's a mistake filled translation of the tweets using my toddler-level Japanese:

    - Opens April 29, 2021, located on Awaji Island, which is Yuji Horii's hometown and is approximately 90 minutes by car from Osaka. Here's a map of the area.

    - It's about $30 for general admission, $50 for the subquest set, and $110 for a premium ticket. The premium ticket gets you a special adventure book, a Loto's Shield backpack and neck strap . For kids every ticket is about $20 cheaper. Tickets go on sale April 3. If you get tickets through the website, you'll get an "Original A5 Clear File". Don't ask me what that is.

    - Most of the park activities are like doing missions, so it's not a traditional theme park type deal like Six Flags. It's like you're going through a DQ adventure. You travel to Onokogard, the fictional name they're giving the park area, and of course it's been attacked by monsters and the king needs you to restore peace to the land.

    - When you get to the park, they give you a guidebook and Loto's seal. There will be places where you can use your Loto's Seal to interact with stuff, talking to monsters, getting treasure, etc. They also announced some new characters that will be involved in your adventure, a Loto Healsime, Onion Slime, and Onion King Slime.

    - Up to 4 people can all go on the same adventure together. You also get to pick a class, Warrior, Fighter, Thief or Mage. No clue if more than one person can pick the same class.

    - They'll even have sidequests, including one featuring Robin 'Ood. Presumably you'll need to buy the subquest ticket to be able to do these.

    - Luida's Bar will be at the park (there's already one in Tokyo). They showed off some healslime and liquid metal slime curry. There will also be plenty of merch to buy there of course.

    - During the press conference, they give you a brief sneak peek of an area at the 46:00 mark. They also show the DQ themed food at 55:00 and merch at 1:01:00.

    Probably the biggest silver lining of me not being able to go to Japan last year like I had planned (and probably not this year either the way things are looking) is that I'll be able to visit this now.

    submitted by /u/BrokeMyGrill
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    Slime Mori Mori 3 Holy Mcdonalds ship parts/ McDonald's MoriMori Ship Battle! DX/ special presents/ passwords

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:20 PM PDT


    What the heck, apparently there was like some McDonald's MoriMori Ship Battle! DX game. Google translate said "you can experience the battle between the "Holy Ship" on which slimes ride and the nemesis "Sliver". also something about winning mcdonalds coupons.

    Is there anyway to get Mcdonalds holy ship parts or any of the special presents released. I guarantee there is probably no way to get them.

    Also what do the passwords do in the game?

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Date_3823
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    Got my two displates. Pretty pleased!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    Demon Swordsman is a new and original job that was introduced in Version 5 of DQX. What's unique is that it's a support role that can assist allies why wrecking your opponents.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest VI (1995)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    "A Slime Approaches!" Thought you all might like my latest crochet project.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Beat Dragon Warrior II last night on my final attempt, I was sweating it out!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Starting a Dragon Quest 6 playthrough

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Since I'm a huge fan of Square Enix I decided to play some Dragon Quest games! The one that interested me the most was Dragon Quest 6! Any of those who've played the game before have any tips for me? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Souless_Bear07
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    Has anyone done the max level in first area for this game?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about doing it and I'm curious to see if I'll be the first or not.

    submitted by /u/darkfifth
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    Level 3 forging is complete RNG bullshit!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    So yeah, IDK why but doing 3 stars crafting is complete random BS, I have 120 consetration points but still the crafting drains all!! Is there a trick to this nightmare? I can't stand losing more reforge pearls in just a chance that RNG bless me once

    submitted by /u/DaiZenKarl
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    Any tips or tricks for final boss of Dragon Quest 2?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    I forget his name because I keep on accidentally calling him Morgoth. He is such a source of frustration. Switch version. My lowest level is the princes at 35. I have all of Erdriks armor, the thundersword, that crazy expensive armor from the Burrowers on my second prince and the glowing dress on my princess. I thought I was ahead of the game equipment wise. This final boss just wipes the floor with me.

    What do you all think? Any timeless tricks of a bygone old school jrpg that I should be working with here?


    submitted by /u/Several_Lingonberry
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    Wow Orochi, way to go kick my butt

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Playing on android, not had any issue to far until this guy. If he RNGs 2 fire attacks in one turn it's a complete wipe. I'm around level 16, have a cleric, mage, and warrior. Should I just grind to level 21 to get my Mage to Wizard? Anyone else worth changing class?

    PS this is only my 2nd DQ after dq1 mobile, wanted to get these 2 games finished before I played dq11.

    submitted by /u/ssjduelist
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    Line up matter?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    I've been recording who monsters attack for a little bit. I have one guy in front row and the rest in back. The front row guy gets attacked as much as anyone else meaning there seems to be no difference. Out of 32 attacks 7 have been at the front row guy. One of my characters is female and she gets attacked more than anyone 12/32 lol

    submitted by /u/myghostisdead
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    My first main dragon quest game completed! Totally recommended!! ����

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Princess Leona by 向咲 明

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:32 AM PDT

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