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    Tuesday, December 28, 2021

    Dragon Quest Guess my favorite archetype

    Dragon Quest Guess my favorite archetype

    Guess my favorite archetype

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 05:38 PM PST


    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 12:48 PM PST

    Why does RNGesus hate me

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 05:25 AM PST

    I'm fighting the timewyrm and i'm keeping track of how much damage i've done on a notepad, I manage to kill the head and deal around 13,000 damage to the tail. I'm down to my last four party members, serena, jade, rab, and the luminary.

    I'm trying desperately to use the elfin elixer i have with rab on serena (post kerplunk out of annoying necessity) but the tail hyperfocuses rab and kills him, the luminary doesn't have enough mp to revive because he just had to full heal himself, so i gotta use my leaf on jade to res rab, to use the elfin elixer on serena to res everyone. Somehow i manage to bring rab back, use the elfin elixer, and even manage to use a yggdrasil dew to heal everyone up.

    Jade's turn comes up and since she's all out of healing options i get to choose between throwing out some damage or popping the pep pop i put on her, i knew i had a few turns before he would fire off another disruptive wave, so i went with the pop. Planning on just throwing out some big damage with one of the 4 person pep attacks, then kerplunking, as i fully expected the luminary to go before serena.

    Victory is in sight, i see nothing wrong with this plan, and i laugh as the timewyrm's tail takes his last move before I enact my plan. I laugh even further as both the luminary and serena manage to block his two punches he throws out, nothing can stop me now! GLORY IS MINE!!!!..........

    And then the tail casts kafuddle, I grin evilly, I equipped everyone with gear that totals to 80% confusion resistance, as it was my most hated status to deal with in the 3rd act. "Perfect" i think to myself, and then my heart drops from my chest to my toes as I see my entire party get afflicted by the confuse status...... i could only watch on in horror, as my now moronic npc's, flail and flounder and do nothing, and continue watching as the timewyrm's tail proceeds to bash, burn, and chomp down on my final four.......

    TLDR: Fuck Confusion and everything it stands for

    Edit: since posting this i've fought the timewyrm 4 more times, 3 of them ended in frustratingly similar situations and i want to punch the sun

    submitted by /u/Cress02
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    I took a poll a few days ago asking "how many DQ games have you played in total?" And here are the results:

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 03:49 AM PST

    • 90 people have played only 1 game

    • 413 people have played 5 or less games

    • 363 people have played 6 or more games

    Link to poll. I was a bit shocked and pleasantly surprised to see so many people exploring the franchise, there are a ton of great games beyond DQXI and I loved to hear about your experiences. Thank you for participating!

    submitted by /u/Sandbag-kun
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    My girlfriend gifted me one of my best childhood memories... Manual included!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 06:03 AM PST

    50,000+ Japanese players voted on the best console games ever. DQV won second place!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 01:42 PM PST

    Is there any way to mess up anything when first starting the game?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 09:03 PM PST

    Hi all. I'm thinking about starting DQXI soon, but unfortunately I can't seem to find any kind of manual for it. I like reading manuals first just to get a handle on the basic gameplay.

    However, I'm finding plenty of guides, but I feel like reading some of this stuff might be a bit too overwhelming before I've even started the game. Reading about character classes, skills, etc. before I've even met one of the characters or seen any of this stuff in the game might not make any sense ot me.

    So basically, I'd like to know if I can safely start the game and play for a bit, maybe an hour or two, without having to make any irreversible decisions that might mess up my experience. Then I will probably go to the guides to get a better sense of what I want to do with the characters.

    I remember in DQ7 that you could switch classes and skills pretty much whenever you wanted, but in DQ8 there was no option to respec, so that required a bit of planning ahead. Is there anything like that in DQXI, or can things be changed later?


    P.S. Any other beginner tips or advice would be appreciated as well!

    submitted by /u/JohnJSal
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    Dragon Quest 4 - Which Version to Play

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 10:50 PM PST

    Hi there, so quick question about Dragon Quest 4. I've looked up a lot of the previous articles on Reddit and other places about which version is the best between mobile and DS. A lot of people were for the mobile version because it had party talk which the DS doesn't. I saw a more recent posting saying that there was a English patch for the DS version that did finally bring in English party talk. Does anyone know about that or have any experience with using it? Any good? Should I stick with the mobile version if I want that party talk for this one? If so, does the mobile version have save states? Basically, I love abusing save states in fights with metal slimes and stuff, so I'd love to have the ability to save a state before combat so I can keep loading it over and over again to get a new set of monsters until I get the metal slimes I want. Is that possible in mobile? Or would I need to stick with the DS if I want that kind of functionality? I saw something about cloud save for the mobile version, just wasn't sure the particulars on that. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/brokencreedman
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    Why wasn't Dragon Quest 8 more successful/marketed more in the west?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 07:35 AM PST

    I just wanna preface by saying that I'm only speaking from personal experience. I was introduced to the series through DQ11, and was only vaguely aware of the series before that.

    Now I haven't yet played any of the other entries (I'm currently playing DQ5 on DS), but I've seen clips to sort of get a sense of what each game is like (although I know that it's no substitute for actually playing them). I can kinda understand why DQ7 wasn't so successful in the west. It used 2D sprites when 3D character models had become the norm, it was released on an outdated console, and, based on what I've read online, the progression can be a bit tedious for casual gamers. Not saying it's good or bad, but it seems like it would have been difficult at the time to market a game like that in the west.

    DQ8, on the other hand, seems like it offered everything western audiences would've wanted at the time. It was entirely in 3D, featured voice acting, and pushed the PS2 hardware to its limits. The thing is, I don't recall a single piece of marketing related to the game. I remember the other kids at school would rant and rave about whatever the new Final Fantasy game was, but I didn't even know there was a series called Dragon Quest until years later.

    Also, by 2004, Dragon Ball Z had become widely popular in the west, and Toriyama's designs alone would've been enough to sell me on the game. I just don't understand why it wasn't talked about more.

    submitted by /u/violetmoon120
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    Post game question for 3ds .spoilers

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 07:45 PM PST

    Do you need to beat estark to complete the post game and get the ending for it. Or is it an optional boss like how the time wyvern is for dq 11 in which you don't need to fight him in order to get the second ending.

    submitted by /u/pizzaninja4209
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    Dragon Quest III Post Game Question about Saves and Savestates

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 07:44 PM PST

    Hi there, I have a quick question for you. I just beat DQ3 using the English patched SFC rom. Fantastic game. However, I made the fun mistake of not saving my game often using the King save system, so my last save file was much earlier in the game when I was only level like, 42 or something like that. I had grinded for a few hours to get my characters up to 60+ so that I could take on the optional boss after beating Zoma. However, I didn't realize that I'm supposed to save my save file before beating Zoma so as to have the most recent stats/items/etc be in my save file for when I load up after to go to the optional boss. Is there a way at all to use my save state in Retroarch as my save file, so that the game registers my latest levels/gear/etc for my post Zoma save file?

    submitted by /u/brokencreedman
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    Casino just won't let me go!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 01:22 PM PST

    Casino just won't let me go!

    Okay so I recently started this game (still pretty early, I think Act 1) and decided to grind the casino a bit while I watch a stream. Then this happened! I am still in metal mode with 13 spins and just won two jackpots! I'm pretty sure I am good on the amount tokens I need but I won't leave until I finish these spins lol. Basically, I'm just shocked because this seems extremely lucky.


    submitted by /u/AquaSpiderGuy
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    Dragon quest 9 multiplayer

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Hey does anyone know how to emulate dq 9 multiplayer using Melonds and parsec or even any other ways. Help would be appreciated thanks.

    submitted by /u/aahshshidi
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    Draconian Quests: is the game too easy without?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 12:58 PM PST

    I have the Draconian Quests for hard combat on in my playtrough, I like a challenge. Now in act 2, all lvl 41 facing the boss in Hotto and the Bossnoutside of snow city. Both are infuriatingly difficult, not even giving me 2 turns before killing at least 2 members.

    I dont know where to reliably farm exp. and its kind of rzining the experience. Now Im conxerned tho if I turn them off the game will become trivial and too easy.

    Is it still challenging wnough without? Or is there a proper spot to grind for some levels? (I didnt eant to do it too bc I wanted the full party so nobody lacks in levels)

    submitted by /u/Lionsrise
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    Weapon Character Choices…

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 12:53 PM PST

    For DQ11, what weapons do you prefer for each character?

    submitted by /u/MaleHeroAcademia
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    There was a big video games ranking on Japanese TV, this is how each DQ game placed

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 05:36 AM PST

    DQ5 : 2nd DQ3 : 6th DQ4 :15th DQ11:27th DQ10:44th DQ2 :46th DQ8 :54th DQ7 :83rd DQ6 :85th 

    DQ1 and 9 were outside of the top 100.

    submitted by /u/GaijinB
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    Gold Grinding in Dragon Quest 1

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 02:30 AM PST

    I was playing Dragon Quest and I think I found a potential grind spot for gold, south of the sanctuary there are many Golden Golems

    submitted by /u/fishf1sh705
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    Most Underrated Game, in your opinion

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Main reasons I find these games are negatively viewed are as follows.

    • DQ2: Rhone
    • DQ6: Confusing story
    • DQMCH: ration system

    These are my counterpoints, and reasons why these games are definitely worth playing.

    • Rhone isn't very hard in later remakes of DQ2 (especially with a walkthrough)

    • DQ6's story isn't that confusing (it's just not as simple as previous games and leaves a lot to the imagination)

    • CH's ration system is negligible after an hour or two of gameplay

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Sandbag-kun
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