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    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    Dragon Quest Groundbreaking Gameplay

    Dragon Quest Groundbreaking Gameplay

    Groundbreaking Gameplay

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:58 PM PST

    I'm sorry for the thing I'm about to show you.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:48 AM PST

    A smile might be good (DQXI Act 2 spoilers)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:38 PM PST

    homage in persona 5

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:43 PM PST

    No shame at all...

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:59 PM PST

    Earl Grey and almond miniature cake from a local pastry shop.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:26 AM PST

    Dragon Quest heroes: good to most good (part 2)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 12:10 AM PST

    (Part 1 can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/stqmyr/dragon_quest_heroes_good_to_most_good_part_1/)


    For our next category, we have the Good characters. Unlike the previous entries, these characters are overall friendly, fun and pleasant to be around (except maybe a few of the lower characters in this category, although all of those characters either improve or have much more good qualities that separate them from the previous category's characters). These characters are certainly heroic to varying degrees, but they are still a step down from the ones in the top category due to having somewhat limited roles in how heroic their roles and actions are.

    26. Morrie

    For our first entry in this category, we have the other optional character of the DQ8 3DS remake, Morrie. Above all, Morrie is a somewhat eccentric character who very much enjoys either partaking in or watching monster masters pitting their monsters against one another. While in real-life this would actually be illegal, there doesn't seem to be any ethical or moral issues against this practice (albeit this is more so seen in the Monsters subseries rather than the main series). Nevertheless, this hobby is the main definition of Morrie's character. He isn't marked by any particular interest in saving the world, his main motivation of joining the Hero being to find someone who is superior to him as a monster master. While his contributions as a party member aren't at the absolute minimum (seeing as how he and Red helped save the party from Purgatory Island prison), his status as an optional character still makes him not an absolutely crucial asset to the Hero and his party, and thus puts him at the bottom of this category.

    25. Prince Kiefer

    Next, we have Prince Kiefer of Estard. Kiefer is another character who started off as somewhat unlikable but changed for the better as the story went on. Kiefer is the Hero's best friend and somewhat resents being cooped up in Estard Castle all the time. He is somewhat of a womanizer, and has a taste for wine. All-in-all, had things stayed the way they were, Kiefer would most likely have become a rather incompetent king. With all that being said, Kiefer is still a more pleasant companion than Maribel was.

    Eventually, Kiefer's time with the Hero would come to an end when they encounter the Roamers. Having fallen in love with the tribe's dancer, Lala, Kiefer realizes that his destiny is with the Roamers and parts ways with the Hero. This adventure showed that Kiefer has come a long way ever since setting off on his journey. No longer treating life as a joke, and abandoning his sexist ways, Kiefer has grown into his rightful role as the patriarch of the Roamers. This improvement in Kiefer's character is enough to place him out of the Questionable category. However, his less-than-desirable origins, as well as his non-permanent position in the Hero's party, places him towards the bottom of the Good category.

    24. Prince Harry

    From one prince to another, we have Prince Harry. As a child, Harry was the very definition of a spoiled brat, causing grief and chaos for the entirety of Coburg Castle's residents with his endless pranks and detestable attitude. Hoping to set his son straight, the King of Coburg called on Pankraz, the Hero's father, to come to Coburg and teach him some discipline. However, things changed for both the worst and the better when Harry was kidnapped per the orders of his scheming stepmother and, with Pankraz failing to rescue the young prince and his son, sold off to the Order of Zutzwang as a slave along with the Hero. Being a slave for 10 years, as well as the effect that Pankraz had on him (as short as that time was), Prince Harry's behavior drastically changed for the better. Once Harry and the Hero escaped their captivity alongside Harry's future wife Maria, after some debilitation, Harry returned to his homeland and saved his kingdom from the clutches of the Queen Dowager. After this, Harry leaves the Hero's party to take his rightful place on the throne and eventually marry Maria, with whom he has a son who would act very much like Harry did as a child.

    Since Harry was only a little kid during his worst years, we won't hold this against him too much, which is why he is not in the Questionable category. Regardless, this, along with the fact that his tenure with the Hero was rather short, prevents us from placing him any higher than the lower end of the Good category. However, we do place him higher than Kiefer since while Kiefer was a spoiled brat to his teenage years, Harry was only so as a child. Furthermore, we do see Harry's reign as a competent leader with our own eyes while with Kiefer, it is only implied.

    23. Amos

    Next, we have another optional ally, Amos. Amos was the hero of his village, Scrimsley. Unfortunately, an injury from a battle with a monster caused Amos to turn into one himself every night, threatening the well-being of the villagers whom he used to protect. While this transformation, and the threat he poses on the Hero and his party was out of his control, and thus will not be counted against him, his placing on this list does suffer due to his recruitability being reliant on how the Hero approaches the situation. If the Hero chooses to tell him the truth, Amos will leave and disappear, thus not joining the Hero's party. It can be argued that this shows a somewhat cowardly and selfish side to Amos. And even if Amos does join the Hero's party, whether he joins the Hero or not has little to no impact on any other part of the story, rendering his contributions as an ally somewhat minimal.

    22. Tuppence

    From one optional ally to another, we have Tuppence. Tuppence is the son of one of the guards of Gotha who joins the Hero's party in Generation 3 if talked to. Tuppence is shown to have a brave and noble personality, joining the Hero for the intention of helping to protect the world as well as his kingdom. Unfortunately, we can't rank him much higher since this is all we can really say about him. While Tuppence doesn't have any remarkable negative characteristics (the only possible negative trait being his tendency to be somewhat of a flirt), he doesn't really stand out either, being a rather black-and-white character.

    21. Prince of Cannock

    Next, we have the Prince of Cannock of DQ2. The Prince has been portrayed somewhat differently across the media but the canon version seems to depict him as somewhat of a slacker and drinker, but still good-natured at heart. The Prince comes across as a bit of a handful even before being recruited, with the Hero having to go on a wild goose-chase to locate his capricious cousin. And while the Prince isn't an optional character, he is actually unique on this list in that he can optionally leave the party (sort of), seeing as how when he falls ill in the middle of their journey and requires the Yggdrasil Leaf to be cured, the Hero is actually not absolutely required to do so to rid the world of Hargon. While this episode was outside of the Prince's control and will not be counted against him, it does show that the Prince is perhaps the least contributive of the trio of warriors of DQ2, something that may potentially be reflected in his overall lukewarm abilities of both physical prowess and magic, being outclassed by each of his cousins in both aspects. Thus, the Prince of Cannock will be placed just above the actual optional and/or temporary allies, but not any higher.

    20. Nevan

    Nevan is a bit of a mixed character. While he is very wise and knowledgeable, he also has a bit of an ego. Nevan does seem to think he is better than those around him; however, it's not to the point where it's difficult to get along with him. In addition, he was unwilling to join the heroes until he got intervention from the Goddess herself. This does hurt his ranking a bit. However, it should still be noted that as an academic, Nevan would most likely prefer to spend his time in a library rather than journeying. The fact that he was eventually persuaded to join the heroes in combating Murdaw, and that he stayed with the heroes when it became known that the journey would extend far beyond that of Murdaw, shows that Nevan does have heroic traits in him.

    19. Jessica

    Next, we have Jessica. Jessica is a rather colorful character. She hails from the regal Albert family but lacks the social graces and niceties expected of her upbringing. Regardless, she is very loyal to her family, seeing as how motivated she is to avenging her brother Alistair's murder. Jessica can be rather rash, seeing as how quick she was to jump to the conclusion that the Hero and Yangus were her brother's murderers. Jessica also does butt heads with Angelo often, but overall she is a well-intentioned and good-natured character. Jessica is implied to have feelings for the Hero, but she still respects that he is in love with Princess Medea, and will only pursue a relationship with the Hero if he himself gives consent (seeing the alternate marriage ending present in the 3DS remakes).

    18. Angelo

    And speaking of Angelo, he is next. Like Jessica, Angelo is someone whose status comes with expectations of a refined behavior (his case being a member of the Templar knights) but rebels against those customs. Angelo is a womanizer, drinker and gambler, which is seen as disgraceful to the Templar knights and puts him at odds with Jessica often. While this does count against him somewhat, Angelo is clearly a good person at heart. He lost his parents at a young age, and is forced to deal with Marcello, his half-brother who has seniority over him hierarchy-wise and absolutely has it out for him. The fact that Angelo was able and willing to take the initiative to make amends with his hateful half-brother speaks volumes about the goodness in him. That, combined with his noble devotion towards helping the Hero stop Dhoulmagus and later Rhapthorne puts him in the mid-tier of the Good category.

    17. Carver

    For our next DQ6 entry, we have Carver. Carver is one of the three characters initially seen in the opening of DQ6, unsuccessfully taking on the Dread Fiend Murdaw, and having his memory and identity literally ripped from him. Carver has shown himself to be a good-natured and well-meaning character, immediately taking a liking to the Hero (whom he thinks is someone he just met at the time), and getting along excellently with all of the party members. However, once Carver gets his memory and identity back, the truth about him is revealed. In reality, he was the son of a carpenter who ran away to pursue his dream of becoming a martial artist. While Carver does express remorse for having abandoned his family, and eventually does return when the journey is over, it still does show a bit of a selfish side to Carver and does affect his placement somewhat.

    16. Aishe

    Next, we have Aishe of the Roamers tribe (and, as revealed later, a descendant of Kiefer). When first meeting Aishe, we can certainly see the fire and defiance in her that we also saw in Kiefer. She feels trapped by her tribe's customs and is ever willing to defy what is expected of her. While she certainly understands and embraces her role in awakening the Almighty, she yearns for adventure and is not one willing to be bound by her tribe's expectations. When Aishe was initiated to be the tribe's next dancer, she stormed off when she was unsatisfied with how the chief played the torban, which shows that she is very vocal about her feelings and is not one to let them go unnoticed or ignored (which can both be a good and bad thing, depending on the situation). Aishe is also rather self-absorbed and vain, always worrying about her appearance.

    With all that being said, Aishe is also a very kind and considerate person. When she meets her ancestor's father and sister, who practically lost a family member, Aishe is the one to fill that void. She is like a daughter to King Donald and an older sister to Princess Lisette, both of whom she has a genuine connection with. Overall, while Aishe isn't without her faults, her good traits far outweigh her bad ones.

    15. Ruff

    Ruff is a rather odd character. He is unique among this entire list in that he was not born a human, nor even a humanoid. He was born a white wolf, who was turned into a human. Even as a human who eventually gained the ability to speak, Ruff still retains much of his wolfish traits and doesn't seem to gain much human behavior. By no means, though, is this a bad thing. If anything, this makes Ruff one of the most loyal allies on this list (a trait that is well-associated with canine-like animals). Ruff really doesn't have much reason to aid the Hero in his journey to restore all continents, seeing as how he doesn't really have anything left of his past life. Regardless, Ruff joins the Hero out of gratitude and ever-lingering loyalty for having saved him. While he does lack some of the most heroic traits we will see later down this list (mainly due to his lack of human characteristics), what he does have counts for a lot and puts him squarely in the Good category.

    14. Torneko Taloon

    Torneko is a very interesting character to play as, with his unorthodox and unpredictable behavior on the battlefield putting him as either very often used or not at all, depending on the player's preferences. At the start of Chapter 3, Torneko is just a modest employee at a weapons shop, although his goal is to someday open up his own shop. This is what sets him on his journey, one that would broaden his horizons and eventually make him one of the Chosen.

    A lot can be said about Torneko's contributions towards the greater good. He rescued Finn from prison, put an end to a cursed illusionary village trapping various travelers, prevented a war between two kingdoms from occurring, economized the supply of weapons of Endor Castle, and funded a tunnel-building project that enabled travel between two continents without the need for a ship (something that only the rich could afford at the time). Having a plethora of accomplishments under his belt, Torneko eventually makes the goal of locating the legendary Zenithian sword, which crosses his path with that of the Hero's. However, Torneko isn't a flawless character. His laziness has been noted in-game (such as his boss), and is shown by how Torneko initially refuses to accompany the Hero's party in their quest to rid Pharos Beacon from monsters (although, to be fair, he did have a bounty on his head by monsters at this time due to having funded the Trans-Montane Tunnel and thus it would have been even more dangerous for him to partake on this quest than for the other characters). As a party member, Torneko sometimes volunteers to stay behind due to minor but still-present laziness and cowardice. Despite all this, Torneko's beneficial contributions to others is undeniable, and places him firmly in the Good category.

    13. Nera

    Next, we have the second choice of bride for the Hero, Nera. As a stark contrast to her rude and outspoken sister, Nera is a kind, caring and good-natured person who cares greatly for those around her, whether she knows them or not. It can be said that Nera may be TOO kind-hearted for her own good, since she doesn't protest when her father tries to weds her off to a man whom HE finds the most suitable, with no consideration being given to Nera's personal feelings. Nera is perturbed when her father's orders for her suitors involve a dangerous quest, and is horrified and feels personally guilty when her childhood friend Crispin is harmed while partaking in her father's quest. Furthermore, while it is clear that she has feelings for the Hero, when she meets Bianca and realizes that she may have feelings for the Hero as well, she goes out of her way to ensure that the Hero is the one who has the final say in whom he chooses, showing her truly selfless personality.

    As a wife, Nera is an adoring partner in marriage and has great love for her husband despite not having known him prior to the marriage. She is arguably the most affectionate out of the three potential wives of the Hero, and despite her gentle nature, has the strong willpower to accompany the Hero in his quest to locate the Legendary Hero and find his long-lost mother. Nera is a very loving mother to her children, and is hindered by nothing to ensure their well-being and happiness. If Nera is not chosen as a wife, she arguably has the best alternate storyline, in which she marries Crispin and displays the same love for him that she would have shown for the Hero.

    12. Borya

    Next, we have Tsarevna Alena's other traveling partner and mentor, Borya. While Kiryl's intentions for accompanying Alena on her quest (and later on with the rest of the Chosen) is rather questionable, with Borya we can say with certainty that he has the best of intentions. Having long served the royal family, Borya thinks of Alena as his own and puts her well-being and happiness first and foremost. It is actually quite impressive how much fire (or should I say ice…?) Borya has left in him, seeing as how aged he is, and even having very little combat experience prior, and yet Borya has as much capability of growth in power as any of the other more youthful members of the Chosen.

    11. Alena

    And speaking of Tsarevna Alena of Zamoksva, she is next. A very popular character among fans and our favorite princess of this list, Alena is a very adventurous and competitive girl who wants nothing more than to prove she is the best fighter out there, even if it means breaking the customs set forth by her father and mentor, Borya. While these traits are what makes this capricious princess such a fun character to play as, it should be noted that they do make Alena's goals and motives a bit warped. Almost all of Alena's party chats are about either battling or working out, showing that she can be a bit single-minded and aloof to what goes on around her (which includes, not least of all, Kiryl's obsessive and creepy interest in her). And also, her initial encounter with the Hero was a bit unnecessarily antagonistic. Alena, with a group of hired mercenaries, was looking for a feverfew root to cure Kiryl who was bedridden with a deadly illness. When encountering the Hero, Alena immediately made it into a competition. It would have been far more productive for her to talk to the Hero to realize that he/she was there for the EXACT SAME REASON, and work together to find their target (and she lost this "competition" at the end anyway).

    With all that being said, Alena is truly a hero at heart. Almost right after she started her journey, she willingly offered herself up as a sacrifice for a monster that was demanding young girls as sacrifices, and proceeded to vanquish the monster and save the town. When someone impersonating her was kidnapped by thugs who demanded a ransom, Alena promptly found the item and exchanged it for the girl's release. When she found out her father lost his voice, she traversed all the way back to her home kingdom to do what she could to restore his voice, in spite of their tenuous relationship. And finally, she helped the princess of Endor from a forced and unwanted marriage by winning the tournament (albeit here, it was something she was planning to do to begin with). At the end of Chapter 2, the entirety of the Kingdom of Zamoksva mysteriously disappeared. This, of course, did not faze Alena as it gave her the new goal of tracking down the cause of her people's disappearance, which led up to her and her companions joining up with the Legendary Hero.

    All-in-all, while Alena is not without her faults (which really aren't all that bad), her altruism is what defines her, and puts her towards the top of this category. We do not rank her any higher than this, though, since again, Alena's goals and motives are ultimately proving herself as the best fighter, so she does fall a bit short of being seen as purely and truly heroic.

    10. Meena

    Next, we have the younger of the Mahabala sisters, Meena. As already stated before, despite being the younger one, Meena is by far the more mature and wiser of the two. Meena is a perfect complement to her sister's wild and unfocused behavior, always being the one to focus on the task at hand (whether it being locating Balzack or finding the Legendary Hero). It's unfortunate, though, that she was unable to prevent Maya from squandering the entirety of their savings at the Endor casino. Meena was pivotal to the three getting through Con Cave, being the one to sense that the Hero was really the Hero while Maya was quick to assume that he/she was another monster in disguise. Overall, while there are still a handful of other allies who have demonstrated more heroism than Meena (as her individual contributions to the heroes of DQ4 are rather minimal after their original quest of vanquishing Balzack has been fulfilled not too-deep into Chapter 5), Meena has demonstrated plenty of good and noble traits earlier on in the game and thus deserves a place towards the top of the Good category.

    9. Milly

    Milly has certainly been through a lot. As a child, she was sold off to the King of Felonia, where she was forced to be his private dancer. Later, she was imprisoned by the Queen due to being jealous over her beauty. Milly was able to escape and live a peaceful life before joining the Hero and Carver at some unknown point to defeat Murdaw. Milly was absolutely pivotal to the storyline as she was the only one to retain her memory after failing to defeat Murdaw and thus was able to piece back together the original trio with the amnesic Hero and Carver, and served as the group's fortuneteller which came in handy often.. Later on, she was able to recognize her brother Terry and persuade him to join the heroes instead of continuing to be an antagonist to them. Overall, Milly is a very caring individual who has been through some very rough times when young, but still maintained her benevolent personality (unlike her brother). It was hard to decide whether to put Milly in this category or the next one, but since her role starts to become somewhat limited after Murdaw's defeat and outside of where Terry is involved, we decided to leave her in this category, at the very top.

    Most Heroic

    For our final category, we have the Most Heroic characters. These characters go above and beyond in their heroic roles, through the forms of having sacrificed a lot, putting themselves at great risks, or being the prophetic legendary hero that is absolutely pivotal to the story (which, while rare, isn't always limited to the main character).

    8. Honey

    For our first entry in this category, we have Honey. While her listing in this category may be surprising due to her rather minor role in the overall story of DQ5, she has really gone above and beyond within her role. Honey hails from Faerie Lea, which is stricken by a neverending winter in Generation 1. Honey visits the human realm to try and recruit someone to help them, but is only audible and visible to the Hero (who is only a 6-year old child at this time). Honey then willingly accompanies the Hero in his quest to save Faerie Lea, which was very brave and noble for her considering that she herself was rather powerless and only had a child and a sabrecat cub at her side. This shows that Honey was more than willing to risk her own life to save those around her. And when she is visited again by a much older Hero in Generation 3, while she doesn't accompany the Hero this time, she offers advice that is absolutely crucial in restoring the fallen Zenithia in the human realm. We think that Honey's role within her small part in the story is enough to put her in the top tier, but again, her role is still minor (especially in comparison to the others in this category) so she is at the bottom.

    7. Princess of Moonbrooke

    For our second and last entry of DQ2, we have the Princess of Moonbrooke. The princess is in this category largely due to how much she has lost. Her entire kingdom was demolished by Hargon, and she was transformed into a dog. Despite all this, the princess did not submit to Hargon. She seeked out her cousins while in her dog form and, once transformed back into a human, accompanied them in their quest to defeat Hargon despite not even having a home and family to go back to when done. And while her list of heroic deeds is rather limited compared to some of the characters who precede her (like Milly), we also considered that DQ2 was a shorter game compared to later entries in the series (and not to mention that the princess isn't even recruited until a decent portion into the game) and thus we place her here due to how much she has done in proportion to all that she really could have done in DQ2's comparatively brief storyline.

    6. Ragnar McRyan

    For our final DQ4 entry, we have the captain of the royal guard of the Kingdom of Burland, Ragnar McRyan. Ragnar starts off his journey in a very heroic role, being the one to find the kidnapped children of Strathbaille. While doing so, Ragnar finds out the motivation of the kidnappers, which was to find the Legendary Hero, who was still a child at this time, and destroy him/her before he/she could be old enough to stop an impending evil. Thus, even after his original quest is done, Ragnar expresses his goal to find this Legendary Hero and help him/her save the world from the darkness to come.

    There are some things that separate Ragnar from the other Chosen. The first is that Ragnar doesn't have any additional motive to continue his journey. He hasn't lost anything. He hardly has anything to gain from joining the heroes. Ragnar does this out of a true desire to help save the world. Also, while Chapters 2, 3 and 4 take place just a short time before Chapter 5 takes place, Ragnar's chapter actually takes place several years before Chapter 5 (probably around a decade). This means that Ragnar has been journeying for far longer than the other Chosen before meeting the Hero (this is partially shown by how Ragnar makes appearances across the other chapters before Chapter 5). Ragnar could easily have given up on finding the Hero due to how long it was taking and lack of results, but he still went at it. Ragnar also demonstrates friendliness and trust by allowing Healie to accompany him despite being a monster, something that his peers were unwilling to do, and entertaining his bizarre goal of transforming into a human (a goal that actually succeeded, which is something that baffles fans of Dragon Quest to this very day, seeing as how there was no explanation whatsoever). Throughout DQ4, Ragnar has demonstrated both bravery and nobility in his many heroic actions (both as a playable and non-playable character), and is deserving of the role as the most heroic ally of DQ4.

    5. Sancho

    Next, we have Sancho, who is one of the most loyal characters on this list. Sancho, who is a very close and long-time friend of Pankraz, is like a second father to the Hero. Having known him since birth and, while not having always accompanied Pankraz in his journey, is always there to do whatever needs to be done. Sancho was tragically separated from Pankraz and the Hero at the end of Generation 1, but meets the Hero several years later in the kingdom of Gotha, and is ever still a father figure to him. When the Hero and his wife disappeared at the end of Generation 2, Sancho was the one who practically raised their children, once again acting like a surrogate father, and spent 8 years nonstop searching for the Hero and his wife's whereabouts. When Sancho and the twins finally find their father and unpetrify him, Sancho joins the Hero fully as a party member and, while not always required to be in the party, will stick with him until the very end. Overall, while Sancho is more of an ordinary human being compared to most of the other characters around him, he has served his role as a caretaker and friend to the maximum and is more than deserving of a place in this category.

    4. Bianca

    For our last choice of a bride in DQ5, we have Bianca. Bianca has known the Hero ever since they were little. And despite being a child, Bianca was unafraid and most willing to brave the terrors of Uptaten Towers, something that not even the adults would have done, all to save a sabrecut from abuse and bullying by two resident boys. This streak of bravery and heroism is carried into adulthood. While she could do much more with her life, Bianca chooses to care for her widowed adoptive father. When reuniting with the Hero after a decade, she accompanies him in his quest to retrieve the Circle of Water. And even though she has feelings for the Hero, she puts his happiness first and foremost and does not let that get in the way of how much she contributes to their quest.

    If Bianca is chosen as the bride, she is a very loving wife to the Hero (despite being tomboyish, as she refers to herself as). She accompanies the Hero on their long-term quest to find the Legendary Hero and the Hero's mother, and does not let even pregnancy get in the way of their trek through the mountains. Bianca is arguably the one who cares most for the Hero, having known him the longest. And even if she is not chosen as the wife, Bianca is still very happy for the Hero, attending his wedding and remaining friends with him while still living a happy life (albeit not as happy as Nera).

    As a mother, Bianca is very loving and caring. Having been unable to raise them as babies, Bianca certainly makes up for lost time, and is a very fierce and protective mother to them in their quest to penetrate the forces of Nadiria. Having been brave and adventurous from a young age, she is arguably the most similar to her still-adolescent children who are full members of a team taking on the forces of hell. Out of the three choices of the bride in DQ5, Bianca is certainly the most heroic and deserves a spot in this category.

    3. Ashlynn

    For our last entry of DQ6, we have Ashlynn. Much like the Hero and Carver, Ashlynn initially suffers from amnesia; unlike those two, though, she doesn't even have a clear direction in life. In spite of this, Ashlynn willingly accompanies the Hero due to gratitude for making her visible, as well as what we can be certain is a desire to help save the world. As the story goes on, we gradually learn more about this mysterious girl, and eventually learn that she hails from the fallen kingdom of Sorceria. Ashlynn is instrumental to the heroes' success from here on, as she is the sole wielder of the ultimate magical ability, Magic Burst, which is crucial for the defeat of the Archfiend Mortamor. What truly makes her heroic, though, is that unlike the other members of the party, Ashlynn does not have a physical body to go back to once Mortamor was defeated. This meant that she would essentially disappear completely once Mortamor was killed and the Dream World with him. This does not stop Ashlynn, however, and she puts the well-being of the world and her friends above her own, something that probably not a lot of other humans would have done. Ashlynn's willingness to sacrifice her own existence for the sake of the world is a truly heroic and noble trait to have, and crowns her with the bronze medal of goodness on this list.

    2. Sir Mervyn

    For our first Legendary Hero on this list, we have Sir Mervyn. Mervyn was the eternally loyal follower of the Almighty who aided him in their battle against the Demon King, until he was sealed away by the Almighty as part of a contingency plan should they fail. Mervyn was in this inanimate state for who-knows-how-long and, once he is unsealed by the Hero and his companions, joins them in their conjoined quest to defeat Orgodemir and restore the world to its rightful state of affairs. When this quest was seemingly fulfilled, Mervyn was the first to notice that something was off and that "the Almighty" was not what he claimed to be. This caused him to be branded as a traitor, and Mervyn was forced to flee from Estard. Here, Mervyn once again plays a pivotal role in stopping Orgodemir by telepathically communicating with the Hero what he discovered and what needed to be done. Mervyn is a hero to the end; despite the battle against Orgodemir starting to become a losing battle, he stuck with the Almighty and was willing to undergo whatever was needed to turn the tide of the battle. And in the present day, not once does Mervyn complain about how much he has been through. His drive to restore the world to its rightful affairs never waivers, and Mervyn is as instrumental to the defeat of the Demon King as the Hero himself is. Sir Mervyn truly lives up to his title of Legendary Hero, and is awarded the silver medal of goodness on this list.

    1. Parry/Madchen

    Finally, for our second and last Legendary Hero on this list, we actually have a double-entry. The offspring of the Hero of DQ5, we have Parry and Madchen. Much like their father, Parry and Madchen lost their mother to the forces of Nadiria; unlike their father, though, they lost their father as well, essentially making them orphans. And while the Hero was rather innocent to the state of the world at a young age, Parry and Madchen were fully aware from the get-go what they were up against. And while most children their age would balk at the dangers ahead of them, Parry and Madchen never cowed from what lay before them. Along with Sancho, they traversed the entire world, searching and searching until they finally found their petrified father.

    It is later revealed that Parry is the Legendary Hero his father and grandfather have been looking for for decades. This gave Parry the unique ability to equip and utilize the Zenithian equipment that were instrumental to restoring the fallen Zenithian Castle to its rightful state and penetrating the barriers of Nadiria. And while Madchen does not have the same status as her twin brother, she is just as heroic. She joins the Hero and her brother in their long quest to find their mother and grandmother, in spite of the dangerous forces standing in-between. Parry and Madchen are instrumental in utilizing their unique ability to see faeries (something that only children can do), an ability that the Hero once had but lost, to regain access to the Faerie Lea and find a way to restore the orbs needed for Zenithia to once again return to the skies. And while Madchen does express some envy over her brother's status, it's perfectly normal for children her age to envy a sibling, and it does not negatively affect their relationship with each other.

    What puts Parry and Madchen above Sir Mervyn, the only other Legendary Hero on this list is, again, their age. While Mervyn may be elderly, he is still a seasoned warrior who has fought numerous battles before he is first introduced. Parry and Madchen are mere children, and even in the world of Dragon Quest, it is very rare for kids their age (who are not even teenagers) to go above and beyond as they did. While they initially had the main goal of locating their parents and grandmother, even when all of those goals were fulfilled, they still remained in the Hero's party as the true evil still has yet to be vanquished. Really, the amount of responsibilities on their shoulders is something that even an adult may not be able to handle. There is no denying that this twin duo, the youngest yet most heroic on this list, earns the gold medal of goodness.

    submitted by /u/Macromind101
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    I've finished Dragon Quest II for the first time

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:50 PM PST

    I liked it a lot. Specially the first 80% of the game, where you need to explore all the map and gather the Sigils and the other necessary items to complete the story. It was a puzzle of the size of a world map and it was fun to write down clues that people in towns told me to later understand what they were talking about.

    But yeah, as everyone said, the last part is so fucking grindy. The path to Rendakar was an awful experience (too many random encounters) and the leveling up after that ended up being so fucking boring. It was worth it, overall, and the last dungeon ended up being quite fun.

    Can't wait to start DQIII! I'll probably play it on Android (that's where I've played 1 and 2), even though people recommend other platforms, because I value graphics and music as well as gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Braisrg5
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    The Heroes of Light (@tatami_daze via Twitter)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:11 PM PST

    Im new to dragon quest series of games , which game would would be the best for me to start off I cant decide

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:35 PM PST

    Drew up a bust of Jade from DQXI enjoy!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:43 AM PST

    I think this is the best horriblest monster in all the DQ series

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 03:09 AM PST

    Do you think dragon quest will ever go The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki route and have a battle system that lets players toggle between action and command-based battles at any time? If so what are your thoughts on that?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:13 PM PST

    DQM Terry’s Wonderland 3DS - Super High Tension Skill?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:19 PM PST

    I'm trying to track down a skill but can't remember the name (I thought it was related to tension, but I'm not sure). I see it being used a lot by wandering NPC scouts that have a Mumboh-jumboe on their team. The Mumbo-jumboe uses the skill to increase its tension immediately to 100, then uses the skill "Tension Giver" to pass all of its tension to a stronger attacker on the NPC's team. Can someone help me out with the name of that skill and where to find it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Baums_Away
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    Happy Valenslimes ��

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:51 PM PST

    Finally, finally did it. What a crazy journey.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 05:14 PM PST

    I’m a sucker for happy endings I couldn’t stop crying here.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 12:23 AM PST

    Dragon Quest fans. Where does this song originate from?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:54 PM PST

    So I've been playing Fortune Street with a friend and was wondering where it originated? I know it's a reference to something DQ but not sure. https://youtu.be/HiJ0azvSSlo

    submitted by /u/Squishy_Pixelz
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    Whats your favorite thing about Dragon Quest 7?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 02:57 AM PST

    Who is the Most Popular Dragon Quest Character?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 12:32 PM PST

    I am trying to figure out who to put in my fantasy Super Smash Bros. roster and I need your help. Please vote on your favorite character and if they're not here, Just put them in the comments.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Hippietrip76
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    What is this dragon and how do I free it

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 09:07 PM PST

    Did this a little bit ago for maam’s very first appearance in dragon quest dai. This is her first time Activating the dark armour fist in episode 69. Spliced together the pan-up shots like last time and put a comic filter over it again. That's to help blend the really bad merge lines.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:34 PM PST

    finally defeated the ultimate dragon...just...barely

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 04:32 PM PST

    Heavenly Flight performed in an orchestral loop of instruments with piano, EWI, and flute - after musician learned the song by ear live

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 03:49 AM PST

    Which Dragon Quest should I play next?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:01 AM PST

    I just beat 8 last night and the only other one I beat was 11. Which game should I play next? Please let me know if you prefer a remaster to an original version. At the moment I have 6 for DS with a strategy guide, 7 for PS1 with a strategy guide and 9 for DS (so does my gf. we want to play it together). I was considering getting 5 next but I'm not sure what to do. I just wanna quest all day errday, send help

    submitted by /u/444boy
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