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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Dragon Quest The hell am I making?

    Dragon Quest The hell am I making?

    The hell am I making?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:31 PM PST

    Time to put XI on hold for a bit.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:39 AM PST

    Wow, is this game long or what?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    I thought I was nearly done with DQVII, now I gotta take on these elemental spirits and I KNOW this is gonna tack on another 10hrs AT LEAST! What a monster of a game.

    submitted by /u/LuROCK
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    DQX getting a browser based version for smartphones and PCs in 2020

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:38 PM PST

    Dragon Quest's Koichi Sugiyama: A Retrospective

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:50 PM PST

    I found this Angelo Figure during my search for the DS trilogy; I grabbed it for €14,99.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:57 PM PST

    Dragon Quest XI Physical Guide Book - I made this with HTML/CSS/JS, a guide from GameFAQs, 12 hours concatenating + cleaning code, and $35

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Need help recreating DQ11's backstory in DQ3

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Vague SPOILERS for DQ11, looking for info from people who've played through it.

    So I've recently finished act 1 (or at least I assume I finished act 1, got a real "act-1-finishing" vibe at least) of DQ11, and am now taking a bit of a break and playing through DQ 1, 2, and 3 (close to finishing 1 now, having a blast).

    What I want to do with the DQ3 playthrough (unsure whether I want to play it now or between acts 2 and 3) is recreate Erdwin's party as closely as possible, so far I've heard of two characters:

    • Erdwin: The main character/Erdrick, specifically male in DQ11?
    • Serenica: Female sage

    My questions are:

    • Are there any more characters from Erdwin's party mentioned later on?
    • What are their names, class and gender?
    • Anything else I should look out for when creating the party/recreating Erdwin's journey?

    I tried googling this to no avail and got pretty close to some spoilery stuff, which I'd prefer to avoid.


    submitted by /u/Hawkuro
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    Black Friday sale for Switch DQXI?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Hey. This is my first entry in the series, so I'm not really sure if these get discounted often or not. Any chance there will be a nice % off on the Switch Echoes of an Elusive Age for Black Friday? Been playing the demo and really like it

    submitted by /u/jinreeko
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    If I had kids and they read Japanese...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:24 PM PST

    How long are the tickington quests?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    Beat act III last night now I want to do all the tickington quests. I did the very first one and it was relatively short, how long are they on average?

    submitted by /u/minimalkva
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    Metal farming DQ11

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:23 PM PST

    Ok, so we all know metals are hard to farm. I have looked up guides on where to find them. I have spent all day hunting, and all I have found is a single Hardy Hand (i hate their insta kill spell).

    Act 2. I would like to find a place where metals are easier to farm. I have tried the Octogonia Caves, Lagunia Gondolia (or whatever it is called), and mt Huji (inside it). Have yet to try slime island yet.

    Any place worth it or is there a better way for exp farm? All i am getting is ~2200exp per fight from randoms. No metals.

    submitted by /u/Ludicus03
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    Enough is enough. Can we ban politics on this sub already?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    Every single time anything regarding the OST of Dragon Quest and Sugiyama is brought up in any form someone brings up the drama that surfaced a couple years back. Anytime someone brings up not liking the music in XI it almost always devolves into the usual points being brought up again and the mods are forced to lock the thread.

    I was honestly happy to see the retrospective posted because I've been a huge fan of Sugiyama's music for decades now and thought it was nice that the article brought some attention to his non DQ works. I actually had a nice write up but well...the thread locked before I got to hit submit (some luck huh?).

    So seriously. Can we just do something about this? Locking threads everytime someone brings it up doesn't seem like the right route. Remove the comments and warn the users. Repeated offenses regardless of their stance on the subject should be a ban.

    submitted by /u/ArfWoof
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    What does "Elusive Age" mean?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PST

    Any native english speaker can tell me?or give me the definition?

    Cant find any precise translation in my language so ive been confused for months.

    submitted by /u/Kingraviez
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    Is Chapter 3 of DQ4 supposed to suck omega donkey dick?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:37 AM PST

    I've been grinding for over an hour and I only got 1/6 iron armours and none of the steel broadswords that the King of Endor asked for.

    Am I missing something or is it intended to suck mega ass?

    submitted by /u/yi-es-chu
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    Is the Dragon Quest IX Switch remake still possibly being a thing? Because I had an idea...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:28 PM PST

    I was playing IX and was visiting the previous games' party members in the Questor's Rest. (I don't remember exactly what one has to do to unlock them, if one needs to connect online or not)

    But, regardless... I noticed something rather interesting. Their sprites are 3D like my party, as opposed to the 2D sprites all of the other NPCs have. And I actually wondered if there was a way to recruit them into my party? Because to be honest, having "most" previous party members as playable in IX would be AWESOME.

    Of course I can't. But I thought... if this remake gets made, maybe they'll make it a reality? I mean, of course without changing their vocations (Borya would make a terrible gladiator) or clothing (too iconic, and no-one wants to see Yangus in nothing but his underwear...) but make them much stronger than my regular party members to make up for it? (They are legendary characters after all) and maybe they'll add quests for each one before I can recruit them?

    The only problem is, there are a LOT of returning party member NPCs in IX (and some like King Trode I can't even imagine battling period) it would be chaos trying to grind all of them. But then again, if they only have one vocation... it wouldn't be too difficult.

    But regardless, whether playable or not, I'm certain they'll no doubt add the party members from XI (presuming the "returning party members" feature is even kept in) and maybe remove Fleurette because she was only there to promote Dragon Quest: Swords which is long past... and I think forgotten by most (But not me, I loved that game!)

    submitted by /u/Otterclaw29
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    Dragon Quest III: Help With Classes

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:08 AM PST

    So, I've already looked up what each class does and I have to say: I want to use them all. Now of course this comes into conflict with the 4 person party limit. But I still want to be able to switch my party out every now and then if I can help it. Is there any way that I can constantly switch my party around and still have a balanced team throughout the game? What I mean by this is that I want to know if it's best to keep a static party or change the party makeup regularly.

    submitted by /u/Nesspurr_8
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    DQXI Postgame Questions [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

    I'm level 99 throughout, finished the 3rd trial in trial aisle.

    1. Do I NEED to do trial 4 and 5 in the trial aisle? I have a feeling I can beat Calasmos without completing 4 and 5.

    2. Which sword is the one I need to use as an item for the Calasmos fight? It's really confusing. After the Huji/Hotto events I got the mats and forged a new sword in the volcano, but after trial 1 I got a recipe for another sword. Do I need to forge this item? Or is it just a bonus. I am looking for the one that debuffs Calasmos, if it's just a good sword to use I don't care, as I have a greatsword build.

    3. How vital are the catholic rings? Do I really need 2 for each party member?

    Thank you for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/minimalkva
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    What’s your favorite battle theme out of all the games?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    Mines is the fight theme from Dragon Quest V, no contest

    submitted by /u/knockstartTown0
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