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    Saturday, November 9, 2019

    Dragon Quest I have finally done it! (100% DQ11). Easily one of my favorite games of all time, so glad I decided to buy it.

    Dragon Quest I have finally done it! (100% DQ11). Easily one of my favorite games of all time, so glad I decided to buy it.

    I have finally done it! (100% DQ11). Easily one of my favorite games of all time, so glad I decided to buy it.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:36 PM PST

    I just love the movie slime.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:59 PM PST

    What does everyone think of the DQM+ manga??

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST

    I just beat XI yesterday, what a game!! (spoilers)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    I've been playing this series since Dragon Warrior Monsters on the Gameboy Color. I've played every single main series entry except 10 obviously. I have both Builders, and I played as many Monsters titles as they would give us.

    Echoes of an Elusive Age is the best game they've ever made. Best story, great characters, and a perfect blend of the game mechanics that have preceded it. They took everything the main series has excelled in, and pressed it into a diamond. I am so gosh darn impressed with this game. Disclaimer, I'm not calling this a perfect game, just a perfect DQ game and a damn-fine modern yet very traditional JRPG, and in my personal opinion at that. I cannot recommend it enough to people who enjoy this type of game.

    My one criticism is the music. It's great! But a lot of it was just remakes of old songs like flying on the whale is just Lamia from DQ3. The ost lacks memorable original songs I think. And going through Tickington solidified that for me. Again, great music, just not his best.

    I love that act one was orchestrated like the first act of any DQ game in that its leading you to a false boss BUT turns that on its head and the world blows up. I love that the second act has so much character development, and TOO MANY BOSSES. I love that the post-game story is a full fledged other act to the game that delves deep into this game's lore and implies it's a prequel to all before it. I just. I fucking love the story of this game so much.

    And the thing is?? I only played in 2d, normal difficulty and midi soundtrack. I played up to Octagonia in the ps4 version, but then decided to wait for this one. I got a good 70 hours out of 2d mode including all but the last two post-post game battles of Tickington, the final battle of the Drunstan trials, and a few smaller side quests. All my characters are level 99 and as such learned all (or all but 1) skill in their character builder.

    My point is, this could've been the last Dragon Quest game and it'd be fine. It was perfect to me. I played the hell out of this game in 2d mode and it skyrocketed to my favorite of the series. After Pokemon comes out and I get my fill of that, I'm going to play 11 through again in full 3d, voice acting, orchestral music - the whole enchilada. I. Can't. WAIT.

    submitted by /u/jpak88
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    It seems objectively better as it has 100% accuracy and same MP cost.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    DQ XI New Seed of Skill farming method (S ONLY)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    This technique is for the Definitive edition on Switch only because it uses one of the Tickington worlds to farm seeds. Not confirmed if possible for the 3DS yet.

    There is a Mimic in one of the Tickington worlds - The Pillar of Pegasus, of the Altar of Reverie - which will always drop seeds of skill. Traditionally, Mimics, Canniboxes, and similar enemies do not "respawn", so the seeds are not farmable. However, the catch is this Mimic "respawns" if you exit Tickington (returning to 3D mode) and enter again. So, the steps are:

    1. Get the pastword for The Pillar of Pegasus, found in Havens Above
    2. Enter Tickington and go into the correct world. (Optionally, complete the quest within the world, it's rather straightforward.)
    3. Locate/kill the Mimic and retrieve the seed of skill.
    4. Evac, leave the world and zoom back into 3D mode. Go back to Step 2.

    You will get random encounters on the way, however these also drop seeds as a rare item! Usually you get each of the following enemies in groups of 2 or 3:

    • Hot Dog - Seed of Life
    • Corpse Corporal - Seed of Life
    • Kisser - Pretty Betsy

    I timed this method, and with 3 encounters it took me 2m37s for 1 seed of skill. On average, that's 22-23 seeds of skill per hour. Although, you're more likely to get less encounters than this.

    Happy farming!

    submitted by /u/jefe962
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    More DQ on switch!!!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:00 AM PST

    I got myself the first 3 DQ on the Switch.....man what feels...the nostalgia....brought me back to the NES days but improved DQ1 was my first, DQ2 didnt like it that much back then, but now its ok.....DQ3 blew me away back in the NES days that game marked my gaming life, loved the manual, map, bestiary all the goodies inside the box......anyone has any idea or rumours if the rest of the series will make it to the switch? If they bring DQ IV to IX to the switch i will buy them all for sure!! I only played IV on NDS (no longer have a NDS) and VIII about to the half game on PS2 before my console was stolen.... so t hose games would be a must buy for me.......

    submitted by /u/Leovor
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    I finally did it!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:55 AM PST

    After a year of off and on playing and 53 hours of recorded time I beat it! Now time to decide to take a nother break before tackling Act 3 or just go right into it. Also can I have tips on how to make Erik not suck. Everything I read he is a one shot king. He is close to useless for me. And prime leveling spots (I've heard this act is really tough so pretty sure I'm gonna have to grind a bit at some point).

    submitted by /u/CoachGymGreen56
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    Of course I will play other games, but they’re all on Xbox aswell.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Favorite sad moments in DQ? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:58 PM PST

    Can we all just take a moment and discuss what are favorite sad moment that hit us the hardest? I was gonna go for the moments most people note in 11, but after playing 5, Pankraz death hit me so hard, harder than any fire emblem fathers death, Darth vaders death, and tied with Mufasa's death in how hard it hit me. I'm sure there are many other moments that people will point out and I can't wait to play them all.

    submitted by /u/Marratick
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    Umm Jade, why is your hair freaking out

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Why are people complaining about the graphics for DQ11S?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

    I own the PS4 version and the Switch version now and I was surprised at how good the Switch version managed to make the game look. But, reading some comments, I almost feel like I'm in the minority. Anyone else feel like the downgrade isn't that significant too?

    submitted by /u/HamOnWhy
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    Saddest overall Dragon Quest game.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:01 PM PST

    What do you think is the overall saddest Dragon Quest game? Personally, I wasn't expecting Echoes of an Illusive Age to be this sad. More specifically, the mermaid arc, Rab's "I found your boy." And King Irwin in general. His voice acting makes it all the more impactful. "You took my beloved Eleanor...you took my boy...I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" The way he delivers it is heartbreaking. Of course, there's some spoilers stuff later I don't want to get into. What's your guy's' opinion?

    submitted by /u/The-Brother
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    Own DQ11 on PC thinking about getting it for Switch

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:58 AM PST

    Hello, I play Dragon Quest since my young days on NES, I love them. I got DQ11 on PC and loved it, just played thru about half the game roughly, then stopped for reasons, but now I want to finish it, but I dont remember many details of the story so far, just broad strokes so I feel a bit "disconnected". Seeing as there is a Definitive Edition with extra content and other goodies on the Switch Im not sure if is it worth the rebuy on the switch since Im likely to restart the game anyways....but I cant help but feel that my steam purchase is somewhat "wasted" in fact i regret buying it on steam.... so the question is....is all the extras worth buying the game a second time even if i have yet to finish the version i already bought?

    submitted by /u/Leovor
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    SPOILER FOR THE SECOND ACT OF DQ XI: I don't like Mordegon's design at all.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PST

    The huge horns, the lip color, the mohawk, he just looks too silly. I can kind of see where Toriyama was going, but Mordegon looks less like Frieza and more like a gag villain from the original Dragon Ball. At the end of the cutscene it looks like he transforms, so maybe I'll like that design more. But I just don't see him as threatening or serious.

    submitted by /u/Thunder_God_Gavin
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    Where to find metal slimes in battlegrounds DQ11

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:37 PM PST

    As title suggests, I i'm trying to find out what floor the metal slimes spawn on most frequently. I just got here and would like to grind out a couple of levels

    submitted by /u/RitoHigara
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    Finally reached 1M tokens ^^ I didn't get any jackpots btw :(

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:34 AM PST

    Help an idiot out, immediate post game [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:26 PM PST

    After I finished Act II, I went to Cobblestone to a cutscene from the King. A guide said to talk to Gemma about rebuilding, nothing happened. Also said to check the summit at Cobblestone Tor for a boss fight/rescue and nothing was there. Am I really dumb? What is the missing piece? Thanks for any and all advice.

    submitted by /u/minimalkva
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    Question about XI on Switch (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST

    So I just made it past the fall of Yggdrasil, and I'm kinda confused. Every guide and comment I see says I'm supposed to wake up in Nautica as the Hero, but I'm playing as Sylvando, doing the Smile Brigade or whatever. Is the story in a different order on Switch? I mean it's a fun storyline for the most part but I was under the impression I was nearing the latter half of the game, and I'm just trying to figure out where I am. By no means am I mad that the game is longer than I thought, just trying to find my bearings. Any input?

    submitted by /u/dantheman244
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    Any suggestion for my next DQ game?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Long story short: I finished DQ11 on switch and loved it, first DQ I've ever played though. I liked the tickleton quests, taking a dive into past DQ games, but having an encounter every 4 steps is kinda annoying, kinda destroying the joy of exploration for me, but it seems to be the standard for older DQ games. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Genir95
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