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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Dragon Quest Newcomer to DQ! Need advice :)

    Dragon Quest Newcomer to DQ! Need advice :)

    Newcomer to DQ! Need advice :)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Hello, everyone!

    Following the release of DQXI, I thought I'd get to know the series a little better. And so far I'm loving every second of it!! In less than 2 weeks I've started and finished DQ 1–3 (Android versions) and now am halfway through 4. After I'm done with the second trilogy, what do you recommend I play after VI? What is a DQ it's ok to skip out and what is a must-play?

    I own pretty much every major console so procuring the games shouldn't be an issue.

    Kindly recommend your favourite titles and let me know why I should play them! 😊

    submitted by /u/luppnt
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    Maya and Meena by y_ambe

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    vibe check

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

    After leaving Sniflheim the title of Rab changes to “Dirty Old Man”

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Going in blind

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:35 AM PST

    Hey guys, I was wondering if it is a good idea to start DQ 11 S blind without a guide. I have heard there aren't really any missables. Also, haven't played the demo, is there any special content in the demo I missed?

    Speaking of a guide, I love player's guides and was thinking of getting the PS4 one to use for maybe forging items recipes, mini medals, etc. I did this with 8 by using the ps2 guide while playing the 3ds version. Does the ps4 guide stay true to the Switch version as far as those kind of things go? Any input will be great!

    submitted by /u/katineko
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

    Hello everyone, so I've finished the trials and wished to get married to Gemma. I promptly went back to Cobblestone to talk to her. I noticed that she doesn't ask to go to Cobblestone Tor for the cut cutscenes. Any ideas why this happens?

    submitted by /u/_-KaTana-_
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    Help with Indignus?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Title, basically. I've never played a DQ game before and XI is my first.

    I've been having a complete blast so far, but hooooly shit, Indignus is a difficulty spike from hell. My average level is around 46 and i'm trying the "Oomphle Erik, Divide, Sap the boss, poison it with Sylv, and spam Victimizer" strat after lots of failing with regular strats, but it just feels like some of the steps fail for that too often (boss not getting poisoned, Sap failing, etc.)

    and even if all the steps are sueccessful Erik tends to just. die in the first turn anyway, even if I put him furthest to the right in the party.

    Am i just underleveled? Is there something i'm not getting? It feels like i'm ramming against a brick wall trying to break it and it's kind of souring my fun atm

    submitted by /u/SkullBarrier
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    [DQ11] Searching for a song

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    What is the music track's name, when you're riding on the back of your Great Sabrecat? I can't find it on the OST list.


    submitted by /u/Ivaalo
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    Never played a DQ game. Wondering wear to start.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:12 AM PST

    My friend has been grinding DQ games and so it has sparked my interest. I was a big FF fan growing up but never touched DQ for some reason.

    Where is a good starting point?

    I'm thinking of playing XI as it just looks so good but I'm not allowed to 2D either.

    Just wanted to know what you guys think.

    I beat Chrono Trigger and am about to beat ff9 again after years and want to delve into DQ.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Neuromancerrr
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    Finally Beat DQ3 And Here is My Thoughts On In

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    I got idea to do this after I made post about me starting this game. It was after reading on comment on it but forgot who wrote it. And lazy to find it... also because for me it seems there isn't enough time stuff that I need and want to do then I assume it might take more time that it's needed. And it took time to complete it because I had technical problems (phone broke) and maybe because of that I might have hazy memory of game. But then again I did some stuff twice because of that.

    Because I have also played first two game then is this post might be spoilers also from those game. And talking about spoilers. Even before reading what is game about I got spoiled a little bit. Without reading games description I thought game would be happening in just same world/realm (Alefgard) as what was in first two games. But when I read description this game is happening in different world and than thought why it is in Erdrick's trilogy.

    After while that I was playing I was theorizing that I'll somehow get to Alefgard. I don't know if I would have theory about it if I wouldn't have got spoiled then in this game there is location from first game. And I was right that we went from one world to other. Only I went to it after defeating Baramos which seemed I could have went there before it.

    There where a lot of moments where I didn't know what to do then I'll just randomly searched on world map. In one place where we needed to leave merchant to get that town start to bulid, because I didn't had merchant in party I didn't quit catch that we needed somebody in our party with merchant vocation. Thought that we need find somebody merchant who where banished from place where he lived or something like that. But no, I need to have merchant in our party. So from now on I'll try remembering when NPC is asking for people with specific vocation or job and we can have those people as party memebers then I should get party memebers with that vocation/job to progress game.

    For most part I managed to beat boss enemies. Here and there I had trouble but mostly I had trouble against Baramos and Zoma. To the point that I looked online, but for Baramos what I found more or less it didn't help. Because I didn't have party memebers with those vocations what was suggested there. For some reason I didn't think to try use any items while fighting, so because of that I thought Sphere of Light would need to be placed, but I needed to use when fighting Zoma.

    Story is prequel to first game but like I wrote before (in different way) I couldn't figure out where is fitted. Afterwhile figured out. It's intresting story. But don't have much else to say about it, or probaly said in different way, or will say in different game.

    At start of game somebody asked my real name (in first time I used fake name, second time I used my real name) which I thought was one instace of 4th wall breaking and thought there would be more 4th wall breaking, but nothing much. Maybe there was two instace of 4th wall breaking including asking my real name. Then in credits I noticed it was used. Not sure how to word it but I guess it's fine at least for that. Only if NPC's broke 4th wall by asking real name than there should have been more instance of 4th wall breaking, maybe. Or real name could be asked different.

    I was used go around in Hero's orginal world and because of that I tried to same in Alefgard but I couldn't because I assumed story reason was that it was cousumed by darkness and outside of game reason was that I knew DQ2 world was larger so it wouldn't logical if it would smaller and would be able go arround. But I fogot how it was... actual I think we didn't had ship in that game so traveling in sea in first game wasn't option. So even going from first to second game there is plot holes about world size.

    While I was progressing to defeat Zoma I was wondering who was Erdrick because I had play first two game before. Thought it was different hero other, than hero we play as and Ortega hero's farther, who got defeat by soon enough hero revenged Ortega's defeat. And maybe we would meet him and maybe fight together and he would got all the glory. After defeating Zoma I found out that Erdrick is title of hero not name. So all the time I was playing as Erdrick only before getting that we need to prove that we are Erdrick.

    After deafeating Zoma I noticed I couldn't go to Hero's orginal world and was wondering if King of Alihan is still worried that worlds are doomed or not. And maybe that's why hero dissapered from Alefgrad but left items that used in first game or maybe even in second game. Find way back to orginal world of hero and share news to Alihan king so he wouldn't worry about world doom. When Zoma got defeated it said world still will have problems.

    In credits was said story continues in DQ1 and DQ2. Well that's probably is for new player, at least at that time it was released. Otherwise for some reason (maybe time travel?) everbody would know that in DQ3 story starts around that time when first game released and then wouldn't be buying first game, thinking DQ2 and DQ3 still would been made. But then Enix (at that time one of two comapnies that merged was called) would notice there isn't a lot of interest in series then second wouldn't been made, let alone third game. More or less this is why I like to play games of series in release order if possible. Maybe who played this games in release order than Alefgard is reward for those in this game.

    Overall it was enjoyable. Only for me it dragged out because of phone suddenly broke. Now that I figured out to use one app which allows to save app data for android phone, like saves even if those saves are saved in root access. It's called Helium if interested. My phone isn't rooted so because of that if I want to back up saves using helium than I need to connect to pc and have usb in PTP mode every time. At least from now on I won't have that kind problem if I remember to back up.

    Next game of this game I will be of course DQ4 which is different trilogy don't know if it will start like that. But still I will play it next and when I can. Only don't know when because I'm broke at the moment and which I'm trying to change. I

    I guess that's all of my thoughts on this game and it seems that I was jumping from one topic to other. Sorry about that. And I don't know if this can be made into TL;TR.

    submitted by /u/LvDogman
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    Nearing the end of DQ XI....<feeling sad>

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Here I am at 132 hours and am a few missions away from completing the game. I have gone back to collecting costumes, forging to perfection, racing horses and playing Roulette just to stretch my experience a little more.

    I love this game but I am getting a little sad that completion is getting so close. I wish this game had a new game plus where I could start again with all my costumes intact. That would be so awesome!

    But soon I will be faced with playing again or moving on to Three Houses. Not since the end of Act Two have I faced a more important decision.

    Who else feels this way?

    submitted by /u/umbrielgm
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    DQXI roulette jackpot Quest help

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:27 PM PST

    I read up a bunch of guides about easy ways to win the jackpot for the roulette Quest. One of them was continually betting on 12 and 14, as those numbers seem to come up more often. I have been at this for about 3 hours. I am playing on the switch by the way, if that makes a difference. Half of my time is spent at the slot machines to help give me more tokens so I can spend more time at the roulette table. Still nothing. I don't think I've even one one time

    submitted by /u/Ember_Mage
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    Dragon Quest X on Switch and 3DS?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    Hi all!

    Wanting to take a leap and try out Dragon Quest X. I do not have a PC, so I would be looking at Switch and/or 3ds(have a Japanese console). Does anyone have experience with both systems and could give some thoughts on how it runs? I heard that the 3DS version might be streamed but wanting to check. Thank you!!! :)

    submitted by /u/sredna14
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    Possible to get all 3 cutscenes from the Downtown Heliodorian Guard?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:06 PM PST

    So, as I'm sure a lot of people know, there are 3 different ways to bypass the guard in Downtown Heliodor; give him a forged love letter, scare him away with a dog, or pay him 2000 gold. However, less people might know that if you do one of the methods, it appears in the cutscene viewer in the medal academy later in the game.

    So, my question is, is it possible to see all three cutscenes in a single playthrough (as you can't use 3D/2D switch, because that wipes cutscene availability)? I am currently at the end of Act 1, but I've only been able to see two of them (I did letter first and then, after he went back to his post after getting the boat, the dog), but he's still cowering from the dog at the end of Act 1. I can think of two ways for this to be possible.

    First, it's possible that the times he goes back to his post depends on which method you use; for example, he might go back to his post faster if you pay gold second instead of chasing him with the dog.

    Second, I'm not sure how Act 2/3 affects the guard's status, whether it resets him, or even whether he can still guard the doorway then.

    Anyone know anything that might help?

    submitted by /u/Fwahm
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    Dragon Quest II Help With Hargon Boss

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:45 PM PST

    So, the guide I'm following says his first stage is supposed to be easy but I keep getting demolished. I'm level 41 and the rest of the part is high 30s and according to most guides I'm pretty high leveled even for the final boss. The most frustrating and aggrivating part is the long way to his castle every time you lose. Any other tips for beating this boss? I feel like I get really unlucky with monster appearances and RNG. I'm on the Switch version btw.

    submitted by /u/UnnamedUser03
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    DQ XI Class/Job Question

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:27 PM PST

    Are you able to change your parties class/job at any point in the game? For example, Serena by default has a spear, wand, and harpistry trees; can these be changed?

    I just finished Snifhelm, so please no story spoilers.

    submitted by /u/BanditPorkins
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    DQ XI S: Finding Miko again [Act 3]

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    I'm trying to find miko again in act 3 to start rebuilding the Sword of Light, but I can't find her? Can anyone show a picture if where she spawns?

    submitted by /u/Therion12
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