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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Dragon Quest DQIII Female Sage by @hakoming_jp

    Dragon Quest DQIII Female Sage by @hakoming_jp

    DQIII Female Sage by @hakoming_jp

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:05 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST

    DQXI makes me feel like a child

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:18 AM PST

    I started playing DQXI yesterday, and it made me feel so much joy!

    As I get older, it's hard to get excited about games the same way as I did when I was a kid. The last time I was so excited was with Breath of the Wild.

    It feels like every moment and mechanic of the game is made with sole purpose of making a player feel joy.

    I'm reading every description of a new monster, and just in a few sentences they manage to say something interesting. Like, the lantern monster description tells that lanterns that are abandoned by their owners get upset and try to get revenge on humans. And I immediately remember other games where every lore segment is like four paragraphs of boring information that reads like a Wikipedia article.

    With draconian mode battles are so interesting, like I cannot even describe how fun it was to fight with a hammerhood for the first time (and made me remember why hammerhoods are my favorite DQ monsters).

    So many modern games are such a drag to play - everything feels like a chore that you have to do, but every second of DQXI is just filled with the wonder of exploration.

    I spent like 15-20 minutes in the FIRST LOCATION where nothing really happens, and as a player I'm very impatient and hate games with a slow start. But here I was just enjoying the atmosphere, scenery and music.

    And honestly, it was a hard week at work, so DQXI cheered me up a lot.

    Sorry for a long post, its just that I rarely have this kind of feeling anymore.

    submitted by /u/wizardofpancakes
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    Me and jotaro have the same tipe of music preference

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    Why do some monsters wear clothes/armour? where do they get them? and why all the members of the same sppecies have the same clothes/armour?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:37 AM PST

    Well, since they're suposed to live in the wild and have little to not contact with human towns, how do they exactly get thsose robes/clothes and why all the members of the same species wear the exact same clothes.

    submitted by /u/DimLight90
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    Best controller to play on PC?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I want to get DQ11, but I don't have a console (at least till Christmas, might get a Switch), so I guess I'll get the PC port on Steam. I've read that it's much better to play with a controller than keyboard and mouse. What controller do you guys recommend? Is it best to just get an Xbox controller because of the built-in Windows support?


    submitted by /u/MightyUnclean1973
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    Which version of V should I play?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    Mobile is the cheapest, but is it worth shelling out the $60-some odd dollars for the DS version? How are the controls on mobile?

    submitted by /u/UnkindnessofRavens_
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    When does DQXI open up?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:47 PM PST

    I started XI the other day after having a great time with the Famicom trilogy remakes on Switch. One of the things I enjoyed about them (even potentially my least favorite, II) was the sense of freedom afforded to the player, and how quickly they thrust you into making meaningful decisions about staying in comfortable areas or trying to scrape through ones that are too hard, party composition (in III), item purchases, exploration or beelining, had you piecing together hints about where to go, etc. Progression gates were applied fairly infrequently and naturally, and after a little while, more or less completely removed.

    In XI, I've just landed in the church with Erik, and am at about five hours of gameplay (taking my time). I can't lie—I'm a bit disappointed at how linear the game has been up to this point, with roads blocked off by NPCs warning me about monster being too tough, and few meaningful decisions to make regarding exploration, purchases, or party. (I think I also might not be a huge fan of the removal of random encounters, since it likewise diminishes the importance of preparation or deciding which areas you can challenge, but I'm not ready to say that firmly yet.) I'm not having a terrible time, but compared to the equivalent amount of playtime in earlier titles, this is probably my least favorite so far, and the amount of time from start to interesting decision-making or puzzle-solving definitely has me a bit put off on the thought of revisiting it, whereas I'll play all of the first three again. (Though I could also blitz through these segments in a way I didn't this time ... it's still a chunk of time I wish weren't forced on you.)

    I know it does open up more though ... right? Can anyone give me a sneak peek at how much longer the linear progression lasts, and to what extent the game does open up when it does? For people who have been through it multiple times, is there a secret to making these early portions more interesting on revisits?

    submitted by /u/Cipher_-
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    DQ XI S - can you win a roulette jackpot by betting red/black?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    I'm trying to complete the jackpot quest. Do I have to bet on the jackpot number directly, or can I just bet red/black and wait?

    submitted by /u/gualdhar
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    Dq11 questions

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    Hi all, I platinumed Dq11 on the Ps4 about a year ago, I enjoyed the game a lot and was considering buying the switch version of it.

    Has anyone played both versions that could shed some insight on how much extra content is there?

    Is there more than 10 hrs of extra gameplay? I've heard of the additional QoL features and 2d mode etc, I'm more curious as to actual gameplay/story content.

    submitted by /u/Zamerayne
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    DQMJ2 Help

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST

    A few months ago I got back into DQMJ2 after I lost all my save data about a year and a half ago due to something happening to my save file (I have no clue how it happened, one second I was playing, turned my DS off for whatever reason, came back a bit later and my save file was corrupted). This time however, I have taken it a bit more seriously and have decided to make a professional team on a dead game I got about 6 years ago. One of the members on the team I am planning to make is a Rhapthorne with Abiliterator Ward, Hero of the Heavens, and Aquarion as its skill sets. A few problems though, Aquarion takes two Captain Crows and Greygnarl (Hero of the Heavens) takes another one. You only get one Captain Crow in game and I highly doubt anybody anywhere close to me owns the game and has a Captain Crow, much less two people, both willing to give me theirs. Is there anyway to get Aquarion and Hero of the Heavens without using Captain Crows?

    submitted by /u/JumpingTarget
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    Which are the best settings in a LG B9 to play DQ XIS?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:11 PM PST

    Just bought the TV an I need to calibrate it!

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    What's the best weapon for each character?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:46 PM PST

    I am currenty at the point after Gondolia and I need some advice on equipment for the party and which skills should I invest in? This is my set up:

    • Hero: sword • Erik: knives • Veronica: heavy wand • Serena: wand • Sylvando: sword

    submitted by /u/DeezNutshell
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    [DQ11 Spoilers] Experience Farming Late Game Without the Haullelujah/Electrolight Trick?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:39 PM PST

    I have my characters between levels 80 and 88 and I believe I have helped most of the people/places other than notably the Malicious Auroral Serpent. I have also finished Drustan's trial 4 times.

    I really don't like the trick, where's the best place for XP farming otherwise? I presume somewhere with metal king slimes?

    submitted by /u/Millillion
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    Dragon quest xii arboria

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:29 PM PST

    Currently at Arboria as mentioned above, the high priest talks about a great hero. Is he talking about Dragon quest 3? After Dragon quest XII which dragon quest should i play next? I played 7,8,XII so far and i found DQ5 for the emulator

    submitted by /u/ValuableInstruction
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    A few questions about DQ Heroes

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST

    1. Is Alena in the first DQ Heroes from Dragon Warrior 4? Are all these heroes picked from various timelines and put into this game?

    2. Is it me or does the game seem a bit easy? I like it so far but it definitely seems like Dynasty Warriors meets Dragon Quest with something else. I just wish it was a bit harder. Is DQ Heroes 2 more challenging? Regardless, liking the game, just not sure how they fit in with the lore.

    submitted by /u/BilunSalaes
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