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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Dragon Quest Just some fan-art of the XI lineup.

    Dragon Quest Just some fan-art of the XI lineup.

    Just some fan-art of the XI lineup.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:33 AM PST

    I don't like DQII

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    king slimes

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Used the money I saved for Pokemon Sw/Sh to buy DQ XIS(my first entry into the series) - Best decision I've made!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

    I have 3 questions- I'm about to finish the demo, does my save file automatically transfer over when I insert the cartridge or do I have to do something?

    2nd, I read somewhere you get a bonus seed or something if you finish the demo and then play the game, is this true?

    3rd, On that note...What are skill seeds and its uses? ^_^"

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/_maru_maru
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    What it's like to play DQXI during the TPC Explosion / Evacuation!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Happy 24th birthday to Dragon Quest VI : Land of Illusion!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    (S version) All 8 draconian, no seeds, all accolades 100% completed! what a journey!!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST

    I put All draconian in the title but in fact I had two save files because you cannot get all accolades in one file:

    save file 1- All 250 accolades, no shopping was removed, no armor was removed (because secret trial round 3-4 would have been impossible) both shypox were removed because timewyrm and secret trial would have been impossible under 50 turns, as far as I know.

    save file 2- All possible accolades and All 8 draconian up until timewyrm. I farmed 20 pep pops and killed timewyrm for fun, but it is impossible to do it within 50 moves for the accolade, as far as I think.

    Its been a pain but well worth the experience :)

    I can offer tips, most guides are out there but some are missing details for all draconian modes.

    submitted by /u/Arreat51
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    Never played a Dragon Quest game before but I'm interested

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:29 PM PST

    So I've never played a Dragon Quest game but I am interested. I downloaded the Dragon Quest XI demo for Nintendo Switch and played for maybe 2 minutes and immediately felt like I had to play it. Something seemed very well done, I don't know how to describe it. Would DQXI be an appropriate place to start and is it worth buying in the first place?

    submitted by /u/TheApothecary_
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    Beating Zoma at level 39 (Switch)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    My party is Hero, Warrior, Priest Mage. I'm level 39 on everything except sage which is around 34(? cant remember I'm not on my switch rn to check) I've seen people beating it at levels much lower than me so I know it's possible, but I keep getting killed after a few turns. Yes I have the light orb and the sage's stone. Right now after I use the light orb then oomph and sap I just spam sage's stone with my priest every turn and use my sage to heal and use my hero and warrior to attack every turn. What should I change about my setup and spells? I was thinking maybe I should give my sage's stone to the warrior so then I have two multiheals with that and the priest and the sage can focus on casting other spells.

    submitted by /u/UnnamedUser03
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    (DQ11 S version) Timewyrm on stronger monster, no seed, under 50 turns.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:03 AM PST

    I'm creating this post for those who need help getting the speed achievement under those settings.

    The battle is pretty straight forward, like many posts suggest, you can simply cheese it by using Ydrasil blessing and gigaburst. but there are some essential details, especially round 3 with the two heads:

    Party: Hero, Jade (you need her agility to start first round), Serena and Veronica, All piped up

    turn 1: use blessing

    Then use pep pops and gigaburst until he switches head, no need to renew blessing.

    phase 2: immediately use blessing after he uses disruptive wave.

    do pep pop and gigaburst, but this time you will have to renew blessing.

    He will do a disruptive wave during this phase.

    Final round is RNG.

    Use blessing as soon as he disruptive waves you.

    To make it under 50 turns, you MUST do at least 3 mighty magic burst while there is no mist! this will do around 12k damage to each head. If the tail start chewing you or if he does the mist, you should reload...

    Finish the tail with gigaburst and rush the last one down.

    good luck! If you have other methods I would love to see them.

    submitted by /u/Arreat51
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    Dragon Quest Vs. Capcom might have been leaked for a Game Awards Reveal (take with a grain of salt).

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST


    Yes, it's a 4chan text leak...but it's so damn random and minimalistic that it think it has a chance to be the real deal.

    We'll see if it's real or not in the game awards but it's a very interesting leak anyways, that caugh my interest and i wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/literallywho550
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    Dragon quest III

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    I have bought the Nintendo switch version of Dragon quest III

    At the start the game introduces you to what i have heard of a personality *filter* I have googled what certain stuff would do and the huge amount of information leaves me kinda unsure what exactly to pick. I was hoping if anyone could take the time for me and tell me what names/roles i should pick for a first time playing the game. This is also just my 4th Dragon quest game <3 Or am i being misled and the REAL name the game ask you to tell and birth doesn't really matter?

    submitted by /u/ValuableInstruction
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    Full Draconian quest. Just completed all bosses!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:03 PM PST

    DQXIs is too easy so far. Does it get any more difficult? *early game spoilers*

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

    I've just reached Octogania shortly after defeating Jasper, and the party hasn't come close to wiping yet. Im level 21ish and am beginning to think I'm over leveled because so many enemies in the wild run away from me even in new areas. That sucks because I like the combat a lot. I'm beginning to regret not adding more Draconian Quest options to my file in addition to Hero death = Game Over, but no way in hell am I beginning a new game...does the game get more engaging as far as combat goes? I'm loving literally everything else, but I'd like to know if I'm going to be cruising through the rest of the game as I am now, just enjoying the story.

    submitted by /u/mujiha
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    SPOILER ALERT! Is Sylvando any good? DQ11switch

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:22 PM PST

    So I just unlocked sylvando and he seems interesting but I noticed his skills are all over the place. I was wondering if its worth investing in him or is he going to be one of those okay characters who isn't good at anything particularly special. Thanks! Loving the game so far. First dragon quest playthrough!

    submitted by /u/Gillman323
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    Dragon Quest made me love support classes through Draconian Quests

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    Dragon Quest XI specifically has made me realize just how fun playing a support class is because I chose to start the game in Draconian Quest mode with out the option to run from battle. There's something about getting into a fight, and when the turn comes around for Sylvando or Serena (I find it just this side of amusing that their names begin with S, the first letter in Support) and I can start Sylvando on a round of Oomph or hustle dance, while Serena Kabuffs or Acelerattles. It's satisfying to do these moves and not only make things easier, but exploit things I otherwise typically would have avoided, or found no use for, when I could have either:

    A) just pushed through on pure strength B) Run from battle

    Without the option to run, Brute Force won't always work. If I start to get pounded by enemies and can't dole out enough damage on my own, I now have to see what alternate means I have of dispatching foes. I have to buff my party to stay a step ahead, or confound the enemy through lowering their abilities, or putting them under my influence. This makes the game ever more challenging, and just that much more fun/interesting to play.

    This is my second DQ game after I completed DQ8 twice on the PS2 and 3DS. I loved the game both times, but never bothered to adapt my play style. DQ11 is giving me the opportunity to alter my play style and find new ways to enjoy the (what could otherwise be thought of as repetitive, with my usual play style) combat.

    This is actually carrying over into other games I play, and is having me consider making pure support characters to experience other games in ways I otherwise would not have. I typically fall into the category in other games of playing a rogue, or more often than not, a pure war mage. Now, I find myself in the unique perspective of wishing I had a D&D group to play the cleric in, or creating a support-focused character in Greedfall or Skyrim, hire a merc or become a thane and go adventuring with them doing the main attacking.

    TL;DR DQ has given me a whole new avenue to experience games I already enjoy.

    submitted by /u/st0neywizard
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    DQ XI: Late game bosses, what level did you grind to?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Just got to the part in the post game/act 3 where I can go around defeating the optional bosses. My party are currently around level 52-53 and I know there is a big difficulty spike.

    What level were your party when you started taking on these bosses (and also the final boss). The idea of grinding 10+ levels does not seem fun right now 😫

    submitted by /u/NotABeautyGuru
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    Questions on using double exp and/or gold hacks

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST

    I thought about using a double patch on dragon quest 1&2, but would it affect my enjoyment if I didn't play them normally?

    submitted by /u/LukeSky649
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    Started for the first time

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Just started my dive into DQ for the first time ever with the og, DQ1. Its obviously a bit bare bones (can't fault the grandaddy of the genre for being basic by modern standards though) and though i find it simple im getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. Very excited to make my way through the series, i just wish i discovered my love of jrpgs before i had a full time job and a family lol

    submitted by /u/ryguyike
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    Do all DQ games have the credits roll in the middle of the game?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:28 PM PST

    Preface DQXI is my first and I just defeated Mordegon in the Fortress of Fear and I heard that I was only 2/3 thru the game. Then the credits rolled and I felt sorta cheated but mostly confused.

    After I opened up my save past, "The End...to be Continued", it felt forced having the crew back together after all of the good-byes. And to use Veronica's death as a plot device to move me into the time travel arc. Couldn't they have found a better flow to the story to get me to this point?

    Anyway im just wondering why they decided to put the credits roll there? Or is this a normal thing for Dragon Quest games?

    submitted by /u/shavin_high
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