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    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Dragon Quest Great heroes think alike by @samoimo

    Dragon Quest Great heroes think alike by @samoimo

    Great heroes think alike by @samoimo

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

    Poster from The original release of Dragon Quest 8 I found in a high school library. Anyone have any information about this? Can't find anything online.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:40 AM PST

    Got my first tattoo!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    cleaning and found my ds/3ds games so i put them with the switch releases. not pictured are the nes and joker games

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Dragon Quest Heroes is one of my favorite games.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:10 AM PST

    I have played the series over the last 25 years, give or take, since I got my hands on the first Dragon Warrior cartridge for Nintendo. Since then I have beaten the first four games in the series many times, and DQ11.

    DQ Heroes 1 is the first time I have gotten to play a live action role in the series and man is it fun. Monster medals to support me, wave after wave of monsters to battle, it's just so fun. I love this game.

    Sure, there are a few things I don't like, perhaps they will be addressed in DQ Heroes 2 which is waiting for me once I complete this. But for now, I still have hours of monsters to kill left, ultimate weapons to find, character fighting styles to explore. Thank you for this title.

    submitted by /u/BilunSalaes
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    These turtles on my calendar look like palette swapped enemies. Like maybe a Tortuga and a Tortugamage. Or maybe I've just been playing too much Dragon Quest XI...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    Best place to grind for final boss in DQ11?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    I am around level 72-ish and Calasmos royally ducked my ass in about 2 minutes. Any where that is a decent place to grind?

    submitted by /u/doodledoggos
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    Wasn't enjoying XI, so I started over with all Draconian options on - This is good

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:37 AM PST

    Was inspired by some recent posts here about completing all-Draconian runs of XI (Switch), and decided to try it. Previously I wasn't really enjoying myself due to the game's linear nature and the combination lack of random encounters, which meant it was basically just being railroaded by the story until boss encounters to make builds and strategies feel like they mattered--even with strong monsters and no experience from easy battles turned on. I was really missing the nerve-wracking resource- and risk-management from earlier titles, a reason to get into more combat (which is fun, but I'm not going to throw myself into super risky situations just to do it), and for each new skill or equipment choice to feel a little more substantial. Even with reduced exploration, having to make some hefty decisions in all of those ways would go a long way toward capturing what I love about the Famicom games.

    I think all the Draconian options being on together might have brought me around instantly. All combat is now an absolute nightmare, but I have to constantly get into it because I desperately need the new skills, spells, and defensive stats to overcome the lack of armor and risk of missing turns. Resource management is around in a big way without being able to purchase even herbs early on. Not being able to run has you even more aware of where you are on health and magic while in the field. There's just a lot that's coming together here that I don't think would be possible with any smaller combination of the challenge options. And this is before getting into any bosses or more strategic combos. I like knowing that I'll be able to go all in on what I think are probably the best build choices I have at any one time, just to have a chance, without having to worry about making anything too easy. I'm sure it'll get absolutely insane later, but I'm down for it. I'm surprised at how well all the elements work together.

    Just want to say thanks to the people who posted about their finished runs here, and to recommend checking out what might seem like a very off-putting combo to anyone who's maybe not the biggest fan of the game feeling a little more linear (both in terms of layout and options) like I was. (Just remember to save often, since wipe-outs boot you back to the title screen/your last save. Fair enough, since halved money means nothing this way.) I love that they put these options in. My only hope right now is that it stays tense and doesn't have extremely front-loaded difficulty the way some challenge modes like this can. Definitely feeling more invested in the game and more open to its heavy story focus now as well, since it's going to be hung on a stronger backbone of do-or-die RPGing. My shy hero is ready to recruit some other shy weirdos and badly try to take on the world.

    submitted by /u/Cipher_-
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    Recommendations for music while playing DQ XI

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Don't get me wrong, the music is great in DQ XI (at least the orchestrated score is). But there just isn't that much variety. I'm considering turning it down and playing some other RPG sound tracks to change things up a bit.
    Does anyone have any recommendations for other sound tracks to play alongside this game?

    submitted by /u/DaftyTheBear
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    DQ11 - Best Skill Tree for...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    I just got Hendrik and I did look online but it seems to be a split consensus between Axes/Shields and Greatswords. My Luminary is using a regular Sword and Shield, if that helps. Any suggestions are appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/LifeMushroom
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    Dragon Quest XI PC price

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Hi! I am wishing to buy the Dragon Quest XI game in Steam for a long time, everybody talks so nice about it, but I just see that the price stays in 60€, which sadly I can't afford right now, I was disappointed that we didn't get any discount this last autumn sale, and I was also expecting something with the Builders release but we got nothing.

    Do you know when the game will be included in some sales? Or if it will be with a discount anymore?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Syth7
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    My kids toy reminded me of a slime.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    every time I think this game can’t get any weirder, it does just that.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:47 AM PST

    I just started act 3, and the whole thing is so weird but so much fun :)

    not really a useful post but no one else I know irl is playing so you all get my random outbursts of how much I love it

    submitted by /u/coyotesandcrickets
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    Relaxing Dragon Quest XI Music Mix

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    Are there any stats om how this sub has grown since DQXI was released on switch?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    A few questions on the real ending of DQ XI, clarification much appreciated! (Spoilers)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:14 PM PST

    So clearly it is shown at the very end to be a prequel to III. I have a few things I wanted to get cleared up though so if people could clarify it would be much appreciated.

    1) Obviously Erdwyn technically was the Hero before Luminary but he never received the title of Erdrick due to his premature death. Is it safe to say from what we know that the Luminary is the first canon chronological Erdrick then? (Not counting any hypothetical Heros before even Erdwyn).

    2) Yggdragon states there will be more heroes in the future when darkness rises again. It then cuts to the DQ1 protagonist with the dragon lord's lair in the distance. Obviously this is just a neat throwback to DQ1 and also the game revealing that DQ1 takes place after XI because it then after the credits reveals that XI is even before DQ III. Nothing really more to read into the little DQ1 scene, right? Just a cool little scene to show the future.

    3) In the post credits DQ 3 opening cutscene it is revealed that the events of XI are contained within a tome. I have seen some speculate that this implies XI is a fictional tale within the world of DQ3. I don't believe this is the case. My theory is that the events of DQ3 take place so many centuries after XI that the Luminary from XI is seen as this mythical God-like figure (Erdrick) and is held in high regard as a legendary being whom fairy tales and such are written about. The events of XI are quite literally legendary history during the time period of DQ3 so that's why the story is in a book. Is this the widely accepted consensus?


    submitted by /u/ItsZant
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    After 30 hours I finally beat DQ4

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    (note: I still haven't finished the post-game chapter)

    Wow. That was a really, really good game. The start was rather slow (Chapter 3 can suck a fart outta my ass) but once you get your entire party the game really picks up the pace and turns into the best Dragon Quest I've played yet. The whole "change your party mid-battle" system is SO good it makes you adapt to different situations and the fact that EVERY character levels up at the same time when you're in the overworld and after defeating bosses makes mindless grinding to get a certain spell almost non-existant.

    The characters are all great, and it really shows on the mobile ports with the party chat function it makes the characters feel alive and you grow to like them.

    The story wasn't that big of a deal, it is a 1990 NES game after all. But, the real selling point of the game is the exploration and the world map. It's so fun to just go out of your way to explore and finding this really cool and important items like the Zenithian set or the Sand of Time without anyone explicitly telling you about it, it really makes you feel like a wandering hero searching for stronger gear that will help you to achieve your goal; and that's something I like in DQ4 but not in DQ3 because in DQ3 it felt like "go find these six magic mcguffins. why? i don't know just go get them" while in DQ4 it felt like "There's this really cool armor set that's hidden in the world. Wow, if I find it I'll have some really cool armor that will help me kick more monster ass"

    Oh yeah, and that final boss battle. Oh boy that final boss battle is the cherry on top of this beatiful, beatiful game. You have no idea how tense and excited I was during that fight.

    So yeah, this is a great game. My DQ game ranking as of now is as it follows:

    4) Dragon Quest 2

    3) Dragon Quest 3

    2) Dragon Quest 1

    1) Dragon Quest 4

    Now I'll finish that post-game content and then I'll play Dragon Quest 5

    submitted by /u/yi-es-chu
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    Can you get non-alternate color outfits/costumes in DQXI(S)?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:32 AM PST

    Switch version comes with new color palletes for most costumes, however I realy don't like them.
    So heres the question. Can you get vanila costumes (ps4/pc version) on switch?

    submitted by /u/miltek
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    Been playing PC Dragon Quest Builders 2 for a short bit, have a question

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    I'm REALLY having fun with this and I'm wondering if I should stop and pick up the first title to play through first before I continue with part 2? Or is part 2 quite a bit better than the first and best to just stick with this one for my first builders game?

    submitted by /u/Bigrx122
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    Started Dragon Quest 5!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:21 PM PST

    I love this game so far! Just got through the first section at level 15 because i thought it would be fun to get the best equipment and now i have money to gamble! Now the only question is monster arena or slots?

    submitted by /u/dadkins222
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    Do you think we will see Dragon Quest XII sooner rather than later?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    I could see DQXII releasing for the Switch--and PS4 if PS4 support isn't long dead by this point due to the PS5 having arrived--near the end of the Switch's lifespan, taking advantage of the large (and growing) install base the Switch has in Japan and taking full advantage of getting most out of the Switch's hardware due to familiarity with it (like the beautiful visual accomplishments found in Grandia 3 and DQ VIII released late in the PS2's lifespan).

    I feel like that is more likely than some sort of release on the PS5 midway through its lifespan and I don't see DQXII taking so long that it doesn't release till the end of the PS5's lifespan.

    submitted by /u/Use_Your_Illusion3
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    In DQ11 on Switch, did 2-hand swords get a late game change/buff or no?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:42 PM PST

    Just curious, I preferred them myself, but found that late and post game one handed swords were just straight up indefinitely unarguably better. I forget the name of the final move, but 2-hand only allowed it to hit a group of enemies, while 1-handed hit every enemy. Late game thats a huge deal breaker because it does so much damage.

    Soo yeah, did they touch the skill trees for weapons in general? Is 2-hand more viable for late game content?

    submitted by /u/ThatPieGuy777
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