• Breaking News

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Dragon Quest Still hoping we get a free update that adds these costumes for the twins sometime this month 🤞

    Dragon Quest Still hoping we get a free update that adds these costumes for the twins sometime this month ��

    Still hoping we get a free update that adds these costumes for the twins sometime this month ��

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:21 AM PST

    That is indeed an incredible find

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:01 AM PST

    Erik "dabbing" and "moon walking" on these little girls is my best photo in this game ever

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:35 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Did DQ XIS reignited your love for RPGS?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I am currently playing the game. I think that I may be half way through it. I do not remember feeling this way for an RPG in a loooooong time. I am just so enthralled with the story, gampley, music, etc. EVERYTHING. The last time I felt like this was when I played Xenoblade Chronicles and that was a long time ago. Before Xenoblade Chronicles, the last RPG I really liked was Final Fantasy XII.

    I am currently 34, I do not know if its because I am older, but I am really absorbing the entire story. Really getting it. I LOVE THIS GAME.

    I may be old school, but I do not consider games like Nioh, Soulsborne: Die Twice or Nier Automata RPGs. They have elements of the genre, but not pure RPG. Also, I am on the fence with other games like The Witcher, or Bethesda games.

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    Quick question(s) re: DQ3

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    So I've started replaying DQ3 on the Switch and am up to level 10 or so with a FemHero/Lone Wolf. Trying to decide if I should head back to Aliahan and build a party or try to solo everything.

    1. So.. what's the solo experience like? Am I gonna reach a point where Combat suddenly becomes much more tedious? If you've done a solo run, was it fun? Would you recommend it?
    2. And if I eventually decide to go back and build a party, any advice for efficiently bringing them up to a comparable level as the hero so they won't be too much of a handicap?
    3. And further in that vein, if I do decide to party, any especially good/broken party comps I should be aware of?
    submitted by /u/Solar_Kestrel
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    Question about post game bosses/quests order (Spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:41 AM PST

    Hi all!

    So I'm in that part that I have to go to the Tower of Time so the Keeper upgrades the whale to go for the final "true" boss of the game.

    Before that I've been traveling around the map doing the extra quests (like Lonalulu, Nautica, Angri La, rebuild Cobblestone, Gondolia, Hotto, Vikings Hideout and Heavens Above) but I've found a couple of bosses that are kicking my butt really hard, like the one in Sniflehiem to kill the black serpent (Malicious Aurealis I think is the name?).

    I'm lvl 59 and I feel that boss is unkillable for my lvl, no matter what I do or strategy I use, that serpent kills me in 5 rounds.

    Is there any order I should follow? Or ones that is good to lvl? (I've read the one in Zwaarsust is good for this) The ones I have yet to do are: Sniffleheim, Zwaarsrust Ruins, Puerto Valor (Don Rodrigo already told me what to do but it seems is going to be pain to do that), Phnom Nonh and the one in Dundrasil Ruins.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/Tito1983
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    I am....intrigued

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST

    i have played as far as i can in the demo of DQXI S and i was wondering, are all the games like this? it's AWESOME

    submitted by /u/carsonmc5
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    Any reason to finish with tough monsters?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:30 AM PST

    I got to act 3 in DQ11 with the super tough monsters mode but I got burnt out by the grind and stopped playing a month or two ago. I really want to finish but not sure I can with tough monsters on. Is there any point in finishing the whole game with it? Trophy or anything?


    submitted by /u/RabidPickle
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    Question from a relatively casual DQ fan

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:02 AM PST

    I just finished Dragon Quest IX on the Switch and found it to be one of the best RPGs I've ever played in terms of plot and character resonance. I was mesmerized by the plot developments and the twists, turns and reveals late in the game. I'm 39 years old, have been playing RPGs for about 3/4 of that, and to me this game ranks up with Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy VII in quality.

    Of the rest of the Dragon Quest games, I have only played two-- the original DQ or "Dragon Warrior" for the NES and DQ VIII for the PS2. I enjoyed both very much, having approached DQ1 with the understanding that it's basically a grind-fest. I have that on the original NES console, and am also fortunate enough to have Dragon Warrior II, III and IV on the NES (found them as a set for a very reasonable price). I just haven't had time to play them yet.

    My question is, do the other Dragon Quest games-- specifically V - VII and IX, the ones I don't own-- even approach DQXI in terms of story complexity and character development? Either way, DQXI has convinced me that I want to try to obtain the rest of the series. The DS re-releases look like the best option. I just want to know what I'm in for-- more grindey like the early games, or more character and plot-focused like the later ones. I've heard good things about DQV.


    submitted by /u/PepsiPerfect
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    Question for someone new to modern DQ

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:21 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I just started playing DQ XI after years of debating to try out a modern DQ game. I played DQ I and II as a kid many many moons ago and although I enjoyed them, they weren't my favorite games looking back. I am loving DQ XI on the Switch though, and although I know I have many many more hours to go (just hit hour 25 of game play) I am already wondering what one to play next. I have heard good things about DQ VIII on the DS and am considering that one. I am also curious though on peoples thoughts about the DQ Builder on the Switch. Any and all inputs are welcome. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/MinneapolisKing25
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    Omg nintendo uk doing a giveaway of 20 codes for Dragon quest 11 on Switch

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:16 AM PST

    [SPOILERS] DQXIS - Is Act II different in XIS vs the original XI??

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

    So I've been referring to a non-spoiler walkthrough once in a while to make sure I dont miss certain collectables as I progress thru the story.

    However, I just reached the Post-Yggdrasil portion of the game where everyone gets separated. The walkthrough I'm looking at says I should be taking control of the Luminary in Nautica and the story continues from there. However, that's not happening for me. I'm currently going thru individual stories of the other characters. First was Sylvando, then Jade, then Erik, and now I'm on to Rab.

    There is no sign of these quests on any of the walkthroughs I'm looking at. Is the Definitive version different?

    Please no additional spoilers. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/StrangerSin
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    is there a difference?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    what is the dragon quest heroes thing? saw some stuff abt the possibilities of a third one and just wanna know the difference

    submitted by /u/carsonmc5
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    "Director discusses the possibility of Dragon Quest Heroes III"

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:41 AM PST

    Do you use guides?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:04 PM PST

    I've recently started my Dragon Quest journey, having recently gotten through DQ1 recently and beat DQ2 today. Been a long time fan of JRPGs and dabbled in the series multiple times but never beat a DQ game before this run through the series from the beginning. Having experienced the roots of the series I'm really loving it and look forward to revisiting DQXI again.

    That said, I just started up DQ3 and I got to wondering if people usually use guides for these games or not.

    I'm someone who generally appreciates thinking about games more then playing them for the most part, which usually leads me to playing games on easy, sometimes with guides. I didn't really question this with the first two games, since being older games I knew they would be grindy/obtuse and I have no regrets following a guide for them.

    Now that I'm starting up DQ3, and I'm anticipating the later, more modern games in the series, I'm not sure if I should try and force myself to go in blind or not. I know that I don't find wandering in circles fun, so I do like being directed, but I also don't want to take the magic of the experience away or get stuck reading a guide for every corner to turn, which I fall into sometimes. I'm still figuring out what I'll do for DQ3 and pursuing various threads on here has been enlightening for what to expect.

    Overall, as someone basically entirely new to this series, I'm curious about what others do for the various games in the series. Do you never use walkthroughs or just sometimes if you get stuck? Do you recommend walkthroughs for some of the DQ games and not others? I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the topic.

    submitted by /u/Keriaku
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    DQ8 help

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:29 AM PST

    I play on ps2 and finally come to Dholmagus in Dark Ruins. But he beat me so hard, I can't win. I need to grind more exp or I just bad gamer?

    My lvl: Hero - 27, Yan - 26, Jess - 25, Ang - 25

    I'm easy complete quest in Argonia with Hero 25 lvl, but sucks into Dark Ruins.

    P.S.: sorry for my bad english

    submitted by /u/Hatjin
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    What is your favorite quote from a DQ game?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Hey guys! I need a senior quote for my yearbook pretty soon and I figured it should be a reference to my favorite series of all time. Anyone have any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/TerminallyAwkward_
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    Why are the original trilogy games on Switch priced differently?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:31 PM PST

    Debating on picking up the games but had to ask why the first is $5 USD, second is $7 and the third one $12.50

    submitted by /u/SilverSpades00
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    Which Dragon Quest???

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:29 PM PST

    So I have the remaster of 4. And then 9, 7, 11. I was thinking on playing the remaster of 8 (I've heard great things about it) or 5 because I've played a tiny bit of it from a friend and never got time to play it (now I do). So now I am wondering what Dragon Quest to start with. I despise 9. It has too much grinding. I dislike 11. This may sound weird but, I think it is too new. (Edit) I have Dragon Quest Heroes 2.

    submitted by /u/TheOnionBoi134
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    Christmas Heroes!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:01 PM PST

    I don't know why, But I want a Christmas Drawn Version of The Heroes, Besides that, Dragon Quest 11 is actually drawing me in a Lot. Due to it's story and decisions, to even having to Part with your Companions in order to bring Veronica Back. I honestly feel like the game is good for me despite some things being thrown in, Like Jade's part, But I can honestly get a feel for all of the characters & the music all the way to the story and how it Changes.

    submitted by /u/ICanSeeItIcanFeelIt
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