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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Dragon Quest First game beaten in 2020: Dragon Quest II!

    Dragon Quest First game beaten in 2020: Dragon Quest II!

    First game beaten in 2020: Dragon Quest II!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Shoutout to GameStop’s buy 2 get 2 for free

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Kai and Shoom are repping Dragon Quest 3 today!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:32 AM PST

    DQXI definitive edition worth it?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:57 AM PST

    I bought DQXI for PS4 like two weeks ago and I've been really enjoying it, but recently I've found out about all the extra features in the switch version and I've been wondering if it would worth purchasing and playing instead?

    I'm nearing the end of Act two with roughly 70 hours of gameplay so I'm not sure if it's worth it??

    submitted by /u/Deemino
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    It do be like that

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Dragon Quest XI S difficulty

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Maybe it's just me, but I find the difficulty gap between vannila game and Draconian too much.

    I started with Draconian super strong enemies on until I reached Phnom Nonh/the Academy and decided to give it up. My party was already wearing equipments with stats higher than the ones sold in Phnom Nonh. I reworked at least half of everything that every character wears to at least +2, and still the regular enemies at Eerie Eyrie can decimate my entire party at random.

    Turned off the setting, and suddenly a regular enemy that could do 45-60 damage per attack now only does 3-20 damage. Really? It is now too easy. I surfed through the Elysium Bird boss battle without using a single item and only spamming Rab's magic on it.

    I don't have much time these days to play games so I will probably stay in this vanilla difficulty, but I wish there is another difficulty between these two...

    submitted by /u/helios396
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    DQ11 ACT 3 questions. Obvious spoilers.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:41 AM PST

    So i know that you basically go back in time just before the encounter at the tree. What happens to the gear currenly equipped and in their individual inventories? Does it disappear? Do they lose levels? Do i lose my Zoom locations once again?

    submitted by /u/kissofthehell
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    Does DQXI keep up the pacing of the beginning throughout the whole game?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:43 AM PST

    I'm really impressed with how much is going on and all the superb cutscenes. Makes me wonder how the pacing of the rest of the game is considering its suppose to be 100h even though it's light on grinding because of the easy difficulty. Feels like a breeze compare to my last DQ which was VIII on the PS2 that felt a lot harder, tons of random encounter and endless loading screens. Is there also an epilogue with the real ending after the main story?

    submitted by /u/RealSkyDiver
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    Just beaten DQXI, my fist DQ ever

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Just wow, what an amazing ride it was. The world, the characters, the art, the killing of the last boss with only erik alive at red HP aftet wiping 5 times(was playing with hard mobs and no exp from weak enemies). This was easily one of the best games I've played in recent times (if only there wasn't that needless fan service ruining some characters, maybe next one won't have it). Am about to start the postgame now and my gosh am I excited for when XII eventually comes out, or maybe even a remaster/remake of VIII (one can only hope right?).

    submitted by /u/PrivateKaiin
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    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Dragon Quest 11 Questions about the end of Act 2

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:38 AM PST

    So this is a spoiler heavy question if you haven't beaten the game "now would be a very good time to leave."

    At the end of act 2 there is a series of dialog that goes on between the player and the keeper of the tower along with his companions. All of it is about how time travel works in the game. One is basically a read from a book of what will happen. The other is what is suggested in all the dialog and conversations even the keeper does it. Both of these explanations contradict each other I chalked it up to bad translation and moved on. However after getting half way through act 3 the gnawing of this question got to me so bad I lost all motivation to complete the game.

    • Here is what the keeper says: You break the sphere and you go back in time taking your entirety to the past and replacing your former self if you survive the process. The time line in which the sphere is broken is destroyed as if loading from a save file and time continues anew from that point on.
    • Here is what is implied in all dialog: You break the sphere and you go back in time taking your entirety to the past and replacing your former self if you survive the process. The time line in which the sphere is broken continues on and will never have another sphere.
      • You will ceases to exist in this time line this can mean ether a you never existed so no one knows you or you are simply gone.

    So here is the question which of these two definitions is how time travel works?

    Personally they both suck story wise however if it's the first it's a 1 point off on a 10 out of 10 game. If it's the second however I recommend people just stop at the end of act 2 since the story turns from a heroic tragedy to just tragedy.

    A side question if it can be answered. The way it's stated if you broke the sphere in time line A, timeline B's sphere should still work and be fully charged. Since you replace your former self in their entirety wouldn't breaking the sphere one more time remove the final big bad from the world?

    Edit: I Just watch the Definitive Edition's dialog I got it wrong it's flipped. The keeper claims that shattering the sphere will destroy the time line and send you back to the most intact time. While all the dialog claims that the timeline will go on if you shatter it. Fixed post to reflect this.

    submitted by /u/MusicaX79
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    How do you beat Timewyrm with Strong Monsters?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I can consistently reach Phase 3 of the fight. There, he absolutely wrecks me. Sometimes he gets 5 turns!!! Its insanity. My main party:



    Serana - Change to Sylvando on Phase 3, to TRY to do the Sylv/Veronica combo


    The third phase is insane. Everything seems to be to convenient. As soon as I am able to use a Pep Pop, the enemy grabs to of my characters, an I am not able to use Yyggrassil Blessing! Its driving me nuts.

    submitted by /u/jcgonzmo
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    Some quick finds for the collection.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Which mode will you most enjoy: A 2D mode vs 3D mode comparison (DQXIS)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Below I have compiled the main differences between 2D and 3D modes of DQXIS. Most people play in 3D, I'm sure, but there are benefits to 2D mode I'm sure many are unaware - hence why I'm compiling them here Feel free to post your own findings and I can verify/add them.

    BE WARNED: there may be some minor spoilers below. I did my best to remove/censor any avoidable major spoilers.

    3D mode benefits:

    Multiple pep powers can be used in one "round" as each pepped character's turn comes up. (2D mode only allows 1 pep power per round, but it always goes first regardless of character speed)

    Cutscenes are skippable (2D mode forces them to play out, but they're more simplified than the 3D versions)

    HEALTH BARS. you know when characters are low on HP even if they're not quite below 50%/25% yet.

    Versatility in switching out low HP members before they get wombo-combo'd mid round. (switching is only possible at the start of a round in 2D)

    The ability to adapt to the success/failure of other characters' attacks/buffs/debuffs and who takes heavy damage from enemy attack as each new character's turn comes up. (2D mode Fight Wisely adapts/correctly heals like this quite accurately, though. It also correctly uses weaker/lower MP attacks to finish off weak monsters and conserve MP in many cases.)

    Reliable guides are available on item locations (Tockles, mini-medals, many chests, a couple NPCs, and most gathering nodes are often moved significant distances away in 2D mode compared to their 3D mode equivalents. I'm updating a PS4 spreadsheet here with Switch 3D and 2D mode data for those that care).

    Day/night cycle is more visible and easier to control via camps/inns

    You can literally walk around enemies to avoid fighting 99% of the time.

    Ease of targeting specific enemies within a group in most cases. (2D mode only lets you target the group even on single-target attacks)

    Similar enemies are always grouped, letting group-target moves like Sizz hit all of them (they're split by on-screen location/spawn cluster in 2D mode - meaning 4 Muddy Hands might appear as 2 groups of 2)

    Trampling weak enemies on Mounts for free (albeit reduced) exp without needing to battle.

    Preemptive attacks can reduce most enemies' HP just before battle (not possible in 2D mode due to random encounters).

    Every area has a local map to examine (many secluded spots/forests/islands dont have an area map/minimap in 2D mode).

    Tickington Mimics/Caniboxes reset if you return to 3D mode, then go back to Tickington - making it possible to easily farm infinite seeds of skill after reaching the Tockles in Act 1 Arboria/Act 2 Havens Above (they don't reset when leaving/returning in 2D mode)

    Easy access to Handy Heal-all at the pause menu, plus commonly needed items on the '+' menu (2D mode requires you to select healing options under Misc and specific important items under the Items menu.

    More regular slot/slime slot machines available. Slime slot girl gives overview of past odds/'hot property' status (NPC is not present in 2D)

    Zoom can visit campsites you've interacted with in addition to major cities/etc. (2D mode limits Zoom to ONLY major cities and certain Inns/Ruins - but that gets mitigated by the ease of disembarking when sailing and gets fully remedied with a certain mode of flight in late Act 2)

    Hidden chests are a little easier to find due to the ability to move the camera (a couple chests are hidden under bridges/etc in 2D mode with no clear indication an item is there. If you know the location from 3D mode, you'll usually find the chest when interacting while under the same bridge/etc.)

    Almost ANY encounter with a mountable monster as the main monster (usually furthest right in battle) becomes mountable when defeated. Even then, mounts are not required to progress through most areas - only to reach chests/gathering nodes/sparkly spots/take certain shortcuts. (3D mode makes you look for specific sparkling monsters to ride and requires mounts to progress through many areas)

    2D mode benefits:

    Smaller world = faster progress

    Sorting character inventories lets you dump most non-equipped items back to the item equipment bag at all once. Exceptions include weapons with effects (certain swords/daggers and most Heavy Wands that cast spell-equivalents when used as an item) when used as items and Yggdrasil leaves (3D mode makes you move items back to the bag one at a time - which is a PITA with tons of healing items in a character's inventory)

    Minimap can be hidden (and is hidden by default. Y cycles between hidden, minimap [if any], local map [if any], and world map)

    Attack animations are shorter, thus 'fast' is on par with/faster than 3D mode's new max speed.

    Actions in a rounds are not finalized immediately. As long as there's a character on Follow Orders that you haven't given an order to, you can go all the way back and re-chose for each character - including switching out members/changing tactics/picking a different Pep Power.

    No turn loss occurs when switching characters, as the switch occurs after all characters have moved and before anyone takes their next turn.

    Can land boat on almost any exposed shore, making many areas more easily accessible after getting the boat

    Can loop East/west or North/south when sailing past the end of the map (3D mode prevents sailing further near the edges of the map in some cases. Flying on [Spoiler] lets you loop across the map borders, though)

    Flying on [Spoiler] lets you take off and land literally wherever - except on impassible areas like white mountains/water - and makes traveling the map super convenient (3D mode limits you to landing at specific glowing beacons and only allows taking off from Luminary's Landing if you dont step on special marks found only at waystations/floating islands)

    Some items are accessible in earlier Acts (such as a few recipe books and some medals/seeds otherwise behind magic/ultimate key doors in 3D mode)

    Insane encounter rate means faster exp (excluding with the Reduced Exp DQ active vs weaker monsters)

    Sparkly spots/gathering nodes re-appear faster than in 3D mode and unbuyable items are often more plentiful/appear in more sparkly spots

    Item Drop rate (battle) seems to be slightly higher than in 3D mode - both with and without drop rate equipment.

    Greater mixing of enemy species than 3D mode encounters thanks to random encounters. A few story battles have less/different enemies compared to the 3D mode equivalent battles (usually in segments you only have 1-2 party members, making Stronger Monsters more manageable at lower levels)

    You can save/use the church's services in Tickington (in 3D mode the Tockle minister only sleeps)

    Occasional Easter egg events at certain points in the story under Townsfolk Talk Tripe

    Local enemy listings are visible for the specific floor/section of an area your in including when in Tickington (3D mode only displays possible spawns for the entire area and prevents looking any up in Tickington). The one drawback is the few non-random encounters (enemies pacing on the map such as Orc Kings in Hekswood) won't show up on 2D modes local monster listings.

    Benefits from switching modes:

    All chests (except those containing story items that you're supposed to have at the point you return to), pots, barrels, wardrobes, etc. reset when switching modes. This includes all non-quest reward Mini Medals. The one exception seems to be the chest containing the Meteorang, which remains empty in 3D mode after toggling to 2D and back. The 2D mode version of the chest contains a duplicate if you make your way to the proper location after getting it in 3D mode, though. Other duplication exploits exist for the item, though (see below).

    Your inventory does not reset, meaning you can take endgame items back to early game events. Only story items you're not supposed to have yet get removed from your inventory (plus some shenanigans with the Sword of Light/Ultimate Key vanishing in Act 3 even when returning to places where you could have obtained them already). This leads to interesting duplication exploits for most items, including 'unique' non-Tickington quest rewards, horse race prizes, one-time Casino prizes, Wheel of Harma weapons, etc.

    Pastwords obtained, completed quests, and Horse Racing/Wheel of Harma/one-time Casino prizes don't reset when traveling back via mode change, so you can't regain the first-time prizes again, but you CAN access Tickington areas during earlier events than the normal entry conditions - such as EXP grinding in Ruby Path of Doom after returning to Act 1

    Odd/unusual occurrences:

    In 2D mode Eight comes with no panels unlocked, meaning you dont have to refund his trees you don't plan to use early. In 3D mode, he starts with 2 panels each unlocked in his shield tree/3 weapon trees.

    In 2D mode, Erik doesn't refund/reset his SP/skill panels during his amnesia phase and has all his Act 1 panels when his memory returns. 3D mode completely refunds/resets his points/panels during this event, making you unlock everything again afterwards.

    Sylvando somehow unsealed Gold Rush for me with only 3 nearby panels unlocked. No clue how to replicate this, but it happened - and if someone can figure out how to replicate it (especially on other characters) it could be quite useful for getting skills faster/with less total SP if speedrunning.

    Extra tips regardless of mode:

    Giving characters items they cant equip but with effects when used as an item in battle can let them use action they normally cant, such as giving Jade a Sage Stone to give a Multi-heal option or Erik a Wizard's Staff to let him use fire 'spells'. These item-based effects cost no MP and can bypass negative statuses like Fizzle and Ability Seal that prevent using the spell equivalents.

    You can switch weapon/armor/etc. any time in battle - including with equipment still in your bag. For example: you can have Erik use Boomerangs to inflict status vulnerability with Double Down, then switch to Daggers the next turn to use Cobra Strike to more easily poison a foe. Similarly, Eight can use Axes to inflict Defense Down with Scrap Mettle, then switch to a Greatsword and spam Unbridled Blade on the weakened enemy. Only healing items/weapons the character cant normally equip need to be prepared in character inventories before battle if you intend to use them.

    Under the No Shopping DQ, the competitive shop brothers give you some of their wares completely free

    I'll be adding any more benefits/quirks I find as I finish out my 2D run. Again, feel free to share any you've found that I missed

    submitted by /u/iSharingan
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    enhanced VHS vs 2020 release!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Question about DQ XI S definitive edition item duplication

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Hello everyone. After 100% the PS4 version I repurchased DQ XI on the switch and I learned of the item duplication you can perform via mode switching, truly fascinating stuff. I can't play often so I can't check it myself in any speedy manner so I have a question: Is it possible to duplicate the Sword of Shadows throught said method? Just from a completionist perceptive I would like to have a copy of each equipment. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Tanawy
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    DQXI: I really enjoyed the Gyldenhal

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:48 PM PST

    I enjoy mazes. Most fantasy RPGs these days feature locations that are little more than a tunnel with a few minor side branches. I got into the Gyldenhal, and it wasn't a quick trek to the villain. I actually had to exercise long disused labyrinth skills. Every time I opened one of those one-way doors, it changed the maze, and the place was big enough for this to matter. I had a good time with it.

    Boss battle was great, too. I actually had to swap party members in and out as conditions changed. All in all, Gyldenhal was a good experience. :)

    submitted by /u/DaSaw
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