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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest IX Fanart - Barbarus

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest IX Fanart - Barbarus

    Dragon Quest IX Fanart - Barbarus

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Dragon Quest Joy-Cons by Me (Made Before the Official DQ Switch)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:46 PM PST

    Loving DQXI S' 2D art style and it's Spanish localisation

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    The luminary's best friend

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:32 PM PST

    haha love this guy

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST


    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    just got done with first trip to yggdrasil and WOW, was NOT expecting that at all!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Hosauce_
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    Started DQXI a week and a half ago and...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Holy crap. I don't have much experience with the DQ series (played some of the mobile version of I and played IX on the DS as a kid), but I'm blown away by the genius of this game's simplicity. I love the effort in intricate story telling and world building that JRPGs have been evolving towards recently, but sometimes it is very nice to just sit down and enjoy a JRPG which sticks to the traditional roots of the genre...and there's not much modern series that do this nowadays. But DQXI feels like an amazing translation of a traditional JRPG into a modern style of game. So much of the old turn based systems are flawed, completely lacking in any kind of depth or meaningful difficulty and so easy to take advantage of/break, but this game on stronger monsters makes me think about my builds, my strategies, and challenges me more than my current favourite series does on its highest difficulty (Trails.) It's relaxing and adventurous, and the writing is simple...yet in a magically beautiful way. I just finished the Michelle and Kai arc and I genuinely teared up. Up until now I had found the game to be quite predictable in a pleasant and fun way, but this arc was written really well with twists that had a significant emotional impact on me. The section in which Rab and Jade join was also really good, seemed like a prologue to the emotional weight that the game seems to be carrying from here on. Especially loved the dynamic that seemed to be developing between those two and the hero. The towns and environments are so nicely detailed and beautiful, they're an absolute joy to traverse through and explore. I love talking to the NPCs, the world building's also quite simple but in a really engaging and entertaining way. I love experiencing the little side stories and seeing what the inhabitants of this world have to say about what's going on; often they help me figure out what the "twist" of a singular story arc is before it's revealed XD The characters are charming, oozing with personality and from what I can tell they all have arcs waiting for them down the line. I just can't get over how well made this game is and I think it deserves to be talked about more.

    submitted by /u/BrightRavenofLiberl
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    A cookie Slime appears!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Just Kicked Nimzos butt!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    I kinda regret not doing it with my Bianca file that's still stuck on the kidnapping arc lol and Deborah file I've kinda ignored except reaching Gotha. Nera is the sweetest wife tho lol And makes the son look like the hero of Dragon Quest 6.

    submitted by /u/Totally_Bear
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    I'm a newcomer to the Dragon Quest franchise and I just finished Dragon Quest 5. Here are my thoughts.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST

    Hello! I've heard great things about DQ XI and was thinking of buying the switch port, but wanted to dip my toes into the franchise before dropping 60$. I looked around and many suggested starting with DQ5, so I got myself the DS rom and gave it a shot. I am generally a fan of turn-based RPGs (I come from pokemon and fire emblem) so I figured it couldn't be too bad, but I must say I really enjoyed DQ5.

    The strong family themes, interesting world and dungeons, multi-generational story, and monsters with cool designs were all things I greatly enjoyed. In particular, I got really attached to Bianca and my two kids, and the fluff-text of my family was always fun to read. Even if my monsters were better fighters/healers, I made every effort to have my family on the front lines. Seeing pankraz's death through gameplay was painful to watch, and did a good job of stoking up some hatred for the villains. Most importantly, the game never feels like a guided tour, it just gives you hints of your next goal and lets you do whatever you want. I think most people in the fandom love this game, and I can see why. So I'm not going to talk for too long about it.

    Where I would say the game was less impressive were the battles and the villains. I'll talk about battles first, and I'll be making a lot of comparisons to fire emblem. FE is a game that gives you a lot of information about your enemies and subsequently allows you to plan out your battles. You can see the opponent's speed, weapons, skills, movement range, etc and it all contributes to making your decisions feel more meaningful and making the gameplay that much tighter. There is of course chance still involved in hitting or critting, but you can calculate/see those rates and judge whether or not you want to take that risk too. FE isn't perfect in giving you all the information you need, but it's far better than dragon quest 5. In this game, I feel like I go about fights all the same way: just use physical attacks and heal when needed. Using debuffs like dazzle and snooze might not be useful because some monsters can resist it, but you have no idea which do until you waste a turn + MP finding out. Certain offensive magic is resisted or does no damage to certain monsters too, and again, you have no idea if your spells are gonna be effective until you test them, and given the diversity of monsters in this game, I can barely keep track of it all even if I do test. Because I lack information on my enemies, I feel like I have fewer efficient options in battle, and my decisions subsequently feel less meaningful.

    Now I'll talk about villains. Bishop Ladja was a threat throughout the story, as were the rook and castle, but they were very one-dimensional and lacked any terribly convincing character development or interesting dialogue. I liked that they petrified Bianca to prevent the hero from being born, not realizing she had already given birth. They feel a little more human when they make mistakes, despite their plan making sense. But towards the end, king korol and grandmaster nimzo felt totally detached and slaying them felt very boring. It's true that they were behind many of the obstacles we faced, but it still wasn't satisfying to be taking down cardboard cut-outs of evil masterminds whom we see once, kill, and never see again. In contrast, think of Narcian from FE6. He's a pretty one-dimensional dude too, just an arrogant and amoral villain, but it's far more interesting to see him underestimate your army time and time again until it bites him in the ass and he starts to break down. He was a legitimate threat in the beginning, but slowly he messes up and by the time you fight him, he's fallen so far that taking him down is just hammering the final nail in the coffin. Even his boss quote before you fight him, "I am strong…I am wise…I am handsome…and I am right. Always! More than anybody!" just oozes with a delusional man desperately trying to retain his power. Narcian may be one-dimensional, but his character development and dialogue made taking him down much more cathartic than any boss from dq5, many of which felt like little more than speed bumps on the road trip.

    Criticism aside, I enjoyed this game enough to dig into the rest of the series, even if these weak areas persist. I believe my time playing dq5 was well spent, and I don't think I'll regret putting down 60$ for the switch port of DQ XI, with all the praise I've heard of it. I think I'll also spend some time digging through the rest of the franchise as well. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Srn9130
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    Fans Will Have to Wait a Little bit Longer for Dragon Quest XII, Says Series Creator

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    In DQ9, talking to people made their :) face turn into a :| face to indicate you had spoken to them and exhausted their dialogue. In DQXI, the :) face is permanent. So why does it even exist?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Why would this standard not carry over to the next game?

    submitted by /u/Intern_Waffle
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    Why Are None Of The Dragon Quest Protagonists Playable In The Dragon Quest Heroes Games?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:18 AM PST

    What names do you use for your hero?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:17 AM PST

    The reason why I'm asking is where I don't mind default names like Erdrick and Solo, naming the heroes Eight, Nine, and Eleven is just the developers being lazy.

    submitted by /u/darkwulf1
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    I hate Kon the Knight. Yugi Horii why???

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    All I can say is...... R/34

    submitted by /u/Totally_Bear
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    Any pc dqx players

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Was wondering if its keyboard only or if theres a way to play with a controller. The trial is currently on download(8 centuries later) and just wanted to know what I should expect to use.

    submitted by /u/sran1
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    Is that an oboe Sylvando uses?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    The first game I have beaten in 2020! Dragon Quest 8!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    [DQ11] I am struggling so bad post game

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Love the game. I really do. But I'm finding post game so difficult. I'm up to fighting Blind Hatred and I've faced him about 5 times and each time I get creamed, I don't even get his health past half way. I think I may be under leveled and have shit equipment. I'm level 55 and currently working on trying to get more recipe books as I kind of got so engrossed with the main story I didn't do many side quests... What should I have now on my party members? Do I need to grind more? I'm currently just grinding and working my way through the quests and farming materials for the fun size forge but I can't help but feel like I could be utilising my time better...

    submitted by /u/squidinkdish
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    Im currently playing dqmj3 the english patched version on my 2ds and whenever I interact with a bulby baby the monster doesn't appear and the battle ends.is there something wrong with game.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    I own a 2DS XL and a Switch

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    I bought a used switch in Sept of last year and was given a Pokemon-themed 2DS Xl for Christmas. I bought DQ 1 and 2 and plan on buying 3 and 11 on the Switch along with DQ Builders 1 and 2. What games are out for the 2DS that I can get ahold of and are they worth playing? I noticed VII and VIII are on there but I don't know how they compare to the originals. I actually played most of the way through VII on the PS 1 (In the Dragon Warrior days) and enjoyed it so I'm thinking of getting that one first. What else is on the system?

    submitted by /u/warrencbennett
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    Am I playing the Endgame wrong? (ACT 3 SPOILERS)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:27 AM PST

    So DQXIS is my first experience with the series and I absolutely have LOVED the time I spent with it. I picked up the game because I hear how laid-back and relaxed it is, and that is the experience I got. It's a chill, predictable narrative that is fun to experience with gameplay to back up the serenity. It's easy to jump into and near-impossible to get lost, even when you stray from the beaten path. I never had to grind to beat some impossible boss, and Mordragon felt like an appropriate challenge without ever getting frustrating.

    But once I got into act 3 proper it feels like I'm playing a different game. Fighting Jasper and Mordegon were both a ton of fun, but once I talked to the Watchers and visited the seedlings I feel hung out to dry. I made my way where the game told me and got absolutely bodied by the trials.

    That's when I found out there was other stuff to do in the world now that I've gone back. But the game doesn't give me any indication where to go or what level I should be for certain encounters. I did the Puerto Valor sidequest no problem and got Eight and Sylvando appropriately upgraded. Then I heard that fighting Bathysfear would give me an item that helps me keep track of where I need to go.

    Bathysfear wrecked my party in like 5 rounds.

    At this point I don't feel like continuing because I have no idea what encounters are appropriate for the level I am and which ones I need to tackle last. I understand that I can force metal slime encounters to grind up to 99, but that seems to betray what felt so natural and seamless about the first two acts.

    Is there something I have missed? Some order in which these sidequests can be tackled? I have to assume that this is a me problem and not an issue with the game.

    submitted by /u/TD1215
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    DQXI Platinum Trophy

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Hello there.

    So is it tough to Platinum DQ 11? I really feel like platinuming games now.

    I m about to score platinum Resident Evil 7 and thinking what to do next.

    Sincerly I never played any dq games ever and I ordered DQ 11 should come to my home tomorrow.

    But Im not 100 percent sure if I should play this one or maybe Resident Evil 2 remake which I never played.

    I kinda like dark stuff in games and thats why I loved FfVII or RE games. Im now worried, that DQ will be somehow boring :/ Could you tell me whats your opinion on this? I might be overmatured for a dq games too cause im 33

    submitted by /u/ComboKush
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