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    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    Dragon Quest I don't know how to describe it, but I really enjoyed this game. The story is so well made I even cried. I played it without rush, enjoying it, doing side quests, killing monsters… I'm also very satisfied with having beaten the final boss on my first try! Now it's time to start the post-game!!

    Dragon Quest I don't know how to describe it, but I really enjoyed this game. The story is so well made I even cried. I played it without rush, enjoying it, doing side quests, killing monsters… I'm also very satisfied with having beaten the final boss on my first try! Now it's time to start the post-game!!

    I don't know how to describe it, but I really enjoyed this game. The story is so well made I even cried. I played it without rush, enjoying it, doing side quests, killing monsters… I'm also very satisfied with having beaten the final boss on my first try! Now it's time to start the post-game!!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Whenever I read reviews like "a frail and aging skeleton"(Polygon DQ11) I just shake my head

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Whenever I see someone knock on DQ for being DQ I think people really miss the mark. Because, the games are always trying to be true to its turn based roots. To change the art/combat/world would be to change DQ itself. DQ11 can be fully played as a 2d game just like going back to the NES days. Because it has a formula, and they add to the formula, maybe do some QoL adjustments, but the games are DQ. Does classic RPG like this have a place in today's market? I argue they always will.

    Lets look at card/board games. DnD for example. If you play DnD edition 1 the experience more or less is just like playing 5e. 5e has more classes, races, QoL improvements, etc but the game is still DnD. My grandmother has been playing rummy for 50 years and those rules literally have not changed. But she still loves it.

    DQ pays homage to people who loved DQ for what it is. You don't have to like DQ, you dont have to like classic turn based RPGs without any crazy complex systems to worry about. BUT its not a legitimate con to say a game is an aging skeleton and needs to be changed. Its a legit con to say the game is not for you, or it is weak compared to other DQ games or similar games. DQ is a game not depended on "video gamey" mechanics, you dont need to aim, you dont need to press buttons fast, so what DQ is really going for is creating better worlds, better stories, better graphics, but not all of the sudden requiring its players to play an action game like FFXV did. Games that are depended on video game mechanics need to innovating on 3d controls, aiming, recoil feel, etc. Because a game doesn't need much more than selecting menus does not mean its aging.

    Idk sometimes this stuff just irks me. Cause if they ever changed DQ it world make me sad.

    submitted by /u/Dq_griz
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    neat little pixel art thing a student made of hero in DQ1! DQ1勇者のドット絵

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Dragon Quest and why old school could be a breath of fresh air

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Never played Dragon Quest before, and just smashed through DQ1 in a few days. I'm hooked! My thoughts:

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    TL;DR - Love JRPGs, had never played DQ, DQ1 was amazing despite its simplicity and I want to play them all now.

    I've loved JRPGs basically my entire life; Final Fantasy 6 is my personal GOAT, I've spent the last several years getting completely lost in Falcom's Trails series, you get the idea.

    However, my great shame for years has been that I've never actually played a Dragon Quest game. I was always aware of the franchise and its history as the grandfather of JRPGs, even moreso than FF, but somehow I just never got around to it.

    I have a vacation coming up that will involve a lot of travel time between locations, and I saw that DQ1 was only $3 on Android. I figured why not? A braindead grindfest JRPG will be just the thing to keep me engaged in long car rides.

    I was immediately hooked, and have already finished the game before the vacation even started.

    I can definitely see how this was the game that launched a genre: the very basic gameplay loop of explore, fight, then return to base to recharge/save is still compelling to play in 2020, and an excellent reminder that there's absolutely nothing wrong with simplicity in gameplay. Was it grindy as all hell? Absolutely, but when combat is so quick and snappy, even fighting 100 battles didn't take too long.

    I also loved the sort of immersive storytelling that was required at the time because of dialogue contraints. There's no lengthy pontificating to point the Hero in the right direction, you have to go talk to people and piece together rumors and hearsay to get an idea of how to move in the right direction. Despite the game's relative directionlessness, I only found myself turning to a guide once, and that was just to navigate Castle Charlock to find Erdrick's Sword.

    I don't know how much of this was added in the later ports, but I also liked the personality injected into what little dialogue there was. You could choose to see Princess Gwaelin as an outdated, sexist trope of the princess who is just there to be rescued and is offered up as a prize for the Hero's victory (and if we're being honest she absolutely is), but I liked that the dialogue portrays her as having agency in that decision. Sure, her function in the mechanics of the story is the pretty stock "you slayed the dragon so you get to marry me now", but her overt flirting with the Hero and commenting on his big, strong arms when he rescues her gives her some personality and makes her endearing. Get it, girl! Shoot your shot! Win over that sexy hero who obviously lifts!

    When the credits rolled, I immediately bought DQ2 and am chugging through it. I'm already starting to see the evolution of JRPGs just from the difference between the two games, but that's for another post.

    Just wanted to share how much I enjoyed this retro gem for the first time and confirm to anyone who was wondering that yes, it does hold up in 2020 without nostalgia goggles. I'm excited to become a Dragon Quest fan!

    submitted by /u/ChubanSandwich
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    Dq11 s music track

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Can anyone find the track that plays in the echo chamber? I can't find it anywhere on youtube. It sounds nice so I'd like to be able to listen to it.

    submitted by /u/AkechiSuxx
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    Does anyone know where to find a good walkthrough for DQ11S? All I can find are for the PS4 version.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    I don't know what extra content was added in the Switch version, but I want a complete guide that shows me how to 100% everything, and I would imagine PS4 guides are probably missing some of the additional content so... does anyone know where to find a COMPLETE guide for the Switch version?

    submitted by /u/RebellionWarrior
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    Question about IX post game content

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Greetings DQ folks! I am only about halfway through collecting all the fyggs and I really enjoy this game. I know that once I collect them and beat the final whatever, I will want to continue playing! Lucky for us, it appears that there is so much post-game content. So cool! My question is.... What is all the post-game content? Do I need to download/obtain the DLC in order to play this post game stuff? Is all that I need in the original cartridge? Or is the content just all the different sidequests that one encounters on me journey? Do I need to do something special to find new quests, etc.? Thanks for your input!

    submitted by /u/stevo_capo
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    I did it..... Finally

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:56 AM PST

    I finished the game! What a great end to a great story. After a short break im going to up the difficulty and give it another go!

    submitted by /u/dakin2012
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    Can I play Dragon quest 1,2,3 on different eshop region?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Hi I'm Korean and living in US now. I want to play DQ 1,2,3 but wonder if I can play it in Korean even if I buy them on US E-shop. Anyone tried to do that with different language in US?

    submitted by /u/hjk6281
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    Dragon quest builders?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Is it worth it? How many hours of game time?

    submitted by /u/AlphaStormyFire
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    One Small Oversight (DQ11)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Maybe I am missing something, but it seems that if you equip armor that changes your appearance, you can then change your look to any other costume except the default? Is it possible to have the Xenlon Armor equipped but have Jade in her green outfit?

    submitted by /u/skyborgman
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    Am i rushing the game?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:13 AM PST

    So i just got DQXI the past week and im scared that im rushing it, i only have 30 hours and im already at the medal academy, i have played past dragon quest games, except VI, VII, IX and X, i finished VIII in 80 hours, and i dont really know how much hours does XI have, so, im rushing the game or there's still a lot more?

    submitted by /u/SuperStarmen64
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    [DQXI; Act 2 Spoilers] I appreciate how the game encourages you to experiment.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    I played most of the mainline DQ games, so I have a rough idea of how to opitimize my party for most situations. Especially with the party of DQXI having fairly clear roles, was able to have a pretty clean mob party of Hero, Boomer Erik, Serena, and Veronica; and a boss party of Hero, Jade, Sylvando, and Veronica. I lamented not really finding too much of a use for Rab, but oh well.

    Then Act 2 happens. The game forces me to rethink my DPS without Jade and Veronica for a whilw and gimped healing because I only had Sylvando with Hustle Dance. So I learned to lean on Eight for tanking, Hero for consistent DPS, Sylvando for mobs and miscellaneous support, and later Rab for magical support.

    I just got Jade back for DPS, and Erik is gimped for a bit due to plot. When I get Erik up to speed, I might not need him for mobs anymore since between Hero, Sylv, and Rab, I have good and relatively inexpensive AOE. I have Divide now, so I think I will switch him to a boss killer, which is a total shift from his Act 1 role.

    So much fun.

    submitted by /u/jonospark
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    Dragon Quest Tourism (Japan)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I'll be going to Japan later this year and I was curious if there are any cool things a Dragon Quest fan should absolutely check out. I know there was a theme park attraction at Universal Studios in 2017, but I can't find any info on whether or not it's been pushed out for the sake of Nintendo World.

    Anyone got any cool suggestions?

    submitted by /u/vagrant_cat
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    DQ3 - Should I see the king?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    It's my first time playing DQ3, accidentaly I answered "No" on the first question which should probably lead me to seeing the king. Out of curiousity I answered "No" on the remaining questions as well and I am pretty happy with the result that I actually don' t need to see him, as it seems. I have not played further yet because I want this question to be answered first: Do I get a better better experience playing first time if I go to see the king?

    Neither have I played DQ1 nor DQ2. I wanted to start with DQ3 because of a really lovely fanart I once saw on this subreddit. The games I played so far are DQ6 until DQ11 leaving out DQ10. Thank you for taking your time to read!

    submitted by /u/Aquila_Hohenheim
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    Running DQ11 for the first time, should I turn on “super strong enemies”?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I'm about 10 hours in and the twins just joined my party, right now I have the reduced exp and main character dies it's game over modes on. Kind fee like it's still too easy... should I restart with Super Strong Enemies? I don't want the ahem to be "super" hard but I'd like a little more of a challenge.

    Should I restart or just push though, does the game get harder?

    submitted by /u/Wong_10
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    Is the wolf dragon armor exclusive to act 2?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST

    I am in act 3 and have gone back in time and found a guide that said that the hotto armorer sells the wolf dragon armor but it's not available. Does anyone know how to get it? Am I locked out of it now?

    submitted by /u/superdooperuberpoopr
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    Act 3 Final boss

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Anyone got any tips for beating Calamos? My main strategy is to weaken him as much as possible with hero, erik, jade and rab and then use my backup team and mainly get veronica to spam magic burst and then use hendrik or serena to revive the others.

    submitted by /u/NathanRCB
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