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    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Dragon Quest Sketch I Did of DQ11 Hero!

    Dragon Quest Sketch I Did of DQ11 Hero!

    Sketch I Did of DQ11 Hero!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Would you care to join me in this post for a sensual Puff-Puff?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Puff. Puff-puff. Puff puff puff PUFF. Puff-a-puff. Puff puff puff!

    submitted by /u/dGFisher
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    Can’t believe I actually noticed him

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Can you live entirely off of Dragon Quest merchandise?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    I tries posting this with links to see the merchandise as proof of their existense, but it looks like it gets automatically hidden or something. So I'm trying again with no links.

    So I was browsing the internet when I saw slime slippers for sale. That inspired me to make this post.

    Also inspired by Red Bard's video about Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Meet Erdrick, he's just a normal guy, except that he owns every piece of Dragon Quest merchandise ever created, and he lives in a universe where every campaign Square Enix has done with other companies are still ongoing.

    Erdrick wakes up in his slime bed decorated with his many slime plushies and puts on his slime slippers. He walks to the fridge and takes out a slime drink and pours it into his slime glass. He puts some ice in the glass from his slime ice tray and drinks it.

    As for breakfast, I couldn't find any Dragon Quest kitchen appliances. But I did find a slime lamp, which is about as close as you're gonna get. Erdrick holds his bread over the slime lamp to toast it. While he's waiting, he takes out his slime hourglass to count down the time.

    After Erdrick's had breakfast, it was time to get redy for the day by putting on his Dragon Quest shirt, slime socks, Dragon Quest shoes, slime wrist watch, slime cap, and Dragon Quest pants. (Sorry, I couldn't find better pants).

    Erdrick gets in his Dragon Quest car and drives to his office job, where he works with his slime ballpoint pen, slime erasers, metal slime laptop, and of course, his liquid metal slime ruler. All in his slime pen case.

    During Erdrick's lunch break, he decides to eat some slime curry using his king slime spoon & fork. As it doesn't exactly taste the best, Erdrick decides to treat himself to a dessert of slime candy.

    Erdrick's got some time left in his lunch break, so he decides to play on his Dragon Quest Nintendo Switch. He takes it out of his slime backpack, along with his trusty slime controller so he can play, of course, Dragon Quest. But not long after, Erdrick's co-workers notice his Switch, and ask if they could play too. Erdrick agrees, and he takes out his Dragon Quest Joy-Cons that came with the Switch from his clear slime pouch that he carries them in. They then all play Smash Ultimate as Hero.

    Erdrick decides to kick back and leave work early. He decides to go do some rock climbing using his slime carabiner. He's pretty hungry after this, so he goes on over to Luida's Bar to get official Dragon Quest dishes.

    After he's done, he decides to walk home instead of using his car. He takes out his phone, which is protected by a dragon quest phone case, and plugs in his slime headphones to listen to the Dragon Quest soundtrack. On the way home, it starts raining, so Erdrick takes out his slime umbrella.

    When Erdrick gets home, he sits on his chair, cushioned by his slime ring cushion. Yep. A slime ring cushion.

    Erdrick then takes out his guitar and practices a bit with his Dragon Quest sheet music book and his slime speaker stand. Erdrick then decides to organize his Dragon Quest trading cards before putting them in his metal slime card case.

    But then Erdrich hears a ringing sound. It;s from his Dragon Quest digital alarm clock, telling Erdrick that it's nighttime. He decides it's time to prepare for bed. He takes a shower with his slime shower curtain and dries off with his Dragon Quest towel.

    Erdrick then heads to his bedroom. He plays on his DS with his slime DS stylus for a bit before putting it away and changing into his Dragon Quest pyjamas (I know it's a woman's one but I don't care). Before heading in bed, Erdrick writes his day down in his Dragon Quest diary.

    And finally, Erdrick gets in bed with his slime blanket and slime pillow.

    And there we have it. Living a day with only Dragon Quest merchandise. I know a bunch of the stuff were unofficial, but it would've been basically impossible otherwise.

    submitted by /u/WaffleCat3367
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    Just a little silly thing I noticed while saving in church

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:41 PM PST

    The Dragon Quest church melody ("Healing Power of the Psalms"), which I believe has appeared in numerous games, always sounded faintly familiar to me. I figured it was just because I'd grown up in church and it seemed akin to a lot of hymns. But I realized today that it actually reminds me of a specific one, particularly the chorus of "Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer" (also known as "Bread of Heaven"), a setting of the Welsh tune "Cwm Rhondda."

    Here's the part that sounds familiar, and here's the chorus of "Guide Me..."

    Not sure if it's coincidence or if Sugiyama took direct inspiration from it, but thought it would be fun to share nonetheless, since I know the church music is recurring and nostalgic and beloved by many. :)

    submitted by /u/Throwaway-When-Done
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    smartest : leona dumbest : mamu strongest :hyunkel luckiest : popu most exp : dai

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Dragon quest XI

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

    I just started on my switch and I'm loving it so far!! I just met Erik and now we are searching for the red orb... just wondering, is there any advice y'all have for a newbie like me? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lurtemis
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    I played my first DQ game when they announced Hero for smash, been since growing a collection!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:24 AM PST

    SGDQ Shirt Arrived Yesterday

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Photo mode has been fun.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    162 Hours Later

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:02 AM PST

    DQ7 - how far along am I? (No spoilers please)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I have been trying to play all the DQ games and I am now at DQ7, but this game sadly feels the slowest for me. I just got the Great Leveller from the chief researcher underground. I'm around level 30, so I feel I still have a ways to go, but I am curious how far am i? Am I past halfway?

    I put in 250 hours in DQXI and I absolutely loved that game so I don't mind long games but DQ7 just feels super slow to me especially with all the traveling back and forth (I put in around 40 hours for DQ4, 60 each for DQ5 and 6).

    submitted by /u/oliver_GD
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    I tried to paint a Cruelcumber and a Slime Stack from Dragon Quest IX, how did I do?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Applauding DQ11's approach to character progression and switching during battle.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:29 PM PST

    After sinking over 80 hours into dragon quest 11 (harder monsters), I feel the need to share how happy I am with certain design choices and its approach to character switching during battle.

    Too often, RPGs force you to focus your efforts on building a few characters and benching the rest in order to maximize your combat potential (eg by limiting experience, equipment, and items). This means you're either forced to play the whole game with that specific group or forced to spend countless hours grinding. DQ11 solves much of this through shared experience and character specific equipment. Similarly, in other RPGs players start to rely on one or two repetitive synergies between certain characters to beat the game, especially in harder difficulties. DQ11 minimizes this by keeping their skills relatively straightforward and having their characters have overlapping skill trees.

    The result is that players are more free to mix and match characters to suit the battle at hand without having to worry about long term ramifications like stunted exp or super specific synergies (although sylvando + Eric is always an option lol). This ties in with the game's approach towards battles: players can choose which party members to use from the get go and can even switch them during battle (with no turn penalties if done right).

    This means you can have characters specialise in certain talents (eg in the early to mid game Erik and Serena can exclusively be used to steal and to apply snap crackle pop respectively) without hurting the team's damage potential in situations where those skills aren't needed. It also means that players could spend their seeds/pearls/resources on buffing their favorite characters while retaining the usefulness of everyone else--this is especially true when draconian quests are active and the game forces you to cycle between multiple party members to manage or minimise the inevitable KO's that come during difficult boss fights--I felt much more satisfied in winning these fights after having to use 7 or 8 different characters in a particularly tough fight.

    All in all, these design choices added mechanical depth while keeping the game accessible, limited grind time (except for act 3 which imo has a justifiable difficulty spike due to it being somewhat of a post game), and made me feel like these characters were really part of a greater whole.

    submitted by /u/Junmeng
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    I picked up "Fortune Street" for the Wii for 7$ yesterday and it's amazing!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Okay, i know it's not technically a DQ game, but since it includes DQ characters and stages...

    Me and 3 friends had a blast playing this game, i never expected a digital board game to end up as my 2nd favourite wii game in one day.

    Also really suprised Stella and The Observatory are in the game, i through they'd leave DQ9 out.

    submitted by /u/DimLight90
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    Speaking with NPCs in DQXI

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    So this game is amazing and I'm about 80 hours in. I've been talking to everyone and looking in every corner of the map because it's one of those games that rewards you for hunting.

    I've been enjoying it a ton, but I realized that many of the NPC's dialogue lines update after pretty much every story update. One other thing I noticed is that compared to Final Fantasy games, random NPCs have more to say. In FF games NPCs will have about one line, or one box of text. In DQ, random NPCs say at least two text boxes worth of dialogue.

    This can add up as each person has something new to say whenever something new happens. It's certainly in-depth, but it can also be time consuming when you're looking forward to going to the next key spot.

    Did you guys read everything everyone had to say at every point? After Last Bastion I started skipping people because I was spending like 15 minutes just reading additional dialogue that provided backstory, but wasn't entirely critical.

    submitted by /u/DirgeofElliot
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    Rescuing Jade was anti-climatic.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:50 AM PST

    First time playing this game and I haven't finished yet so please no spoilers.

    So I started act 2 and when I got to Jade's story I was invested in her unwavering nature and will to never give up and hoping to meet the player again so she can protect him. Of course her story ends with her getting captured and possessed by Booga leaving me pissed and in a hurry to save her. Which was great I love the set up.

    But the pay off was just disappointing. I meet her and struggled against her then kick Booga's pansy ass and it just ended. What about Vince and the fighters what about all this set up of not giving and thanking Jade for inspiring them? Complete waste in my opinion. Then when she reunited with you it's just underwhelming. When Rab and Sylvando reunited with you they were glad and overjoyed. Jade on the other didn't seem to care that much. It's almost as she just expected the player to come back.

    Keep in mind that she deeply cared for the player because her relationship with his mother. However in this instance it didn't seem like she gave a shit and just said " Hey you are back. Good, here is this harp. " I hope Erik's reuniting isn't terrible.(PLEASE NO SPOILERS)

    submitted by /u/RinneNomad
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    The costume achievement for DQ11 on ps4

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:13 AM PST

    I think I only need one more for Rab, for wich I need a "Fire Ball" (I already used two for his final crown) and the swim suit for Jade I think.

    The fact that you absolutely have to play the casino to get these is annoying to me. (At least there is the hard-to-get Brodysseus option for the Fire Ball)

    Don't get me wrong I love this game with a passion, but the gambling part really doesn't cut it for me

    Do you guys have any tip to make it less repetitive or tiresome for someone with no interest in gambling?

    I'm pretty much done with everything else.

    submitted by /u/cptjallax
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    Recently lost my Dragon Quest 11 S Case

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    As I just stated I have lost my DQ11 S case. It would be very helpful if someone could give me a link of someone selling a replacement case.

    submitted by /u/donkeykongisgay1
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    Where are the detailed world maps for DQ XI?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I went to look for one for the 2D version earlier and was Shepard to learn i couldn't find one at all, even without details. So i figure, "I guess I'll just have to extrapolate wheat i need from the 3D world map", only to find out the closest things to a detailed world map around are either in a Japanese or just covering the sky / dock locations.

    Has my Google-Fu failed me, or do these just not exist yet?

    submitted by /u/spade1350
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    Correct order of things.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST

    I'm farming exp right now mainly for skills and what not and I'm told the Electro light/Hallelujah pep power combo is the most popular way of getting exp. Im currently in act 2 right now,but I had a question. Sure getting you team members peped up is a important step to beginning this but could someone give me they're own prep steps for this? I dont have access to pips yet,so should I pep up the required members first Then ElecLight/Hallelujah or what? Sorry for the rambling. Thx for any help you can give.😀

    submitted by /u/mrjovoni
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    Hello everyone i know this is all for games but someone please help. I really wanna get into dragon quest but I don’t know where to start, what anime’s are there in order to watch, I can’t seem to find a clear answer again please help I’m new and want to get into dragon quest

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:06 PM PST

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