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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Dragon Quest My Drawings of the luminary.

    Dragon Quest My Drawings of the luminary.

    My Drawings of the luminary.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:32 AM PST

    If you watched #DragonQuestYourStory and now want a convenient way to play DQV, you can purchase via mobile for $15 (with the rest of the games) - it plays suuuper vertically and recreates the DS port well

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Just started the dq11 demo and I see Gemma cooped up sewing when you leave for heliodor and really appreciate these little details!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Female Sage DQ3 30th Anniversary by shin_shiros

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:00 PM PST

    [DQMJ3] This is by far the most complicated synthesis I have ever made, and there are far more complex synth's

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Erik’s Itemized Kill is actually a meme format with high potential

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:47 AM PST

    I’m not even mad

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Thoughts on Technology in DQ

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    For the most part, all of dragon quest is very medieval. The world does have access to electronics but uses it in its entirety to run casinos. Are there other examples of modern tech in dq im looking over

    submitted by /u/Barucassanova
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    I have a *very* minor spoiler question for Dragon Quest 3/Dragon Quest 1.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:04 AM PST

    At the end of Dragon Quest 3, when Zoma is defeated, he says something to the effect of "So long as brightness exists, do doth the darkness. From darkness deep, one more will follow me."

    I feel like he's alluding to The Dragonlord.

    Did Erdrick and The Dragonlord ever cross paths or did Erdrick age and die as Zoma predicted?

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    Grinding for Focus, how should I efficiently increase it?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

    I have recently obtained some of the best gear In Dragon Quest XI, and forging recipes for the best gear. But I don't have enough focus to finish any of these or rework my gear. How should I go about increasing focus efficiently, aside from leveling up? So far, my gear and forging recipes were for weapons such as: SSoL. (Supreme), Erdwin's Set, Serenica's Set, Drustans Set, Timeshears, El Stupendo, Sceptre of Time, Etc. Obviously those of you In the late game would know these weapons from their shared Recipe book. But which should I prioritize forging? And how much focus should I at least have?

    submitted by /u/R3tr0Gamer
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    Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Venus' Tear Glitch

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    So in my usual fashion, I went ahead and cleared the Swordsman's Labyrinth before the events in Pickham, got the Venus' Tear, etc. Went through storyline events as normal, got to Red and had her tell me to go get the Tear. I immediately tried giving her the Tear, but her response was as if she'd just sent me off for it

    Has anyone else had this happen before? I'm really hoping I won't have to restart the game from the beginning to fix this. If same of you have save in the game(ps2) after this moment, please send me it.

    submitted by /u/LIEV-008
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    DQ 11 post game

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Is the post game of DQ 11 good? if so how many hours does it take to complete the post game?

    submitted by /u/Yanck
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    I've been playing Code Vein recently and decided to try to make Jade from DQ11 with the character creator

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Which one is best for a newbie

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:49 AM PST

    When i was younger i played DQ9 on my ds and i loved it, so i saw that in the nintendo store were DQ 1-3. Which one would you recommend for someone with my experience?

    submitted by /u/Jajazi
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    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    I'm playing dragon quest 11 and I am loving it and want to play more games of the series. Any recommendations for a game to play?

    submitted by /u/Corain_
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    [DQ3] My Personal Experience/Review

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:24 PM PST

    I'm gonna start this off with a few disclosures 1. I'm on mobile so the formatting for this might turn out icky 2. I played the switch port and so I do not have experience with the NES, SNES, or GBC versions 3. I know what the postgame is but I haven't finished it yet 4. I'm dividing this into parts based on the party systems, progression, story, and boss fights/attacking and strategy

    Party System

    I honestly really enjoyed the way DQ3 had the party system as it created a customizable adventure that felt like it was your and it was you who created the story of erdrick. I think this made not only so much more replayability in the game but also added different ways to change gimmicks of your fighters through alltrades abbey to whatever fighting style you needed. I know someone will say this and so I'm going to put my optimal party build from what I've done/regretted-

    1. Hero
    2. Fighter (Changed from thief)
    3. Sage (From mage)
    4. Priest (Could be sage if wanted)

    I think this is the best party as it offers a healing option, a buffing option, a tactical option, and well the hard hitting menace that the hero is in this game. The biggest thing I think is crazy the game doesn't tell you is the advantages of having a thief until level 20. The thief in your party when eventually changed to warrior will retain half their stats so this will keep the ungodly base agility, great spells for dungeons and explorations (nose for treasure, storeyteller, padfoot*). These abilities require little to no mp which makes the switch to fighter worthwhile as you only really get buffed from there. The last thing I want to mention is how OP sages are since they can just destroy with their buffs, heals, attacks and everything in their arsenal. That's all I have to say about the party system and I'm really just scratching the surface of this feature.


    In terms of progression everything was pretty smooth for me at least barring a few very obscure hints and puzzles. The game did a great job getting everything laid out for you as it shows what you can do in each area, basic monster types, and the general structure of areas/towers/towns. I honestly thought I had this whole game figured out and was ready for the linear adventure until I got to portoga and got the boat. The boat was amazing as it led to so many new things being unlocked in the area, you could go through different zones and collect the orbs that you needed for the final battle at your own pace. At first the random encounters in this game seem crazy but if you saw my star by padfoot earlier you might have realized why I found it so important, as this spell was able to significantly decrease encounter rates but also not limit them to a small number if you needed to grind (This took away a huge issue for a lot of people from me just because I picked thief early on) The general direction for this game felt good and I was always keen to explore and find new places on the map. Alefgard was pretty simple but I enjoyed it as it gave a linear quest but also showed the uncharted territory of a spooky world that ends up being connected to previous entries in the series. Other than that alefgard had a very similar design to the original world and was just a great throwback to 1 and 2.The few things I did not like however were the ultimate key and the purple orb since these two are never clearly explained to you and took too many series of events to get to (the ultimate key) or they just did not clarify that this was a main quest of the game (purple orb in the merchant town). Other than this the game was well executed and had a great design concept that I overall really enjoyed.


    The story of this game is not as big as other entries but it should be experienced for itself so I am going to sum it up and talk about some high points. The game starts with you, Ortega's son along with 3 friends going to finish what he could not do. You first see him dying to a hydra with you inevitably being the last hope to stop the demon king before he kills everyone. I really enjoyed the subtle hints to Ortega throughout the story and how people constantly praise him or how the fairies only trust one human, who is Ortega. He becomes this huge part of the game and ends up becoming a large portion of your journey and emotions in the later end of the game. Parts that really stick out are when the "town at the edge of the world" welcomes you as him and eventually realizes the truth and gives you his helmet to follow in his footsteps. The last scene is a time shenanigan that happens in zomas castle that shows his fate, his motives, and really leaves an emotional resonance as the biggest story section of the game (my opinion). Other than that you have your mainline quest and you find some neat NPCs here and there but that is pretty much it. There is a lot to see story wise but it's best to do yourself as it feels more rewarding and the little bits are still interesting despite there being a small lack of story content.


    The combat in this game is downright fantastic, there are plenty of easy everyone just attacks fights but using a wide, but not too large variety of spells to boost your heroes and fight more tactically. Another cool thing about this game (intentional or not) is how magic attacks ignore most buffs which makes them a great alternative to normal attacks against certain enemies while not always being the best choice depending on the situation. The assortment of buffs and effects in combat combined with MP creates a perfect strategical combination that makes a challenging, but rewarding game. Moving on to bosses I'm only covering the ones I found most important/influential in gameplay which includes Robin Hood, Orochi, Baramos, Zoma (partially the boss gauntlet)

    1. Robin Hood- This was basically a tutorial boss but it gave some good tips as to what to think about in boss fights like using stat buffs, aoe attacks on groups, focusing on certain buffs/heals. It wasn't harder than just religiously using kabuff (applies to both fights) but did help going forward.

    2. Orochi- This was the first thing my dumbass decided to do after getting the boat so I obviously got destroyed a lot before thinking about it more and putting it on the backburner. I enjoyed this fight as it still made simple buffs like kabuff useful but also gave the new dynamic of magic/breath attacks to deal with. This combination created a somewhat difficult boss that was important to show the layers that bosses had and that it was not just as easy as spamming buffs, attacks, or not putting thought into a strategy.

    3. Baramos- The "final" boss was the worst for me. He killed me so often and I couldnt zing consistently enough to save my life which caused me to fail this a bunch of times. Then I came up with my genius counter strategy to his devastating magic attacks since fizzle never hit... kaclang. That's right this game was so hard at one point that I had to think outside the box to use the "stupid dumb garbage move" to win, but it worked and it was seriously cool to see how I developed a much more in depth strategy with stalling and buffs.

    4. Zoma- He was tricky and honestly just wiped the floor with me the first time we met. However during the second encounter, having things like the sages stone, a couple of prayer rings to replenish MP after the gauntlet made it easier. This fight wasn't too bad, working around the gimmicks of magic neutralization was difficult at first but I learned how to properly go through turns and eventually set up a big attack chain for a turn or 2. It was still very difficult, however the great endgame gear you are given along with strong items like the sages stone make it have a very balanced difficulty. It was probably the most well paced and balanced fight in the game but was not as interesting as Baramos' in my opinion

    Overall boss design was very good and gave you different situations to adapt to, which helped make a somewhat difficult yet rewarding game that kept me hooked for the 50 hours of content it gave me.

    Final Thoughts

    To close this game is a really well done jrpg that is somewhat difficult but gives a large variety of content for the 10 dollars it costs as well as an interesting look into the story of Erdrick. The only problems I had with the game were some obscure puzzles/hints and a slight lack of story. One of, if not the best game of it's time period that I would give an 8.5/10 in today's standards. Thanks for reading this, glad to finally put the game review out after having it done for a couple weeks now.

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/ice_wizard154
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    Solo ����������

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Stuck in Dragon Quest II(Switch)!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:52 AM PST

    I just got the Eye of Rubiss and I don't know what to do next. I have tried to look at guides but I am so confused. I went through the teleport in Beran but it only leads to a small room. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/masteryoshi88
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    What is the Max Level in Dragon Quest 2 (Switch)?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:01 AM PST

    I wanted to play through some of the older Dragon Quest Games and bought the first three for the Switch. I like to complete a lot of things in the games I play and in most RPGs this includes getting to the max level. Now I read, that the Max Levels for the 3 Heroes are 50, 45 and 40, but I am already above these levels and it got very grindy. Was the Max level Cap raised in the Switch port and if so, to what were they raised?

    submitted by /u/Molucore
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    DQXI: What’s the highest number of character you got Peped up at the same time? Just Grinding againts random mobs, and I got 5 character pepped at the same time... lol

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Hypothetically, if the bosses from the first three Dragon Quest games fought each other, who do you think would win?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:36 PM PST

    I feel like if I ask this anywhere else, I'll be dismissed as the nerdiest nerd of all times.

    With that said, I find that I play through different scenarios at bedtime.

    I feel like Zoma would be the favorite, but then it occurred to me that The Dragonlord has the Ball of Light. That would weaken Zoma considerably. Then, I realized that Malroth can cast HealAll on himself. I don't believe The Dragonlord or Zoma can heal themselves. I suppose The Dragonlord could cast Healmore on himself while he's in his non-dragon form, but once he's a dragon, he's all offense.

    If those three bosses fought each other, who do you think would win? Personally, I feel like it's a tossup between Malroth and Zoma. In terms of HP, I suppose Zoma would outlast him.

    In closing, I realize and acknowledge that I am a nerd, but I don't give a damn.

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    DQ11 Erik issues

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

    I rlly love Erik as a character and as a fighter, i rlly want to use him. however, i am having trouble with his abilities and damage output. i'm fighting the gyldygga boss rn, and i set up divide, cobra strike, victimisser, which did 7 total damage. he is dual wielding. i need help

    submitted by /u/carsonmc5
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    Dragon Quest VI

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I just finished my Dragon Quest V playthrough recently, which was an amazing experience, and I am thinking about trying out Dragon Quest VI. I never hear too much about VI as I usually hear praises from V, VIII, and XI. What is your overall opinion of Dragon Quest VI, for those who have played it?

    submitted by /u/perrydicereddit
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