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    Dragon Quest Jade screenshot edit :>

    Dragon Quest Jade screenshot edit :>

    Jade screenshot edit :>

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Sleeping beauty - Art by ree

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    I love my cat

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    With no MP left, I finally finished DQII!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Early Mother’s Day gift from my 10 year-old daughter. She gets me.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    My heartfelt thoughts after finishing Dragon Quest XI in 15 days (Spoiler Free)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Growing up as a fan of Japanese RPG, I always found Final Fantasy as the perfect influence on the genre. I've always enjoyed turn-based RPG with good storytelling, and a massive open overworld to explore to. For some reason, it's JRPG that really got me back to feeling the nostalgia. Dragon Quest XI is the quickest JRPG fix in modern-day JRPG standards.

    DQ XI really hits all the right notes for me. At first, looking at this game in stores during the Nintendo 3DS era made me want to avoid this title off the shelves, despite knowing its successful reputation in the JRPG market. I really was not a big fan of how everybody in the Dragon Quest universe looks as if they are character rejects from the Dragon Ball franchise. After all, the characters in both franchises were designed by the same artist… (And so was Chrono Trigger.)

    After feeling burned out from playing the newer games on the Switch, JRPG or otherwise, I decided to tease myself by watching gameplay reviews of DQ XI. Lo and behold, this quarantine gave me an opportunity to reconnect with my childhood that once loved the turn-based JRPG genre.

    DQ XI is your traditional JRPG as your hero quests to get stronger while his party encounters boss battles found in every dungeon crawl.

    The story is very basic and not very complex at all. You play as the Hero, the prophesied Light of the World, whose task is to eradicate darkness and the Lord of the Shadows. It makes up for a pretty shortsighted storyline. The story is as simple as that, and it's ok not to be more than what it is.

    The battle sequence is also very linear. If not, it is a perfect 3D rendition of the earlier DQ titles of the 90s. As compared to the Final Fantasy titles of the early 2000s, where your party is given a special overdrive option, DQ titles are less specific on combat moves, and more reliant on repetition and strategy. For a turn-based RPG, it's simple, yet effective to keep me entertained for hours and hours on end… and I think the franchise perfectly made it that way.

    What really made this game so interesting is how it is well-paced. There are multiple character developments during the Hero's adventure. The grinding never felt like a grind at all. In fact, it can be more engaging with the sped-up battle option on the Switch to grind through the skill tree. The PS4 version lacks these enhancements and makes grinding feel more like a chore. It was very fun and the next thing I knew, I lost track of time.

    The biggest hurdle for me was realizing that the pace had suddenly, in a mere instant, shifted from being a very linear story with clear steps of progression and challenges to a more open-ended affair that has less in common with the previous chapters of the game. DQ XI just made me feel like wanting to live in this world forever… but as one thing ends, though, another begins. That is the way of the world.

    I just realized that I ended up loving this game bit by bit and felt so attached to it that I just wanted to explore the world of Erdrea even on the post-game after defeating the final boss.

    Dragon Quest XI is just so full of heart and so true to itself. The world of Erdrea is bright and cheery, and even when it gets dark, hope eventually shines through. To a certain extent, it felt like playing a Studio Ghibli game with Dragon Ball character rejects, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

    Casually taking selfies on a mountain cliff in Arboria

    For a formal game rating of age 12 and above, DQ XI has a lot of adult innuendos which I find obscene from the eyes of an adult. Roulette and poker are some of the side-games marketed to teenagers who don't even have the slightest idea of what a casino is like. This is not to forget mentioning that these side-games are part of the lore, to which I spent half of my days playing and being rewarded tokens in exchange for rare items and cool costumes for my party.

    There is also another side-game where you talk to certain NPCs across the world of Erdrea and if you are lucky enough to spot them, they will reward you with a Puff-Puff. In Dragon Ball/Dragon Quest lore, a Puff-Puff is essentially the act of a woman massaging another person's face with her breasts, though the true nature of the act was only ever hinted in the game.

    I love it! I loved how Square Enix promotes gambling and sex through its subtlest forms. While I find it funny that life is full of vices, it's even funnier that art imitates life…. even for teenagers.

    It is exactly what my younger self would have wanted to play, and now that child in me is satisfied with the playthrough — of being a hero and embarking on a quest to save the world, meeting friends, getting stronger, and strategizing boss battles through turn-based tactics.

    I finished the game within 15 days with a gameplay time of about 100 hours —that means I pretty much traded my body and soul to Square Enix, but it's okay, it was well worth it anyway!

    Playing Dragon Quest XI moved me so much I had to write about it. I was instantly hooked from the characters and how they were always getting stuck in certain situations, some times just silly quests, most of the time end-of-the-world serious. It now has a special place in my memory and I'm just glad I had the chance to play it.

    Perhaps I'll give Dragon Quest VIII a fighting chance for glory.

    P.S. Listening to Overture XI from Tokyo Symphonic Suite ALWAYS tears me up.

    Read the full review here.

    submitted by /u/peacemakerzzz
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    Finally beat DQ2! Everyone ended up around level 40. Cant wait to play DQ3.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Well, I suppose Erik is no longer a dead weight after all...

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    That mermaid Michelle and the grandfather Kai from Lonalulu love story...

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    That's the saddest part of the game for me. They can't be together because they're different from each other. f*ck I just can't imagine it on real life man. Not everythinf has a happy ending.... A right love at the wrong time.... Different species but with the same feelings......

    submitted by /u/STBWB
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    Arussu Title: Erdrick

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    After 87 hours I have finished Dragon Quest 11.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest fans: The OST slaps! The OST:

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest 3 Super Nintendo/Mischief Makers Nintendo 64 Preview from The Official Nintendo Magazine UK Issue 54 March 1997

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    DQ11 Act 2 Final Boss

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    I just finished Act 2 of DQXI.

    Is it just me or the second form of Mordegon (the one with the two skeleton dragons) is way easier than the first, and even easier than Jasper Unbound? The dragons just don't have that much attack power outside of Pep Powers, so barely anyone died. Compare this with Jasper, who can do ~200 AoE damage into a crit and summon allies; or the first form of Mordegon, who can summon an ally with Kabuff and Oomphle, do ~200 AoE and summon a red mist into do 500 with physical attacks.

    Thoughts? I'm playing on Stronger Monsters and was level ~50, if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/Magikarpown
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    Path to cave of rhone help (dq 2 switch version)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Does anyone know you get past the flame blocking the way to the cave? it says need all crests and seek blessing of the lady rubiss, but according to guides you have to go to the cave to get the life crest, so i am stuck.

    submitted by /u/Orlandeau1
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    Is there a way to enable vsync on DQ1 for Android?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    What the title says

    submitted by /u/MikemkPK
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    Act 3 plothole ??

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    So I'm in post game and went back to lonolulu and beat the merking and Kai is back and the mermaid is alive again ?? And he doesn't know who she is either ?

    But the whole mermaid arc happened in act 1 if I'm not mistaken ? So if hero did travel back in time it should be after the whole Kai thing already happened ?

    submitted by /u/HawkeZone
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    Dragon Quest Builders 2: Steam or Switch?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Well, pretty much what it says on the title! Hello everyone, today I wanted to know whether I should buy DQB2 on the Switch or on Steam.

    Steam obviously has the biggest draw of better performance on a gaming computer than the Switch has (especially on handheld mode, which is what I use 99% of the time). However, I played the demo on Switch, and so, besides already having the save data from that there, I really enjoyed the gameplay in a way I'm not sure I would on computer.

    The other thing I'm worried about is that I might be able to convince my long time Minecraft stan boyfriend to play it with me, if I could find it for cheap on Steam, since he doesn't own a Switch quite yet. Does the game support cross platform multiplayer? Because otherwise, it's a big draw for Steam. (honestly, taking into account Nintendo's online everything, just playing it online would probably be miles better on Steam in any case really).

    In terms of pricing, it's pretty much the same, I can find it discounted for the Switch at an used games shop pretty much at the same price it goes on sale on Steam, so it's a non-issue.

    So yeah, I'm pretty divided in this issue, and I'd like to hear some opinions from people who have played either version of the game, or preferably both, but that convenient a person probably doesn't exist LOL

    Thank you all very much in advance, and happy questing! :D

    submitted by /u/Miridinia
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    Dragon Quest XI - Marrying Gemma Only?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    Please help, i've beat all trial bosses and only 1 wish left, marrying gemma. But i want the hero to marry Jade, i've done the Cobblestone repair quest. Is there's anything or something i left undone?

    submitted by /u/andikitoh
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    How do I beat Timewyrm?:(

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I've been stuck on the last boss (timewyrm) in DQXI S for a while now, and I have no clue how to beat it, every character is at level 99 with the best equipment as far as I know, and I even started farming seeds, but I just can't beat it. Any help?

    submitted by /u/ribguy101
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    What’s your favorite Dragon Quest Title as far as story and “fun of progression”

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I'll explain what I mean, I just played I just played 9 for the DS and it was my first dragon quest game ever, it was great but the story was very lacking. I'm guessing it's because of the avatar rather than a usual protagonist. The world was beautiful and it left me with very warm fuzzy moments.

    JRPG's are my absolute favorite genre but as I age I also am getting very tired of a lot of it's tropes, mainly, random encounters. Idk how I used to not mind them that much but after trying to play the first few DQ games it was like, every five steps BAM! Battle. That gets so old and I'm glad modern games are getting away from that. I'm hoping to be able to play more DQ that aren't as bad as the first few in that reguard.

    I do have a switch as well and a 3DS, and I emulate Super Nintendo so titles for those platforms are welcome, I just wanted to hear what you guys would vote for in that reguard with those parameters at hand

    Feel free to elaborate on your favorite titles in the comments!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/badnewsco
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    I dq 5 mobile that bad as the people in the reviews say it is. It's a mobile game and they say that the frame rate is bad and that the game doesnt save. But the real sad thing is that there is now landscape

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Karen.. wasn't there also a monster named this in one of the Dragon Quest games?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I remember her (or was it a him) reviving each other making it really difficult to kill them all off sometimes.

    submitted by /u/ragnarkar
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