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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest XI Is Very Good

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest XI Is Very Good

    Dragon Quest XI Is Very Good

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    The Hero's (DQ5) children grown up by あたりめ

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Just came in the mail today, I'm planning on finishing Dragon Quest 6 first before sinking my teeth into this one, but I'm super excited. After beating 11, I got this crazy hunger for JRPGs, and I'm planning to buy the entire series to add to my collection!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Good Monday Night

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Will Young Erik and Mia overthrow Terry for the Title of"Monster Master"?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I grinded so much cash that the game didn't know what to do when I deposited it all and now I have an illegal amount of cash in there

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Stuck on my third playthrough of DQ3

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Warning: Major bruh moment ahead

    I'm on my 3rd playthrough of DQ3 and I'm stuck apparently. Im at the part where I go rescue the pepper guy from Robin Ood but his minions are blocking me from going further through the hideout cave. Am i supposed to talk to an NPC or something

    submitted by /u/chugsmaybe
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    DQIX Advice!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Just got to the part where you pick your team. Would like to know what would be the best skills to put points in and best vocations to choose at start

    submitted by /u/dgill73
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    I watched "Your Story", feel insulted, disappointed, and weirded out.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT


    I recently finished Echoes of an Elusive Age and loved it enough to put in my all-time favorite games. When I learned that they made a movie out of DQV, I was stoked to watch it. Despite some pacing issues (understandable from trying to it a long game into a 100 minute movie), I genuinely enjoyed the first 90 minutes of the movie, especially Bianca.

    I was really looking forward to see how they were going to handle "I'm stronger than GOD!" Nimzo, but unfortunately some idiot writer decided to replace him with the worst character ever. Instead of the great demon lord, a smarmy jerk computer virus appears and shatters the 4th wall and everything else. What was a movie about DQV turns into a movie about some guy playing DQV in VR. To twist the knife even further, said character insults the player (and by extension me and everyone in the audience who enjoys gaming) by saying "Grow up, loser!" Luca's "It's still real to me!" retort just came across as kind of pathetic and did little to remedy that the twist really cheapened the rest of the movie for me. I get the point that they were trying to make but it came at the expense of the entire rest of the movie, plus I don't need a movie to white-knight for gamers because it's not 1992 anymore and games are much more mainstream. Also, who's really the loser: a guy who plays a game or a guy who spends many unpaid hours programming a virus that doesn't even get him any ransom or personal data just for ruining some random guy's game?

    What's worse are the implications as now we are headed into Black Mirror territory. Luca has his memory wiped and gets sent into the game to live out the entire life of the protagonist of DQV, with that essentially becoming his only identity at that point due to the aforementioned mind wipe. The guy lived an entire life in there, from childhood to getting married and even having kids! This seems like the sort of thing that would very likely cause a massive psychotic break after the game ended and his mind is slammed back into reality and all that is ripped away. This is all good for a Black Mirror episode but not for a wholesome series like Dragon Quest.

    Furthermore, why would anyone who has played DQV actually want to live that guy's life, most of which is spent either as a slave or a statue? It would be much more fun to be the Luminary or the hero from any of the games in-between.

    submitted by /u/DextroShade
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    Can I Get Some Ideas For A Fresh Experience For Dragon Quest XI For A New Playthrough?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I am looking for a fresh way to play Dragon Quest XI as I loved my first playthrough but want to do a second with a fun spin on things, has anyone got any suggestions? I know other games do no faint runs and stuff like that, I'm not looking for something that extreme but I would like it to feel different!😁

    If you can think of any fun ideas for Live Streaming too with Viewers I am all ears, Pokemon has things like Nuzlockes and Viewers pick your Pokemon, I can't think myself how to do a fun idea like this but maybe some out there has an idea😊

    submitted by /u/twiggy5000
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    Does the effect of Bunny Tails stack in Dragon Quest 11?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    If i equip a Bunny Tail to each of the 4 battle party members does the drop rate of items increase even more after killing monsters?

    submitted by /u/DeterminedKnight
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    best weapon for veronica?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    i'm working on completing dragon quest 11, i'm on the third arc and nearly done. i still feel lost with veronica, currently i have her with whips and i'm starting to doubt if she works best with that. any help here?

    submitted by /u/mmmmmnnnnno
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    Help me,its my first time playing V and after exiting the briscoletti mansion,my party members disappeared

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Crafting 5 ☆ gear.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Is there a recommended way to go about crafting endgame 5 ☆ gear? I'm playing the switch version and a large amount of high end gear to craft. Not to mention trying to clear out the wheel of harma. Aside from collecting materials I was just curious about what forge techniques would work best. Thanks for any advice you can give.

    submitted by /u/mrjovoni
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    I made a spreadsheet for DQ11.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    This spreadsheet features: level up spells and abilities, starting spells, starting levels as well as returning levels, and event abilities/spells. I plan to add some more stuff in the future, as there is no skill tree stuff on here. Major spoilers, so beware.

    Here it is: Dq11 data.xlsx

    submitted by /u/ThatGuyAllen
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    ...it was at that moment all the adventuring was worth it

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Roll for persuasion

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Why am I under leveled in DQ5?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    DQ is a franchise I wanted to get into for a few years now and I started my first DQ game a few days ago since I don't have anything better to play. I started playing DQ5 since I heard that it is the best DQ game, but I have run in to a problem. I am now at the volcano and the guide I am using mentions that I should use the spell safe passage that a slime learns when he is lv 25. I found this weird since my strongest party member is only lv 19. I watched a yt let's play and his party members were between lv 21 and 25, so I am clearly under leveled. I don't understand how I am under leveled because I litterly kill every monster I encounter except for metal slimes since I can't deal any damage to them. I have also grinded 2 times for 20 minutes. What am I doing wrong?

    Party members levels when I first arrived at the volcano:

    protagonist lv 19

    Saber lv 18

    Rotten apple lv 18

    Slime Knight lv 16

    Party members levels now after grinding for 15 min:

    protagonist lv 20

    Saber lv 19

    Rotten apple lv 19

    Slime Knight lv 18

    submitted by /u/PsychoEkin
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    [DQXI] I'm at the start of Act 3 and... (Massive Spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Okay, so, I've been playing a lot of XI S lately and mostly been enjoying it a ton too. Taking it nice and slow, admittedly, since I finished Act 2 with about 70 and a half hours on file (some of that is time spent idling admittedly). I really enjoyed the vignette style it went with for Act 1, since it showed that the Luminary is truly the light that saves people in more ways than one. Octagonia was probably my favourite for that, until the Gyldygga arc in Act 2.

    Anyway, point is it's been pretty easy to follow along and I haven't had too many issues with much of anything. Then Act 3 started and I just had to go "wait, why is this happening" about a half dozen times in rapid succession. This is more just me venting, rather than genuinely asking, so I'll likely not read any replies until I'm further in/actually done but here goes:

    1. After going back in time, the Luminary uses his foreknowledge to thwart Jasper's sneak attack. He then has a flashback reminding him that Carnelian is Mordegon. He then proceeds to do nothing about that, actively get the Sword of Light out of Yggdrasil in front of him, and play along with Mordegon's blatantly obvious trap. WHY?!
    2. That black Tockle thing... it stopped Mordegon grabbing the Sword of Light. Twice. But only in Act 3. Why did it not intervene during Act 1?
    3. After getting beat, Mordegon notices the black Tockle and immediately... knows that the Luminary went back in time. How on Erdrea does he know that? Out of everything here, I except this one to be the second most likely to actually get answered (but I still don't think it will).
    4. Erdwin's Lantern was falling regardless, okay, sure. But the black Tockle waited until way later in Act 2 to do anything about it (can't say how long thanks to the vague timeskip but it's seemingly implied to be a fair few weeks). It was much closer to colliding with the Celestial Sands and then all it did was try to speed up its descent. But this time, it waited less than a day, the Lantern was just peeking through the clouds and it could shatter it. Why is that so different?
    5. ...Actually thinking about that, why did Mordegon swoop in and destroy the Lantern in Act 2 anyway? That felt like the arc wasn't finished. And it clearly wasn't, it just... kinda stopped. (I can see this one actually getting answered. Maybe.)
    6. Except whoops minor problem here, that breaking the Lantern seemed to be fine and dandy. But this breaking the Lantern is the inciting incident as the proper start to Act 3. How and why is it so different...?
    7. This Calasmos fella is the new main antagonist for this act, sure okay. Except one problem here. He's been mentioned literally once in the entire game so far, and that was in a scene that doesn't exist any more. I can only presume that despite that being garbage writing, this is just a Common Dragon Quest Thing to go "actually the real main villain is Some Guy we haven't set up or established before now!" since the only other Dragon Quest game I liked pulled that stunt as well. I don't have a question here, just kinda miffed by it.

    I don't really have a problem with the whole time travel thing on its own,since if it's handled well this could work out fine. I'm just not really optimistic about it based on the start.

    submitted by /u/LotusAura
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