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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest XI x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest XI x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Dragon Quest XI x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    When you were expecting the metal slime to run away and then the metal slime runs away

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    I'm moving and J. Edgar Goover is too big to pack in a box, so I guess he'll have to ride up front with me.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest Monsters Fans and SMT Fans Be Like:

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    My first fully perfect item, I have never been so lucky before!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I hope this is allowed to ask. Does anyone know if there is any merch made of the watchers. I think they're so cool and cute!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Hooray! I received these in the mail today.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Why do you play Dragon Quest?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Is it for the story? The gameplay? The well crafted worlds full of beautiful locales and fascinating characters?

    Personally, I play DQ for the gameplay first and foremost. I love the classic battle system, and character development is usually an important aspect of the games. I enjoy taking a weak little guy and growing him into an absolute beast, along with several friends (or enemies). The series truly fills that lovely role of timeless gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Aelfric_Stormbringer
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    Discussion: Dragon Quest IX remake and the untold lore of its original release (beware of spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest IX has recently celebrated its ten year anniversary and this only further increases the probability of a remake/updated re-release hitting the shelves some day in the future. And a tradition of these remakes/re-releases is the inclusion of extra content that expand on the story: DQ III had Xenlon, DQ IV had the Yggdrasil Flower, DQ VII the Kiefer Tablet, DQ VIII the Altar of Wroth and the Memories Lane, DQ XI had Ticktington. Its not outside the realm of possibilities that this will be the case as well for the remake of DQ IX, whenever it will happen.

    Now, I have still to play DQ IX for myself and from what I understand its plot its pretty solid. But, there are some nuggets of lore, most of which come from the postgame, that are either not outright stated or confusing enough that people are still debating to this day on their true significance. Not every story needs to spell all of their details, but having some clarity would be nice. The topics I feel needs to be either adressed and clarified or simply expanded upon are:

    1. Zenus and his 10 fragmented parts

    This one is the most straightforward, thanks in no small part to the fact that all 10 of them have pre-battle dialogue and a bestiary description, but the games makes it pretty clear that 10 of the grotto bosses are actually fragments of Zenus, the almighty creator of the world. However the game never builded upon it, which had leaft many people feel that it was a missed opportunity. In the remake it would be interesting if you can reconstruct Zenus, bringing closure to his fragmented state as well as an occasion to mend the rift between him and his daughter.

    1. The identity of the third dragon Styrmling

    This one is much more obscure. When engaging in combat with the rejuvinated Greygnarl he will mention how he once formed a trinity together with Barbarus the dark and a third, previously completly unknown dragon, Styrmling the sacred, and how the protagonist has some of his powers. Exept for this dialogue and the rejuvinated Greygnarl's bestiary entry, there is no other mention of this dragon anywhere else in the game. However there are some clues on his true identity that many have noticed, namely to how the name Styrmling is very similar to another name, that of Sterling, the conductor of the Starlight Express. This name similarity extends to their japanese names, アギロ (Agiro) and アギロゴス (Agirogos), and their spanish ones, Astracán and Astraco. A more recent example of this same naming convention are the names of Morcant and Mordegon, down to their original ones, ウラノス (Uranus) and ウルノーガ (urunōga). Furthermore, we never get an explanation on what Sterling is, how can he interact with both mortals and Celestrians without issues. In its appearence in Terry's Wonderland 3D, Styrmling's facial and body features remind of the old conductor. There is also the fact that Dragon Quest I, V, VIII and X all feature dragons capable to take a humanoid shape. And to top it all off, the Starlight Express iself can be seen as a parallel of Greygnarl and Barbarus serpentine bodies. The remake could potentially decide to give an answer to this riddle, eighter by confirming it or by deny it.

    1. Stella, Celestria and the evil queen Stellestria debacle

    Boy aint this one confusing. There are multiple, conflicting reports about Stella's origin, and ifever she is simply a fairy, was Celestria sister, half of her original self or all the above, not to mention to how that original self is hinted to have been Stellestria, which would make the two of them combined the incredibly evil wife of King Godwyn before she was killed by a retainer. A much clear explaination in the remake is without doubt in order, people still don't really know what to make out of it. Not only it muddles the timeline of events (when Celestria turned into Yggdrasil, the creation of the Celestrians, Corvus imprisonment) but also, how could Celestria, a being so kind to choose to become a tree to protect the mortals, and Stella, a definetively prickly but in no way evil person, combine together in what is remembered as the most evil member of the already despicable House of Gitt.

    These are the unanswered (or unclear) lore scraps that I remember from the top of my head. Did I forget something? What would youlike to have answers for?

    submitted by /u/Tanawy
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    Dragon Quest Thesis

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am currently working on a thesis about Dragon Quest and i need your help! I´m making an analysis about the evolution of the franchise and examining the games changes and characteristics through the years.

    It would mean a lot to me if you could take a little bit of your time to answer this form and maybe share it around with other Dragon Quest fans. this information could also help the community a lot in the future as we gather more data about this series we all love!

    Thank you very much and have a great day!


    submitted by /u/TheSimonSky
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    Jade Fanart

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    So this one of many Monsters I am working with. Rate this Monster 1-10

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    What were your stats for the final boss in DQ11?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I made it through those three leveling dungeons/trials and apparently all that's left is to go fight Calasmos. I'm sitting at level 75, and considering how obliterated I got it's clear I gotta go grind more, I just don't know what would be the good level for another attempt. P. S. my crafting sucks so I got mainly gear from that watcher guy vendor.

    submitted by /u/Hexahet
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    Question about DQ4 on DS

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    So I'm playing the DS version of DQ4 and I've been having a lot of fun, but I got some slowdown for the first time which shocked me to say the least. The town that I got the slowdown in was Aubout du Monde in chapter 4, and I was wondering if this is normal or not.

    submitted by /u/j1mjam15
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    DQ11 post game - spoilers inside

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Spoilers ahead.

    So I just finished my first play through, credits rolled and saw the yellow star beside my save. My question is, do we have to take the timekeeper's quest and roll back time to continue playing the game or can I keep getting stronger and finding new gear / quests in the current "regular" ending timeline?

    submitted by /u/sesameseed88
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    Dragon quest games ranking

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Honestly just felt like voicing my opinion on dq games.

    DqVI is my least favorite, I think the best way to put it for me is music is done better in IV, story in V, visuals in XI, VIII, and X. It has the basis of any other dq game, but falls short in every category.

    DqI is a game that I really enjoyed, and was even my first dq game, and in my opinion has a lot of fun stuff to do in it, but it feels very much like a blueprint for future dragon quests, and has a much smaller scale. One party member, a handful of towns, one kingdom, a very small world map, a short main story, and practically nothing to do beyond the main story leave me feeling pretty satisfied, but still wanting more.

    DqX is admittedly a game I haven't played very much of, and also don't entirely understand as someone who doesn't know Japanese, but I still had a lot of fun with what I played. Obviously I know nothing about story, but the classic gameplay of dragon quest is there, specifically its entire combat system can basically be summed up as IX's. The world exploration is also very fun, and I enjoyed travelling to different locations in the world. One of my favorite things is the party system.

    DqII is a game I see pretty similarly to dqI. It feels like the basis for the rest of the games, and is alot of fun in it's own right, but leaves me wanting more. It has a larger world, longer, more engaging story, a larger party, more side content, more openness in what you want to do in the main quest, and a much more fun combat system. I know many say that this game is very heavy in grinding but I honestly didn't have a problem with it, and only needed to grind at the very end before the final dungeon. Overall this game is very good, and I would say a definite must play.

    DqVII is a game that at first I really enjoyed, but as I continued it started feeling very repetitive, as in general the story is just go to island in the past, island quest, go to island in present, find shards, go to new island in the past. Another aspect that feels repetitive is the vocation system, which is basically the one from VI but improved. The problem I have with it is the hero class is very overpowered, to the point that it doesn't feel worth it to have characters in other classes. The way the system is set up also leads to lots of grinding, and leaves the characters you get later on feel worthless as they can never catch up to the first few characters you get. Overall though I still had a lot of fun with this game, I just prefer other he's more.

    DqIX is a game that I think is very good, but also very overrated. I did enjoy the story for the most part but Aquila in general never really fit into the story, and Corvus as a final boss feels very forced and like a final addition after realizing they had no big enemy to go after. I haven't ever done the multiplayer, but I think it would be very fun. The return of a class system similar to III's is a very welcome addition, and with the skill point system of VIII mixed in with it it becomes a very fun mechanic in my eyes. I know many will mention infinite post game, but other that the DLC that is now hard to access, its just grottos that feel repetitive and grindy very quickly. Overall a must play and amazing game, but not the end all be all dragon quest.

    DqVIII is the first I could really consider a fan favorite, and in my opinion for good reason, it has beautiful visuals, an amazing soundtrack, compelling gameplay, and a story that's easy to get invested in. I particularly love the weapons/skill point system, with each weapon having pros and cons, like boomerangs hit all enemies, but spears do way more damage, and swords are way more common. I also really liked all the party members, including Red and especially Morrie, who is inarguably the best dragon quest character of all time. Again this is a case of a game I absolutely love, but just love others more.

    DqIV brings alot to the table with it's story, specifically it's chapter based system that gives it's party members much more depth and makes it stand out amongst the other dragon quest games. On top of the amazing story and classic dragon quest gameplay, in my opinion dqIV has overall the best soundtrack of any dq game in my opinion. Big standouts for me are the combat theme, basically all the overworld themes, and the town/city themes. Of course the party members also bring alot to the table, my favorites being Alena, Torneko, Ragnar, Maya, and Meena. This game is truly genre defining, and is definitely a game every jrpg lover should play.

    DqIII in many ways feels like the payoff to all the setup I and II did. It has a much larger world, parts where there's no clear next step, an even bigger party than in II, a complex class system that adds tons of replayability, a story that the likes of which had never been seen before in videogames period, and the twist at the end of you being Erdrick, the legendary hero revered in the first 2 games makes this feel like a truly legendary game. On top of that the music is top notch, featuring my favorite them in the series, this games overworld theme. This game is the inspiration for almost every jrpg after it, and what every new dev aspires to see in their games, a total success. If you haven't played this game, honestly stop reading this and go do that.

    DqV is the dragon quest that features the greatest story of any of them in the entire series, and features the MC that I feel the most attached to. Seeing your character through 20 years of their life really makes you feel like you are the character, and I felt really attached to my wife and kids. On top of that this game introduced monster taming, which as a concept is sick, but beyond that the simplicity of it lead to you having a bunch of different monsters, and having a party that feels like your own. As I said the story is amazing, following your search for the legendary hero to team up with and defeat the grandmaster, Nimzo, only to find out your son is the legendary hero, which leads me to another cool thing about this game, your character isn't the legendary hero destined to destroy all evil, a trope that still hasn't been seen basically at all before or since. Overall this game is absolutely amazing, and I loved every second.

    DqXI is not only my favorite dragon quest game of all time, but my favorite Video game of all time. It was the first dragon quest game I really got invested in, and after playing for the first time I played through the entire game non stop not putting it down unless I absolutely had to. Every twist and turn in the story had me at the edge of my seat, and somehow this game made me feel nostalgic for games I had never played in a genre I had never played. I've already played through completely twice, plus the majority of a third playthrough, and I love every little detail. The only thing I can even nit-pick at is the music, but with the orchestral soundtrack on switch it sounds absolutely amazing, even if most of it is stuff from older games. If you have any method of playing this game you definitely should, preferably the switch version, but really any version of this game is amazing. Sorry about the absurd length of this post but I wanted to give my in depth thoughts on 11 games, so here we are.

    submitted by /u/Imawesome69420
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    In the wake of the recent Direct Mini:

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    XP Cheat for DQ1+2

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    I can't find a working xp cheat for DQII (SNES version) and im not leveling from 20 to 30 without cheats lol, anyone has one?

    submitted by /u/NineKain
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    Dragon Quest XI on PS4/Switch

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    I'm new to Dragon Quest series. I landed here because I was looking for turn based RPGs which is rare nowadays. So I have few questions about Dragon Quest XI.

    • Do I need to play other / previous games to understand Dragon Quest XI's story?

    • The price of the PS4 version in my place is just ~$30 and the Switch is ~$55. How much additional content does the Switch have? Is it worth the additional price? Does the PS4 version still lack the Japanese audio?

    • Does this series ever go on sale? I mean, Nintendo games never had discounts while Capcom games is almost always on sale. How frequent is it for Dragon Quest? I might wait for a sale if I have to go with the Switch.

    Thank you in advance for the replies.

    submitted by /u/sailormoja
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    DQXIS 100% Checklist

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Is there any 100% completion checklists for DQXIS. I can only seem to find ones for the original base game and I like having something to check as I go along

    submitted by /u/The_Brintinator
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    Games on IOS?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    I was thinking of playing through some of the older games on my phone. Anyone know if the ports are any good?

    submitted by /u/colorlessfish
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