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    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    Dragon Quest Just picked up this wonder!

    Dragon Quest Just picked up this wonder!

    Just picked up this wonder!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Drew some King Slime-themed vending machines

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Drew my character with a few slimes, thought I’d post it here

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Here’s a slime I drew on my 3DS.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    The first RPG I ever played that defined my love of the series over 30 years ago

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Orchestra arrangement of Dragon Warrior main title theme. What do you think?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    How do I beat the final dungeon in DQIII?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    First off, repel is useless here for some reason and it takes the most MP consuming spells to even have a chance at defeating the monsters without taking a lot of turns which is obviously bad because I have to save MP for Zoma and also Roto only has enough max MP to cast "Healusall" once. How can I make it through to Zoma without getting killed or running out of MP?

    Roto is level 40, my warrior is level 39, and the my priest and mage are at that level as well.

    submitted by /u/i-me-and-myself
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    Just grinded in the palace of malice for 1:29 and only killed one king metal slime while having two others run away

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Ran into a Snooty

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    If you took every party member from every game and made 1 super team, who would be on it?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Poll: What do you think the Dragon Warrior I North American NES box art depicts?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    DQ11 Switch How do I cast the evac spell to escape a dungeon?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I read that you could cast the evac spell to escape a dungeon. I didn't know that you could cast spells outside of a battle. How do I cast the evac spell? I'm not sure what menu I should be looking at.

    submitted by /u/chamelean75
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    I don't know if to buy Dragon Quest XI S

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Hi, yesterday I finished the demo of DQ XI S and I'm really impressed with this game after playing the demo but there's a problem. When I played the demo it took to me too much time to finish it, every time there was a strong boss and I didn't play for a while and after a week or even a month I returned. I bought Zelda BotW and I really suck at it, I play there really slow and bad, so I afraid that I'll buy the full version of DQ XI S and I won't play at it or just won't be able to continue to the next area/level.What should I do? Did someone here have this problem, too?

    submitted by /u/DaSushi8
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    Switching platform and require help

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Hello I just finished dq11 in the switch and have purchase it also on my pc, I don't want to replay the entire 60 hours of the game, does anyone have a save after act 2 or before the final boss at act 2, it's will be greatly appreciate.

    submitted by /u/Construction-Awkward
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    Am I doing this wrong?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    So let me get this out of the way, a)dq11 is my first day game, b) I am playing the demo on switch to decide if I want to play $60, c) this is my first "true jrpg (I have experience with fire emblem and Xenoblade but that is about it)

    Right know my protagonist is at lv.9 and I have Erik at lv.8. I am before you get the red orb

    My question, am I overleveled or underleveled

    submitted by /u/R3dH00d_09
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    Curious about your opinions on this: DQ11 vs. DQ8?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    For some reason I'm finding myself enjoying DQ8 more than I enjoyed DQ11, even though the graphics and some of the mechanics aren't as updated. I played DQ11 first.

    To be fair I'm only like 12 hours in, but the characters and gameplay are really enjoyable so far.

    Curious on the general consensus on these games, do series vets find one better than the other?

    submitted by /u/BrintsleyPetersons
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    [Spoilers] DQ11: So...Act 2

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    About the Act 2 of DQ11. I'm about to finish the game (Act 3) and I'm curious to what would happen after I beat the final boss. Yes, I know that things won't go back to where you left off in Act 2 and you will forever live in the current timeline (Act 3). So does that mean that the Act 2 world/timeline will be removed to existence? Or it will remain the same? Destroyed, without the luminary that exists? If that's the case, then it'd be very sad for the other characters. You as a hero will live in happiness while the others, yeah...

    submitted by /u/orenjy
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    Who else thought Serena and Erik had something going on?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    DQVIII Music in DQXI?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Is there a mod for PC that allows you to put DQ8 music in DQ11, or can I manually access the music files and change them or something?

    I want to play this game but after playing Persona 5, DQ11 overworld and battle theme make me wanna seppuku

    submitted by /u/Bmacster
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    New to Dragon Quest via DQXI. Looking for Thoughts and Opinions!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of JRPGs, and I'd read that DQ11 was a great one. I'd heard of DQ before but hadn't tried any of them and was excited to dive in. Recent(ish)ly, I've played Xenoblade Chronicles 1, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Persona 5 (Royal), Octopath Traveler, Bravely Default, Eternal Sonata, Fire Emblem 3H, The Last Remnant, Nier: Automata, and loved most of them. I couldn't finish Octopath because it got so horribly repetitive, but the rest were great. So, I've played more than my fair share of JRPGs and loved most of them, but after beating the Ice Witch at Sniflheim this game is just so, so mediocre that I'm having trouble understanding why people like it at all. It's a JRPG for sure, just without any of the things that make JRPGs enjoyable for me. JRPGs often share one or more common qualities that make them great, ordered below based on how much I care about them:

    1. A deep, unique combat system. I'm genuinely willing to overlook every other major flaw in a game if the combat system is interesting. Eternal Sonata is a cringey, horribly written game with a story that doesn't make any sense, but its combat system is fun and dynamic, so I enjoyed it.
    2. Character customization options.
    3. Enjoyable gameplay. This can be separated into combat and non-combat related elements. Is the average battle fun or does it play itself? Are towns interesting? Is exploring fun?
    4. Compelling story.
    5. Aesthetics and animation.

    Again, this organization is entirely based on my own preferences. I am not pretending that this is the hierarchy that JRPGs do or should aim for. The problem for me is that DQ11 fails all of these. It would be fine if it succeeded in some but not others, but it just doesn't do any of these well.

    1. A deep, unique combat system?

    Turn-based, very little variation here. Pep is a dry, uninteresting general buff that isn't worth paying any attention to. Pep Powers are strong, but generally less useful than just the buffs that Pep gives, so I don't use them. I don't think Pep has ever meaningfully changed a battle for me.

    1. Character customization options?

    I appreciate that each character has different skill "trees" but why am I punished for reallocating and testing out different weapons? For example, I made Sylvando use Whips early on, but then wanted to test out something else, only to be told I could only remove skills from trees one time? Did I get this right? You're limited in reallocations?

    Level-ups rarely give enough skill points to even do anything with, and are significantly less exciting because of it.

    1. Enjoyable gameplay?

    Every single battle, including boss battles, has gone exactly the same way and I've never even come close to losing a battle. Jade (Claws) attacks something. Maybe it dies. Erik (Boomerangs) uses Power Throw and damages all enemies. Some of them probably die. My (Greatswords) turn. Multiple mooks? Helichopter. One mook? Attack. One boss? Cutting Edge. It almost certainly dies. If not, Rab heals or Zams, and the cycle starts over. I went down the "Greatsword" skill tree and have buffed Strength and Attack Power when Equipped at all opportunities. Each town, I buy the new Greatsword. If I have money left, Erik gets a new Boomerang. I have never grinded at all (Level 33 after beating the Ice Witch in Sniflheim) and have had to stop battling enemies because I am too strong. Are Greatswods just that good? Why is the first resurrection spell able to miss?! If I begin a battle by attacking an enemy, how does it start the battle having gotten the jump on me??

    Noncombat gameplay is the most frustrating aspect of this game. Every single town is exactly the same formula: Cutscene, walk a short distance, cutscene, leave town and maybe do a small, very linear dungeon, cutscene, walk 10 steps, cutscene, cutscene, cutscene. You did the thing! Congrats! Start over at the next town (cutscene)! All "wild areas" are bland and exactly the same.

    1. Compelling story?

    You are (nameless Hero) who has been chosen by (higher power) to defeat (uninteresting villain with boring motivation). You meet some archetypical companions including "unrealistically kind white mage" and "thief with a heart of gold." You're actually a prince too?! Sick. You don't talk and everyone in your party is some combination of incredibly stupid and breathtakingly naïve. Again, these are JRPG mainstays, so I expect them. Still, you're allowed to improve! I'm sure there are more developments to come, but Jasper, the deep-voiced knight who casts dark spells and the only unfrozen person in an otherwise frozen town being evil were not the most creative choices.

    1. Aesthetics and animation?

    Akira Toriyama anime style is fine. Not my favorite, but cute and certainly not a bad thing. Cutscenes being so plentiful, you'd think the animation would be…good? But instead, every time a character speaks it's: talk, then emote, then talk, then angrily point! The strange wrestling that happens when Erik and his thief friend reunite in the beginning of the game lasts for like a solid minute and really sets the pace for the animation for the rest of the game.

    JRPGs can succeed in one or more of these categories and be good, but DQ11 just doesn't really do anything well. I keep playing because I feel like it has to get good eventually. Does it? What draws you all to this game? I'm really interested to hear opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/RexAeneas
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