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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Dragon Quest Serena by @xiao_lin_GT

    Dragon Quest Serena by @xiao_lin_GT

    Serena by @xiao_lin_GT

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    I got my boy Erik in today ❤️ I love him!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I made the Dragon Quest V snes cover in english. Also thanks to u/emet. Link to image: https://imgur.com/a/fAyaeK2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Well, here we go! This'll be my first true Dragon Quest game, excluding the DQ11 demo and the mobile game!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Princess Leona by Ixy

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    95 hrs in and im finally facing mordegon on normal mode. I plan on restarting my game once this is done and play with draconian trials and complete it all the way. That way, i still have the post game as "something new" to look forward to.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I can't Speak Japanese but Seeing the Word Dragon Quest and the number 8 together makes me happy Lad

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    dqxi is the best game i’ve ever experienced.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Hello! This is the first time i post in reddit so i apologize in advance for any errors and such, but i've been wanting to talk about this game because, boy i love it so much!! I'm not sure if this will get any replies, but if you read thru all of this thank you already! I played it for the first time last year when it came on switch and i fell in love with it so fast, i've never been happier with a game purchase, a few hours into the game and its world and characters already made their way into my heart and its just so relaxing to play, and now I'm replaying and falling in love with it even more. There isn't anything i dont love about it, from the story to its characters to the gameplay it managed to impress me further and further, until i got to postgame and i just couldn't stop playing!

    Starting with the story, i think the pace of the game is great, it starts slow, but not enough to bore you, and every place you visit having its own little story to tell is such a charming detail, the npcs dont feel like theyre just taking space, and the towns feel lively and fun to visit. Likewise the scenery of the open fields is beautiful, and i absolutely love that the more you progress in the story the more you can explore thanks to riding monsters. Dragon quest is the jrpg for excellence, so of course it has some of the most predictable jrpg tropes, but the story still managed to amaze me with its twists and turns, now that I'm replaying it i can see the amount of foreshadowing it has and I'm honestly speechless, Gemma mentioning erdwin's lantern like a hour into the game or the black tockle being the first thing you see in the opening movie caught me really unprepared, act 2 really misdirects you from these things and makes you focus on mordegon and on getting your characters back/seeing how the world changed, so when act 3 picked this stuff up again and gave us such a good and well rounded explanation of the story I couldn't help but realize just how good it really is. On this topic, i know act 3 brings a lot of controversy, but personally i really love it. I think it's the part of the game where the story shines the most, everything gets finally connected and you realize many things about some of the characters (like the seer for example). I think that act 2 wasn't pointless at all, some of the characters have deja vus or straight up flashbacks from it (like Hendrik during the heliodor castle main quest) so i really think that despite having no memories of it, the character development wasn't reset at all.

    Onto the characters, they are truly what makes me love this game so much, you can't tell how they are by design alone which is something i really appreciate, for example serena takes a while to show her true colors, and from being a character that i just found cute she became one of my absolute favorites by the end of act 2! Erik is my favorite character from this game, i love him so much, i expected him to be more of a loner and colder, but instead as soon as him and the hero spend some time together he becomes such a nice, funny and caring friend to spend time with, i never got bored checking his party talk. The other party members are just as good though. They're all so flashed out and I just love that all of them feel necessary for the story. A lot of games have one or two characters that don't add much to the experience except their personal arc and then get forgotten, meanwhile in dqxi the party truly doesn't feel complete until act 3, seeing veronica's scenes from the beginning of it is the best reward i could get honestly. The npcs are amazing too imo, they're all worth remembering and interacting with (I'd say Vince is the one i like the least though) and seeing their stories through the various acts is just SO satisfying. On this topic, Jasper didn't impress me much in act 1, but by the end of the game i loved him so much too, and i am extremely happy with how things were resolved between him and Hendrik, obviously I wish he could have stayed with us in the party but, i guess this was second best in terms of resolutions so im content. Last thing I'll add is that mordegon and the final villain are just people who want power, and thats just fine. The game doesn't throw at us any kind of sob story trying to make us sympathetic, which isn't bad per se but imo sometimes it's kind of a double edged blade if not done well, like cool story but I still dont really care i guess. Instead it showed us who mordegon is (which by the way is another twist that amazed me) and how he became so evil and why.

    This got kinda long I apologize, but this game is truly everything i've ever wanted and more, and experiencing it again is just making my love for it even stronger. I've experienced a lot of other jrpgs but I've never felt this sad finishing a game, i ended up just dragging it out as much as i could during act 3 because i didnt want it to end. Truly my favorite game of all time. Thank you for reading if you did and have a good day!

    submitted by /u/maounobunaga
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    A wild slime beanbag chair appears! Any DQ fans in Los Angeles want this?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    This is my Dragon Quest XI Review from a few months ago. I loved this game so much, and I just wanted to share my enthusiasm here among like-minded people.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Don't look buddy

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I need your help my friends

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Dragon Quest fans.

    I am part of this sub since i´ve played Dragon Quest Builders 2. this Spinoff actually made me fell in love with the world of dragon quest, so i gave Dragon quest XI a try. Fell in love with the main series and already finished 1 & am half way through 2. I even got 4 to 9 on DS/3DS now.

    However, my request is not that much Dragon Quest related. Next to playing every Dragon Quest game to make the best out of 2020 possible, i am writing my bachelors thesis right now. the topic is videogame restrictions. I found out, that almost every Dragon Quest got censored in the West - just mentioning "Puff-Puff" ;) - which makes Dragon Quest kinda part of my Topic.

    I tried it on so many survey subreddits and posted it in on videogame forums, but only 2 contestants did the survey...

    The community here seems pretty helpfull, and i am very sorry that my survey is just slightly related to Dragon Quest, but could you people help me?

    The survey just takes about 5 minutes and it would save my degree :)

    Link: https://gamerestrictions.limequery.com/363554?lang=en

    submitted by /u/GermanBaconTV
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    need a quick help for DQ 11 post game

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    so I have finished the game before, on normal, and I thought it was pretty easy but since im moving in a month I decided to replay DQ 11 (since I live iwth boxes now) on draconia mode, and im at when youi return back in time at yggdrasil forest- but if I remembered correctly the bosses after that is pretty tough but on Draconica (hard monster) im gonna assume its gonna be even harder- any place I should level up at, or what level to aim for before I start the real journey on post game?

    And should I start already farming at the forest since hero is 70+ and it should triggered Metal slime kings- I do have that metorite bracer on erik but since he hasnt unlocked crits I still wont be "safe" yet.

    submitted by /u/Quezkatol
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    5 hours later

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I wish I had never played Dragon Quest V...

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    ...not only would I get to experience it for the first time all over again, but now every other Dragon Quest game feels lackluster in comparison to the amazing lifelong adventure of the Monster Taming Hero

    submitted by /u/pixydgirl
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    Okay so like... What are mini medals?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    So in every game since 3 there have been mini medals. Small tokens that are collected by one enthusiast and traded for weapons of cosmic power. I understand that there in the game because they're a series staple, but lore-wise who made them? Why are the so valuable to a select group of people? Why are they scattered literally everywhere around the world? And not just the world but other dimensions as well! The only games that take place in the same world are 4-6 and 2-3 so whoever created these medals either has the power to transcend space or something. My personal theory is that they were once the major currency of a forgotten world that was either destroyed or split into several seperate dimensions and all of the collectors we meet might have some connection to this original world. They clearly must be powerful to have so many ridiculously powerful weapons to just give away for a few measly tokens, unless theres some greater sentiment to these medals. And then theres the maxi medal which i have no freaking clue what that's about. I dont know what it is but something about these freaking mini medals just fascinate me and I dont think anyone has really given them a second though.

    submitted by /u/LasxRenkosa
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    i got dragon quest 3! it’s kinda hard maybe i’m not grinding enough

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    What would you change to this? I really like how this looks!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    The MSK Is A Work In Progress - Wife Made These

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I want to enter the world of dragon quest but..

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    I plan to enter the world of "dragon quest" but I realized that there are many games, and I plan to buy the "Dragon Quest XI" but before buying I want someone to answer some questions about the saga, 1: all the Games They are connected? Or is each one a new one, with a new story? 2: What kind of gameplay does the Dragon quest have? I have experience with Jrpg but I want to know what kind of gameplay this has. 3: I want someone to tell me which games are connected and which others are not.

    submitted by /u/DrozerX2
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    Of course the day I forget my mask the shopkeeper has 'rona

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Lost my save file (DQ XI)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I started playing dragon quest again a long time ago and got myself DQ XI. Unfortunately I had to reinstall my PC and I lost my save game. Since I don't feel like starting over I wanted to ask if you could help me. I am new at Gondolia (about 10 h).

    submitted by /u/Mazu7
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    Dragon Quest 2 setting?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Does the world of Dragon Quest 2 ever have an official name? I know that the world is considered the Dark World in other games outside of 1 and 2, and there's also the continent of Alefgard, but I was wondering if the whole world ever had a name.

    submitted by /u/LeafyLucario64
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    Ran into this while metal slime hunting on DQ8. Sadly I only got one liquid metal before they all left...

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:08 PM PDT

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