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    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Dragon Quest "Sorry, Dad"

    Dragon Quest "Sorry, Dad"

    "Sorry, Dad"

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Ep. 1

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    I find this situation very relatable...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    DQX listed on German website for 2020 release

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Leaker says new dragon quest info soon.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    The PSN Store (UK) listing for DQXIS is live and apparently you get an exclusive theme when buying on PlayStation (unclear whether this is a digital exclusive reward, most likely it is)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Eight and Erdrick swapped outfits xD (one of my much earlier drawings, I tried lol)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    DQXI (PC) anybody got save games around The Last Bastion?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    I lost all my data after some 35 hours or more and lost the save games and now I cannot find them anywhere. :( If save games are transferable can somebody help me and upload your files for me, please?

    submitted by /u/I0000days
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    I'm playing my first even DQ game and holy moly I already feel like a fan for life

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    I have DQ11s on the Switch and it's one of the best experiences I've had playing a video game in such a long time. The story and voice acting is excellent, it looks beautiful and with Stronger Monsters on, it's a really satisfying challenge!

    I can't believe that I have never played the series before! Can you long time fans please tell me which other games are worth playing - or even what I can play with the consoles I own?

    I have a Switch and a Nintendo 3DS - between those two consoles, the backwards compatibility of the 3DS to play DS games and 1-3 being on the Switch, I can cover a few can't I?

    Also I wanna buy Slime merch.

    submitted by /u/RadicalBeam
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    Dragon Quest Heroes 1 or 2?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I've noticed DQ Heroes 1 and 2 are both on sale on the US PS store and I've been eyeing them for awhile. Is one clearly better than the other? Would I miss anything by playing 2 without playing 1?

    submitted by /u/GhostMug
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    Some thoughts on the Erdrick Trilogy

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Ahoi-hoi Dragon Quest Sub.

    I am kind of a late bloomer regarding Dragon Quest, with my first game being Builders 2 - falling in love with the enemy design - and continuing with XI as my first mainline DQ. After the ridiculous amount of fun i had there, i decided to play all of the mainline titles. This morning i finished DQ3 and now i simply need to talk about the Erdrick trilogy^^

    I have to admit, that DQ1 felt a little bit outdated. I enjoyed it for the feeling of "This is where it all started" but i needed a guide for almost all of the game.

    I then thought about skipping DQ2 because it is considered the worst entry by a lot of fans, but one person in this sub said i should give it a try. And oh boy was that game fun! Sure it feels old and i needed a guide for like 75% of the game, but none the less it felt like a real predecessor of XI.

    After DQ2 i started DQ3 and my brain still cant process, that this was a NES game. i needed a guide here and there after the first 10 hours, but all in all i was able to get through the game mostly on my own. The world was amazing with reflecting our real world and by that helping me navigate. The random battles werent as permanent and on times annoying as in the first two games (except in Alefgard) and i simply had a great time playing it. The ally system (though i prefer allies with character) was deep but not to complicated. The twist even though i heard about it was also great and way ahead of its time.

    All in all i just wanted to say, that i felt completely in love with the series. DQ1 was ok, DQ2 was good, but DQ3 is a masterpiece. Cant wait to start 4 -9!

    submitted by /u/GermanBaconTV
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    Saw this on the back of the manual for DQVII (NTSC) on PS1. I guess this suggests that a North American release was planned for the DQIV remake on PS1, but eventually scrapped.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    DQ11 main story beaten using no skill points!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Tried to defend slime boi spotted in the wild...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    After playing and beating 11, I kinda deep dived into the rest of the series. loving it so far.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Making my dream Dragon Quest game - don't take this too seriously, it was just an idea I had late at night and had a ton of fun imagining.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest Rivals Is Getting A New Name And A Single-Player Mode

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Just beat 8!! Thats it for all the main story games!!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Been a wild year but I beat 1-8 and 11. Started last summer with 11, finished just now with 8. They were all amazing, but my top three are 11,4 and 8. 2 was the only one I didn't love, but it was still worth a playthrough. Starting 9 and 10 soon!

    submitted by /u/ottershark29
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    DQ11 Trials

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    I'm doing trial of the disciple right now and I'm struggling. I beat the boss but it took me over 25 moves. My guys are all either level 50 or 51, wondering if I'm appropriately leveled or not. What level were you at when you did each of the trials?

    submitted by /u/16kesun
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    What I learned clearing all Switch content on harder monsters

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    I just cleared DQ11 all post-game content on DQ11 for Switch with Harder Monsters as my only draconian setting. These are are things I learned in the process, I was respec'ing my characters regularly and tried a lot of different builds. I'm sure that I'm nowhere near optimized, but here's what I learned and what worked for me.

    Character Tips – Post Game / Act III


    Dual Wielding makes Hero a great damage dealer (or great swords once you get brilliant blade), but he truly shines as a support for the strongest encounters. He's basically an Omni-Heal on a stick that doesn't instantly melt (sorry Serena). In most fights I was able to utilize him as a damage dealer, but the harder fights limited him to mostly playing a support role and every once in a while sword dancing for DPS.

    His support ability kaclang comes in handy in certain boss fights, I found it best used on characters suffering from status ailments, alternatively you can use the sword of light to cure them but that doesn't heal them, which means they can die before you get a chance to heal them, kaclang can prove more useful in situations like that.

    Great Swords was best for damage dealing for the secret dharma wheel encounters and some bosses.


    Jade is interesting, I found she has more survivability than the other damage dealers, and the fact that she can buff herself was useful. Against bosses, I was usually using Crushed Ice or Multi-Feet, rarely anything else. Heaven's Talon proved to be her most useful weapon for survivability reasons, but Split Poker never misses and ignores block which is great against specific enemies.

    When she is pepped her crit rate goes up so you can switch to claws to and pray for lucky hits, I typically just left her on spears though. I usually had her wearing 2x +3 Titan Belts most the time since she has built in status immunity when you revamp twice.

    There's a spear that gives 20% chance to have grace of the goddess, if you want you can have that equipped right before a boss encounter and just immediately swap it out once you're in the battle.

    Claws kind of suck, I tried hard to make them work but I just ended up ignoring them for spears.


    99.9% of the time I had this guy using boomerangs, I tried to make daggers work but it never felt worth it. Dual Wielding swords is the best choice to burn down a target (or when fighting a boss that only has one body part). Hunter's Moons are the best boomerangs by far and I personally think Galaxarang sucks. Clone your Hunter's Moon using the 2D mode to go back in time to before the first forest and you're set, make sure to clone the pirates necklace at the same time since it adds +5% rare item drop rate which is so useful for seed farming.

    Against bosses, Divide + Double Down or Divide + Falcon Slash, not much reason to use anything else. Erik has the best dual wielding damage of all characters because of his upgraded skill tree removing the damage penalty that off hand weapons suffer from.


    Forebearance and Immence Defense got me through most encounters, occasionally Defending Champion can be useful if you're in a pinch and just pray the boss targets Hendrik (having him in Pos 1 and equipped with Drustans Sword can help, you can also clone Drustans Sword to increase the chance he gets hit).

    Most the time I found Hendrik incredibly useful to just debuff the enemy, Scrap Metal seems to have an insanely high proc rate and almost never fails to -2 Armor Debuff the enemy. Parallax was my go-to for single target damage after the debuff was applied. I found most of Hendriks Skills to be not worth using, or too situational to ever be used.

    Hendrik does decent damage with Gyrafalcon Slash, but I just kept him on Axes, I never really explored his damage potential with dual wielding swords. I never used Greatswords with him as he was usually my tank and was usually equipped with a shield.


    I found him mostly useless in the ultra late game as Hendrik does his job but better as Hendrik also does good damage. Perhaps if you pumped Rab's strength his claws could shine but I never bothered so I don't know. He was quite useful when farming because of his AoE clears but eventually Erik will wipe everything on the screen by himself.


    Outside of using Oomphle on Erik I almost never used him in the very late game of Act 3, he was almost always in my party in Act 1 and 2 but he just fell off really hard. There are occasional moments where ladies first is pretty abuseable, for example having Jade hit twice with crushed ice in one turn is pretty good against some bosses, or using it to have Serena pop off a clutch Omni-Heal.

    I'd usually buff Erik and immediately swap him out with someone more useful.

    I'd usually have Sylvando rocking weapons that improved his charm, he's not going to be a damage dealer so it doesn't really matter which weapon you give him. Whips are potentially useful just to clear buffs but I found I never used them for that purpose as I rarely had Sylvando in the party for the ultra late game content. Usually had him on daggers or Shamshir of Lights.


    In the dharma challenges her magic burst and double magic burst pep power are extremely useful, against late game act 3 bosses she falls flat and at best she fulfills a similar purpose to Rab. I found veronica to be OP for most of the game, it wasn't until the final battles that I shelved her.

    I would sometimes have other party members elfin elixir veronica to do another magic burst, its worth pumping her MP up using seeds just to get more mileage out of this spell.


    Serena is usually part of the main party for most Act 3 encounters, her snap crackle pop ability is pretty useful and omni-heals are always good, I found Hero to be more durable than Serena most the time. I don't usually bother with grace of the goddess as there's too many disruption waves with act 3 bosses and it just feels like a wasted turn.

    Spears seemed completely pointless for Serena, I never found a use for them.

    Item Tips

    Yggdrasil leaf is the best way to revive a character as they come back with full health and it never fails

    Remember that you can swap equipment freely in battle without punishment, so swapping accessories, weapons and armor around is quite useful. Some items are infinite use and provide useful benefits like Benevelossence.

    I had every character carry 2x perfect panacea, 1x pep pip, 1-2x elfin elixir, and 2x yggdrasil leaf


    Usually equip for survivability, Cahtolican rings when up against pesky status effects, otherwise I'd typically use stuff that dramatically lowered elemental damage like Sovereigns Seal or Venus Tears depending on the opponent.

    Sword of Light is sort of useful as a panacea, but typically you're going to be too busy smashing omni-heal to make use of it

    End Game Tips

    Critical Claim is not a good damage dealing ability when paired with divide, its only good for killing metal slimes or to avoid missing.

    Get your party to level 99 asap when you reach act 3, then gather a full set of bunny tails, 3 of the white mini medal school unfiroms from All Trades Abbey in tickington, a vest of success, and a pirate king pendent from going to mia in act 3 (EXTREMELY WORTH CLONING FOR SEED FARMING SANITY). Then go seed farming for a loooong time.

    Swap out your party for worse characters if the boss is about to unleash some extreme attack on you that can't reliably tank (Calasmos if you fail to drop the fireball on his head).

    For the most part you just want to dump a bunch of seeds of strength into Erik, I also dumped some into Jade. The other seed worth farming is Seed of Life, having your characters in the 900HP+ range makes Tickington bosses go from nightmareish to super easy.

    If you really want to cheat, you can easily cheese fights with Pep Pops found in Cobblestone when you rebuild it, I only did this for Time Wyrm as I was losing patience when it came to grinding seeds.

    You can clone items with the 2D mode and going back in time before the party reaches the first forest, its a tedious process so only do this if you have items worth cloning as most of them aren't even worth it. The pirate pendent is worth cloning, and some of the ultimate weapons are worth cloning, it takes about 5-10 hours to get back to a good world state after you go back to the first forest so don't do this lightly.

    Most the time my strategy to clear encounters came down to buffing Erik, debuffing the enemy with Sap/Kasap (for multiple body part bosses)/Scrap Metal and then keeping the party healthy with Omniheal spam and Hendriks forebearance, eventually I stopped using Hendrik as a tank as he just wasn't able to survive if I activated forebearance, but for 99.9% of act 3 content he's great as a tank

    The only boomerangs worth using are 2x Hunter's Moon (clone one).

    Things I am uncertain about

    I could never figure out a build to make Whips, Claws, or Daggers worthwhile at any stage of the game, they just seemed completely inferior to the other weapons. You can swap to Whips to purge buffs on the enemy, but other than that I wouldn't have them equipped. Time Shears on paper sounded good but I never saw the effect work on bosses, maybe I just got unlucky, and the damage penalty wasn't worth it.

    It seems completely pointless to buff up deftness as it seems like the least rewarding stat.

    I never looked up how to fight a boss when playing through DQ11, so I never made use of elemental weaknesses. It's a complete mystery to me what a boss or enemy is weak to elemental type wise. I just ignored elemental damage skills (Hero gets a bunch of them late game, good luck ever making appropriate use of them even after buffing them with that one Haven's Above quest)

    Against bosses that take like 3 actions in a row debuffs become less useful but negative armor is still great to use right before Erik goes off

    The Secret Trial provides a good way to get Seeds of Defense without much pain, as farming those seeds is kind of tedious compared to the other seeds.

    submitted by /u/nossr50
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    Had an idea while playing DQIX and my gf made it happen: here's GastroPogChamp

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    [DQ3] How and when to multiclass the default party?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I am playing through DQ3 on mobile and I went with the default party of Hero/Warrior/Priest/Mage. All of my characters are now at level 21 and I'm trying to figure out how to multiclass them. It seems that most guides I've found advocate turning the priest and mage into sages.

    The warrior, however, presents another challenge. It seems that the default party is somewhat suboptimal because of the warrior. Every guide I've found recommends the warrior as an endgame class and as such there's very little advice out there on how to multiclass the warrior.

    The only guide I've found to upgrading the default party is a wiki article that suggests going warrior to sage, priest to warrior and mage to martial artist. However it only recommends this for the NES version of the game. Is it still a good strategy for the mobile version? If not, what should I do instead?

    This brings me to my last question - when should I multiclass? It occurs to me that if I'm going mage or priest to sage it doesn't really matter when I multiclass because they get all the spells anyway. But if I'm not doing that, I'll probably want to wait until they've each learned all their spells, yes? And what about the warrior? It seems that each level he gets beefier and beefier so I want to put off multiclassing him for as long as possible.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm loving the class system but I'm worried about messing up my game.

    submitted by /u/jsfsmith
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    Xbox Gamepass

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Was scrolling thru the game pass games today and to my surprise i had the option of preloading 11 . . .not playable until early December . . but DQ + Xbox = My Mind Blown

    Just thought Id share for those who didnt know

    submitted by /u/pausedf2
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