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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Dragon Quest Bianca by Butcha-u

    Dragon Quest Bianca by Butcha-u

    Bianca by Butcha-u

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:32 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Is the 2D mode of Dragon Quest XI fully developed? If I play DQXI, it will be with the 2D old school graphics only, so I want to make sure it is still a good way to play the game.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Thoughts? Has anyone else played all the way through using 2D mode only?

    submitted by /u/bigBagus
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    Made this for a Discord server ages ago. I call it ":BuyDQIIs:"

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    DQ5 Best Wife

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Note: im not asking about "best girl" im speaking mechanically, gameplay, etc etc.

    Im planning to pick up DQ5 soon, and i was curious who the best wife is considered? Strongest, best attacks, etc

    submitted by /u/Rose_Belmont
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    Dragon Quest 11 Ending

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I just finished the game, and it was a lot of fun. it took me 165 hours according to Steam, so I was a little slow, although I finished all the acheivements. I did want to post my impressions of the two endings though.

    I doubt I am alone, but I am probably in the minority in that I think the ending to Act 2 is actually better than the ending to Act 3. In Act 2, the world is decimated and everyone has to rebuild, but everyone has grown, even the NPCs. It seems like all the Kingdoms will be run better, that people will be better to each other, and everyone is just plain a better person due to the growth they had during the second act. In the third act, none of this really happens. You destroy the big evil before it can do anything, and there isn't anywhere near the growth in the world. It is cool that you get to find out more about the past and Erdrea as a whole, but I would probably rather live in the resulting world from the second act even though nothing was destroyed in the third act.

    What do you guys all think about the different endings?

    submitted by /u/Martimus28
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    Can DQ Heroes be my first game ?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Going to start DQ Heroes . Tell me what I need to know ( some story or something gameplay related ) before I start my first playthrough ( No spoilers for this game tho )

    submitted by /u/Ananay83
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    My collection is growing! I wanted to show the DQ 8 case and the Switch DQ11 case, but I packed the, up since I am moving.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest Trilogy on Switch

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    I just picked up the Dragon Quest trilogy on Nintendo Switch and I was just wondering, are they the NES or the SNES versions of the games?

    submitted by /u/LividJaffaCake
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    Dragon quest VII and VIII worth it on the 3ds?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I just got a new 2ds xl mainly for the smt games but I found out these got remakes. I've never played DQ before but heard they were good. Are these remakes worth the price? 40 for both seems like a lot.

    submitted by /u/Yunarukami10
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    Which are the best weapons for Veronica & Serena?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I heard that Serena should use lances until you get Jade. This true?

    submitted by /u/KittyMcSpitty
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    My tier list for mainline Dragon Quest games

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Dragon Quest has been a part of my life ever since I first played Dragon Quest IX on the DS so many years ago (although I didn't actually get into Dragon Quest until I played Dragon Quest VIII on my PS2). This beautiful franchise has a lot of qualities no other games have. The charm, the traditional gameplay that doesn't stagnate, the beautiful music by Koichi Sugiyama (even if I don't like him as a person), the charismatic character and monster design, the beautiful and vast worlds... And so much more.

    Now, I am 23 years old, and I have just beaten the main story of Dragon Quest XI, the last mainline game missing from my collection (except X for obvious reasons), and although I intend to do the postgame, I felt like doing this tier list, in which I rank the games based on how good I think they are.

    Keep in mind that this tier list is entirely subjective (although I tried to be a bit objective in certain areas). Everyone is free to disagree with me.

    Also, I do not hate nor dislike any game (not even spinoffs), so even if I rank a game lower, it's more of "I like this game less than others but I still think it's very good".

    One final note: in each tier, the games aren't ordered from best to worst.

    Tier list here.

    And now, my reasoning behind each tiering:

    S TIER - Games I think that are the best. Every Dragon Quest and JRPG fan should play at least once

    Dragon Quest V - It is not my favorite Dragon Quest game, but I love it very much regardless. The story has impacted me very deeply. Seeing the growth of the protagonist, from his childhood to his adulthood, and even the birth of his children is very endearing. The protagonists suffers a lot (not going to say anything in particular because spoilers), and yet he keeps going, determined to save the world, no matter what.

    I think Dragon Quest V has one of the strongest storylines in all of the franchise (hell, I would even say in JRPGs overall), with great narrative and memorable characters. The music has some of my favorite tracks from the series, such as the overworld theme, the town theme and some others. And I love the gameplay. Although Dragon Quest V did not create the monster catching genre, it brought it back, and it did it pretty well. Finally, it has an adequate amount of playtime, especially for those who are short on time nowadays. And it has my wife Bianca in there, so that's another plus.

    Honestly I have a hard time finding a flaw in this game. It's just beautiful. This is the one I recommend the most to people asking for a good entry on the franchise (even more so than my favorite, isn't it weird?), although I wouldn't call it perfect either. Regardless, great game, great JRPG, great Dragon Quest.

    Dragon Quest VIII

    Ah, THIS is my favorite. And not only my favorite Dragon Quest, but also my favorite JRPG. And my favorite game overall that will never, ever, be topped. Never.

    Dragon Quest VIII isn't the best in any particular area. The story is pretty normal, characters are cool but nothing to brag about. Music is cool, but I think other games have more memorable soundtracks. Gameplay is fine, but it doesn't really innovate besides the skill point system and the tension system (and I am pretty sure the skill point system has been done in some other game outside the series).

    Considering all of this, why do I rank it so high?

    Simply, because it doesn't do anything bad at all. It's the most "jack of all trades" Dragon Quest overall. One can simply pick it up, get lost in the vast, explorable world fight some cool creatures and follow a big bad guy, and have fun with it. You can't really go wrong with Dragon Quest VIII. It's just that good.

    Also, on a more subjective note: Dragon Quest VIII manages to make me feel a warmth inside my chest, like going back to being a young kid again, everytime I play, regardless of the version.

    I love Dragon Quest VIII.

    Dragon Quest IX

    Previously, I would have placed this one on A tier. However, having replayed it recently, I learned to appreciate it better.

    Dragon Quest IX is a masterpiece, one of the best JRPGs on a handheld that is notorious for its vast amount of JRPGs available. It has a lot of strenghts: one of the most explorable worlds in the series, a very well done job system that I have yet to see surpassed in any game, a solid storyline, some cool music tracks, an antagonist with actual purpose (and those are weird in Dragon Quest) and a humongous post game that it's sure to give the players lots of things to do. And the most important thing: CO-OP MULTIPLAYER. ON A JRPG. CO-OP.

    Also, little side note: I love how every piece of equipment changes the appearance of your character(s). Very cool.

    A lot of people like to complain about the lack of actual characters in the party, which leads to lack of character development. But for me, that's not a problem. Dragon Quest III did it too and it wasn't really a problem.

    This is another game where I can barely find flaws in it. If you can find it cheap, I urge you to buy it ASAP. It's that good. I just wish it got remade for the Switch or PC with online multiplayer. That would be rad.

    Dragon Quest XI

    Well, I didn't expect to like this game so much, but here it is, on S tier. Granted, I have yet to beat the postgame, but I don't think it will be so bad that it reduces the ranking of this game.

    Dragon Quest XI is like a love letter for the franchise, with references to some games and some reused tracks. The characters are amongst the most memorable in the series, and the story line is a bit surprising at times (the end of Act 1 reminds me of a certain Final Fantasy game from the SNES era). The gameplay is amazing, it has a lot of conveniences to make it much more enjoyable and comfy to play. And Sylvando. My god, I love Sylvando, I wish he were my dad or something. Finally, every character felt useful in combat. I rarely get to say that from a JRPG. Kind of like Chrono Trigger.

    I don't know what else I can say that most of you don't know, since this is the game everyone plays nowadays to get into Dragon Quest, so I just say two things that I disliked.

    First, the music. The original music wasn't very good honestly (although I really like Sylvando's theme), and I didn't feel like there were enough reused tracks. The overworld theme gets boring pretty quickly.

    Second, the exploration. This is more of a nitpick than anything, but I didn't like how, when sailing and flying, I could only land on specific spots. Unlike previous games where, if there was an island, it could be visited. But not here. I guess that makes for more convenient exploration, but I thought I should mention.

    Also, unrelated, but I got played like a damn fiddle because I purchased the PC version on the last summer sale and, weeks later, the Definitive Edition got announced, and it's cheaper. Sad life.

    A TIER - Very good games with lots of qualities, enjoyed them a lot

    Dragon Quest III

    I was actually surprised with this game. I see why it was a hit when it released.

    Dragon Quest III introduces some recurrent elements that would later appear in some games, such as the bag, a party of 4 members and a job system. The job system is very simple, but works surprisingly well, for an NES era game. You have access to classic JRPG jobs and the possibility to create characters and name them however you want.

    From the beginning, you are told that you are the son of a great hero, and also the chosen one. So you embark on an adventure to do heroic things and, if possible, defeat Baramos, the Archfiend. And so, the legacy begins...

    The reason I rank this game so high it's because of its legacy and because of how well it holds. That was what surprised me the most. The gameplay was very fun, and even though you are not given much directions about where you are supposed to go, I barely got lost (except maybe a few times when searching for the orbs). Also, for a NES era game, it wasn't THAT grindy. I think I grinded more on Dragon Quest VIII or VII, honestly.

    It also features what I think it's the best overworld theme in the series. It's very good.

    If you are interested in trying this game, I recommend it totally. For reference, I played the SNES version with the translation patch.

    B TIER - Games that are good, but I didn't like them as much as previously tiered games

    Dragon Quest IV

    This is definitely my least favorite game from the Zenithian franchise. That's not to say I didn't like it. As I already stated, I like each and every game in the series. But if I were given to choose between the 3 Zenithian games, I would choose this one last.

    Dragon Quest IV has great narrative structure thanks to its chapter system, which I think was quite innovative for the time. Each character is mute when you control them, and each one fulfills a role. For example, Ragnar McRyan is a warrior, Alena is martial artist, Kyril is a priest, and so on. On the last chapter, you take control of the hero, the main protagonist, and you set out to find the characters you controlled on the previous chapters.

    This is a fine game, but I don't think it offers much in comparison to other games from the series. Although I will say I like the dungeon design: it's short, simple and goes straight to the point. Not too uncomfortable to explore. Also, it features the first antagonist with purpose in the series. I like him a lot.

    Dragon Quest VI

    I think this game is quite underrated. I saw sackchief's video of his top 10 Dragon Quest games and he ranked it quite low (although I agree with his points). Regardless, after replaying it recently, I found myself having quite some fun with it. I think it's mainly because of the job system. I don't know why, but I liked it, even though it's an inferior version of VII's.

    That being said, I do admit it has its flaws. The characters are quite uninteresting (although I do have a soft spot for Carver and Terry), the story is quite weak and after some point you are not given directions about where to go. I would be fine with this if I wasn't given directions previous to that point. Also, like in VII, because of the job system, every character feels like a blank slate, gameplay wise.

    I still think it's a fine game and it has certain qualities, but also quite some flaws. There may be bias in this ranking, honestly. Oh, well.

    Dragon Quest VII

    Dang, I wish I could rank this game higher, but I can't.

    I like the kind-of-episodic-format of the story, with each island representing a story arc, kind of like a slice of life anime. This in turn makes the overall story pretty bland and uninteresting, but it doesn't really matter, because the episodic arcs are quite interesting on their own. The job system is quite fantastic, I must say. Lots of jobs and options (although at the end of the day you end up with a hero, many champions and a druid, but hey, that's not bad actually, you have lots of freedom for the intermediate classes).

    I like that it's so long. This makes good value for your money, and more things to do.

    I kind of like the characters. They aren't amazing but they have charm. I understand that some may not like Maribel because of her personality, but I didn't mind her.

    I like the overworld theme. It's very catchy.

    But... precisely because of how long it is, the pacing suffers a lot. And this, in turns, can make for a boring experience for some. Hell, you don't even reach the Alltrades Abbey until 20 hours or so of playtime. It's THAT long. And because of that, I only recommend this game to Dragon Quest fans.

    Personally, I didn't mind the pacing, but I see why others may be intimidated by it. If it weren't for those pacing problems, I would rank this game in A tier.

    Also, the 3DS version has some performance issues on menus and combat, especially on the Old model, but I didn't consider this when ranking it.

    C TIER - Decent games, not good, not bad

    Dragon Quest I

    The one that started it all. Short, sweet and enjoyable, but also very grindy. If you know what you are doing, you could beat it in an afternoon no sweat. Because it's the first, it lacks certain elements that would later appear such as the party bag and... a party. You are on your own on this game.

    I don't know what else to say. You simply grind on the current area until you don't get mauled in the next area, beyond the bridges, and so on.

    I think my favorite feature in this game are the caves, since they are pitch dark.

    It's still a very important game, and every Dragon Quest fan should give it, at least, a try.

    D TIER - I don't think I would replay this game again

    Dragon Quest II

    The sequel to the hit success Dragon Quest introduced the concept of party members (although you only had two companions instead of the usual four), a big(ger) world map, and sailing. It also makes a lot of QoL improvements over the first game that should make it more enjoyable, from a gameplay perspective. And it is. It is a straight up upgrade over the first game.

    However, what kills this game for me is the big, big, BIG, grind at the end of the game. I mean, I am aware that this is a NES era game, but come on, that was amongst the biggest grinds I have ever done in any game ever. If it weren't for that, I would rank this game higher.

    MMO tier - Self explanatory

    Dragon Quest X

    How long has it been? Eight years? And we still can't play this game outside of Japan. Sigh...

    Regardless, it's an MMO. I am not very fond of MMOs, honestly, but I would, at least, give it a try, simply because it's Dragon Quest. I think it's more enjoyable than other MMOs. Probably. I hope.

    submitted by /u/Aziamuth
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    Status/health bar won't go away, help plz

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Currently playing DQ11, and am absolutely loving this game. Last night/today while playing the status/health bar that shows up on the right of the screen when you open menus doesn't disappear when I close my menus. It continues to stay up when I'm running around in game. It's mildly annoying and I can figure out why it's doing this. I've been playing for roughly 80 hours and this never happened before so I'm not sure why it's doing it now.

    Note if it helps at all I'm playing on PS4.

    submitted by /u/capone8710
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    Question about shortcut menu in dragon quest xi.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    I'm playing the switch version, I was just walking around and I somehow hit a button or combination of buttons that opened up a menu that had the option to use both nose for treasure, and fun sized forge.

    It would be extremely helpful if anyone knows how I can get back to this menu. I googled it and couldn't find anything.

    Thank you in advanced for taking the time to read this, or if you can help.

    Edit: Nevermind I figured it out, it is the + button on switch if anyone else needs to know.

    submitted by /u/mobilelurker273
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    Question for Everyone Who Has Completed Dragon Quest V (Spoilers)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    This is a question I've been meaning to poll for awhile now. I'm working on my longform, in-depth analysis of Dragon Quest V, so this may be the right time to do this:

    What were your immediate reactions and thoughts concerning the protagonist not being able to wield the Zenithian Sword nor wear the Zenithian Helmet the first time you played the game? Personally, I thought we were going to get a story about how he wasn't yet worthy and a later event with much fanfare would signal his ability to wield them.

    So what were your reactions and theories on your original playthrough before discovering his son would be the Hero?

    submitted by /u/RPGZero
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    The Punderful Crispin Burns and Dr. Agon

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Imo these are two of the most amusing Pun names in the whole franchise. Dr. Agon took me FOREVER to get but had me facepalming upon realization. And Crispin... poor Crispin. His name really says it all doesn't it?

    submitted by /u/bazabazabaz
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    Tickington and Act 3

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Can I hold off playing the Tickington quests till Act 3 and not miss anything?

    submitted by /u/Punisher_MAX
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    [DQMJ3] Is there any way to get the Wildcard monster on the translated version in the US?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I've got a modded 3DS that I use to play the fan translation patch of Dragon Quest Monster Joker 3. Looking at the endgame synthesis tree however it looks like I need the Wildcard for a few parts. Is it possible at all for my to get this monster?

    submitted by /u/Kunfury
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