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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Dragon Quest Another month of monsters down, keep up daily, I'm going all year! @dragonlocke insta and twitter

    Dragon Quest Another month of monsters down, keep up daily, I'm going all year! @dragonlocke insta and twitter

    Another month of monsters down, keep up daily, I'm going all year! @dragonlocke insta and twitter

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:37 AM PST

    First time seeing this kind of slime. Is this new? This is on DQTact

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:35 AM PST

    Finally found a Rocket Slime! No case unfortunately, but happy to have it now.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:17 PM PST

    [FC DQ3] Party of Slime defeats final boss

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:31 PM PST

    I feel like I shouldn't give this to her..but stats..

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PST

    [Spoiler DQXI] I just started playing Dragon Quest XI and Chalky is the best

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PST

    I just wanna vocalise it and make the thought in my head real that Chalky when you first see him in the past is already one my favourite characters in gaming because his personal context for me hit home hard. I lost my mother nearly a year ago and when you start the very first interaction with him his very first reaction, his recognition you are his grandson in the future, hit me home hard and I teared up. His warmth and acceptance and guidance just made me think a lot about my own mother. Chalky's letter was such a reassuring thing to hear and the element of closure it gives was almost cathartic.

    I just wanted to say why Chalky is great to me.

    submitted by /u/anewslug1710
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    How we can get Dragon Quest X Localized in English for the West

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:07 AM PST

    I drew the First Hero, because he's all like "F**k it, I'm doin' this by myself, slags!"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:11 PM PST

    Does anyone actually use Ka/Thwack effectively?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PST

    It has worked maybe 10% of time I've used it, mainly when I had nothing else for Serena to do. Has anyone found a use for it?

    submitted by /u/Concerned_Dennizen
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    [DQXI]Were old school DQ games really this slow paced? Tickington perspective, haven't actually played them.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:09 AM PST

    I know, it's old school. But even other JRPGs from back then weren't as slow as the 2D Tickington battles are. Does it really need to tell me, slowly and one by one, that Erik hit everything with a boomerang? I like the animations, but it's how plodding it is with telling me the combat details that kills it for me. Animations are quick, cool, flashy, even in 2D, but the text telling me what those animations resulted in is about as slow as can be. My only experience with the series is that of a typical DQ casual... As in, I've only played and completed VIII and XI. PS2 version of the former, PS4 and Switch versions both of the latter, though I skipped Tickington on my first playthrough of the S version. This time I'm doing them, but the combat in them is a massive drag. Can't wait for the VIII ones, the ones I'll actually have nostalgia for and the one that (I hope) uses the 3D battle system.

    But yeah, were the really old ones actually this slow? I can't even imagine playing an entire game at those battle speeds, I'd tear my hair out. I've heard they're on mobile, how fast are the old games there? I think the old one I'm most interested in is the one where you marry a girl and then your real adventure starts as your character's kid. Did I get that synopsis right?

    submitted by /u/andys3rdattempt
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    This game is beautiful (3DS)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PST

    I'm a few hours into DQVII on 3DS, and I'm amazed at how beautiful this game is. I've only played I through III so far, and I wasn't expecting much considering this was originally a PS1 game, but the new visuals look super nice on my 3DS XL.

    Does anyone else like playing with the 3D on? I've kept it on the whole time, and it makes everything pop in the best way. I love the cel shaded characters and monsters, they were a great fit. And the way the 3D causes damage numbers to pop off the screen in battle is a cool effect. The area maps on the bottom screen are gorgeous, too.

    Just wanted to share my thoughts, since I've seen some reviews rag on the graphics. I don't get it. I looked up some screenshots of the PS1 version, and man, I'm glad I chose the 3DS. For what it's worth, I haven't had any performance issues so far, either. Buttery smooth frame rate.

    submitted by /u/RPG_Haven
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    Do you want Dragon Quest XII to bring back character customization a la Dragon Quest IX

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    new pep power idea for dragon quest 11: enemy volleyball

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:57 AM PST

    for this pep, 4 have to be pepped. it is an attack on 1 enemy. here is its gimmik. the characters will make a volleyball field out of magic and they will use the selected enemy as the ball. they will play a match of volleyball.

    the 4 characters will be randomly splitted in teams of 2. the team that wins gets a +2 on attack and defence. the team that loses will get +1on attack and defence. and there will be damage dealt to the enemy that is selected.

    (sorry for bad grammar, what do you think?)

    submitted by /u/sappigekoei
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    I don't know where I have to go!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PST

    Hello, I'm playing Dragon Quest VIII (3DS) for the first time and I'm at the moment when Marta died and gave me the key and I completely lost myself. I went to Pirate's Cove and defeated Capitan Crow but now I have absolutely no idea where to go. Please help me!

    submitted by /u/_Supru_
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    I miss dragon quest V

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:45 PM PST

    I had it as a kid for my Nintendo ds and all I want is to experience the nostalgia of the storyline again, but I can afford the 60+ price tags on Amazon for a copy. An unbeatable classic of a game though

    submitted by /u/bensmwm
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:41 AM PST

    Hey guys quick question. I basically dislike the multiple enemy battles starting in Dragon Quest 2. Only reason is the background is just black and I love the background from the first one. It is a memory issue I know but does anybody else like the first aesthetic over the second?

    submitted by /u/AHardRoguesLife
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    Bow to your dragon god!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:21 PM PST

    Need to snag some ones save file please

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:51 PM PST

    Lost all of my data because the shit xbox gamepass for pc cloud, already had to replay 18 hours of then game, not looking to replay a whole 50 hours worth. Never had so many issues with any game, really enjoy it and dont want to stop playing. Looking to see if anyone has a save file around sniflehiem pt2, left off after beating the golden castle area

    submitted by /u/ccaroen
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    Act 3 Opinions + Discussion + Review [Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PST

    I had thought that Act 3 was overwhelmingly liked by the community. Untill I read some YouTube comments and forums recently.

    Personally I thought Act 3 was great for what it was aiming for. Act 1 ending is still possibility the best moment of the game. And Act 2 opening setting was outstanding(post-apocalypse, humanity on the back foot).

    Act 2 would logically make for a decent ending. Mordegon defeated. And Mordegon even pre-emptively destroyed whatever ominous thing was inside Erdwins Star. Life immediately restored to Earth. I can only see peace for the foreseeable future in Erdrea. The Luminary 2 has done his job👏👏👏

    ....Buuuut a part of me wasn't satisfied. Too many questions were raised, with no answers given. Too many "checkhov guns".

    Like I can respect sometimes its best not to give an answer for EVERY little detail in fiction. As its best to keep some mysteries to maintain intrigue. Knowing EVERYTHING can ruin fictional worlds. And can even be boring.

    BUT DQ11 intentionally focused on a lot of things. Who is the Seer? What was all that hype about Erdwins Star? That thing was literally hyped up from the very beginning of the game!! We were expecting something big aaaaand...POOF. Reduced to atoms.

    Why did Act 1 have time travel? Why introduce the very fact time travel is possible in Act 1....and not do anything further with it?

    So Act 3 existing was well justified.


    Firstly, the "Time travel" conundrum:

    Now I am simultaneously in 2 camps regarding Time Travel.

    A) Its one of my favourite story plots. Some of my favourite movies and anime have Time travel (e.g X-Men DOFP, Higurashi, ReZero,One Piece, Samurai Jack)

    B) Time travel sucks as it nullifies the reality of death. Its just a form of necromancy. My favourite Anime, FullMetal Alchemist B, has a great story about how bringing back the dead is dumb, unnatural and wrong. Death should be accepted. Move on.

    Consequently, I liked Avengers Infinity War more than Endgame. As IW was brave in killing off characters. But Endgame brought forth deus ex machima time travel to revive the dead.(still enjoyed Endgame though lol!). However, I'm a big fan of "groundhog days" type time rewind plots. As we can see characters die(opportunity for no plot armour/"realism") and then come back. We can see terrible outcomes, so we can better appreciate the good endings.


    Time travel can be a way to enjoy nostalgia trips into prior events. Which I like. It can be used to defeat unbeatable future scenarios (e.g DBZ Future Trunks vs Androids). Or it can be a means of escape into a safer future (Wano kuni arc of One Piece)

    Ideally there should be consequences of time travel, but thats not always nessecery.

    Multiverse travel theory is generally better because it avoids paradoxes and retains the death and sacrifices of other characters. On the other hand, multiverse theory sucks...because the deaths and sufferings are are preserved lol.


    After having fully played Act 3 as of Yesterday....I think DQ11 handled Time Travel great conceptually and overall.

    There were some minor mistakes (e.g Michelle being alive). And some things are still not clear (is it multiverse theory or unified theory??).

    But It was handled well. And I'll provide some personal reasons:

    1) It was only done after peace had been restored. It wasn't a cheap cop out to defeat the then "unbeatable" villain.

    2) We were able to learn further facinating world lore thanks to this time travel decision. Erdwins fate was gut wrenching. That post-credits was amazing, even for a new fan.

    3) Veronica got to eat the fruits of her labour. Similar to how Dr Strange had to let himself die in order to return to life later...Veronica did the same by luck lol. She saved the WORLD lol.

    You can argue that this undoes her death. That this is like mere "fan fiction". But I disagree because its her. She isn't some rando that died and got brought back to life out of the characters love. The cast owed her their everything. I argue Veronica EARNED her resurrection when she displayed her magnificent will and willingness to martyr herself for the cause of justice.

    4) There actually were consequences of time travel. First , the risks mentioned by Timekeeper. Second, Calasmos returning to the past and awakening.

    That's right. Our hero accidentally awakened an even greater and more deadly ancient calamity by time travelling. Something that even defeated Yggdrasil. He undid that "gift" Mordegon gave the hero by GG EZ obliterating Calasmos and leaving him in a state of despair in the first timelime.

    Aka, the "Butterfly effect". Kinda.

    5) Its revealed that time travel has been occuring since ages. Ever since the time of Yggdragon. This further makes time travel of Hero seem acceptable.



    I don't have much issues with Act 3. But I wish they did more with the Mermaids. They felt like wasted potential.

    (My other issue with the Mermaids is, how the heck did they not get genocided by Alizarin in Act 2??)

    I wish they did more with Queen Frisabella. But tbf, she's not exactly a key character.

    And what about the orbs??! Why did the game bring special attention to the Hero collecting the Orbs again throughout Act 2 as he beat the Sentinels? I felt like that was building upto a larger plot point that was ignored. Or maybe the orbs were only collected to pave the Way to the Act 3 "return sword" moment?

    I LOVED how they resolved the Serenica plot. BUT that fact probably ruined the timeline lol. Waay too many questions are raised. Ethical or logical.


    Responses to criticisms:

    Some take issues with rushed character developments in Act 3. I don't mind that. We aren't going to be interested in redoing everything lol. Lets get the ball rolling faster. We've already seen their developments in Act 2, which was many hours. We already know what they become. They can obvs do that again. They've already demonstrated the potential.

    Some have critisized the handling of Erik and Mia round 2 for being too quick. I disagree. Isn't doing something twice easier? Hero has already been through this and other encounters. Of course doing it again would be faster and easier.

    Some have critisized the diffculty spike and the need to grind. This point, I can see where they are coming from. HOWEVER, I am a noob at Dragon Quest and turn based games. And I had zero issues in Act 3 lol. This was literally my first DQ or "classical" jRPG. I had no problems in Act 3.

    BUT...I cannot hand waive this legitimate criticism. As my example might not be normal. As ever since getting curb stomped by Shiny devil in Act 1, I have dedicated a small portion of my daily gameplay session to grinding 2 levels. This would ensure I'm always over levelled throughout the game. I even came to...enjoy the act of levelling up lol(aka became a grinding addict).

    Back on point, I entered Act 3 at Level 71. I was prepared for the "Ultimate" Calasmos Final boss fight even before setting foot in the Time travel chamber. Yet even I clearly noticed the enemies were tougher. Blackdragons all over Heliodor. Nearly every fight netting you 4k+++ XP. Things were obvs harder. And If a player entered Act 3 at level 55 (reccomended for Mordegon boss)...they would be screwed.

    And yes seeing that increase in power level of mere low level fodder made me sh## bricks. I immediately focused on electrolight farming to 99 ASAP.

    But...I've heard ALL JRPGs with a post-game get harder? So why is this even an issue? And its easier to level up in Post game!!! What took me hours to do in Act 1/2 took me just 10 minutes in Act 3! Electrolight is your friend. Metal slimes are the solution!

    Previously, it took me 30 minutes to farm 100k exp. But in Act 3 I could do that in 10 minutes. Meaning you can go up 6 levels per hour. If you dedicated just 1 or 2 days to grind, you'd be at the reccomend or above levels. Then after that you can relax and play Act 3 however you like.



    Act 1 time travel was interesting. MC "zoned out" and we read a letter that confirmed the time travel occured. This suggested "Unified theory". The "deja vu" in Act 3 also suggests this.

    But in Act 3 after "Luminary" Serenica time travels...we see the main cast still exists. They just saw her poof. This suggests "Multiverse theory" is true. As Serenicas actions would surely end the DQ11 timeline outright. But that didn't happen. The existence of Super Boss "Time Wyrm" also suggests Multiverse theory.

    Some seeming contradictions exist. But thats quite normal for most time travel plots, unfortunately.



    Overall Act 3 was great. It handled Time travel well. It doesn't undo past sacrifices. Rather it rewards them. The difficulty wasn't bad if you had been regularly levelling up throughout the game.

    The "true" ending showing the next Hero to use 11s Sword was dope. The legacy lives on.

    However, I probably like Act 1s ending more+Act 2s Apocalypse start. Act 2 ending was a breath of fresh air, but it left too many unanswered questions. But Act 3 was the perfect ending to the game. It completed the package.

    The way I see it, Act 3 is only possible once you've already spent 30+ hours of seeing the other characters get fully developed. Act 3 expects you to already have the requisite knowledge. So things can progress faster than the other acts.

    Can Act 3 exist as a Standalone Act? No. But it's not supposed to. It delivered all the questions + a satisfying conclusion.


    submitted by /u/bigbrother_Dogtooth
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    Were the PC graphics of DQ XI definitive edition ever fixed? If not is there any mod to get visuals like the original?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:37 PM PST

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