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    Wednesday, April 14, 2021

    Dragon Quest I legit had to just put the controller down and stare at this for a little bit.....Its beautiful

    Dragon Quest I legit had to just put the controller down and stare at this for a little bit.....Its beautiful

    I legit had to just put the controller down and stare at this for a little bit.....Its beautiful

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    [DQ11] Veronica and Serena under the trees

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    It’s worth it alone to do a new game + just to see all the cutscenes again with the newer outfits and weapons!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Who has the stronger blade....

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Attempting DQ XI with all Draconian Quests (besides one) / Cobblestone- Tricky Devil

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Hello Luminary,

    Playing games with your friends is fun.Let it be the fast, adaptive playstyle of MOBA's or the the deep bond you have with your MMORPG Guild. Yet the magic of videogames slowly fades when you always have to tunnel into your game, when its the the competitive side rather than the game itself that holds you by the line.Drained from some unsuccessful rounds of League (the classic) I come across the steam sale wich recommends me the "definitive Edition S" of the so beloved Dragon Quest XI. I remembered the fun I had with this game and how quickly I dropped it after seeing the true ending, even tho there was so much more to explore, craft, collect and achieve. After reading the benifits the Definitive edition gives I decided to buy and play through it again.

    This is my take to give you a Guide (+personal experience) on beating DQXI S with every Draconian Quest active (besides one)

    First of: Rules

    Turning all Draconian Quests on has been done before by several people, and after watching their footage and analyzing for a little bit I tell you... this is not what you want to do.Mindless grinding, on and on just for stats and to compensate not wearing armor is disgustingly annoying. As a former WoW Player I have a deep bond to my gear and Items. The fact that you can play around encounters by using extra resistance gear or high Armor Values makes the game fun in the first place. Just countering an enemy by overleveling is kind of lame to me.

    So I threw out the "no armor" Quest and started the game.

    This guide should applies for 2D and 3D mode. Out of personal preference I chose 3D.

    - The beginning is fairly simple, but beating the first forced encounter shows that enemy Health and Damage are enhanced. Since Gemma is nearby you dont have to worry about dying (I think? didnt happen to me at least). Also picking up the free stuff you get from buying the DE gives a nice stat boost and 5 Talent Seeds wich you should instantly spend on the Twohander block Ability - Very usefulwhile giving you a badass look.

    Disclaimer here: english is not my native language meaning I dont have an english copy of the game. If I cant find the correct word for an Item/mob/area/city I try to come up with at least a description (more likely a bad translation) and will be marking them by scoring them out. Feel free to correct vocab :)

    - I recommend switching to the Cobblestone Twohander since it gives the best damage early and also decent defensive options against meele attacks

    - slimes drop medical herbes. depending on what mobs you choose to fight later you will need some of them to atleast get to level 5 without too much of a timewaste. Needlers drop them aswell but they are taking too much time to kill.

    - Fighting every slime you meet on your way up should give you some medic. herbs and earn you lvl 3 + fizzle

    - On the first upper ledge next to the tree and on the first floor right down the stairs you can grab an additional med. herb if you want.

    - I saw speedrunners die to the smogs in normal mode. So you either pray and try, or grind your way to lvl 4.

    I will skip everything story related unless its important for actual gameplay.

    - After leaving Cobblestone you recieve Gemma's lucky charm. Equip for +1 Stamina

    - Visit the camp and safe your Game. (You can make it additionally hard by saving only after major fights or Zone changes wich will add some extra spice and bloodpressure to your game experience, I chose to not do that since its again too annoying to deal with and ruins my mood for at least 1 day if I fail a fight after hours of not saving)

    - Grab the Life Seed in the north of the camp and use it for +5 HP - Gamechanger

    - Grab the chest with gold behind the Cabin (Even tho you can not buy you will need it, dont worry)

    - Go down the well next to the camp to grab a strong medicine

    - also pick every item up that you come across. You will need it eventually.

    - Grind your way up to lvl 5 in the Area around Heliodor

    Here List of Monsters you should fight / run from everytime Heliodor Region - (early game)

    the general tip here is to always play safe. You a very vulnerable alone and without healing spell, so rather go for medic herbs than taking a risky hit. KEEP THE SYPHOX IN MIND!

    Slimes - only fight if you need medic herbs - 2XP is way too less to care for

    Needlers - 3XP per mob too low to care for - nearly permanently using medic herbs wich makes it annoying to fight them - not worth.

    Stark Raven - easy to fight - no abilitys - but same XP gain as Needlers

    Drakky - 4XP per kill - medium difficulty

    Cruelcumber - 5 XP + easy to fight + best death animation - go for it

    🠕 These encounters do not give any XP after reaching lvl 4

    Bunicorn - 5XP - risky to fight due to their power up ability - not worth

    Toady - 8XP - super risky to fight - if you get unlucky with stun + syphox you are dead - High HP

    Hammerhood - Probably the best choice - 7XP and a high chance to miss - as long as you keep your HP above 14 you can not get oneshot by one attack

    Fright bulb - 6XP - fight when there are no Hammerhoods left - also got a chance to drop medic herbs

    Lampling - I didn't fight them - no personal experience

    Platypunk - high damage output - risky to fight under lvl 5 - fight after reaching 5 for some extra XP

    - Feel free to pick up and complete the two sidequests ind Heliodor fpr some extra material and gold.

    - Also rob whole Heliodor + Heliodor Castle for some extra herbs, gold and a mini medal.

    There is an Item on one of the chandelier. You can shoot it down with the crossbow later on.

    - After reaching Level 5 and learning Heal you can procceed with the story, eventually leading you to the area around downtown heliodor.

    I do not recommend fighting Heliodor Guards in the sewers since they come in packs of 2 -3 and dying will set you back in story progress quite a bit depending where you saved the last time.

    - Saving your game at any possible point is recommended.

    - After waking up at the church erik joins the party.

    - equip the sword and put his talent points in the sword tree for more efficient grinding.

    - You get access to one more mission before entering downtown wich is fairly easy to complete and will reward you a golden amulet for +4 stamina.

    - climb down the well to pick up a tiny scale

    Monsters around downtown Heliodor - (early game)

    Bodkin archer - 10XP - will use buff - will call for back-up - sometimes flees - slow XP/min

    Great sabrecub - 12XP - chance to waste turn - best choice for grinding

    Great sabrecat - 99XP - Super dangerous! - only attempt after saving - drops strong medicine

    Stump chump - 11XP - nearly permanently using medic herbs - not worth the time

    - either grind now or after procceeding story in downtown

    - the first major problem comes up when trying to get into Heliodor again. You can not buy anything wich disables you from getting holy water for the girl.But by climbing up on the framework you can eventually get to an NPC that wants you to get a Flint to finish his tunnel into the city. Luckily there is one right next to him in the vase. (coincidence?)

    - you can find a Seed of Agility in a chest on the framework

    - after processing in the story you get send out to find the red orb in the kings grave wich leads you trough the Manglegrove.

    Monsters in the Manglegrove - (early game)

    Funghoul - 13XP - will most likely poison you - XP/Risk is not worth

    Dancing devil - 14XP - little annoying to fight - best choice for grinding

    Lips - 9XP - nearly no threat - easy but slow XP

    Bubble Slime - 17XP - better version of Funghoul - drops Antidotal Herb to counter poison

    Did not include night encounters due to the high risk of dying at night

    - When getting into the camp in Manglegrove Erik will hand you the fun-sized forge.You are now able to craft your own Gear from recepies. This will be bread and butter of the playtrough and a lot of times you will grind monsters not for their XP but for their drops in order to get an Item Upgrade.

    Always try to +3 your gear / grind your levels before you forge something for highest efficiency.

    - pick up the minimedal in the chest in Manglegrove

    - Grind

    - After reaching lvl 8 on both party members and progressing in the story forge yourself the armor from the recepie you find in the lumberman's hut.The materials can be found there aswell

    - try to get pepped up before encountering tricky devil for some extra damage - SAFE THE GAME

    Tricky Devil "Bossfight"

    - Use the twohander block on CD to avoid meele damage on Hero

    - Perma Flamestrike with Erik.

    - dont forget to give both characters medic. herbs in case you need to heal with erik

    - use your Team Ability on the last round of your pep for max DPS

    - be prepared for TD's Sizz

    - watch out for TD's pep / Block if necessary

    - play safe rather than agressive. Tricky devil has access to heal and will catch you off guard if you attack on too low HP

    - in worst case TD will run out of MP and can not heal anymore

    - in best case you beat him on the 2nd pep cicle you will eventually encounter

    - And always ALWAYS expect Syphox to proc (killed me twice) better safe than sorry!- TD has 148HP (for those who want to keep track of damage) and heals for 40 - 45HP


    If you read through this you have my deepest respect. This topic is very niche, yet it brought me a lot of fun to gather the infos I needed, analyze footage and play trough it myself.

    Please correct any vocab you can find.
    Also please excuse if there are some grammar errors too.

    I would love to hear your feedback and experience with this ruleset.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

    also if you want to participate on this journey, I will stream my progress every sunday 12:00 GMT on twitch :)

    submitted by /u/Isadienn
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    While doing the Magic Labyrinth, you have a chance to run into some familiar characters!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    HAUL or FOOL? I browse Akihabara retro game shops often mostly for DS, and the DQ DS remakes seem to be dissappearing + going up in price. Was putting off getting them until I'd finished DQIX but thought sooner might be better. DQV was ¥2000 which I've started. What think? Family heirlooms? Hoarder?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Which to play next? IV - VIII

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    My first DQ game was 11 and it was a fantastic experience. I grew up playing the SNES era of RPGS and it really felt like a modern version of those games. I have since managed to get copies of VI, VII, and VIII(3DS) as well as the others via 'other methods.' My question is, which do I play first? I prefer a strong narrative and moderate difficulty, I don't have the free time I used to anymore. I'm thinking V or VI but I've also read VIII is the gold standard for DQ. What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Mobilelurk
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    Adapting to the Minecraft world...

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    How Do I Beat Mordegon(Act 3 Spoilers)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    The Mordegon boss fight in the post game is dumb. Mordegon spams boom, sizzle, and crackle, his staffs also have way too much health. He also spams kafuddle, and if sylvando gets confused too its basically over. To make things worse, everyone but the hero is useless, there's no multiheal, and the mist just nullifies all healing for like 5 turns. I feel like the only way to win is if ai hendrik uses forbearance every turn and Mordegon never uses kafuddle.

    submitted by /u/Heropon-Tora
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    I barely won(Act 2 Spoilers)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    [COMIC] hi everyone! Allow me to introduce you my comic DRAGON SWORD COMIC. It's quite influenced by all the Dragon Quest stories (The Adventure of Dai!!). Episode 1 is for FREE! And I hope you all like it!! :)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Revenge for Last Time(DQ 11 Act 3 Spoilers

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    How did you get into Dragon Quest

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I've been playing video games since the early 90's and never played a Dragon Quest game until this year - 2021. Now I'm obsessed and can't believe I didn't pick up any of the games in the last 30 years!

    Earlier this year I watched a video on Nintendo Life called 'Top 10 SNES Games'. #2 on the list was Chrono Trigger. I've never been a huge RPG fan but enjoyed the odd RPG such as Ni No Kuni on the PS3. Anyway I started playing the DS version of Chrono Tigger and absolutely loved it. I completed it within a month and needed to follow it up with a similar game. That's when I found out about the Dragon Quest series as some of the developers were the same.

    Since February I have been having the best time with Dragon Quest VIII on the 3DS. I love it!.. and COR BLIMEY the voice acting is just fantastic. I'm in the closing chapters of the game having just defeated Marcelo. Although I'm going to miss all the characters, I'm already looking forward to getting stuck in with Dragon Quest XI on the Switch.

    So that's my story. How did you get started with Dragon Quest? Have you been playing for decades or have you just started this year like me?

    Thanks for reading.

    Edit: I tried to add a ? to the title but Reddit won't let me edit it. Sorry

    submitted by /u/lukejhall
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    Jasper and Phase 1 were Harder

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Hero from Dragon Quest VII fan art. Time-lapse video of the drawing process.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    Should I do Act 3?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    I just got to the part where you meet the timekeeper, and got the option to go back in time. The thing is tho, only the Luminary goes back, so you kinda leave everyone behind which is messed up. Everyone also loses their character development too like Erik and Serena. Is there still more content if I don't do Act 3?

    submitted by /u/Heropon-Tora
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    Dragon warrior 7 (spoiler)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    I just defeated gracos in the past and went back to the present hamelia and talked to people there. I've been noticing that most town I saved don't even know my group saved them except for kingdom of dune, they only know the extras who went with me and asked for my help. Will they explain this in-game?

    submitted by /u/xIHateMex
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    Newish to the series

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    I've played dragon quest before but lost dragon quest 7 so I haven't been playing since but playing yakuza 7 got me in the mood to play it so I downloaded xi on the gamepass!

    submitted by /u/Vivid-Cantaloupe-410
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    Help with Dragon Quest 3 personality

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    I just started DQ3 the other day and I just passed the wrecking ball cavern place and I'm at the second Castle town and I'm hearing about something called personalities and I'm wondering if it affects my gameplay and I understand absolutely nothing about this personality system so I hope someone can help me. My team is Hero, Warrior, Mage and Priest and I'm using the mobile version.

    submitted by /u/Zeldadude34
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